android 蓝牙


import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothProfile;
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Log;
import android.widget.Toast;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Set;

public class BluetoothControl{

    private Context mContext;
    private BluetoothAdapter bluetoothAdapter;    //本地蓝牙适配器
    private final String TAG = "##@BluetoothControl";
    private String Address;
    private String Name;

    private static BluetoothControl instance = null;

    public BluetoothControl(Context context)
        mContext = context;

    public static  BluetoothControl getInstance(Context context) {
        if(instance == null){
            instance = new BluetoothControl(context);
        return instance;

    private void init()
        bluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
        if(bluetoothAdapter == null){

        Address = bluetoothAdapter.getAddress(); //获取本机蓝牙MAC地址
        Name = bluetoothAdapter.getName();   //获取本机蓝牙名称
        Log.d(TAG,"Address:" + Address + ",Name:" + Name);

    public boolean isEnabled()
        boolean ret = false;
        try {
            ret = bluetoothAdapter.isEnabled();
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return ret;

    public void enable()
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void disable()
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public boolean isBtConDeviceByMac(String strCurBtMac) {
        if (bluetoothAdapter == null) {
            return false;
        Set<BluetoothDevice> set = bluetoothAdapter.getBondedDevices();
        BluetoothDevice device = null;
        for (BluetoothDevice dev : set) {
            if (dev.getAddress().equalsIgnoreCase(strCurBtMac)) {
                device = dev;
        if (device == null) {
            return false;
        Class<BluetoothDevice> bluetoothDeviceClass = BluetoothDevice.class;
        try {//得到连接状态的方法
            Method method = bluetoothDeviceClass.getDeclaredMethod("isConnected", (Class[]) null);
            return (boolean) method.invoke(device, (Object[]) null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return false;

需要system app权限

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.LOCAL_MAC_ADDRESS"
        tools:ignore="ProtectedPermissions" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />


    private static final String ACTION_QUICKSETTINGS_DIALOG_SHOW = "flyaudio.intent.action.ACTION_QUICKSETTINGS_DIALOG_SHOW";
    private static final String ACTION_QUICKSETTINGS_DIALOG_DISMISS = "flyaudio.intent.action.ACTION_QUICKSETTINGS_DIALOG_DISMISS";
    private static final String ACTION_BOOT = "android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED";  
    private static final String ACTION_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGED = "android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED";

    private static QuickSettingsDialog quickSettingsDialog;

    public static void registerDialogShowReceriver(Context context) {
        quickSettingsDialog = new QuickSettingsDialog(context);
        DialogShowBroadcastReceiver bReceiver = new DialogShowBroadcastReceiver();
        IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
        context.registerReceiver(bReceiver, intentFilter);

    private static class DialogShowBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {

        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            if (quickSettingsDialog == null) return;   
            else if(intent.getAction().equals(ACTION_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGED)){
                if (!quickSettingsDialog.isShowing()) return;
                int state = intent.getIntExtra(BluetoothAdapter.EXTRA_STATE, -1);
                if((state == BluetoothAdapter.STATE_OFF) || (state == BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON)){


    public Set<BluetoothDevice> getAdapterDevicesInfo()
        Set<BluetoothDevice> devices = bluetoothAdapter.getBondedDevices();
        for(Iterator<BluetoothDevice> iterator = devices.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
            BluetoothDevice device =;
            Log.d(TAG,"Address:" + device.getAddress() + ",Name:" + device.getName());
        return devices;


 public String getConnectedBtDevice() {
     BluetoothAdapter bluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
     Set<BluetoothDevice> bondedDevices = bluetoothAdapter.getBondedDevices();
     if (bondedDevices != null && bondedDevices.size() > 0) {
         for (BluetoothDevice bondedDevice : bondedDevices) {
			  try {
                  Method isConnectedMethod = BluetoothDevice.class.getDeclaredMethod("isConnected", (Class[]) null);
                  boolean isConnected = (boolean) isConnectedMethod.invoke(bondedDevice, (Object[]) null);
                  MyLog.getInstance().PrintLog(TAG, "isConnected:" + isConnected);
			      if (isConnected) {
                        return bondedDevice.getName();
                } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {

                } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {

                } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
        return null;



   <bool name="profile_supported_hdp">false</bool> <!-- 支持蓝牙的医疗设备,使用蓝牙通信的应用程序,例如心率监视器,血液,温度计和秤  -->
   <bool name="profile_supported_hs_hfp">false</bool> <!-- HSP/HFP 耳机模式/蓝牙电话作为主机端,传输音频到客户端。 -->
    <bool name="profile_supported_hfpclient">true</bool> <!-- 蓝牙电话作为客户端 -->
    <bool name="hfp_client_connection_service_enabled">true</bool><!-- 来电通知服务 -->




    <bool name="profile_supported_a2dp">false</bool>  <!--媒体声音通过蓝牙输出 -->
    <bool name="profile_supported_a2dp_sink">true</bool> <!--媒体声音通过蓝牙接收-->


    <bool name="profile_supported_a2dp">true</bool>  <!--媒体声音通过蓝牙输出 -->
    <bool name="profile_supported_a2dp_sink">false</bool> <!--媒体声音通过蓝牙接收-->
    <bool name="profile_supported_hdp">true</bool> <!-- 支持蓝牙的医疗设备,使用蓝牙通信的应用程序,例如心率监视器,血液,温度计和秤  -->
    <bool name="profile_supported_hs_hfp">true</bool> <!-- HSP/HFP 耳机模式/蓝牙电话作为主机端,传输音频到客户端。 -->
    <bool name="profile_supported_hfpclient">false</bool> <!-- 蓝牙电话作为客户端 -->
    <bool name="profile_supported_hid_host">true</bool> <!-- hid 主机端 -->
    <bool name="profile_supported_opp">true</bool> <!-- 支持文件传输 -->
    <bool name="profile_supported_pan">true</bool> <!-- 个人局域网 -->
    <bool name="profile_supported_pbap">true</bool> <!-- 电话本作为主机端传输给客户端 -->
    <bool name="profile_supported_gatt">true</bool> <!-- 支持gatt协议 -->
    <bool name="pbap_include_photos_in_vcard">true</bool> <!-- 电话本vcard传输包含照片? -->
    <bool name="pbap_use_profile_for_owner_vcard">true</bool> <!-- 电话本使用vcard传输?  -->
    <bool name="profile_supported_map">true</bool>  <!-- map协议-短信 彩信-->
    <bool name="profile_supported_avrcp_target">true</bool> <!-- avrcp响应端 -->
    <bool name="profile_supported_avrcp_controller">false</bool> <!-- avrcp控制端 -->
    <bool name="profile_supported_sap">false</bool> <!-- (SAP) 允许蓝牙设备访问另一个蓝牙设备的 SIM 卡中包含的数据。 -->
    <bool name="profile_supported_pbapclient">false</bool> <!-- 电话本作为客户端负责接收 -->
    <bool name="profile_supported_mapmce">false</bool> <!-- map client-接收端? -->
    <bool name="profile_supported_hid_device">true</bool> <!-- 支持hid设备 -->
    <bool name="profile_supported_hearing_aid">false</bool> <!-- 蓝牙助听器? -->

    <!-- If true, we will require location to be enabled on the device to
         fire Bluetooth LE scan result callbacks in addition to having one
         of the location permissions. -->
    <bool name="strict_location_check">true</bool>

    <!-- Specifies the min/max connection interval parameters for high priority,
         balanced and low power GATT configurations. These values are in
         multiples of 1.25ms. -->
    <integer name="gatt_high_priority_min_interval">9</integer>
    <integer name="gatt_high_priority_max_interval">12</integer>
    <!-- Default specs recommended interval is 30 (24 * 1.25) -> 50 (40 * 1.25)
         ms. -->
    <integer name="gatt_balanced_priority_min_interval">24</integer>
    <integer name="gatt_balanced_priority_max_interval">40</integer>
    <integer name="gatt_low_power_min_interval">80</integer>
    <integer name="gatt_low_power_max_interval">100</integer>

    <!-- Specifies latency parameters for high priority, balanced and low power
         GATT configurations. These values represents the number of packets a
         slave device is allowed to skip. -->
    <integer name="gatt_high_priority_latency">0</integer>
    <integer name="gatt_balanced_priority_latency">0</integer>
    <integer name="gatt_low_power_latency">2</integer>

    <bool name="headset_client_initial_audio_route_allowed">true</bool>

    <!-- @deprecated: use a2dp_absolute_volume_initial_threshold_percent
         instead. -->
    <integer name="a2dp_absolute_volume_initial_threshold">8</integer>

    <!-- AVRCP absolute volume initial value as percent of the maximum value.
         Valid values are in the interval [0, 100].
         Recommended value is 50. -->
    <integer name="a2dp_absolute_volume_initial_threshold_percent">50</integer>

    <!-- For A2DP sink ducking volume feature. -->
    <integer name="a2dp_sink_duck_percent">25</integer>

    <!-- If true, device requests audio focus and start avrcp updates on source start or play -->
    <bool name="a2dp_sink_automatically_request_audio_focus">true</bool> <!-- 自动请求音频焦点 -->

    <!-- For enabling the hfp client connection service -->
    <bool name="hfp_client_connection_service_enabled">false</bool><!-- 来电通知服务 -->

    <!-- Enabling autoconnect over pan //自动连接?-->
    <bool name="config_bluetooth_pan_enable_autoconnect">true</bool>

    <!-- Enabling the phone policy -->
    <bool name="enable_phone_policy">true</bool>

    <!-- Configuring priorities of A2DP source codecs. Larger value means
         higher priority. Value -1 means the codec is disabled.
         Value 0 is reserved and should not be used here. Enabled codecs
         should have priorities in the interval [1, 999999], and each priority
         value should be unique. -->
    <integer name="a2dp_source_codec_priority_sbc">1001</integer>
    <integer name="a2dp_source_codec_priority_aac">2001</integer>
    <integer name="a2dp_source_codec_priority_aptx">3001</integer>
    <integer name="a2dp_source_codec_priority_aptx_hd">4001</integer>
    <integer name="a2dp_source_codec_priority_ldac">5001</integer>

    <!-- Package that is responsible for user interaction on pairing request,
         success or cancel.
          - BluetootDevice.ACTION_PAIRING_CANCEL on bond failure
          - BluetoothDevice.ACTION_PAIRING_REUQEST on pin request
          - BluetootDevice.ACTION_BOND_STATE_CHANGED on pairing request and success
          - BluetoothDevice.ACTION_CONNECTION_ACCESS_REQUEST on access requests
          - BluetoothDevice.ACTION_CONNECTION_ACCESS_CANCEL to cancel access requests -->
    <string name="pairing_ui_package"></string>

    <!-- Flag whether or not to keep polling AG with CLCC for call information every 2 seconds -->
    <bool name="hfp_clcc_poll_during_call">true</bool>


拨号网络配置文件 (DUN)
DUN 提供了通过 Bluetooth 无线技术接入 Internet 和其它拨号服务的标准。最常见的情况是在手机上拨号,从膝上型计算机以无线方式接入 Internet。

OPP:对象存储规范(Object Push Profile),最为常见的,文件的传输都是使用此协议。

HFP:(Hands-free Profile),让蓝牙设备可以控制电话,如接听、挂断、拒接、语音拨号等,拒接、语音拨号要视蓝牙耳机及电话是否支持。

HDP: HDP (Health Device Profile) 蓝牙医疗设备模式   可以创建支持蓝牙的医疗设备,使用蓝牙通信的应用程序,例如心率监视器,血液,温度计和秤。

HID() 人机接口设备配置文件
HID 配置文件定义了 Bluetooth HID(如键盘、指向设备、游戏设备及远程监视设备)使用的协议、程序及功能

HSP(Handset Profile)耳机模式 ,用于支持蓝牙耳机与移动电话之间使用

A2DP: Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) 高级音频传输模式  A2DP是能够采用耳机内的芯片来堆栈数据,达到声音的高清晰度。有A2DP的耳机就是蓝牙立体声耳机。
PAN:个人局域网(Personal Area Network)最新为了满足需求而出现的, 在小范围内能够将个人设备(自己的手机 电脑笔记本等)互联而组成的网络。

DP( Service Discovery Protocol )服务发现协议

GAP(Generic Access Profile)通用访问应用
它处理一些一般模式的业务(如询问、命名和搜索)和一些安全性问 题(如担保),
因此,它具有强制性,并作为所有其它 蓝牙应用规范的基础。

GATT 的全名是 Generic Attribute Profile(姑且翻译成:普通属性协议)
它定义两个 BLE 设备通过叫做 Service 和 Characteristic 的东西进行通信。GATT 就是使用了 ATT(Attribute Protocol)协议,ATT 协议把 Service, Characteristic遗迹对应的数据保存在一个查找表中,次查找表使用 16 bit ID 作为每一项的索引。

