部署gitlab时候出现 line1: $‘\r‘:command not found line2: html : no such file or directory





sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.22.0/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose 


sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.22.0/docker-compose-'uname -s'-'uname -m' > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose 

就是这样导致了docker-compose up的命令报错



1 卸载原来错误的docker-compose


sudo rm /usr/local/bin/docker-compose



sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.22.0/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose 


sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose


docker-compose --version
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集合了 所有的 Unix命令大全 登陆服务器时输入 公帐号 openlab-open123 telnet 自己帐号 sd08077-you0 ftp工具 tools-toolss 老师测评网址 各个 shell 可互相切换 ksh:$ sh:$ csh:guangzhou% bash:bash-3.00$ 一、注意事项 命令和参数之间必需用空格隔开,参数和参数之间也必需用空格隔开。 一行不能超过256个字符;大小写有区分。 二、特殊字符含义 文件名以“.”开头的都是隐藏文件/目录,只需在文件/目录名前加“.”就可隐藏它。 ~/ 表示主目录。 ./ 当前目录(一个点)。 ../ 上一级目录(两个点)。 ; 多个命令一起用。 > >> 输出重定向 。将一个命令的输出内容写入到一个文件里面。如果该文件存在, 就将该文件的内容覆盖; 如果不存在就先创建该文件, 然后再写入内容。 输出重定向,意思就是说,将原来屏幕输出变为文件输出,即将内容输到文件中。 < << 输入重定向。 本来命令是通过键盘得到输入的,但是用小于号,就能够使命令从文件中得到输入。 \ 表示未写完,回车换行再继续。 * 匹配零个或者多个字符。 ? 匹配一个字符。 [] 匹配中括号里的内容[a-z][A-Z][0-9]。 ! 事件。 $ 取环境变量的值。 | 管道。把前一命令的输出作为后一命令的输入,把几个命令连接起来。 |经常跟tee连用,tee 把内容保存到文档并显示出来。 三、通用后接命令符 -a 所有(all)。 -e 所有(every),比a更详细。 -f 取消保护。 -i 添加提示。 -p 强制执行。 -r 目录管理。 分屏显示的中途操作 空格<space> 继续打开下一屏; 回车<return> 继续打开下一行; b 另外开上一屏; f 另外开下一屏; h 帮助; q或Ctrl+C 退出; /字符串 从上往下查找匹配的字符串; ?字符串 从下往上查找匹配的字符串; n 继续查找。 四、退出命令 exit 退出; DOS内部命令 用于退出当前的命令处理器(COMMAND.COM) 恢复前一个命令处理器。 Ctrl+d 跟exit一样效果,表中止本次操作。 logout 当csh时可用来退出,其他shell不可用。 clear 清屏,清除(之前的内容并未删除,只是没看到,拉回上面可以看回)。 五、目录管理命令 pwd 显示当前所在目录,打印当前目录的绝对路径。 cd 进入某目录,DOS内部命令 显示或改变当前目录。 cd回车/cd ~ 都是回到自己的主目录。 cd . 当前目录(空格再加一个点)。 cd .. 回到上一级目录(空格再加两个点)。 cd ../.. 向上两级。 cd /user/s0807 从绝对路径去到某目录。 cd ~/s0807 直接进入主目录下的某目录(“cd ~"相当于主目录的路径的简写)。 ls 显示当前目录的所有目录和文件。 用法 ls [-aAbcCdeEfFghHilLmnopqrRstux1@] [file...] ls /etc/ 显示某目录下的所有文件和目录,如etc目录下的。 ls -l (list)列表显示文件(默认按文件名排序), 显示文件的权限、硬链接数(即包含文件数,普通文件是1,目录1+)、用户、组名、大小、修改日期、文件名。 ls -t (time)按修改时间排序,显示目录和文件。 ls -lt 是“-l”和“-t”的组合,按时间顺序显示列表。 ls -F 显示文件类型,目录“/ ”结尾;可执行文件“*”结尾;文本文件(none),没有结尾。 ls -R 递归显示目录结构。即该目录下的文件和各个副目录下的文件都一一显示。 ls -a 显示所有文件,包括隐藏文件。 文件权限 r 读权限。对普通文件来说,是读取该文件的权限;对目录来说,是获得该目录下的文件信息。 w 写权限。对文件,是修改;对目录,是增删文件与子目录。 (注 删除没有写权限的文件可以用 rm -f ,这是为了操作方便,是人性化的设计)。 x 执行权限;对目录,是进入该目录 - 表示没有权限 形式 - rw- r-- r-- 其中 第一个是文件类型(-表普通文件,d表目录,l表软链接文件) 第2~4个是属主,生成文件时登录的人,权限最高,用u表示 第5~7个是属组,系统管理员分配的同组的一个或几个人,用g表示 第8~10个是其他人,除属组外的人,用o表示 所有人,包括属主、属组及其他人,用a表示 chmod 更改权限; 用法 chmod [-fR] <绝对模式> 文件 ... chmod [-fR] <符号模式列表> 文件 ... 其中 <符号模式列表> 是一个用逗号分隔的表 [ugoa]{+|-|=}[rwxXlstugo] chmod u+rw 给用户加权限。同理,u-rw也可以减权限。 chmod u=rw 给用户赋权限。与加权限不一样,赋权限有覆盖的效果。 主要形式有如下几种 chmod u+rw chmod u=rw chmod u+r, u+w chmod u+rw,g+w, o+r chmod 777( 用数字的方式设置权限是最常用的) 数字表示权限时,各数位分别表示属主、属组及其他人; 其中,1是执行权(Execute),2是写权限(Write),4是读权限(Read), 具体权限相当于三种权限的数相加,如7=1+2+4,即拥有读写和执行权。 另外,临时文件/目录的权限为rwt,可写却不可删,关机后自动删除;建临时目录:chmod 777 目录名,再chmod +t 目录名。 id 显示用户有效的uid(用户字)和gid(组名) 用法 id [-ap] [user] id 显示自己的。 id root 显示root的。 id -a root 显示用户所在组的所有组名(如root用户,是所有组的组员) df 查看文件系统,查看数据区 用法 df [-F FSType] [-abeghklntVvZ] [-o FSType 特定选项] [目录 | 块设备 | 资源] df -k 以kbytes显示文件大小的查看文件系统方式 六、显示文件内容 more 分屏显示文件的内容。 用法 more [-cdflrsuw] [-行] [+行号] [+/模式] [文件名 ...]。 显示7个信息:用户名 密码 用户id(uid) 组id(gid) 描述信息(一般为空) 用户主目录 login shell(登录shell) cat 显示文件内容,不分屏(一般用在小文件,大文件显示不下);合并文件,仅在屏幕上合并,并不改变原文件。 用法 cat [ -usvtebn ] [-|文件] ... tail 实时监控文件,一般用在日志文件,可以只看其中的几行。 用法 tail [+/-[n][lbc][f]] [文件] tail [+/-[n][l][r|f]] [文件] 七、文件/目录的增删 echo 显示一行内容。 touch 如果文件/目录不存在,则创建新文件/目录;如果文件存在,那么就是更新该文件的最后访问时间, 用法 touch [-acm] [-r ref_file] 文件... touch [-acm] [MMDDhhmm[yy]] 文件... touch [-acm] [-t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS]] file... mkdir 创建目录(必须有创建目录的权限) 用法 mkdir [-m 模式] [-p] dirname ... mkdir dir1/dir2 在dir1下建dir2 mkdir dir13 dir4 dir5 连建多个 mkdir ~/games 用户主目录下建(默认在当前目录下创建) mkdir -p dir6/dir7/dir8 强制创建dir8;若没有前面的目录,会自动创建dir6和dir7。 