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(1)阅读文献,了解前沿问题 Related works (前期功课)
(2)做实验,收集筛选数据,总结实验成果和步骤,完成核心内容 Experiment and result
(3)前言部分,介绍研究,科研意义与创新 Introduction
(4)讨论部分,衔接作用 Discussion
(5)结论 Conclusion
(6)摘要 Abstract
(7)标题 Title
(9)根据期刊要求整理格式,阅读 Guide for authors
(10)投稿前 Cover letter


Title Page Including Authors, Affiliation and Contract Information
Abstract and Keywords
Materials and Methods
Suppliments or Appendix (Table and Figures)


1.标题 Title



1.Protective Effects of Feisetin in a Rat Model of Myocardial Ischemia and Reperfusion

2.Biological Mechanisms of Midkine in Pancreatic Cancer

3.Obstacle Avoidance Drone by Deep Reinforcement Learning and Its Racing with Human Pilot

4.Approximate Kalman Filter Q-Learning ofr Continuous State-Space MDPs


2.摘要 Abstract

(4)Keywords 一般不超过6个


1.It is a promising treatment strategy to use a nanoparticle-based drug delivery system for cancer patients, which can simultaneously deliver multiple drugs or genes in conbination with …(科研背景)

2.Feature warping is a core technique in optical flow estimation; however, the ambiguity caused by occluded areas during warping is a major problem that remains unsolved. In this paper…(背景)

3.Recent experimental evidence suggests that the brain is capable of approximating Bayesian inference in the face of noisy input stimuli. Despte this progress, the neural uderpinnings of this computation are still poorly understood. In this paper we focus…(背景和问题)


3.引言 Introduction



Heat-shock proteins (HSP) are induced when a cell undergoes various types of envieonmental stresses like heat, cold and oxygen deprivation. They are involved…


However, the exact mechanism of how they exert their biological functions remains unclear…

Early diagnosis is critical in cancer treatment and cure. In the case of breast cancer, the survical rate was increased framatically when therapeutic drugs were administered in the early stages of the cancer…


To address the need for early diagnosis of breast cancer patients, we have developed two sensitive and specific immunoassays to …


4.研究和实验 Experiment Section (Materials and Methods)


1.At first, a rigurous mathematical definition is introduced for the concept of network synchronization…

2.Suppose that X is a chaotic system and Y is one of the orbits of its attractor. Denote…(which can be denoted as…)

3.Assume that X is continurously differentiable, the Jacobian matrix Y is bounded,… and Z can be diagonalized.

4.Moreover, the origin is an exponentially … if and only if Y…, and Z… where…

5.Then, X can be simplified as follows:…

6.It has been shown that for any given coupling strength, if…, then…, while…

1.The overall architecture of the proposed X is illustrated in Fig.2. X consists of two cascaded subnetworks.

2.The original fearture pyramid is directly placed into this stage using the same parameters. Y is set to … since …

3.X is composed of two conmpact sub-networks that are …as shown in Fig.2.

4.The X features are generated by … with…

5.Points ocrespondence between … are established throught …as follows:… where C is … and D is …

6.The operation of X can be formulated as follows:…where Y denotes convolution, Z is …, and M is a scalar output for…and N = F(x)…

7.This section describes the detailed architecture of … which is complementary to the existing…

8.Moreover, K,R,T refers to the camera intrinsics,…

1.In figure 1, we demonstrate the ability of X to approxiamate the dynamics of Y.

2.We implement geometric and chromatic augmentations referring to the implementation of …

3.We suppress the degree of …when…as…

4.To evaluate the performance of X, we conducted Y experiments…The key aspects we investigated are summarized as follows:…

5.We split our measurement into several domains …

6.The UV detector was set at 236nm. The chemical structures of metformin and IS are shown in Fig.1.

7.The rats were fasted for 12h with water and libitum prior to intravenousadministration of compound Y.

8.In the end, we investigated the authentication data of X…


5.结果 Result (可包括 Analyze)

(1)先总结Table 和 Figure,作为核心内容
(4)Figure 和Table的说明单独写,解释清楚符号标识含义,但结果解释放在文中
(5)分别给Figure,Table 和 Formula 序号


1.We compare several variants of X to state-of-the-art methods on public benchmarks including X,Y, and Z.

2.X consistently performs better than Y expecially on Z as shown in Table 2.

3.Even thought X perform…, it yields reliable large-displacement… due to Z.

4.As observed from Fig.6, we see that X and Y have their advantages and …

5.In Fig. 8, defocus is less affected by noise and repeating patterns while Y provides …

6.These results together suggest that even though the numberof parameters of …, the X slightly more overfgits to the training data.

7.This modified LPV controller provides desired performance as shoen in Figure12, nearly the same as Figure15 which is achieved by a group of …


6.讨论 Discussion (可包括 Analyze)

(1)讨论实验结果对研究领域的贡献和意义 contribution
(2)说明问题和局限性 limitation
(4)对实验结果按顺序讨论,必要时需引用文献,方便对比参照,相同和不同之处 comparison
(6)新的问题和遐想,future works

1.We presented an end-to-end unsupervised approach to training convnets for optical flow prediction. We showed that X yields …

2.The failure owes to the parameter variation in the controller. Although X can take the …

3.We have emphasized repeatedly that non-Bayesian models provides several useful insights, but that they also have several ad hoc features and properites such as the …

4.We then showed that some benchmark models of non-Bayesian learning also lead to consensus and similarly are unlikely to lead to asymptotic learning.

5.The sensitive edges of a small-world network have a higher degree of influence on the network synchronization, which is very important for increasing or controlling the synchronizatbility of the network.

6.However, how to construct a robust small-world network for network security, against attacks to the Internet, remains an important but challenging problem.


7.总结 Conlusion


1.In this paper, it has been shown that maximum synchronizability of a network is completely determined by its associated feedback system. Also, a new concept X can be used to characterize the maximum…

2.Building on recent progress in design…, we have shown that it is posible to train a network to directly predict optical flow…

3.In this paper we have introduced a novel neural network model whose dynamics map directly onto those of a one-dimensional Kalman filter when the prediction error is small.

4.To solve this problem, the paper describes the controller as a Jacobian linearization-based LPV description and introduces two theorems to search for a solution to this nonlinear controller.

5.In this paper, we presented an algorithm that extracts, analyzes, and combines both defocus and correspondence depth cues. Using principled approaches, we show that…


8.谢言 Acknowledgments


1.This work was funded by X and an Y fellowship to M. We grateful for the suppor from Z and N.


9.参考文献 References




10.Cover Letter




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