一旦两个设备建立起了连接,GATT 就开始起作用了,这也意味着,你必需完成前面的 GAP 协议。这里需要说明的是,GATT 连接,必需先经过 GAP 协议。实际上,我们在 Android 开发中,可以直接使用设备的 MAC 地址,发起连接,可以不经过扫描的步骤。这并不意味不需要经过 GAP,实际上在芯片级别已经给你做好了,蓝牙芯片发起连接,总是先扫描设备,扫描到了才会发起连接。

GATT 连接需要特别注意的是:GATT 连接是独占的。也就是一个 BLE 外设同时只能被一个中心设备连接。一旦外设被连接,它就会马上停止广播,这样它就对其他设备不可见了。当设备断开,它又开始广播。

中心设备和外设需要双向通信的话,唯一的方式就是建立 GATT 连接。

(SAP) 允许蓝牙设备访问另一个蓝牙设备的 SIM 卡中包含的数据。

AVRCP:Audio/Video Remote Control Profile,音视频远端控制协议,所以该协议不但能控制蓝牙音乐,也可以控制视频流相应的功能。

监听蓝牙状态 & 获取蓝牙电话控制对象

import android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadsetClient;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbapClient;


    LocalBluetoothManager mLocalBluetoothManager;
    LocalBluetoothAdapter mLocalBluetoothAdapter;
    BluetoothHeadsetClient mHeadsetClient;
    CachedBluetoothDeviceManager mCachedDeviceManager;
    LocalBluetoothProfileManager mBluetoothProfileManager;
    BluetoothEventManager mBluetoothEventManager;
   private void init()
        bluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
        if(bluetoothAdapter == null){

        Address = bluetoothAdapter.getAddress(); //获取本机蓝牙MAC地址
        Name = bluetoothAdapter.getName();   //获取本机蓝牙名称
        Log.d(TAG,"Address:" + Address + ",Name:" + Name);
        //bluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy(mContext, mProfileServiceListener, BluetoothProfile.HEADSET_CLIENT);
        mLocalBluetoothManager = LocalBluetoothManager.getInstance(mContext,mBluetoothManagerCallback);
        try {
            mLocalBluetoothAdapter = mLocalBluetoothManager.getBluetoothAdapter();
            Address = mLocalBluetoothAdapter.getAddress(); //获取本机蓝牙MAC地址
            Name = mLocalBluetoothAdapter.getName();   //获取本机蓝牙名称
            Log.d(TAG,"Address:" + Address + ",Name:" + Name);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        mCachedDeviceManager = mLocalBluetoothManager.getCachedDeviceManager();
        mBluetoothEventManager = mLocalBluetoothManager.getEventManager();
        //mBluetoothProfileManager = mLocalBluetoothManager.getProfileManager();
        mLocalBluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy(mContext, mServiceListener, BluetoothProfile.HEADSET_CLIENT);

    private LocalBluetoothManager.BluetoothManagerCallback mBluetoothManagerCallback = new LocalBluetoothManager.BluetoothManagerCallback(){
        public void onBluetoothManagerInitialized(Context appContext,LocalBluetoothManager bluetoothManager){
            Log.d(TAG,"appContext:" + appContext + ",bluetoothManager:" + bluetoothManager);

    private final BluetoothProfile.ServiceListener mServiceListener = new BluetoothProfile.ServiceListener()
        public void onServiceConnected(int paramInt, BluetoothProfile paramBluetoothProfile)//蓝牙打开
            mHeadsetClient = ((BluetoothHeadsetClient)paramBluetoothProfile);
            Log.e(TAG, "onServiceConnected" );

        public void onServiceDisconnected(int paramInt)//蓝牙关闭
            Log.e(TAG, "onServiceDisconnected" );

   private BluetoothCallback mBluetoothCallback = new BluetoothCallback(){
        public void onBluetoothStateChanged(int bluetoothState){
            Log.e(TAG, "onBluetoothStateChanged:" + bluetoothState);
            //todo. 蓝牙开关状态变化
        public void onScanningStateChanged(boolean started) {
            //todo. 搜索状态变化
        public void onDeviceAdded(CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice) {
            //todo. 搜索到新设备
        public void onDeviceDeleted(CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice) {
            //todo. 设备被移除
        public void onDeviceBondStateChanged(CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice, int bondState) {
            //todo. 设备配对状态变化
        public void onConnectionStateChanged(CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice, int state) {
            Log.e(TAG, "onConnectionStateChanged,cachedDevice:" + cachedDevice + ",state:" + state + ",type:" + cachedDevice.getDevice().getType());
            //todo. 设备连接状态变化
        public void onActiveDeviceChanged(CachedBluetoothDevice activeDevice, int bluetoothProfile) {
            //todo. 活动设备变化
        public void onProfileConnectionStateChanged(CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice) {
            //todo. 协议连接状态变化


        <service android:name="" android:permission="android.permission.BIND_INCALL_SERVICE" android:exported="true">
            <meta-data android:name="android.telecom.IN_CALL_SERVICE_UI" android:value="true" />
                <action android:name="android.telecom.InCallService" />

import android.telecom.Call;
import android.telecom.InCallService;
import android.telecom. TelecomManager;
import android.util.Log;

public class InCallServiceImpl extends InCallService {
    private TelecomManager mTelecomManager;
    String TAG = "InCallServiceImpl";
    public void onCreate() {
        //Get the TelecomManager interface,
        mTelecomManager = getApplicationContext().getSystemService(TelecomManager.class);

    public void onCallAdded(Call telecomCall) {
        // When a new call is added, register to monitor the call status change

    public void onCallRemoved(Call telecomCall) {
        // When the call is over, cancel the call status change listening

    private final Call.Callback mCallListener = new Call.Callback() {
        public void onStateChanged(Call call, int state) {
            Log.d(TAG,"call:" + call + ",state:" + state);


语音通话没有配置 出现以下警告
默认是在 frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml
注意find 相关的overlay资源

<!-- 语音通话是否支持 -->
<bool name="config_voice_capable">false</bool>
<!-- 短信是否支持 -->
<bool name="config_sms_capable">false</bool>





Android 继承InCallService实现自定义电话




    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
package com.sinjet.bluetooth;

import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothProfile;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.util.Log;

import android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbapClient;

import java.util.List;

public class BluetoothRequestPullPhoneBook {

    String TAG = "BluetoothRequestPullPhoneBook";
    BluetoothPbapClient mPbapClient;
    boolean isPbapProfileReady = false;
    private Context mContext;

    public BluetoothRequestPullPhoneBook(Context context){
        mContext = context;

    public void getProfileProxy(LocalBluetoothAdapter mLocalBluetoothAdapter) {
         mLocalBluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy(mContext, new ProxyServiceListener(), BluetoothProfile.PBAP_CLIENT);
         Log.i(TAG, "getProfileProxy");

    private final class ProxyServiceListener implements BluetoothProfile.ServiceListener{

            public void onServiceConnected(int profile, BluetoothProfile proxy) {

                if (profile == BluetoothProfile.PBAP_CLIENT) {
                    mPbapClient = (BluetoothPbapClient) proxy;
                    isPbapProfileReady = true;
                Log.d(TAG,"Bluetooth service connected profile == " + profile + ",isPbapProfileReady = " + isPbapProfileReady);

            public void onServiceDisconnected(int profile) {
                Log.d(TAG, "BluetoothPbapClient Profile Proxy Disconnected");
                if (profile == BluetoothProfile.PBAP_CLIENT) {
                    isPbapProfileReady = false;
                    mPbapClient = null;

    // 连接
    public boolean connect(BluetoothDevice device) {
        if (null != mPbapClient) {
            return mPbapClient.connect(device);
        Log.i(TAG, "mPbapClient == null");
        return false;

    public boolean disconnect(BluetoothDevice device) {
        if (null != mPbapClient) {
            return mPbapClient.disconnect(device);
        Log.i(TAG, "mPbapClient == null");
        return false;

    public int getConnectionState() {
        if (null != mPbapClient) {
            List<BluetoothDevice> deviceList = mPbapClient.getConnectedDevices();
            if (deviceList.isEmpty()) {
                return BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED;
            } else {
                return mPbapClient.getConnectionState(deviceList.remove(0));
        return BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED;


RK系列SDK – Android HFP蓝牙通话音频处理(蓝牙音箱方案)



android 10之后都要用MediaBrowser的方式去实现

package com.sinjet.bluetooth;

import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;

public class MediaController {

    private Context mContext;
    String TAG = "MediaController";
    MediaBrowser mMediaBrowser;
    MediaController mMediaController;

    public MediaController(Context context){
        mContext = context;

    private void init(){
        mMediaBrowser = new MediaBrowser (
                // 必须是 Application 的Context,否则会connect失败
                new ComponentName("",""),

    private MediaBrowser.ConnectionCallback mConnectionCallback = new MediaBrowser.ConnectionCallback() {

        public void onConnected() {
            // Connect BrowserService on
            // construct a MediaController
            mMediaController = new MediaController (mContext, mMediaBrowser.getSessionToken());
            // Register media status information listening
        public void onConnectionSuspended() {
            // Connect suspend

    private MediaController.Callback mMediaControllerCallback = new MediaController.Callback() {
        public void onPlaybackStateChanged (PlaybackState state) {
            // Update the play status
            Log.d(TAG,"PlaybackState:" + state);

        public void onMetadataChanged (MediaMetadata metadata) {
            // Update the media information, ID3, etc.
            Log.d(TAG,"MediaMetadata:" + metadata);

        public void onSessionEvent (String event, Bundle extras) {
            // customized other Event notify
            Log.d(TAG,"onSessionEvent:" + event);



    <bool name="profile_supported_avrcp_target">true</bool> <!-- avrcp响应端 -->
    <bool name="profile_supported_avrcp_controller">false</bool> <!-- avrcp控制端 -->
    //两个都设置为true都行 主要看协议栈的配置







协议栈部分太复杂 还没看透。由jni调用onConnectionStateChanged 创建状态机并且发起连接
TG端播放信息传输流程: bt协议栈 -> jni -> AvrcpControllerService -> 状态机 -> 媒体浏览器
btavrcp_play_status_changed_callback -> onPlayStatusChanged -> MESSAGE_PROCESS_PLAY_STATUS_CHANGED ->


static void btavrcp_play_status_changed_callback(
    const RawAddress& bd_addr, btrc_play_status_t play_status) {
  ALOGI("%s", __func__);
  std::shared_lock<std::shared_timed_mutex> lock(sCallbacks_mutex);
  CallbackEnv sCallbackEnv(__func__);
  if (!sCallbackEnv.valid()) return;
  if (!sCallbacksObj) {
    ALOGE("%s: sCallbacksObj is null", __func__);

  ScopedLocalRef<jbyteArray> addr(
      sCallbackEnv.get(), sCallbackEnv->NewByteArray(sizeof(RawAddress)));
  if (!addr.get()) {
    ALOGE("%s: Failed to allocate a new byte array", __func__);
  sCallbackEnv->SetByteArrayRegion(addr.get(), 0, sizeof(RawAddress),
  sCallbackEnv->CallVoidMethod(sCallbacksObj, method_handleplaystatuschanged,
                               addr.get(), (jbyte)play_status);


    // Called by JNI on changes of play status
    private synchronized void onPlayStatusChanged(byte[] address, byte playStatus) {
        if (DBG) {
            Log.d(TAG, "onPlayStatusChanged " + playStatus);
        int playbackState = PlaybackState.STATE_NONE;
        switch (playStatus) {
            case JNI_PLAY_STATUS_STOPPED:
                playbackState = PlaybackState.STATE_STOPPED;
            case JNI_PLAY_STATUS_PLAYING:
                playbackState = PlaybackState.STATE_PLAYING;
            case JNI_PLAY_STATUS_PAUSED:
                playbackState = PlaybackState.STATE_PAUSED;
            case JNI_PLAY_STATUS_FWD_SEEK:
                playbackState = PlaybackState.STATE_FAST_FORWARDING;
            case JNI_PLAY_STATUS_REV_SEEK:
                playbackState = PlaybackState.STATE_REWINDING;
                playbackState = PlaybackState.STATE_NONE;
        BluetoothDevice device = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter().getRemoteDevice(address);
        AvrcpControllerStateMachine stateMachine = getStateMachine(device);
        if (stateMachine != null) {
                    AvrcpControllerStateMachine.MESSAGE_PROCESS_PLAY_STATUS_CHANGED, playbackState);


                    if (mAddressedPlayer.getPlaybackState().getState()
                            == PlaybackState.STATE_PLAYING
                            && A2dpSinkService.getFocusState() == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_NONE
                            && !shouldRequestFocus()) {
                    return true;



        .name = "ClassOfDevice",
        .value = (void*){0x004A020C},  /*default cod=0x004A020C */


/* Default class of device
* SERVICE_CLASS:0x5A (Bit17 -Networking,Bit19 - Capturing,Bit20 -Object
* Transfer,Bit22 -Telephony)
#ifndef BTA_DM_COD
#define BTA_DM_COD \
  { 0x5A, 0x04, 0x08 }


adb shell setprop log.tag.AvrcpControllerStateMachine D
adb shell getprop log.tag.AvrcpControllerStateMachine
adb shell root
adb shell start
adb shell stop

配置某个协议后先看他们的运行状态 是否注册成功。

hci log抓取

在设置-开发者选项里面打开hci log
将TRC_开头的log level改为6,然后推到机器重启
log路径 /data/misc/bluetooth/logs/btsnoop_hci.log

# Enable trace level reconfiguration function
# Must be present before any TRC_ trace level settings

# Trace level configuration
#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_NONE    0    ( No trace messages to be generated )
#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR   1    ( Error condition trace messages )
#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING 2    ( Warning condition trace messages )
#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_API     3    ( API traces )
#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_EVENT   4    ( Debug messages for events )
#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG   5    ( Full debug messages )
#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE 6    ( Verbose messages ) - Currently supported for TRC_BTAPP only.