不用-p时,若没有dir6/dir7,则创建失败。 cp 复制文件/目录 cp 源文件 目标文件 复制文件;若已有文件则覆盖 cp -r 源目录 目标目录 复制目录;若已有目录则把源目录复制到目标目录下, 没有目标目录时,相当于完全复制源目录,只是文件名不同。 cp beans apple dir2 把beans、apple文件复制到dir2目录下 cp -i beans apple 增加是否覆盖的提示 mv 移动或重命名文件/目录 用法 mv [-f] [-i] f1 f2 mv [-f] [-i] f1 ... fn d1 mv [-f] [-i] d1 d2 mv 源文件名 目标文件名 若目标文件名还没有,则是源文件重命名为目标文件;若目标文件已存在,则源文件覆盖目标文件。 mv 源文件名 目标目录 移动文件 mv 源目录 目标目录 若目标目录不存在,则源目录重命名;若目标目录已存在,则源目录移动到目标目录下。 rm 删除文件/目录 用法 rm [-fiRr] 文件 ... rm 文件名 删除文件。 rm -r 目录名 删除目录。 rm –f 文件 只要是该文件或者目录的拥有者,无论是否有权限删除,都可以用这个命令参数强行删除。 rm -rf * 删除所有文件及目录 rmdir 删除空目录。只可以删除空目录。 ln 创建硬链接或软链接,硬链接=同一文件的多个名字;软链接=快捷方式 用法 ln [-f] [-n] [-s] f1 [f2] ln [-f] [-n] [-s] f1 ... fn d1 ln [-f] [-n] -s d1 d2 ln file1 file1.ln 创建硬链接。感觉是同一文件,删除一个,对另一个没有影响;须两个都删除才算删除。 ln -s file1 file1.sln 创建软链接。可跨系统操作,冲破操作权限;也是快捷方式。 八、时间显示 date 显示时间,精确到秒 用法 date [-u] mmddHHMM[[cc]yy][.SS] date [-u] [+format] date -a [-]sss[.fff] cal 显示日历 cal 9 2008 显示2008年9月的日历; cal 显示当月的 用法 cal [ [月] 年 ] 九、帮助 man 帮助( format and display the on-line manual pages) 用法 man [-] [-adFlrt] [-M 路径] [-T 宏软件包] [-s 段] 名称 ... man [-] [-adFlrt] [-M path] [-T macro-package] [-s section] name... man [-M 路径] -k 关键字 ... man [-M 路径] -f 文件 ... awk 按一定格式输出(pattern scanning and processing language) 用法 awk [-Fc] [-f 源代码 | 'cmds'] [文件] 十、vi 底行模式 /? 命令模式 i a o 输入模式 vi 的使用方法 1、光标 h 左 j 下 k 上 l 右 set nu 显示行号(set nonu) 21 光标停在指定行 21G 第N行 (G到文件尾,1G到文件头) 如果要将光标移动到文件第一行,那么就按 1G H 屏幕头 M 屏幕中间 L 屏幕底 ^ 或 shift+6 行首 $ 或 shift+4 行尾 Ctrl+f 下翻 Ctrl+b 上翻 2、输入 (输入模式) o 光标往下换一行 O (大写字母o)在光标所在行上插入一空行 i 在光标所在位置的前面插入字母 a 在光标所在位置的后面插入一个新字母 <Esc> 退出插入状态。 3、修改替换 r 替换一个字符 dd 删除行,剪切行 (5dd删除5行) 5,10d 删除 5 至 10 行(包括第 5行和第 10 行) x 删除一个字符 dw 删除词,剪切词。 ( 3dw删除 3 单词) cw 替换一个单词。 (cw 和 dw 的区别 cw 删除某一个单词后直接进入编辑模式,而dw删除词后仍处于命令模式) cc 替换一行 C 替换从光标到行尾 yy 复制行 (用法同下的 Y ,见下行) Y 将光标移动到要复制行位置,按yy。当你想粘贴的时候,请将光标移动到你想复制的位置的前一个位置,然后按 p yw 复制词 p 当前行下粘贴 1,2co3 复制行1,2在行3之后 4,5m6 移动行4,5在行6之后 u 当你的前一个命令操作是一个误操作的时候,那么可以按一下 u键,即可复原。只能撤销一次 r file2 在光标所在处插入另一个文件 ~ 将字母变成大写 J 可以将当前行与下一行连接起来 /字符串 从上往下找匹配的字符串 ?字符串 从下往上找匹配的字符串 n 继续查找 1,$s/旧串/新串/g 替换全文(或者 %s/旧串/新串/g) (1表示从第一行开始) 没有g则只替换一次,加g替换所有 3、存盘和退出 w 存盘 w newfile 存成新文件 wq 存盘再退出VI(或者ZZ或 X) q! 强行退出不存盘 查看用户 users 显示在线用户(仅显示用户名)。 who 显示在线用户,但比users更详细,包括用户名、终端号、登录时间、IP地址。 who am i 仅显示自己,(但包括用户名、端口、登录时间、IP地址;信息量=who)。 whoami 也仅显示自己,但只有用户名(仅显示自己的有效的用户名)。 w 显示比who更多内容,还包括闲置时间、占CPU、平均占用CPU、执行命令。 用法 w [ -hlsuw ] [ 用户 ] su 改变用户,需再输入密码。 用法 su [-] [ username [ arg ... ] ] su - 相当于退出再重新登录。 查找 find 查找文件 用法 find [-H | -L] 路径列表 谓词列表 find / -name perl 从根目录开始查找名为perl的文件。 find . -mtime 10 -print 从当前目录查找距离现在10天时修改的文件,显示在屏幕上。 (注 “10”表示第10天的时候;如果是“+10”表示10天以外的范围;“-10”表示10天以内的范围。) grep 文件中查找字符;有过滤功能,只列出想要的内容 用法 grep -hblcnsviw 模式 文件 . . . 如 grep abc /etc/passwd 在passwd文件下找abc字符 wc 统计 -l 统计行数; -w统计单词数; -c 统计字符数 如 grep wang /etc/passwd|wc -l 统计passwd文件含“wang”的行数 du 查看目录情况 如 du -sk * 不加-s会显示子目录,-k按千字节排序 用法 du [-a] [-d] [-h|-k] [-r] [-o|-s] [-H|-L] [文件...] 进程管理 ps 显示进程。 用法 ps [ -aAdeflcjLPyZ ] [ -o 格式 ] [ -t 项列表 ] [ -u 用户列表 ] [ -U 用户列表 ] [ -G 组列表 ] [ -p 进程列表 ] [ -g 程序组列表 ] [ -s 标识符列表 ] [ -z 区域列表 ] ps 显示自己的进程。 ps -e 显示每个进程,包括空闲进程。 ps -f 显示详情。 ps -ef 组合-e和-f,所有进程的详情。 ps -U uidlist(用户列表) 具体查看某人的进程。 kill pkill sleep jobs 用法 jobs [-l ] fg %n bg %n stop %n 挂起(仅csh能用) Ctrl+C Ctrl+Z 网络链接 ping usage ping host [timeout] usage ping -s [-l | U] [adLnRrv] [-A addr_family] [-c traffic_class] [-g gateway [-g gateway ...]] [-F flow_label] [-I interval] [-i interface] [-P tos] [-p port] [-t ttl] host [data_size] [npackets] ifconfig -a /sbin/ifconfig 查看本机的IP地址 netstat -rn rlogin ftp 帮助文件 [sd0807@localhost ~]$ help GNU bash, version 3.1.17(1)-release (i686-redhat-linux-gnu) These shell commands are defined internally. Type `help' to see this list. Type `help name' to find out more about the function `name'. Use `info bash' to find out more about the shell in general. Use `man -k' or `info' to find out more about commands not in this list. A star (*) next to a name means that the command is disabled. JOB_SPEC [&] (( expression )) . filename [arguments] [ arg... ] [[ expression ]] alias [-p] [name[=value] ... ] bg [job_spec ...] bind [-lpvsPVS] [-m keymap] [-f fi break [n] builtin [shell-builtin [arg ...]] caller [EXPR] case WORD in [PATTERN [| PATTERN]. cd [-L|-P] [dir] command [-pVv] command [arg ...] compgen [-abcdefgjksuv] [-o option complete [-abcdefgjksuv] [-pr] [-o continue [n] declare [-afFirtx] [-p] [name[=val dirs [-clpv] [+N] [-N] disown [-h] [-ar] [jobspec ...] echo [-neE] [arg ...] enable [-pnds] [-a] [-f filename] eval [arg ...] exec [-cl] [-a name] file [redirec exit [n] export [-nf] [name[=value] ...] or false fc [-e ename] [-nlr] [first] [last fg [job_spec] for NAME [in WORDS ... ;] do COMMA for (( exp1; exp2; exp3 )); do COM function NAME { COMMANDS ; } or NA getopts optstring name [arg] hash [-lr] [-p pathname] [-dt] [na help [-s] [pattern ...] history [-c] [-d offset] [n] or hi if COMMANDS; then COMMANDS; [ elif jobs [-lnprs] [jobspec ...] or job kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -si let arg [arg ...] local name[=value] ... logout popd [+N | -N] [-n] printf [-v var] format [arguments] pushd [dir | +N | -N] [-n] pwd [-LP] read [-ers] [-u fd] [-t timeout] [ readonly [-af] [name[=value] ...] return [n] select NAME [in WORDS ... ;] do CO set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option] [arg ...] shift [n] shopt [-pqsu] [-o long-option] opt source filename [arguments] suspend [-f] test [expr] time [-p] PIPELINE times trap [-lp] [arg signal_spec ...] true type [-afptP] name [name ...] typeset [-afFirtx] [-p] name[=valu ulimit [-SHacdfilmnpqstuvx] [limit umask [-p] [-S] [mode] unalias [-a] name [name ...] unset [-f] [-v] [name ...] until COMMANDS; do COMMANDS; done variables - Some variable names an wait [n] while COMMANDS; do COMMANDS; done { COMMANDS ; } 输入 man help BASH_BUILTINS(1) BASH_BUILTINS(1) NAME bash, :, ., [, alias, bg, bind, break, builtin, cd, command, compgen, complete, continue, declare, dirs, disown, echo, enable, eval, exec, exit, export, fc, fg, getopts, hash, help, history, jobs, kill, let, local, logout, popd, printf, pushd, pwd, read, readonly, return, set, shift, shopt, source, suspend, test, times, trap, type, typeset, ulimit, umask, una- lias, unset, wait - bash built-in commands, see bash(1) BASH BUILTIN COMMANDS Unless otherwise noted, each builtin command documented in this section as accepting options preceded by - accepts -- to signify the end of the options. For example, the :, true, false, and test builtins do not accept options. : [arguments] No effect; the command does nothing beyond expanding arguments and performing any specified redirections. A zero exit code is returned. . filename [arguments] source filename [arguments] Read and execute commands from filename in the current shell environment and return the exit status of the last command executed from filename. If filename does not contain a slash, file names in PATH are used to find the directory containing file- name. The file searched for in PATH need not be executable. When bash is not in posix mode, the current directory is searched if no file is found in PATH. If the sourcepath option to the shopt builtin command is turned off, the PATH is not searched. If any arguments are supplied, they become the positional parameters when filename is executed. Otherwise the positional parameters are unchanged. The return status is the status of the last command exited within the script (0 if no commands are executed), and false if filename is not found or cannot be read. alias [-p] [name[=value] ...] Alias with no arguments or with the -p option prints the list of aliases in