Multi-Agent Particle Environment MPE

Status: Archive (code is provided as-is, no updates expected)

Multi-Agent Particle Environment

A simple multi-agent particle world with a continuous observation and discrete action space, along with some basic simulated physics.
Used in the paper Multi-Agent Actor-Critic for Mixed Cooperative-Competitive Environments.

Getting started:

  • To install, cd into the root directory and type pip install -e .

  • To interactively view moving to landmark scenario (see others in ./scenarios/):
    bin/ --scenario

  • Known dependencies: Python (3.5.4), OpenAI gym (0.10.5), numpy (1.14.5)

  • To use the environments, look at the code for importing them in

Code structure

  • contains code for importing a multiagent environment as an OpenAI Gym-like object.

  • ./multiagent/ contains code for environment simulation (interaction physics, _step() function, etc.)

  • ./multiagent/ contains classes for various objects (Entities, Landmarks, Agents, etc.) that are used throughout the code.

  • ./multiagent/ used for displaying agent behaviors on the screen.

  • ./multiagent/ contains code for interactive policy based on keyboard input.

  • ./multiagent/ contains base scenario object that is extended for all scenarios.

  • ./multiagent/scenarios/: folder where various scenarios/ environments are stored. scenario code consists of several functions:

    1. make_world(): creates all of the entities that inhabit the world (landmarks, agents, etc.), assigns their capabilities (whether they can communicate, or move, or both).
      called once at the beginning of each training session
    2. reset_world(): resets the world by assigning properties (position, color, etc.) to all entities in the world
      called before every episode (including after make_world() before the first episode)
    3. reward(): defines the reward function for a given agent
    4. observation(): defines the observation space of a given agent
    5. (optional) benchmark_data(): provides diagnostic data for policies trained on the environment (e.g. evaluation metrics)

Creating new environments

You can create new scenarios by implementing the first 4 functions above (make_world(), reset_world(), reward(), and observation()).

List of environments

Env name in code (name in paper)Communication?Competitive?Notes
simple.pyNNSingle agent sees landmark position, rewarded based on how close it gets to landmark. Not a multiagent environment – used for debugging policies. (Physical deception)NY1 adversary (red), N good agents (green), N landmarks (usually N=2). All agents observe position of landmarks and other agents. One landmark is the ‘target landmark’ (colored green). Good agents rewarded based on how close one of them is to the target landmark, but negatively rewarded if the adversary is close to target landmark. Adversary is rewarded based on how close it is to the target, but it doesn’t know which landmark is the target landmark. So good agents have to learn to ‘split up’ and cover all landmarks to deceive the adversary. (Covert communication)YYTwo good agents (alice and bob), one adversary (eve). Alice must sent a private message to bob over a public channel. Alice and bob are rewarded based on how well bob reconstructs the message, but negatively rewarded if eve can reconstruct the message. Alice and bob have a private key (randomly generated at beginning of each episode), which they must learn to use to encrypt the message. (Keep-away)NY1 agent, 1 adversary, 1 landmark. Agent is rewarded based on distance to landmark. Adversary is rewarded if it is close to the landmark, and if the agent is far from the landmark. So the adversary learns to push agent away from the landmark.
simple_reference.pyYN2 agents, 3 landmarks of different colors. Each agent wants to get to their target landmark, which is known only by other agent. Reward is collective. So agents have to learn to communicate the goal of the other agent, and navigate to their landmark. This is the same as the simple_speaker_listener scenario where both agents are simultaneous speakers and listeners. (Cooperative communication)YNSame as simple_reference, except one agent is the ‘speaker’ (gray) that does not move (observes goal of other agent), and other agent is the listener (cannot speak, but must navigate to correct landmark). (Cooperative navigation)NNN agents, N landmarks. Agents are rewarded based on how far any agent is from each landmark. Agents are penalized if they collide with other agents. So, agents have to learn to cover all the landmarks while avoiding collisions. (Predator-prey)NYPredator-prey environment. Good agents (green) are faster and want to avoid being hit by adversaries (red). Adversaries are slower and want to hit good agents. Obstacles (large black circles) block the way.
simple_world_comm.pyYYEnvironment seen in the video accompanying the paper. Same as simple_tag, except (1) there is food (small blue balls) that the good agents are rewarded for being near, (2) we now have ‘forests’ that hide agents inside from being seen from outside; (3) there is a ‘leader adversary” that can see the agents at all times, and can communicate with the other adversaries to help coordinate the chase.

Paper citation

If you used this environment for your experiments or found it helpful, consider citing the following papers:

Environments in this repo:

  title={Multi-Agent Actor-Critic for Mixed Cooperative-Competitive Environments},
  author={Lowe, Ryan and Wu, Yi and Tamar, Aviv and Harb, Jean and Abbeel, Pieter and Mordatch, Igor},
  journal={Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)},

Original particle world environment:

  title={Emergence of Grounded Compositional Language in Multi-Agent Populations},
  author={Mordatch, Igor and Abbeel, Pieter},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.04908},
安德里斯·恩格尔布雷希特粒子群优化(Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO)是一种多用途的优化算法。PSO算法是通过解决群体智能问题而提出的,它模拟了鸟群觅食行为的过程。在PSO算法中,解决问题的个体被称为“粒子”,它们通过调整自身位置和速度来搜索最优解。 PSO算法的优点在于它的简单性和高效性。相对于其他优化算法,PSO算法的实现更加简单,不需要复杂的数学公式和运算。同时,PSO算法的搜索过程非常快速,可以在较短的时间内找到较优解。这使得PSO算法在许多领域都被广泛应用。 PSO算法的应用领域十分广泛。在工程领域,PSO算法可以用于解决机器学习、图像处理、信号处理等问题。例如,在机器学习中,PSO算法可以通过调整模型参数来提高模型的精度和性能。在电力系统中,PSO算法可以用于优化电力分配和调度问题,提高电力系统的效率和稳定性。 此外,PSO算法还可以应用于经济学、金融学和生物学等领域。在经济学中,PSO算法可以用于寻找最优的投资组合或者优化供应链管理。在生物学领域,PSO算法可以用于分析蛋白质序列和DNA序列,进而揭示生物系统中的某些模式和规律。 总之,安德里斯·恩格尔布雷希特粒子群优化算法是一种多用途的优化算法,其简单性和高效性使得它在各个领域都能得到广泛应用。通过调整粒子的位置和速度,PSO算法可以在较短的时间内搜索到最优解,从而提高问题的精度和性能。




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