# This is Log configuration for new C++ code using LOG() macros.
# See libchrome/base/logging.h for description on how to configure your logs.
# sample configuration:

# PTS testing helpers

# Secure connections only mode.
# PTS_SecurePairOnly=true

# Disable LE Connection updates

# Disable BR/EDR discovery after LE pairing to avoid cross key derivation errors

# SMP Pair options (formatted as hex bytes) auth, io, ikey, rkey, ksize

# PTS AVRCP Test mode

# SMP Certification Failure Cases
# Set any of the following SMP error values (from smp_api_types.h)
# to induce pairing failues for various PTS SMP test cases.
# Setting PTS_SmpFailureCase to 0 means normal operation.
# Failure modes:

source 端电池电量改为满格

我们做的产品是用作source 端,连接车机(sink端)蓝牙之后。车机端显示 电池电量 为0,客户看到之后 提出需求 将电池电量改为满格 或者 不显示。
电池电量都是通过 hfp 协议进行发送,在jni加打印 追踪到:

--- common/android/packages/apps/Bluetooth/jni/com_android_bluetooth_hfp.cpp ---
index 69f4a14f..216f16fa 100644
@@ -385,6 +385,7 @@ class JniHeadsetCallbacks : bluetooth::headset::Callbacks {
     ScopedLocalRef<jbyteArray> addr(sCallbackEnv.get(), marshall_bda(bd_addr));
     if (addr.get() == nullptr) return;
+    ALOGI("%s: 24.09.23 ind_value=%d", __func__, ind_value);
     sCallbackEnv->CallVoidMethod(mCallbacksObj, method_onAtBiev, ind_id,
                                  (jint)ind_value, addr.get());
@@ -398,6 +399,7 @@ class JniHeadsetCallbacks : bluetooth::headset::Callbacks {
     ScopedLocalRef<jbyteArray> addr(sCallbackEnv.get(), marshall_bda(bd_addr));
     if (addr.get() == nullptr) return;
+    ALOGI("%s: 24.09.23 battery=%d", __func__, battery);
     sCallbackEnv->CallVoidMethod(mCallbacksObj, method_onAtBia, service, roam,
                                  signal, battery, addr.get());
@@ -433,7 +435,7 @@ static void classInitNative(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) {
   method_onAtBiev = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "onATBiev", "(II[B)V");
   method_onAtBia = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "onAtBia", "(ZZZZ[B)V");
-  ALOGI("%s: succeeds", __func__);
+  ALOGI("%s: succeeds 24.09.23", __func__);
 static void initializeNative(JNIEnv* env, jobject object, jint max_hf_clients,
@@ -676,6 +678,10 @@ static jboolean notifyDeviceStatusNative(JNIEnv* env, jobject object,
     jniThrowIOException(env, EINVAL);
     return JNI_FALSE;
+  /*  -- start*/
+  battery_charge = 5;
+  ALOGI("%s: 24.09.23 battery_charge=%d", __func__, battery_charge);
+  /*  -- end*/
   bt_status_t status = sBluetoothHfpInterface->DeviceStatusNotification(
       (bluetooth::headset::bthf_service_type_t)service_type, signal,
@@ -725,7 +731,11 @@ static jboolean cindResponseNative(JNIEnv* env, jobject object, jint service,
     ALOGE("%s: failed to get device address", __func__);
     jniThrowIOException(env, EINVAL);
     return JNI_FALSE;
-  }
+  } 
+  /*  -- start*/
+  battery_charge = 5;
+  ALOGI("%s: 24.09.23 num_active=%d, num_held=%d, call_state=%d, signal=%d, roam=%d, battery_charge=%d", __func__, num_active, num_held, call_state, signal, roam, battery_charge);
+  /*  -- end*/
   bt_status_t status = sBluetoothHfpInterface->CindResponse(
       service, num_active, num_held,
       (bluetooth::headset::bthf_call_state_t)call_state, signal, roam,

notifyDeviceStatusNative 在电池电量发生变化时调用
cindResponseNative 在蓝牙连接之后 注册电量监听广播时调用
找到 cindResponse 实现 可以看到 电量范围为 0 - 5 ,改为5就是满格

     * Response for CIND command
     * @param device target device
     * @param service service availability, 0 - no service, 1 - presence of service
     * @param numActive number of active calls
     * @param numHeld number of held calls
     * @param callState overall call state [0-6]
     * @param signal signal quality [0-5]
     * @param roam roaming indicator, 0 - not roaming, 1 - roaming
     * @param batteryCharge battery charge level [0-5]
     * @return True on success, False on failure
    public boolean cindResponse(BluetoothDevice device, int service, int numActive, int numHeld,
            int callState, int signal, int roam, int batteryCharge) {
        return cindResponseNative(service, numActive, numHeld, callState, signal, roam,
                batteryCharge, Utils.getByteAddress(device));



int onShellCommand(Shell shell, String cmd) {
switch (key) {
                        case "present":
                            mHealthInfo.batteryPresent = Integer.parseInt(value) != 0;
                        case "ac":
                            mHealthInfo.chargerAcOnline = Integer.parseInt(value) != 0;
                        case "usb":
                            mHealthInfo.chargerUsbOnline = Integer.parseInt(value) != 0;
                        case "wireless":
                            mHealthInfo.chargerWirelessOnline = Integer.parseInt(value) != 0;
                        case "status":
                            mHealthInfo.batteryStatus = Integer.parseInt(value);
                        case "level":
                            mHealthInfo.batteryLevel = Integer.parseInt(value);
                        case "counter":
                            mHealthInfo.batteryChargeCounter = Integer.parseInt(value);
                        case "temp":
                            mHealthInfo.batteryTemperature = Integer.parseInt(value);
                        case "invalid":
                            mInvalidCharger = Integer.parseInt(value);
                            pw.println("Unknown set option: " + key);
                            update = false;
mercury-demo:/ # dumpsys battery -h
Battery service (battery) commands:
    Print this help text.
  set [-f] [ac|usb|wireless|status|level|temp|present|invalid] <value>
    Force a battery property value, freezing battery state.
    -f: force a battery change broadcast be sent, prints new sequence.
  unplug [-f]
    Force battery unplugged, freezing battery state.
    -f: force a battery change broadcast be sent, prints new sequence.
  reset [-f]
    Unfreeze battery state, returning to current hardware values.
    -f: force a battery change broadcast be sent, prints new sequence.
mercury-demo:/ #
mercury-demo:/ #
mercury-demo:/ #
mercury-demo:/ # dumpsys battery set level 100