the form alias name=value on standard output. When arguments are supplied, an alias is defined for each name whose value is given. A trailing space in value causes the next word to be checked for alias substitution when the alias is expanded. For each name in the argument list for which no value is supplied, the name and value of the alias is printed. Alias returns true unless a name is given for which no alias has been defined. bg [jobspec ...] Resume each suspended job jobspec in the background, as if it had been started with &. If jobspec is not present, the shell’s notion of the current job is used. bg jobspec returns 0 unless run when job control is disabled or, when run with job con- trol enabled, any specified jobspec was not found or was started without job control. bind [-m keymap] [-lpsvPSV] bind [-m keymap] [-q function] [-u function] [-r keyseq] bind [-m keymap] -f filename bind [-m keymap] -x keyseq:shell-command bind [-m keymap] keyseq:function-name bind readline-command Display current readline key and function bindings, bind a key sequence to a readline function or macro, or set a readline variable. Each non-option argument is a command as it would appear in .inputrc, but each binding or command must be passed as a sepa- rate argument; e.g., ’"\C-x\C-r": re-read-init-file’. Options, if supplied, have the following meanings: -m keymap Use keymap as the keymap to be affected by the subsequent bindings. Accept- able keymap names are emacs, emacs-standard, emacs-meta, emacs-ctlx, vi, vi-move, vi-command, and vi-insert. vi is equivalent to vi-command; emacs is equivalent to emacs-standard. -l List the names of all readline functions. -p Display readline function names and bindings in such a way that they can be re-read. -P List current readline function names and bindings. -v Display readline variable names and values in such a way that they can be re- read. -V List current readline variable names and values. -s Display readline key sequences bound to macros and the strings they output in such a way that they can be re-read. -S Display readline key sequences bound to macros and the strings they output. -f filename Read key bindings from filename. -q function Query about which keys invoke the named function. -u function Unbind all keys bound to the named function. -r keyseq Remove any current binding for keyseq. -x keyseq:shell-command Cause shell-command to be executed whenever keyseq is entered. The return value is 0 unless an unrecognized option is given or an error occurred. break [n] Exit from within a for, while, until, or select loop. If n is specified, break n levels. n must be ≥ 1. If n is greater than the number of enclosing loops, all enclosing loops are exited. The return value is 0 unless the shell is not executing a loop when break is executed. builtin shell-builtin [arguments] Execute the specified shell builtin, passing it arguments, and return its exit sta- tus. This is useful when defining a function whose name is the same as a shell builtin, retaining the functionality of the builtin within the function. The cd builtin is commonly redefined this way. The return status is false if shell-builtin is not a shell builtin command. cd [-L|-P] [dir] Change the current directory to dir. The variable HOME is the default dir. The variable CDPATH defines the search path for the directory containing dir. Alterna- tive directory names in CDPATH are separated by a colon (:). A null directory name in CDPATH is the same as the current directory, i.e., ‘‘.’’