source端蓝牙无声音 a2dp连接失败




09-09 12:13:46.633  2784  3361 W bt_avp  : AVDT_ConnectReq: address=ac:43:6e:73:db:c5 channel_index=0 sec_mask=0x12
09-09 12:13:46.633  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_alloc_by_channel_index: allocated (index 0) peer=ac:43:6e:73:db:c5 p_ccb=0x73b7b187c0
09-09 12:13:46.633  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_CONNECT_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPENING_ST action=30
09-09 12:13:46.633  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_CONNECT_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPENING_ST action=0
09-09 12:13:46.633  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_open_req: type: 0, role: 0, tcid:0
09-09 12:13:46.633  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_tbl_to_idx: 0
09-09 12:13:46.633  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_tbl_to_idx: 0
09-09 12:13:46.633  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :[2] = 0
09-09 12:13:46.633  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :[0][0].lcid = 0x42
09-09 12:13:46.633  2784  3361 W bt_avp  : AVDT_ConnectReq: address=ac:43:6e:73:db:c5 result=0
09-09 12:13:46.681  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_connect_cfm_cback lcid: 66, result: 0
09-09 12:13:46.681  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_sec_check_complete_orig res: 0
09-09 12:13:46.682  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback: lcid: 66
09-09 12:13:46.682  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback: peer_mtu: 672, lcid: 66
09-09 12:13:46.716  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_cfm_cback: lcid: 66
09-09 12:13:46.716  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_open_ind: p_tbl:0x73b7b1ca08 state:5 ccb_idx:0 tcid:0 scb_hdl:0
09-09 12:13:46.716  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=LL_OPEN_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
09-09 12:13:46.716  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=LL_OPEN_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=34
09-09 12:13:46.716  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_ll_opened peer ac:43:6e:73:db:c5 BtaAvScbIndex=0 p_ccb=0x73b7b187c0
09-09 12:13:46.717  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_DiscoverReq
09-09 12:13:46.717  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_DISCOVER_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=11
09-09 12:13:46.717  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
09-09 12:13:46.717  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:0, msg:0, sig:1
09-09 12:13:46.717  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
09-09 12:13:46.717  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_DISCOVER_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
09-09 12:13:46.717  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_DiscoverReq: result=0
09-09 12:13:46.752  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
09-09 12:13:46.752  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=2, sig=0
09-09 12:13:46.752  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_DISCOVER_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=2
09-09 12:13:46.752  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_DISCOVER_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=4
09-09 12:13:46.752  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=21
09-09 12:13:46.752  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
09-09 12:13:46.753  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_GetCapReq
09-09 12:13:46.753  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_get_cap_req
09-09 12:13:46.753  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=13
09-09 12:13:46.753  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
09-09 12:13:46.753  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:1, msg:0, sig:12
09-09 12:13:46.753  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
09-09 12:13:46.753  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
09-09 12:13:46.753  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_get_cap_req: result=0
09-09 12:13:46.753  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_GetCapReq: result=0
09-09 12:13:46.774  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
09-09 12:13:46.774  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=2, sig=0
09-09 12:13:46.774  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : elem=1 elem_len: 0 psc_mask=0x2
09-09 12:13:46.774  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : elem=7 elem_len: 6 psc_mask=0x82
09-09 12:13:46.774  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : err=0x0, elem:0x7 psc_mask=0x2
09-09 12:13:46.774  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=2
09-09 12:13:46.774  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=6
09-09 12:13:46.774  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=21
09-09 12:13:46.774  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
09-09 12:13:46.774  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_GetCapReq
09-09 12:13:46.774  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_get_cap_req
09-09 12:13:46.774  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=13
09-09 12:13:46.774  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
09-09 12:13:46.775  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:2, msg:0, sig:12
09-09 12:13:46.775  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
09-09 12:13:46.775  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
09-09 12:13:46.775  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_get_cap_req: result=0
09-09 12:13:46.775  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_GetCapReq: result=0
09-09 12:13:46.791  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
09-09 12:13:46.791  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=2, sig=0
09-09 12:13:46.791  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : elem=1 elem_len: 0 psc_mask=0x2
09-09 12:13:46.791  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : elem=7 elem_len: 8 psc_mask=0x82
09-09 12:13:46.791  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : err=0x0, elem:0x7 psc_mask=0x2
09-09 12:13:46.791  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=2
09-09 12:13:46.791  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=6
09-09 12:13:46.791  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=21
09-09 12:13:46.791  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
09-09 12:13:46.792  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_OpenReq: handle=2 seid=2
09-09 12:13:46.792  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
09-09 12:13:46.792  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_OpenReq: codec:         name: AAC
09-09 12:13:46.792  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      objectType: (MPEG-2 AAC LC) (0x80)
09-09 12:13:46.792  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      samp_freq: 44100 (0x0001)
09-09 12:13:46.792  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      ch_mode: Stereo (0x04)
09-09 12:13:46.792  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      variableBitRateSupport: false
09-09 12:13:46.792  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      bitRate: 320000
09-09 12:13:46.792  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_snd_setconfig_req: codec:   name: AAC
09-09 12:13:46.792  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      objectType: (MPEG-2 AAC LC) (0x80)
09-09 12:13:46.792  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      samp_freq: 44100 (0x0001)
09-09 12:13:46.792  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      ch_mode: Stereo (0x04)
09-09 12:13:46.792  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      variableBitRateSupport: false
09-09 12:13:46.792  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      bitRate: 320000
09-09 12:13:46.792  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
09-09 12:13:46.792  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:3, msg:0, sig:3
09-09 12:13:46.793  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
09-09 12:13:46.793  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=UL_OPEN_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=29
09-09 12:13:46.793  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=UL_OPEN_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
09-09 12:13:46.793  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_OpenReq: result=0
09-09 12:13:46.810  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
09-09 12:13:46.810  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=2, sig=0
09-09 12:13:46.810  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
09-09 12:13:46.810  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
09-09 12:13:46.810  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
09-09 12:13:46.810  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=21
09-09 12:13:46.810  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
09-09 12:13:46.810  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:4, msg:0, sig:6
09-09 12:13:46.811  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
09-09 12:13:46.811  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
09-09 12:13:46.811  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_DISCOVER_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=3
09-09 12:13:46.811  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_hdl_discover_cmd: p_ccb index=0
09-09 12:13:46.811  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_DISCOVER_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=12
09-09 12:13:46.811  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
09-09 12:13:46.811  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:0, msg:2, sig:1
09-09 12:13:46.811  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
09-09 12:13:46.811  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_DISCOVER_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
09-09 12:13:46.811  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_DISCOVER_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
09-09 12:13:46.827  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
09-09 12:13:46.827  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=2, sig=0
09-09 12:13:46.827  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
09-09 12:13:46.827  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_type_to_tcid: type:1, tcid: 3
09-09 12:13:46.827  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_open_req: type: 1, role: 0, tcid:3
09-09 12:13:46.827  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :[0][3].scb_hdl = 2
09-09 12:13:46.828  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_tbl_to_idx: 1
09-09 12:13:46.828  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_tbl_to_idx: 1
09-09 12:13:46.828  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :[26] = 1
09-09 12:13:46.828  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :[0][3].lcid = 0x5a
09-09 12:13:46.828  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=21
09-09 12:13:46.828  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
09-09 12:13:46.831  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
09-09 12:13:46.831  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
09-09 12:13:46.831  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
09-09 12:13:46.831  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=5
09-09 12:13:46.831  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
09-09 12:13:46.831  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=14
09-09 12:13:46.831  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
09-09 12:13:46.831  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:1, msg:2, sig:12
09-09 12:13:46.831  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
09-09 12:13:46.831  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
09-09 12:13:46.831  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
09-09 12:13:46.839  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_connect_cfm_cback lcid: 90, result: 0
09-09 12:13:46.840  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback: lcid: 90
09-09 12:13:46.840  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback: peer_mtu: 1005, lcid: 90
09-09 12:13:46.856  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
09-09 12:13:46.856  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
09-09 12:13:46.856  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 3 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18b38 scb_index=0
09-09 12:13:46.856  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=5
09-09 12:13:46.856  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 3 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18b38 scb_index=0
09-09 12:13:46.856  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=14
09-09 12:13:46.856  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
09-09 12:13:46.856  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:2, msg:2, sig:12
09-09 12:13:46.856  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
09-09 12:13:46.856  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
09-09 12:13:46.856  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
09-09 12:13:46.872  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_cfm_cback: lcid: 90
09-09 12:13:46.872  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_open_ind: p_tbl:0x73b7b1ca16 state:5 ccb_idx:0 tcid:3 scb_hdl:2
09-09 12:13:46.872  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : LookupAvdtpScb: ccb_idx:0 tcid:3 scb_hdl:2
09-09 12:13:46.872  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
09-09 12:13:46.872  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 3, type: 1
09-09 12:13:46.872  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_hdl_tc_open: psc_mask: cfg: 0x102, req:0x2, cur: 0x2
09-09 12:13:46.873  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
09-09 12:13:46.873  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_type_to_tcid: type:1, tcid: 3
09-09 12:13:46.881  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_CloseReq: handle=2
09-09 12:13:46.881  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
09-09 12:13:46.881  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
09-09 12:13:46.881  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:5, msg:0, sig:8
09-09 12:13:46.881  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
09-09 12:13:46.881  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_CloseReq: result=0
09-09 12:13:46.901  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
09-09 12:13:46.901  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=2, sig=0
09-09 12:13:46.901  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
09-09 12:13:46.901  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_type_to_tcid: type:1, tcid: 3
09-09 12:13:46.901  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_close_req state: 6
09-09 12:13:46.901  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_type_to_tcid: type:1, tcid: 3
09-09 12:13:46.901  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=21
09-09 12:13:46.901  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
09-09 12:13:46.920  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_disconnect_cfm_cback lcid: 90, result: 0
09-09 12:13:46.920  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_close_ind: tcid: 3, old: 6
09-09 12:13:46.920  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : LookupAvdtpScb: ccb_idx:0 tcid:3 scb_hdl:2
09-09 12:13:46.920  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
09-09 12:13:46.920  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 3, type: 1
09-09 12:13:46.920  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=UL_CLOSE_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=2
09-09 12:13:46.920  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=UL_CLOSE_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 W bt_avp  : AVDT_ConnectReq: address=ac:43:6e:73:db:c5 channel_index=0 sec_mask=0x12
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_CONNECT_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=30
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_CONNECT_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=34
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_ll_opened peer ac:43:6e:73:db:c5 BtaAvScbIndex=0 p_ccb=0x73b7b187c0
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 W bt_avp  : AVDT_ConnectReq: address=ac:43:6e:73:db:c5 result=0
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_OpenReq: handle=1 seid=1
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_OpenReq: codec:         name: SBC
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      samp_freq: 44100 (0x20)
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      ch_mode: Joint (0x01)
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      block_len: 16 (0x10)
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      num_subbands: 8 (0x04)
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      alloc_method: Loundess (0x01)
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      Bit pool Min: 2 Max: 53
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_snd_setconfig_req: codec:   name: SBC
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      samp_freq: 44100 (0x20)
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      ch_mode: Joint (0x01)
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      block_len: 16 (0x10)
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      num_subbands: 8 (0x04)
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      alloc_method: Loundess (0x01)
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      Bit pool Min: 2 Max: 53
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:6, msg:0, sig:3
09-09 12:13:46.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
09-09 12:13:46.922  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=UL_OPEN_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=29
09-09 12:13:46.922  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=UL_OPEN_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
09-09 12:13:46.922  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_OpenReq: result=0
09-09 12:13:46.931  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
09-09 12:13:46.931  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=2, sig=0
09-09 12:13:46.931  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
09-09 12:13:46.931  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
09-09 12:13:46.931  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
09-09 12:13:46.931  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=21
09-09 12:13:46.931  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
09-09 12:13:46.931  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:7, msg:0, sig:6
09-09 12:13:46.949  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
09-09 12:13:46.949  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=2, sig=0
09-09 12:13:46.949  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
09-09 12:13:46.949  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_type_to_tcid: type:1, tcid: 1
09-09 12:13:46.949  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_open_req: type: 1, role: 0, tcid:1
09-09 12:13:46.950  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :[0][1].scb_hdl = 1
09-09 12:13:46.950  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_tbl_to_idx: 1
09-09 12:13:46.950  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_tbl_to_idx: 1
09-09 12:13:46.950  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :[8] = 1
09-09 12:13:46.950  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :[0][1].lcid = 0x48
09-09 12:13:46.950  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=21
09-09 12:13:46.950  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
09-09 12:13:46.960  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_connect_cfm_cback lcid: 72, result: 0
09-09 12:13:46.963  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback: lcid: 72
09-09 12:13:46.963  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback: peer_mtu: 1005, lcid: 72
09-09 12:13:46.971  2784  3361 I bt_avp  : AVRC_FindService uuid: 110e
09-09 12:13:46.971  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_Open role: 1, control:67 status:0, handle:1
09-09 12:13:46.972  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_cfm_cback: lcid: 72
09-09 12:13:46.972  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_open_ind: p_tbl:0x73b7b1ca16 state:5 ccb_idx:0 tcid:1 scb_hdl:1
09-09 12:13:46.972  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : LookupAvdtpScb: ccb_idx:0 tcid:1 scb_hdl:1
09-09 12:13:46.972  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
09-09 12:13:46.972  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 1, type: 1
09-09 12:13:46.972  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_hdl_tc_open: psc_mask: cfg: 0x102, req:0x2, cur: 0x2
09-09 12:13:46.974  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
09-09 12:13:46.974  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_type_to_tcid: type:1, tcid: 1
09-09 12:13:46.974  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:1, offset:11, len: 11
09-09 12:13:46.974  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
09-09 12:13:46.974  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 0 ctype = 12 len = 18
09-09 12:13:46.990  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:1, offset:11, len: 11
09-09 12:13:46.990  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
09-09 12:13:46.990  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 1 ctype = 12 len = 19
09-09 12:13:46.996  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
09-09 12:13:46.996  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
09-09 12:13:46.997  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 0 ctype = 15 len = 12
09-09 12:13:47.004  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:1, offset:11, len: 10
09-09 12:13:47.004  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
09-09 12:13:47.005  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 1 ctype = 12 len = 19
09-09 12:13:47.005  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
09-09 12:13:47.005  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
09-09 12:13:47.006  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 2 ctype = 15 len = 19
09-09 12:13:47.008  2784  3361 I bt_avp  : avrc_sdp_cback status: 0
09-09 12:13:47.008  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 1 ctype = 3 len = 15
09-09 12:13:47.009  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC: starting timer (handle=0x00, label=0x01)
09-09 12:13:47.017  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:1, offset:11, len: 10
09-09 12:13:47.017  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
09-09 12:13:47.017  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 1 ctype = 12 len = 19
09-09 12:13:47.018  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
09-09 12:13:47.018  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
09-09 12:13:47.018  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 3 ctype = 15 len = 15
09-09 12:13:47.035  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
09-09 12:13:47.035  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
09-09 12:13:47.036  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 1 ctype = 15 len = 11
09-09 12:13:47.052  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
09-09 12:13:47.052  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
09-09 12:13:47.053  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 4 ctype = 15 len = 15
09-09 12:13:47.055  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 5 ctype = 9 len = 108
09-09 12:13:47.061  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
09-09 12:13:47.061  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
09-09 12:13:47.061  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 6 ctype = 15 len = 13
09-09 12:13:47.079  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:1, offset:11, len: 47
09-09 12:13:47.079  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
09-09 12:13:47.080  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 5 ctype = 12 len = 58
09-09 12:13:47.081  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 7 ctype = 9 len = 4
09-09 12:13:49.009  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC: command timeout (handle=0x00, label=0x01)


09-09 12:15:28.775  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
09-09 12:15:28.775  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
09-09 12:15:28.775  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
09-09 12:15:28.775  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
09-09 12:15:28.775  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
09-09 12:15:28.775  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:3, msg:2, sig:8
09-09 12:15:28.776  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
09-09 12:15:29.259  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_disconnect_ind_cback lcid: 72, ack_needed: 1
09-09 12:15:29.260  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_close_ind: tcid: 1, old: 6
09-09 12:15:29.260  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : LookupAvdtpScb: ccb_idx:0 tcid:1 scb_hdl:1
09-09 12:15:29.260  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
09-09 12:15:29.260  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 1, type: 1
09-09 12:15:29.303  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 0 ctype = 13 len = 12
09-09 12:15:29.515  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_Close handle:0
09-09 12:15:29.515  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC: Flushing command queue for handle=0x00
09-09 12:15:29.515  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC: Flushing command queue for handle=0x00
09-09 12:15:29.516  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_disconnect_ind_cback lcid: 66, ack_needed: 1
09-09 12:15:29.516  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_close_ind: tcid: 0, old: 6
09-09 12:15:29.516  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=LL_CLOSE_EVT state=CCB_IDLE_ST action=33
09-09 12:15:29.516  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_ll_closed peer ac:43:6e:73:db:c5
09-09 12:15:29.516  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_dealloc: deallocated (index 0) peer=ac:43:6e:73:db:c5 p_ccb=0x73b7b187c0
09-09 12:15:29.516  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=LL_CLOSE_EVT state=CCB_IDLE_ST action=36