. If dir begins with a slash (/), then CDPATH is not used. The -P option says to use the physical directory structure instead of following symbolic links (see also the -P option to the set builtin command); the -L option forces symbolic links to be followed. An argument of - is equivalent to $OLDPWD. If a non-empty directory name from CDPATH is used, or if - is the first argument, and the directory change is successful, the absolute path- name of the new working directory is written to the standard output. The return value is true if the directory was successfully changed; false otherwise. caller [expr] Returns the context of any active subroutine call (a shell function or a script exe- cuted with the . or source builtins. Without expr, caller displays the line number and source filename of the current subroutine call. If a non-negative integer is supplied as expr, caller displays the line number, subroutine name, and source file corresponding to that position in the current execution call stack. This extra information may be used, for example, to print a stack trace. The current frame is frame 0. The return value is 0 unless the shell is not executing a subroutine call or expr does not correspond to a valid position in the call stack. command [-pVv] command [arg ...] Run command with args suppressing the normal shell function lookup. Only builtin com- mands or commands found in the PATH are executed. If the -p option is given, the search for command is performed using a default value for PATH that is guaranteed to find all of the standard utilities. If either the -V or -v option is supplied, a description of command is printed. The -v option causes a single word indicating the command or file name used to invoke command to be displayed; the -V option produces a more verbose description. If the -V or -v option is supplied, the exit status is 0 if command was found, and 1 if not. If neither option is supplied and an error occurred or command cannot be found, the exit status is 127. Otherwise, the exit status of the command builtin is the exit status of command. compgen [option] [word] Generate possible completion matches for word according to the options, which may be any option accepted by the complete builtin with the exception of -p and -r, and write the matches to the standard output. When using the -F or -C options, the vari- ous shell variables set by the programmable completion facilities, while available, will not have useful values. The matches will be generated in the same way as if the programmable completion code had generated them directly from a completion specification with the same flags. If word is specified, only those completions matching word will be displayed. The return value is true unless an invalid option is supplied, or no matches were generated. complete [-abcdefgjksuv] [-o comp-option] [-A action] [-G globpat] [-W wordlist] [-P prefix] [-S suffix] [-X filterpat] [-F function] [-C command] name [name ...] complete -pr [name ...] Specify how arguments to each name should be completed. If the -p option is sup- plied, or if no options are supplied, existing completion specifications are printed in a way that allows them to be reused as input. The -r option removes a completion specification for each name, or, if no names are supplied, all completion specifica- tions. The process of applying these completion specifications when word completion is attempted is described above under Programmable Completion. Other options, if specified, have the following meanings. The arguments to the -G, -W, and -X options (and, if necessary, the -P and -S options) should be quoted to protect them from expansion before the complete builtin is invoked. -o comp-option The comp-option controls several aspects of the compspec’s behavior beyond the simple generation of completions. comp-option may be one of: bashdefault Perform the rest of the default bash completions if the compspec gen- erates no matches. default Use readline’s default filename completion if the compspec generates no matches. dirnames Perform directory name completion if the compspec generates no matches. filenames Tell readline that the compspec generates filenames, so it can per- form any filename-specific processing (like adding a slash to direc- tory names or suppressing trailing spaces). Intended to be used with shell functions. nospace Tell readline not to append a space (the default) to words completed at the end of the line. plusdirs After any matches defined by the compspec are generated, directory name completion is attempted and any matches are added to the results of the other actions. -A action The action may be one of the following to generate a list of possible comple- tions: alias Alias names. May also be specified as -a. arrayvar Array variable names. binding Readline key binding names. builtin Names of shell builtin commands. May also be specified as -b. command Command names. May also be specified as -c. directory Directory names. May also be specified as -d. disabled Names of disabled shell builtins. enabled Names of enabled shell builtins. export Names of exported shell variables. May also be specified as -e. file File names. May also be specified as -f. function Names of shell functions. group Group names. May also be specified as -g. helptopic Help topics as accepted by the help builtin. hostname Hostnames, as taken from the file specified by the HOSTFILE shell variable. job Job names, if job control is active. May also be specified as -j. keyword Shell reserved words. May also be specified as -k. running Names of running jobs, if job control is active. service Service names. May also be specified as -s. setopt Valid arguments for the -o option to the set builtin. shopt Shell option names as accepted by the shopt builtin. signal Signal names. stopped Names of stopped jobs, if job control is active. user User names. May also be specified as -u. variable Names of all shell variables. May also be specified as -v. -G globpat The filename expansion pattern globpat is expanded to generate the possible completions. -W wordlist The wordlist is split using the characters in the IFS special variable as delimiters, and each resultant word is expanded. The possible completions are the members of the resultant list which match the word being completed. -C command command is executed in a subshell environment, and its output is used as the possible completions. -F function The shell function function is executed in the current shell environment. When it finishes, the possible completions are retrieved from the value of the COMPREPLY array variable. -X filterpat filterpat is a pattern as used for filename expansion. It is applied to the list of possible completions generated by the preceding options and argu- ments, and each completion matching filterpat is removed from the list. A leading ! in filterpat negates the pattern; in this case, any completion not matching filterpat is removed. -P prefix prefix is added at the beginning of each possible completion after all other options have been applied. -S suffix suffix is appended to each possible completion after all other options have been applied. The return value is true unless an invalid option is supplied, an option other than -p or -r is supplied without a name argument, an attempt is made to remove a comple- tion specification for a name for which no specification exists, or an error occurs adding a completion specification. continue [n] Resume the next iteration of the enclosing for, while, until, or select loop. If n is specified, resume at the nth enclosing loop. n must be ≥ 1. If n is greater than the number of enclosing loops, the last enclosing loop (the ‘‘top-level’’ loop) is resumed. The return value is 0 unless the shell is not executing a loop when con- tinue is executed. declare [-afFirtx] [-p] [name[=value] ...] typeset [-afFirtx] [-p] [name[=value] ...] Declare variables and/or give them attributes. If no names are given then display the values of variables. The -p option will display the attributes and