	Line 1: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 W bt_avp  : AVDT_ConnectReq: address=ac:43:6e:73:db:c5 channel_index=0 sec_mask=0x12
	Line 2: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_CONNECT_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=30
	Line 6: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_CONNECT_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=34
	Line 7: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_ll_opened peer ac:43:6e:73:db:c5 BtaAvScbIndex=0 p_ccb=0x73b7b187c0
	Line 13: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 W bt_avp  : AVDT_ConnectReq: address=ac:43:6e:73:db:c5 result=0
	Line 29: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_OpenReq: handle=1 seid=1
	Line 30: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
	Line 31: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_OpenReq: codec:         name: SBC
	Line 32: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      samp_freq: 44100 (0x20)
	Line 33: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      ch_mode: Joint (0x01)
	Line 34: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      block_len: 16 (0x10)
	Line 35: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      num_subbands: 8 (0x04)
	Line 36: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      alloc_method: Loundess (0x01)
	Line 37: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      Bit pool Min: 2 Max: 53
	Line 38: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_snd_setconfig_req: codec:   name: SBC
	Line 39: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      samp_freq: 44100 (0x20)
	Line 40: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      ch_mode: Joint (0x01)
	Line 41: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      block_len: 16 (0x10)
	Line 42: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      num_subbands: 8 (0x04)
	Line 43: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      alloc_method: Loundess (0x01)
	Line 44: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      Bit pool Min: 2 Max: 53
	Line 45: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 46: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:4, msg:0, sig:3
	Line 54: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 55: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=UL_OPEN_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=29
	Line 56: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=UL_OPEN_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 57: 09-09 12:17:37.713  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_OpenReq: result=0
	Line 96: 09-09 12:17:37.732  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 97: 09-09 12:17:37.732  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=2, sig=0
	Line 98: 09-09 12:17:37.732  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
	Line 99: 09-09 12:17:37.732  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 100: 09-09 12:17:37.732  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 101: 09-09 12:17:37.732  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=21
	Line 102: 09-09 12:17:37.732  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 103: 09-09 12:17:37.732  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:5, msg:0, sig:6
	Line 121: 09-09 12:17:37.756  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 122: 09-09 12:17:37.756  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=2, sig=0
	Line 123: 09-09 12:17:37.756  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
	Line 124: 09-09 12:17:37.756  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_type_to_tcid: type:1, tcid: 1
	Line 125: 09-09 12:17:37.756  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_open_req: type: 1, role: 0, tcid:1
	Line 126: 09-09 12:17:37.756  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :[0][1].scb_hdl = 1
	Line 154: 09-09 12:17:37.756  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_tbl_to_idx: 1
	Line 155: 09-09 12:17:37.756  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_tbl_to_idx: 1
	Line 156: 09-09 12:17:37.756  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :[21] = 1
	Line 157: 09-09 12:17:37.756  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :[0][1].lcid = 0x55
	Line 158: 09-09 12:17:37.756  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=21
	Line 159: 09-09 12:17:37.757  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 168: 09-09 12:17:37.773  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_connect_cfm_cback lcid: 85, result: 0
	Line 183: 09-09 12:17:37.775  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback: lcid: 85
	Line 184: 09-09 12:17:37.775  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback: peer_mtu: 1005, lcid: 85
	Line 202: 09-09 12:17:37.781  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_cfm_cback: lcid: 85
	Line 203: 09-09 12:17:37.781  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_open_ind: p_tbl:0x73b7b1ca16 state:5 ccb_idx:0 tcid:1 scb_hdl:1
	Line 204: 09-09 12:17:37.781  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : LookupAvdtpScb: ccb_idx:0 tcid:1 scb_hdl:1
	Line 205: 09-09 12:17:37.781  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
	Line 206: 09-09 12:17:37.781  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 1, type: 1
	Line 207: 09-09 12:17:37.781  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_hdl_tc_open: psc_mask: cfg: 0x102, req:0x2, cur: 0x2
	Line 219: 09-09 12:17:37.781  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
	Line 220: 09-09 12:17:37.781  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_type_to_tcid: type:1, tcid: 1
	Line 430: 09-09 12:17:37.849  2784  3361 I bt_avp  : AVRC_FindService uuid: 110e
	Line 454: 09-09 12:17:37.849  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_Open role: 1, control:67 status:0, handle:0
	Line 522: 09-09 12:17:37.859  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:1, offset:11, len: 11
	Line 523: 09-09 12:17:37.859  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 524: 09-09 12:17:37.859  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 0 ctype = 12 len = 18
	Line 687: 09-09 12:17:37.870  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:1, offset:11, len: 11
	Line 688: 09-09 12:17:37.870  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 694: 09-09 12:17:37.870  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 1 ctype = 12 len = 19
	Line 784: 09-09 12:17:37.912  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
	Line 785: 09-09 12:17:37.912  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 787: 09-09 12:17:37.913  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 0 ctype = 15 len = 12
	Line 813: 09-09 12:17:37.914  2784  3361 I bt_avp  : avrc_sdp_cback status: 0
	Line 841: 09-09 12:17:37.914  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 1 ctype = 3 len = 15
	Line 853: 09-09 12:17:37.914  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC: starting timer (handle=0x01, label=0x01)
	Line 868: 09-09 12:17:37.918  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:1, offset:11, len: 10
	Line 869: 09-09 12:17:37.918  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 871: 09-09 12:17:37.919  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 1 ctype = 12 len = 19
	Line 884: 09-09 12:17:37.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
	Line 885: 09-09 12:17:37.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 889: 09-09 12:17:37.922  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 2 ctype = 15 len = 19
	Line 914: 09-09 12:17:37.956  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:1, offset:11, len: 10
	Line 915: 09-09 12:17:37.956  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 917: 09-09 12:17:37.956  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 1 ctype = 12 len = 19
	Line 930: 09-09 12:17:37.957  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
	Line 931: 09-09 12:17:37.957  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 933: 09-09 12:17:37.957  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 3 ctype = 15 len = 15
	Line 958: 09-09 12:17:37.992  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
	Line 959: 09-09 12:17:37.992  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 962: 09-09 12:17:37.994  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 1 ctype = 15 len = 11
	Line 981: 09-09 12:17:38.001  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
	Line 982: 09-09 12:17:38.001  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 985: 09-09 12:17:38.001  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 4 ctype = 15 len = 15
	Line 1002: 09-09 12:17:38.004  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 5 ctype = 9 len = 108
	Line 1023: 09-09 12:17:38.007  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
	Line 1024: 09-09 12:17:38.007  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 1025: 09-09 12:17:38.007  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 6 ctype = 15 len = 13
	Line 1050: 09-09 12:17:38.029  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:1, offset:11, len: 47
	Line 1051: 09-09 12:17:38.029  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 1053: 09-09 12:17:38.029  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 5 ctype = 12 len = 58
	Line 1076: 09-09 12:17:38.034  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 7 ctype = 9 len = 4
	Line 1241: 09-09 12:17:38.232  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 1242: 09-09 12:17:38.232  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
	Line 1243: 09-09 12:17:38.232  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
	Line 1244: 09-09 12:17:38.232  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
	Line 1245: 09-09 12:17:38.232  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 1246: 09-09 12:17:38.232  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:6, msg:2, sig:8
	Line 1257: 09-09 12:17:38.232  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 1269: 09-09 12:17:38.249  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_disconnect_ind_cback lcid: 85, ack_needed: 1
	Line 1286: 09-09 12:17:38.250  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_close_ind: tcid: 1, old: 6
	Line 1287: 09-09 12:17:38.250  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : LookupAvdtpScb: ccb_idx:0 tcid:1 scb_hdl:1
	Line 1288: 09-09 12:17:38.250  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
	Line 1289: 09-09 12:17:38.250  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 1, type: 1
	Line 1530: 09-09 12:17:38.262  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_Close handle:1
	Line 1531: 09-09 12:17:38.262  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC: Flushing command queue for handle=0x01
	Line 1534: 09-09 12:17:38.262  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC: Flushing command queue for handle=0x01
	Line 1538: 09-09 12:17:38.262  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_disconnect_ind_cback lcid: 65, ack_needed: 1
	Line 1549: 09-09 12:17:38.263  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_close_ind: tcid: 0, old: 6
	Line 1550: 09-09 12:17:38.263  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=LL_CLOSE_EVT state=CCB_IDLE_ST action=33
	Line 1551: 09-09 12:17:38.263  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_ll_closed peer ac:43:6e:73:db:c5
	Line 1552: 09-09 12:17:38.263  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_dealloc: deallocated (index 0) peer=ac:43:6e:73:db:c5 p_ccb=0x73b7b187c0
	Line 1557: 09-09 12:17:38.263  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=LL_CLOSE_EVT state=CCB_IDLE_ST action=36
	Line 1764: 09-09 12:17:38.864  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_alloc_by_channel_index: allocated (index 0) peer=ac:43:6e:73:db:c5 p_ccb=0x73b7b187c0
	Line 1775: 09-09 12:17:38.864  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_sec_check_complete_term res: 0
	Line 1780: 09-09 12:17:38.865  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_tbl_to_idx: 0
	Line 1799: 09-09 12:17:38.884  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback: lcid: 70
	Line 1800: 09-09 12:17:38.884  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback: peer_mtu: 672, lcid: 70
	Line 1815: 09-09 12:17:38.889  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_cfm_cback: lcid: 70
	Line 1816: 09-09 12:17:38.889  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_open_ind: p_tbl:0x73b7b1ca08 state:5 ccb_idx:0 tcid:0 scb_hdl:0
	Line 1821: 09-09 12:17:38.889  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=LL_OPEN_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=34
	Line 1822: 09-09 12:17:38.889  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_ll_opened peer ac:43:6e:73:db:c5 BtaAvScbIndex=0 p_ccb=0x73b7b187c0
	Line 1825: 09-09 12:17:38.889  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=LL_OPEN_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 1915: 09-09 12:17:38.905  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 1916: 09-09 12:17:38.905  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
	Line 1917: 09-09 12:17:38.905  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_DISCOVER_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=3
	Line 1918: 09-09 12:17:38.905  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_hdl_discover_cmd: p_ccb index=0
	Line 1919: 09-09 12:17:38.905  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_DISCOVER_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=12
	Line 1920: 09-09 12:17:38.905  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 1921: 09-09 12:17:38.905  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:0, msg:2, sig:1
	Line 1929: 09-09 12:17:38.905  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 1930: 09-09 12:17:38.905  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_DISCOVER_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 1931: 09-09 12:17:38.905  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_DISCOVER_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 1940: 09-09 12:17:38.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 1941: 09-09 12:17:38.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
	Line 1942: 09-09 12:17:38.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
	Line 1943: 09-09 12:17:38.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=5
	Line 1944: 09-09 12:17:38.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
	Line 1945: 09-09 12:17:38.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=14
	Line 1946: 09-09 12:17:38.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 1947: 09-09 12:17:38.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:1, msg:2, sig:12
	Line 1955: 09-09 12:17:38.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 1956: 09-09 12:17:38.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 1957: 09-09 12:17:38.921  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 1968: 09-09 12:17:38.938  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 1969: 09-09 12:17:38.938  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
	Line 1970: 09-09 12:17:38.938  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 1971: 09-09 12:17:38.938  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=5
	Line 1972: 09-09 12:17:38.938  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 1973: 09-09 12:17:38.938  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=14
	Line 1974: 09-09 12:17:38.938  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 1975: 09-09 12:17:38.938  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:2, msg:2, sig:12
	Line 1983: 09-09 12:17:38.939  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 1984: 09-09 12:17:38.939  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 1985: 09-09 12:17:38.939  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 1992: 09-09 12:17:38.954  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 1993: 09-09 12:17:38.954  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
	Line 1994: 09-09 12:17:38.954  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 3 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18b38 scb_index=0
	Line 1995: 09-09 12:17:38.954  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=5
	Line 1996: 09-09 12:17:38.954  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 3 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18b38 scb_index=0
	Line 1997: 09-09 12:17:38.954  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=14
	Line 1998: 09-09 12:17:38.955  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 1999: 09-09 12:17:38.955  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:3, msg:2, sig:12
	Line 2007: 09-09 12:17:38.955  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 2008: 09-09 12:17:38.955  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 2009: 09-09 12:17:38.955  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 2014: 09-09 12:17:38.976  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 2015: 09-09 12:17:38.976  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