values of each name. When -p is used, additional options are ignored. The -F option inhibits the display of function definitions; only the function name and attributes are printed. If the extdebug shell option is enabled using shopt, the source file name and line number where the function is defined are displayed as well. The -F option implies -f. The following options can be used to restrict output to variables with the specified attribute or to give variables attributes: -a Each name is an array variable (see Arrays above). -f Use function names only. -i The variable is treated as an integer; arithmetic evaluation (see ARITHMETIC EVALUATION ) is performed when the variable is assigned a value. -r Make names readonly. These names cannot then be assigned values by subsequent assignment statements or unset. -t Give each name the trace attribute. Traced functions inherit the DEBUG and RETURN traps from the calling shell. The trace attribute has no special mean- ing for variables. -x Mark names for export to subsequent commands via the environment. Using ‘+’ instead of ‘-’ turns off the attribute instead, with the exception that +a may not be used to destroy an array variable. When used in a function, makes each name local, as with the local command. If a variable name is followed by =value, the value of the variable is set to value. The return value is 0 unless an invalid option is encountered, an attempt is made to define a function using ‘‘-f foo=bar’’, an attempt is made to assign a value to a readonly variable, an attempt is made to assign a value to an array variable without using the compound assignment syntax (see Arrays above), one of the names is not a valid shell variable name, an attempt is made to turn off readonly status for a readonly variable, an attempt is made to turn off array status for an array variable, or an attempt is made to display a non-exis- tent function with -f. dirs [-clpv] [+n] [-n] Without options, displays the list of currently remembered directories. The default display is on a single line with directory names separated by spaces. Directories are added to the list with the pushd command; the popd command removes entries from the list. +n Displays the nth entry counting from the left of the list shown by dirs when invoked without options, starting with zero. -n Displays the nth entry counting from the right of the list shown by dirs when invoked without options, starting with zero. -c Clears the directory stack by deleting all of the entries. -l Produces a longer listing; the default listing format uses a tilde to denote the home directory. -p Print the directory stack with one entry per line. -v Print the directory stack with one entry per line, prefixing each entry with its index in the stack. The return value is 0 unless an invalid option is supplied or n indexes beyond the end of the directory stack. disown [-ar] [-h] [jobspec ...] Without options, each jobspec is removed from the table of active jobs. If the -h option is given, each jobspec is not removed from the table, but is marked so that SIGHUP is not sent to the job if the shell receives a SIGHUP. If no jobspec is present, and neither the -a nor the -r option is supplied, the current job is used. If no jobspec is supplied, the -a option means to remove or mark all jobs; the -r option without a jobspec argument restricts operation to running jobs. The return value is 0 unless a jobspec does not specify a valid job. echo [-neE] [arg ...] Output the args, separated by spaces, followed by a newline. The return status is always 0. If -n is specified, the trailing newline is suppressed. If the -e option is given, interpretation of the following backslash-escaped characters is enabled. The -E option disables the interpretation of these escape characters, even on systems where they are interpreted by default. The xpg_echo