	Line 2016: 09-09 12:17:38.976  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 2017: 09-09 12:17:38.976  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : elem=1 elem_len: 0 psc_mask=0x2
	Line 2018: 09-09 12:17:38.976  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : elem=7 elem_len: 8 psc_mask=0x82
	Line 2019: 09-09 12:17:38.976  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : err=0x0, elem:0x7 psc_mask=0x2
	Line 2020: 09-09 12:17:38.976  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 2021: 09-09 12:17:38.976  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_hdl_setconfig_cmd: p_scb->in_use=0 p_avdt_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 2022: 09-09 12:17:38.976  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_hdl_setconfig_cmd: codec:   name: AAC
	Line 2023: 09-09 12:17:38.976  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      objectType: (MPEG-2 AAC LC) (0x80)
	Line 2024: 09-09 12:17:38.976  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      samp_freq: 44100 (0x0001)
	Line 2025: 09-09 12:17:38.976  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      ch_mode: Stereo (0x04)
	Line 2026: 09-09 12:17:38.976  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      variableBitRateSupport: false
	Line 2027: 09-09 12:17:38.976  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      bitRate: 320000
	Line 2028: 09-09 12:17:38.977  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_hdl_setconfig_cmd: codec:   name: AAC
	Line 2029: 09-09 12:17:38.977  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      objectType: (MPEG-2 AAC LC) (0x80)
	Line 2030: 09-09 12:17:38.977  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      samp_freq: 44100 (0x0001)
	Line 2031: 09-09 12:17:38.977  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      ch_mode: Stereo (0x04)
	Line 2032: 09-09 12:17:38.977  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      variableBitRateSupport: false
	Line 2033: 09-09 12:17:38.977  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      bitRate: 320000
	Line 2109: 09-09 12:17:38.978  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_ConfigRsp: handle=2 label=4 error_code=0x0 category=0
	Line 2110: 09-09 12:17:38.978  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 2111: 09-09 12:17:38.978  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 2112: 09-09 12:17:38.979  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:4, msg:2, sig:3
	Line 2120: 09-09 12:17:38.979  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 2121: 09-09 12:17:38.979  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_ConfigRsp: result=0
	Line 2123: 09-09 12:17:38.979  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_DiscoverReq
	Line 2124: 09-09 12:17:38.979  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_DISCOVER_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=11
	Line 2125: 09-09 12:17:38.979  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 2126: 09-09 12:17:38.979  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:0, msg:0, sig:1
	Line 2134: 09-09 12:17:38.979  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 2135: 09-09 12:17:38.979  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_DISCOVER_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 2136: 09-09 12:17:38.979  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_DiscoverReq: result=0
	Line 2177: 09-09 12:17:38.993  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 2178: 09-09 12:17:38.993  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
	Line 2179: 09-09 12:17:38.993  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 2180: 09-09 12:17:38.993  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 2181: 09-09 12:17:38.993  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_type_to_tcid: type:1, tcid: 3
	Line 2182: 09-09 12:17:38.993  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_open_req: type: 1, role: 1, tcid:3
	Line 2183: 09-09 12:17:38.993  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :[0][3].scb_hdl = 2
	Line 2184: 09-09 12:17:38.993  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 2185: 09-09 12:17:38.993  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:5, msg:2, sig:6
	Line 2193: 09-09 12:17:38.993  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 2198: 09-09 12:17:39.009  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 2199: 09-09 12:17:39.009  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=2, sig=0
	Line 2200: 09-09 12:17:39.009  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_DISCOVER_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=2
	Line 2201: 09-09 12:17:39.009  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_DISCOVER_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=4
	Line 2205: 09-09 12:17:39.009  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=21
	Line 2206: 09-09 12:17:39.010  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 2216: 09-09 12:17:39.010  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_GetCapReq
	Line 2217: 09-09 12:17:39.010  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_get_cap_req
	Line 2218: 09-09 12:17:39.010  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=13
	Line 2219: 09-09 12:17:39.010  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 2220: 09-09 12:17:39.010  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:1, msg:0, sig:12
	Line 2228: 09-09 12:17:39.010  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 2229: 09-09 12:17:39.010  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 2230: 09-09 12:17:39.010  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_get_cap_req: result=0
	Line 2231: 09-09 12:17:39.010  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_GetCapReq: result=0
	Line 2263: 09-09 12:17:39.011  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_tbl_to_idx: 1
	Line 2283: 09-09 12:17:39.031  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 2284: 09-09 12:17:39.031  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=2, sig=0
	Line 2285: 09-09 12:17:39.031  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : elem=1 elem_len: 0 psc_mask=0x2
	Line 2286: 09-09 12:17:39.031  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : elem=7 elem_len: 6 psc_mask=0x82
	Line 2287: 09-09 12:17:39.031  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : err=0x0, elem:0x7 psc_mask=0x2
	Line 2288: 09-09 12:17:39.031  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=2
	Line 2289: 09-09 12:17:39.031  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=6
	Line 2293: 09-09 12:17:39.031  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=21
	Line 2294: 09-09 12:17:39.031  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 2331: 09-09 12:17:39.031  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_GetCapReq
	Line 2332: 09-09 12:17:39.031  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_get_cap_req
	Line 2333: 09-09 12:17:39.031  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=13
	Line 2334: 09-09 12:17:39.031  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 2335: 09-09 12:17:39.032  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:2, msg:0, sig:12
	Line 2344: 09-09 12:17:39.032  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 2345: 09-09 12:17:39.032  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 2346: 09-09 12:17:39.032  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_get_cap_req: result=0
	Line 2347: 09-09 12:17:39.032  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_GetCapReq: result=0
	Line 2355: 09-09 12:17:39.032  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback: lcid: 71
	Line 2356: 09-09 12:17:39.032  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback: peer_mtu: 1005, lcid: 71
	Line 2370: 09-09 12:17:39.033  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_cfm_cback: lcid: 71
	Line 2371: 09-09 12:17:39.033  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_open_ind: p_tbl:0x73b7b1ca16 state:5 ccb_idx:0 tcid:3 scb_hdl:2
	Line 2372: 09-09 12:17:39.033  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : LookupAvdtpScb: ccb_idx:0 tcid:3 scb_hdl:2
	Line 2373: 09-09 12:17:39.033  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 2374: 09-09 12:17:39.033  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 3, type: 1
	Line 2375: 09-09 12:17:39.033  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_hdl_tc_open: psc_mask: cfg: 0x102, req:0x2, cur: 0x2
	Line 2384: 09-09 12:17:39.033  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 2385: 09-09 12:17:39.033  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_type_to_tcid: type:1, tcid: 3
	Line 2535: 09-09 12:17:39.049  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 2536: 09-09 12:17:39.049  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=2, sig=0
	Line 2537: 09-09 12:17:39.049  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : elem=1 elem_len: 0 psc_mask=0x2
	Line 2538: 09-09 12:17:39.049  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : elem=7 elem_len: 8 psc_mask=0x82
	Line 2539: 09-09 12:17:39.049  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : err=0x0, elem:0x7 psc_mask=0x2
	Line 2540: 09-09 12:17:39.050  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=2
	Line 2541: 09-09 12:17:39.050  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=6
	Line 2545: 09-09 12:17:39.050  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=21
	Line 2546: 09-09 12:17:39.050  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 2831: 09-09 12:17:39.142  2784  3361 I bt_avp  : AVRC_FindService uuid: 110e
	Line 2855: 09-09 12:17:39.143  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_Open role: 1, control:67 status:0, handle:1
	Line 2916: 09-09 12:17:39.155  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:1, offset:11, len: 11
	Line 2917: 09-09 12:17:39.155  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 2918: 09-09 12:17:39.155  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 0 ctype = 12 len = 18
	Line 3033: 09-09 12:17:39.181  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:1, offset:11, len: 11
	Line 3034: 09-09 12:17:39.181  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 3035: 09-09 12:17:39.181  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 1 ctype = 12 len = 19
	Line 3109: 09-09 12:17:39.198  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
	Line 3110: 09-09 12:17:39.198  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 3112: 09-09 12:17:39.199  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 0 ctype = 15 len = 12
	Line 3216: 09-09 12:17:39.211  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:1, offset:11, len: 10
	Line 3217: 09-09 12:17:39.211  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 3219: 09-09 12:17:39.211  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
	Line 3220: 09-09 12:17:39.211  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 3222: 09-09 12:17:39.211  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 1 ctype = 12 len = 19
	Line 3250: 09-09 12:17:39.212  2784  3361 I bt_avp  : avrc_sdp_cback status: 0
	Line 3278: 09-09 12:17:39.213  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 1 ctype = 3 len = 15
	Line 3291: 09-09 12:17:39.213  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC: starting timer (handle=0x00, label=0x01)
	Line 3295: 09-09 12:17:39.214  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 2 ctype = 15 len = 19
	Line 3329: 09-09 12:17:39.256  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:1, offset:11, len: 10
	Line 3330: 09-09 12:17:39.256  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 3332: 09-09 12:17:39.256  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 1 ctype = 12 len = 19
	Line 3346: 09-09 12:17:39.257  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
	Line 3347: 09-09 12:17:39.257  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 3349: 09-09 12:17:39.257  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 3 ctype = 15 len = 15
	Line 3375: 09-09 12:17:39.267  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
	Line 3376: 09-09 12:17:39.267  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 3379: 09-09 12:17:39.267  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 1 ctype = 15 len = 11
	Line 3399: 09-09 12:17:39.284  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
	Line 3400: 09-09 12:17:39.284  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 3403: 09-09 12:17:39.285  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 4 ctype = 15 len = 15
	Line 3421: 09-09 12:17:39.286  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 5 ctype = 9 len = 108
	Line 3449: 09-09 12:17:39.296  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
	Line 3450: 09-09 12:17:39.296  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 3451: 09-09 12:17:39.296  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 6 ctype = 15 len = 13
	Line 3471: 09-09 12:17:39.312  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:0, ctype:1, offset:11, len: 47
	Line 3472: 09-09 12:17:39.312  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 3474: 09-09 12:17:39.313  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 5 ctype = 12 len = 58
	Line 3492: 09-09 12:17:39.314  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 0 label = 7 ctype = 9 len = 4
	Line 3973: 09-09 12:17:40.371  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 3974: 09-09 12:17:40.371  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
	Line 3975: 09-09 12:17:40.371  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 3976: 09-09 12:17:40.371  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 3977: 09-09 12:17:40.371  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 3978: 09-09 12:17:40.371  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:6, msg:2, sig:8
	Line 3989: 09-09 12:17:40.372  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 4012: 09-09 12:17:40.388  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_disconnect_ind_cback lcid: 71, ack_needed: 1
	Line 4029: 09-09 12:17:40.390  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_close_ind: tcid: 3, old: 6
	Line 4030: 09-09 12:17:40.390  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : LookupAvdtpScb: ccb_idx:0 tcid:3 scb_hdl:2
	Line 4031: 09-09 12:17:40.390  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 4032: 09-09 12:17:40.390  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 3, type: 1
	Line 4243: 09-09 12:17:40.406  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_disconnect_ind_cback lcid: 70, ack_needed: 1
	Line 4262: 09-09 12:17:40.407  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_close_ind: tcid: 0, old: 6
	Line 4263: 09-09 12:17:40.407  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=LL_CLOSE_EVT state=CCB_IDLE_ST action=33
	Line 4264: 09-09 12:17:40.407  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_ll_closed peer ac:43:6e:73:db:c5
	Line 4265: 09-09 12:17:40.407  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_dealloc: deallocated (index 0) peer=ac:43:6e:73:db:c5 p_ccb=0x73b7b187c0
	Line 4269: 09-09 12:17:40.407  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=LL_CLOSE_EVT state=CCB_IDLE_ST action=36
	Line 4331: 09-09 12:17:40.426  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_Close handle:0
	Line 4332: 09-09 12:17:40.426  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC: Flushing command queue for handle=0x00
	Line 4334: 09-09 12:17:40.426  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC: Flushing command queue for handle=0x00
	Line 4484: 09-09 12:17:40.814  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_alloc_by_channel_index: allocated (index 0) peer=ac:43:6e:73:db:c5 p_ccb=0x73b7b187c0
	Line 4495: 09-09 12:17:40.814  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_sec_check_complete_term res: 0
	Line 4500: 09-09 12:17:40.814  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_tbl_to_idx: 0
	Line 4516: 09-09 12:17:40.820  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback: lcid: 78
	Line 4517: 09-09 12:17:40.820  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback: peer_mtu: 672, lcid: 78
	Line 4532: 09-09 12:17:40.823  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_cfm_cback: lcid: 78
	Line 4533: 09-09 12:17:40.823  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_open_ind: p_tbl:0x73b7b1ca08 state:5 ccb_idx:0 tcid:0 scb_hdl:0
	Line 4538: 09-09 12:17:40.823  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=LL_OPEN_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=34
	Line 4539: 09-09 12:17:40.823  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_ll_opened peer ac:43:6e:73:db:c5 BtaAvScbIndex=0 p_ccb=0x73b7b187c0
	Line 4542: 09-09 12:17:40.823  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=LL_OPEN_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 4610: 09-09 12:17:40.825  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 4611: 09-09 12:17:40.825  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
	Line 4612: 09-09 12:17:40.825  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_DISCOVER_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=3
	Line 4613: 09-09 12:17:40.825  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_hdl_discover_cmd: p_ccb index=0
	Line 4614: 09-09 12:17:40.825  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_DISCOVER_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=12
	Line 4615: 09-09 12:17:40.825  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 4616: 09-09 12:17:40.825  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:0, msg:2, sig:1
	Line 4625: 09-09 12:17:40.826  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 4626: 09-09 12:17:40.826  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_DISCOVER_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 4627: 09-09 12:17:40.826  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_DISCOVER_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 4661: 09-09 12:17:40.842  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 4662: 09-09 12:17:40.842  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
	Line 4663: 09-09 12:17:40.842  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
	Line 4664: 09-09 12:17:40.842  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=5
	Line 4665: 09-09 12:17:40.842  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
	Line 4666: 09-09 12:17:40.842  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=14
	Line 4667: 09-09 12:17:40.842  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 4668: 09-09 12:17:40.842  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:1, msg:2, sig:12
	Line 4676: 09-09 12:17:40.842  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 4677: 09-09 12:17:40.842  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 4678: 09-09 12:17:40.842  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 4686: 09-09 12:17:40.858  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 4687: 09-09 12:17:40.858  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
	Line 4688: 09-09 12:17:40.858  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 4689: 09-09 12:17:40.858  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=5
	Line 4690: 09-09 12:17:40.858  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 4691: 09-09 12:17:40.858  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=14
	Line 4692: 09-09 12:17:40.858  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 4693: 09-09 12:17:40.858  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:2, msg:2, sig:12
	Line 4701: 09-09 12:17:40.858  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 4702: 09-09 12:17:40.858  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 4703: 09-09 12:17:40.858  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 4710: 09-09 12:17:40.874  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 4711: 09-09 12:17:40.874  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
	Line 4712: 09-09 12:17:40.874  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 3 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18b38 scb_index=0
	Line 4713: 09-09 12:17:40.874  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=5
	Line 4714: 09-09 12:17:40.874  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 3 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18b38 scb_index=0
	Line 4715: 09-09 12:17:40.874  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=14
	Line 4716: 09-09 12:17:40.874  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 4717: 09-09 12:17:40.874  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:3, msg:2, sig:12
	Line 4725: 09-09 12:17:40.875  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 4726: 09-09 12:17:40.875  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 4727: 09-09 12:17:40.875  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 4732: 09-09 12:17:40.891  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 4733: 09-09 12:17:40.891  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
	Line 4734: 09-09 12:17:40.891  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 4735: 09-09 12:17:40.891  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : elem=1 elem_len: 0 psc_mask=0x2
	Line 4736: 09-09 12:17:40.891  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : elem=7 elem_len: 8 psc_mask=0x82
	Line 4737: 09-09 12:17:40.891  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : err=0x0, elem:0x7 psc_mask=0x2
	Line 4738: 09-09 12:17:40.891  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 4739: 09-09 12:17:40.891  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_hdl_setconfig_cmd: p_scb->in_use=0 p_avdt_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 4740: 09-09 12:17:40.891  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_hdl_setconfig_cmd: codec:   name: AAC
	Line 4741: 09-09 12:17:40.891  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      objectType: (MPEG-2 AAC LC) (0x80)
	Line 4742: 09-09 12:17:40.891  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      samp_freq: 44100 (0x0001)
	Line 4743: 09-09 12:17:40.891  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      ch_mode: Stereo (0x04)
	Line 4744: 09-09 12:17:40.891  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      variableBitRateSupport: false
	Line 4745: 09-09 12:17:40.891  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      bitRate: 320000
	Line 4746: 09-09 12:17:40.891  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_hdl_setconfig_cmd: codec:   name: AAC
	Line 4747: 09-09 12:17:40.891  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      objectType: (MPEG-2 AAC LC) (0x80)
	Line 4748: 09-09 12:17:40.891  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      samp_freq: 44100 (0x0001)
	Line 4749: 09-09 12:17:40.891  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      ch_mode: Stereo (0x04)
	Line 4750: 09-09 12:17:40.891  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      variableBitRateSupport: false
	Line 4751: 09-09 12:17:40.891  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      bitRate: 320000
	Line 4827: 09-09 12:17:40.892  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_ConfigRsp: handle=2 label=4 error_code=0x0 category=0
	Line 4828: 09-09 12:17:40.892  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 4829: 09-09 12:17:40.892  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 4831: 09-09 12:17:40.892  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:4, msg:2, sig:3
	Line 4839: 09-09 12:17:40.893  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 4840: 09-09 12:17:40.893  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_ConfigRsp: result=0
	Line 4842: 09-09 12:17:40.893  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_DiscoverReq
	Line 4843: 09-09 12:17:40.893  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_DISCOVER_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=11
	Line 4844: 09-09 12:17:40.893  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 4845: 09-09 12:17:40.893  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:0, msg:0, sig:1
	Line 4853: 09-09 12:17:40.893  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 4854: 09-09 12:17:40.893  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_DISCOVER_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 4855: 09-09 12:17:40.893  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_DiscoverReq: result=0
	Line 4894: 09-09 12:17:40.902  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 4895: 09-09 12:17:40.902  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
	Line 4896: 09-09 12:17:40.902  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 4897: 09-09 12:17:40.902  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 4898: 09-09 12:17:40.902  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_type_to_tcid: type:1, tcid: 3
	Line 4899: 09-09 12:17:40.902  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_open_req: type: 1, role: 1, tcid:3
	Line 4900: 09-09 12:17:40.902  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :[0][3].scb_hdl = 2
	Line 4901: 09-09 12:17:40.902  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 4902: 09-09 12:17:40.902  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:5, msg:2, sig:6
	Line 4910: 09-09 12:17:40.902  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 4912: 09-09 12:17:40.903  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 4913: 09-09 12:17:40.903  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=2, sig=0
	Line 4914: 09-09 12:17:40.903  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_DISCOVER_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=2
	Line 4915: 09-09 12:17:40.903  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_DISCOVER_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=4
	Line 4919: 09-09 12:17:40.903  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=21
	Line 4920: 09-09 12:17:40.903  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 4930: 09-09 12:17:40.904  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_GetCapReq
	Line 4931: 09-09 12:17:40.904  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_get_cap_req
	Line 4932: 09-09 12:17:40.904  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=13
	Line 4933: 09-09 12:17:40.904  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 4934: 09-09 12:17:40.904  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:1, msg:0, sig:12
	Line 4942: 09-09 12:17:40.904  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 4943: 09-09 12:17:40.904  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 4944: 09-09 12:17:40.904  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_get_cap_req: result=0
	Line 4945: 09-09 12:17:40.904  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_GetCapReq: result=0
	Line 4981: 09-09 12:17:40.908  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_tbl_to_idx: 1
	Line 4993: 09-09 12:17:40.911  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 4994: 09-09 12:17:40.911  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=2, sig=0
	Line 4995: 09-09 12:17:40.911  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : elem=1 elem_len: 0 psc_mask=0x2
	Line 4996: 09-09 12:17:40.911  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : elem=7 elem_len: 6 psc_mask=0x82
	Line 4997: 09-09 12:17:40.911  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : err=0x0, elem:0x7 psc_mask=0x2
	Line 4998: 09-09 12:17:40.911  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=2
	Line 4999: 09-09 12:17:40.911  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=6
	Line 5003: 09-09 12:17:40.911  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=21
	Line 5004: 09-09 12:17:40.911  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 5045: 09-09 12:17:40.912  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_GetCapReq
	Line 5046: 09-09 12:17:40.912  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_get_cap_req
	Line 5047: 09-09 12:17:40.912  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=13
	Line 5048: 09-09 12:17:40.912  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 5049: 09-09 12:17:40.912  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:2, msg:0, sig:12
	Line 5058: 09-09 12:17:40.912  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 5059: 09-09 12:17:40.912  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 5060: 09-09 12:17:40.912  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_get_cap_req: result=0
	Line 5061: 09-09 12:17:40.912  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_GetCapReq: result=0
	Line 5073: 09-09 12:17:40.915  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback: lcid: 82
	Line 5074: 09-09 12:17:40.915  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback: peer_mtu: 1005, lcid: 82
	Line 5088: 09-09 12:17:40.915  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_cfm_cback: lcid: 82
	Line 5089: 09-09 12:17:40.915  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_open_ind: p_tbl:0x73b7b1ca16 state:5 ccb_idx:0 tcid:3 scb_hdl:2
	Line 5090: 09-09 12:17:40.916  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : LookupAvdtpScb: ccb_idx:0 tcid:3 scb_hdl:2
	Line 5091: 09-09 12:17:40.916  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 5092: 09-09 12:17:40.916  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 3, type: 1
	Line 5093: 09-09 12:17:40.916  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_hdl_tc_open: psc_mask: cfg: 0x102, req:0x2, cur: 0x2
	Line 5106: 09-09 12:17:40.916  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 5107: 09-09 12:17:40.916  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_type_to_tcid: type:1, tcid: 3
	Line 5172: 09-09 12:17:40.919  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 5173: 09-09 12:17:40.919  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=2, sig=0
	Line 5174: 09-09 12:17:40.919  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : elem=1 elem_len: 0 psc_mask=0x2
	Line 5175: 09-09 12:17:40.919  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : elem=7 elem_len: 8 psc_mask=0x82
	Line 5176: 09-09 12:17:40.919  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : err=0x0, elem:0x7 psc_mask=0x2
	Line 5177: 09-09 12:17:40.919  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=2
	Line 5178: 09-09 12:17:40.919  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=6
	Line 5182: 09-09 12:17:40.920  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=21
	Line 5183: 09-09 12:17:40.920  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 5500: 09-09 12:17:40.954  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 5501: 09-09 12:17:40.954  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=2, sig=0
	Line 5502: 09-09 12:17:40.954  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 5503: 09-09 12:17:40.954  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_type_to_tcid: type:1, tcid: 3
	Line 5504: 09-09 12:17:40.954  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_close_req state: 6
	Line 5505: 09-09 12:17:40.955  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_type_to_tcid: type:1, tcid: 3
	Line 5513: 09-09 12:17:40.955  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=21
	Line 5514: 09-09 12:17:40.955  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 5544: 09-09 12:17:40.997  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 5545: 09-09 12:17:40.997  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=2, sig=0
	Line 5546: 09-09 12:17:40.997  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
	Line 5547: 09-09 12:17:40.997  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_type_to_tcid: type:1, tcid: 1
	Line 5548: 09-09 12:17:40.997  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_open_req: type: 1, role: 0, tcid:1
	Line 5549: 09-09 12:17:40.997  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :[0][1].scb_hdl = 1
	Line 5577: 09-09 12:17:40.998  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_tbl_to_idx: 1
	Line 5578: 09-09 12:17:40.998  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_tbl_to_idx: 1
	Line 5579: 09-09 12:17:40.998  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :[3] = 1
	Line 5580: 09-09 12:17:40.998  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :[0][1].lcid = 0x43
	Line 5581: 09-09 12:17:40.998  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=21
	Line 5582: 09-09 12:17:40.998  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RCVRSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 5592: 09-09 12:17:41.016  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_connect_cfm_cback lcid: 67, result: 0
	Line 5607: 09-09 12:17:41.017  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback: lcid: 67
	Line 5608: 09-09 12:17:41.017  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback: peer_mtu: 1005, lcid: 67
	Line 5630: 09-09 12:17:41.021  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_cfm_cback: lcid: 67
	Line 5631: 09-09 12:17:41.021  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_open_ind: p_tbl:0x73b7b1ca16 state:5 ccb_idx:0 tcid:1 scb_hdl:1
	Line 5632: 09-09 12:17:41.021  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : LookupAvdtpScb: ccb_idx:0 tcid:1 scb_hdl:1
	Line 5633: 09-09 12:17:41.021  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
	Line 5634: 09-09 12:17:41.021  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 1, type: 1
	Line 5635: 09-09 12:17:41.021  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_hdl_tc_open: psc_mask: cfg: 0x102, req:0x2, cur: 0x2
	Line 5643: 09-09 12:17:41.021  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
	Line 5644: 09-09 12:17:41.021  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_type_to_tcid: type:1, tcid: 1
	Line 5853: 09-09 12:17:41.086  2784  3361 I bt_avp  : AVRC_FindService uuid: 110e
	Line 5877: 09-09 12:17:41.087  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_Open role: 1, control:67 status:0, handle:0
	Line 5932: 09-09 12:17:41.088  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:1, offset:11, len: 11
	Line 5933: 09-09 12:17:41.088  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 5934: 09-09 12:17:41.088  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 0 ctype = 12 len = 18
	Line 6055: 09-09 12:17:41.097  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:1, offset:11, len: 11
	Line 6056: 09-09 12:17:41.097  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 6057: 09-09 12:17:41.097  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 1 ctype = 12 len = 19
	Line 6118: 09-09 12:17:41.121  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
	Line 6119: 09-09 12:17:41.121  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 6121: 09-09 12:17:41.121  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 0 ctype = 15 len = 12
	Line 6154: 09-09 12:17:41.138  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:1, offset:11, len: 10
	Line 6155: 09-09 12:17:41.138  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 6164: 09-09 12:17:41.139  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 1 ctype = 12 len = 19
	Line 6178: 09-09 12:17:41.139  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
	Line 6179: 09-09 12:17:41.139  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 6183: 09-09 12:17:41.140  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 2 ctype = 15 len = 19
	Line 6209: 09-09 12:17:41.141  2784  3361 I bt_avp  : avrc_sdp_cback status: 0
	Line 6237: 09-09 12:17:41.141  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 1 ctype = 3 len = 15
	Line 6249: 09-09 12:17:41.142  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC: starting timer (handle=0x01, label=0x01)
	Line 6270: 09-09 12:17:41.160  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:1, offset:11, len: 10
	Line 6271: 09-09 12:17:41.160  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 6273: 09-09 12:17:41.160  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 1 ctype = 12 len = 19
	Line 6286: 09-09 12:17:41.160  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
	Line 6287: 09-09 12:17:41.160  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 6289: 09-09 12:17:41.161  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 3 ctype = 15 len = 15
	Line 6314: 09-09 12:17:41.171  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
	Line 6315: 09-09 12:17:41.171  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 6318: 09-09 12:17:41.171  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 1 ctype = 15 len = 11
	Line 6337: 09-09 12:17:41.188  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
	Line 6338: 09-09 12:17:41.188  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 6341: 09-09 12:17:41.189  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 4 ctype = 15 len = 15
	Line 6358: 09-09 12:17:41.190  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 5 ctype = 9 len = 108
	Line 6379: 09-09 12:17:41.206  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:3, offset:11, len: 15
	Line 6380: 09-09 12:17:41.206  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 6381: 09-09 12:17:41.206  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 6 ctype = 15 len = 13
	Line 6451: 09-09 12:17:41.223  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avrc_msg_cback handle:1, ctype:1, offset:11, len: 47
	Line 6452: 09-09 12:17:41.223  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : pkt_type 0
	Line 6457: 09-09 12:17:41.224  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 5 ctype = 12 len = 58
	Line 6475: 09-09 12:17:41.225  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_MsgReq handle = 1 label = 7 ctype = 9 len = 4
	Line 7483: 09-09 12:17:43.017  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 7484: 09-09 12:17:43.017  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
	Line 7485: 09-09 12:17:43.017  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
	Line 7486: 09-09 12:17:43.017  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
	Line 7487: 09-09 12:17:43.017  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 7488: 09-09 12:17:43.017  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:6, msg:2, sig:8
	Line 7499: 09-09 12:17:43.017  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 7509: 09-09 12:17:43.033  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_disconnect_ind_cback lcid: 67, ack_needed: 1
	Line 7526: 09-09 12:17:43.034  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_close_ind: tcid: 1, old: 6
	Line 7527: 09-09 12:17:43.034  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : LookupAvdtpScb: ccb_idx:0 tcid:1 scb_hdl:1
	Line 7528: 09-09 12:17:43.034  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
	Line 7529: 09-09 12:17:43.034  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 1, type: 1
	Line 7775: 09-09 12:17:43.070  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC_Close handle:1
	Line 7776: 09-09 12:17:43.070  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC: Flushing command queue for handle=0x01
	Line 7778: 09-09 12:17:43.070  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVRC: Flushing command queue for handle=0x01
	Line 7783: 09-09 12:17:43.070  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_disconnect_ind_cback lcid: 78, ack_needed: 1
	Line 7795: 09-09 12:17:43.071  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_close_ind: tcid: 0, old: 6
	Line 7796: 09-09 12:17:43.071  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=LL_CLOSE_EVT state=CCB_IDLE_ST action=33
	Line 7797: 09-09 12:17:43.071  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_ll_closed peer ac:43:6e:73:db:c5
	Line 7798: 09-09 12:17:43.071  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_dealloc: deallocated (index 0) peer=ac:43:6e:73:db:c5 p_ccb=0x73b7b187c0
	Line 7803: 09-09 12:17:43.071  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=LL_CLOSE_EVT state=CCB_IDLE_ST action=36
	Line 8042: 09-09 12:17:44.031  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_alloc_by_channel_index: allocated (index 0) peer=ac:43:6e:73:db:c5 p_ccb=0x73b7b187c0
	Line 8053: 09-09 12:17:44.032  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_sec_check_complete_term res: 0
	Line 8058: 09-09 12:17:44.032  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_tbl_to_idx: 0
	Line 8077: 09-09 12:17:44.048  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback: lcid: 95
	Line 8078: 09-09 12:17:44.048  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback: peer_mtu: 672, lcid: 95
	Line 8090: 09-09 12:17:44.049  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_config_cfm_cback: lcid: 95
	Line 8091: 09-09 12:17:44.050  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_open_ind: p_tbl:0x73b7b1ca08 state:5 ccb_idx:0 tcid:0 scb_hdl:0
	Line 8096: 09-09 12:17:44.050  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=LL_OPEN_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=34
	Line 8097: 09-09 12:17:44.050  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_ll_opened peer ac:43:6e:73:db:c5 BtaAvScbIndex=0 p_ccb=0x73b7b187c0
	Line 8100: 09-09 12:17:44.050  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=LL_OPEN_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 8192: 09-09 12:17:44.066  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 8193: 09-09 12:17:44.066  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
	Line 8194: 09-09 12:17:44.066  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_DISCOVER_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=3
	Line 8195: 09-09 12:17:44.066  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_hdl_discover_cmd: p_ccb index=0
	Line 8196: 09-09 12:17:44.066  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_DISCOVER_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=12
	Line 8197: 09-09 12:17:44.066  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 8198: 09-09 12:17:44.066  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:0, msg:2, sig:1
	Line 8206: 09-09 12:17:44.066  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 8207: 09-09 12:17:44.066  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_DISCOVER_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 8208: 09-09 12:17:44.067  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_DISCOVER_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 8217: 09-09 12:17:44.084  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 8218: 09-09 12:17:44.084  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
	Line 8219: 09-09 12:17:44.084  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
	Line 8220: 09-09 12:17:44.084  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=5
	Line 8221: 09-09 12:17:44.084  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 1 found: p_scb=0x73b7b187c8 scb_index=0
	Line 8222: 09-09 12:17:44.084  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=14
	Line 8223: 09-09 12:17:44.084  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 8224: 09-09 12:17:44.084  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:1, msg:2, sig:12
	Line 8232: 09-09 12:17:44.084  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 8233: 09-09 12:17:44.084  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 8234: 09-09 12:17:44.084  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 8247: 09-09 12:17:44.102  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 8248: 09-09 12:17:44.102  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
	Line 8249: 09-09 12:17:44.102  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 8250: 09-09 12:17:44.102  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=5
	Line 8251: 09-09 12:17:44.102  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 8252: 09-09 12:17:44.102  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=14
	Line 8253: 09-09 12:17:44.102  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 8254: 09-09 12:17:44.102  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:2, msg:2, sig:12
	Line 8262: 09-09 12:17:44.102  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 8263: 09-09 12:17:44.103  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 8264: 09-09 12:17:44.103  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 8285: 09-09 12:17:44.119  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 8286: 09-09 12:17:44.119  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
	Line 8287: 09-09 12:17:44.119  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 3 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18b38 scb_index=0
	Line 8288: 09-09 12:17:44.119  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=5
	Line 8289: 09-09 12:17:44.119  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 3 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18b38 scb_index=0
	Line 8290: 09-09 12:17:44.119  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=14
	Line 8291: 09-09 12:17:44.119  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 8292: 09-09 12:17:44.119  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:3, msg:2, sig:12
	Line 8300: 09-09 12:17:44.120  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 8301: 09-09 12:17:44.120  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_GETCAP_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 8302: 09-09 12:17:44.120  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_GETCAP_CMD_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 8307: 09-09 12:17:44.153  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : tcid: 0, type: 0
	Line 8308: 09-09 12:17:44.153  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : msg_type=0, sig=0
	Line 8309: 09-09 12:17:44.153  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 8310: 09-09 12:17:44.153  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : elem=1 elem_len: 0 psc_mask=0x2
	Line 8311: 09-09 12:17:44.153  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : elem=7 elem_len: 8 psc_mask=0x82
	Line 8312: 09-09 12:17:44.153  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : err=0x0, elem:0x7 psc_mask=0x2
	Line 8313: 09-09 12:17:44.153  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 8314: 09-09 12:17:44.153  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_hdl_setconfig_cmd: p_scb->in_use=0 p_avdt_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 8315: 09-09 12:17:44.153  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_hdl_setconfig_cmd: codec:   name: AAC
	Line 8316: 09-09 12:17:44.153  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      objectType: (MPEG-2 AAC LC) (0x80)
	Line 8317: 09-09 12:17:44.153  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      samp_freq: 44100 (0x0001)
	Line 8318: 09-09 12:17:44.153  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      ch_mode: Stereo (0x04)
	Line 8319: 09-09 12:17:44.153  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      variableBitRateSupport: false
	Line 8320: 09-09 12:17:44.153  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      bitRate: 320000
	Line 8321: 09-09 12:17:44.153  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_hdl_setconfig_cmd: codec:   name: AAC
	Line 8322: 09-09 12:17:44.153  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      objectType: (MPEG-2 AAC LC) (0x80)
	Line 8323: 09-09 12:17:44.153  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      samp_freq: 44100 (0x0001)
	Line 8324: 09-09 12:17:44.153  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      ch_mode: Stereo (0x04)
	Line 8325: 09-09 12:17:44.153  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      variableBitRateSupport: false
	Line 8326: 09-09 12:17:44.153  2784  3361 D bt_avp  :      bitRate: 320000
	Line 8402: 09-09 12:17:44.155  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_ConfigRsp: handle=2 label=4 error_code=0x0 category=0
	Line 8403: 09-09 12:17:44.155  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_scb_by_hdl: SCB for handle 2 found: p_scb=0x73b7b18980 scb_index=0
	Line 8404: 09-09 12:17:44.155  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 8405: 09-09 12:17:44.155  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:4, msg:2, sig:3
	Line 8413: 09-09 12:17:44.155  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 8414: 09-09 12:17:44.155  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_ConfigRsp: result=0
	Line 8417: 09-09 12:17:44.155  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_DiscoverReq
	Line 8418: 09-09 12:17:44.155  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_DISCOVER_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=11
	Line 8419: 09-09 12:17:44.155  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=25
	Line 8420: 09-09 12:17:44.155  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:0, msg:0, sig:1
	Line 8428: 09-09 12:17:44.155  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=SENDMSG_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=36
	Line 8429: 09-09 12:17:44.155  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=API_DISCOVER_REQ_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 8430: 09-09 12:17:44.155  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : AVDT_DiscoverReq: result=0
	Line 8502: 09-09 12:17:48.155  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RSP_TOUT_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=20
	Line 8503: 09-09 12:17:48.155  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_DISCOVER_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=2
	Line 8504: 09-09 12:17:48.155  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=MSG_DISCOVER_RSP_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=4
	Line 8508: 09-09 12:17:48.155  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=RSP_TOUT_EVT state=CCB_OPEN_ST action=24
	Line 8551: 09-09 12:17:51.060  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_l2c_disconnect_ind_cback lcid: 95, ack_needed: 0
	Line 8552: 09-09 12:17:51.061  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ad_tc_close_ind: tcid: 0, old: 6
	Line 8553: 09-09 12:17:51.061  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=LL_CLOSE_EVT state=CCB_IDLE_ST action=33
	Line 8554: 09-09 12:17:51.061  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_ll_closed peer ac:43:6e:73:db:c5
	Line 8558: 09-09 12:17:51.061  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_dealloc: deallocated (index 0) peer=ac:43:6e:73:db:c5 p_ccb=0x73b7b187c0
	Line 8561: 09-09 12:17:51.061  2784  3361 D bt_avp  : avdt_ccb_event: event=LL_CLOSE_EVT state=CCB_IDLE_ST action=36


avdt_msg_send 发送了 bt_avp  : avdt_msg_send label:0, msg:0, sig:1
avdt_ccb_rsp_ccb_timer_timeout -> avdt_ccb_event -> 





bta_av_st_rc_timer -> bta_sys_start_timer 创建定时器 超时发送事件 BTA_AV_AVRC_TIMER_EVT

avdt_ccb_event -> avdt_ccb_hdl_discover_rsp -> bta_av_proc_stream_evt -> bta_sys_sendmsg -> bta_sys_event -> bta_av_hdl_event -> bta_av_ssm_execute -> bta_av_cleanup

sink未回复 导致超时然后AVDT连接失败


Android 蓝牙(三) Settings Bluetooth 搜索流程详解
Android 蓝牙(一) Bluetooth Settings 开启流程详解





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