shell option may be used to dynamically determine whether or not echo expands these escape characters by default. echo does not interpret -- to mean the end of options. echo interprets the following escape sequences: \a alert (bell) \b backspace \c suppress trailing newline \e an escape character \f form feed \n new line \r carriage return \t horizontal tab \v vertical tab \\ backslash \0nnn the eight-bit character whose value is the octal value nnn (zero to three octal digits) \nnn the eight-bit character whose value is the octal value nnn (one to three octal digits) \xHH the eight-bit character whose value is the hexadecimal value HH (one or two hex digits) enable [-adnps] [-f filename] [name ...] Enable and disable builtin shell commands. Disabling a builtin allows a disk command which has the same name as a shell builtin to be executed without specifying a full pathname, even though the shell normally searches for builtins before disk commands. If -n is used, each name is disabled; otherwise, names are enabled. For example, to use the test binary found via the PATH instead of the shell builtin version, run ‘‘enable -n test’’. The -f option means to load the new builtin command name from shared object filename, on systems that support dynamic loading. The -d option will delete a builtin previously loaded with -f. If no name arguments are given, or if the -p option is supplied, a list of shell builtins is printed. With no other option arguments, the list consists of all enabled shell builtins. If -n is supplied, only disabled builtins are printed. If -a is supplied, the list printed includes all builtins, with an indication of whether or not each is enabled. If -s is supplied, the output is restricted to the POSIX special builtins. The return value is 0 unless a name is not a shell builtin or there is an error loading a new builtin from a shared object. eval [arg ...] The args are read and concatenated together into a single command. This command is then read and executed by the shell, and its exit status is returned as the value of eval. If there are no args, or only null arguments, eval returns 0. exec [-cl] [-a name] [command [arguments]] If command is specified, it replaces the shell. No new process is created. The arguments become the arguments to command. If the -l option is supplied, the shell places a dash at the beginning of the zeroth arg passed to command. This is what login(1) does. The -c option causes command to be executed with an empty environ- ment. If -a is supplied, the shell passes name as the zeroth argument to the exe- cuted command. If command cannot be executed for some reason, a non-interactive shell exits, unless the shell option execfail is enabled, in which case it returns failure. An interactive shell returns failure if the file cannot be executed. If command is not specified, any redirections take effect in the current shell, and the return status is 0. If there is a redirection error, the return status is 1. exit [n] Cause the shell to exit with a status of n. If n is omitted, the exit status is that of the last command executed. A trap on EXIT is executed before the shell termi- nates. export [-fn] [name[=word]] ... export -p The supplied names are marked for automatic export to the environment of subsequently executed commands. If the -f option is given, the names refer to functions. If no names are given, or if the -p option is supplied, a list of all names that are exported in this shell is printed. The -n option causes the export property to be removed from each name. If a variable name is followed by =word, the value of the variable is set to word. export returns an exit status of 0 unless an invalid option is encountered, one of the names is not a valid shell variable name, or -f is sup- plied with a name that is not a function. fc [-e ename] [-nlr] [first] [last] fc -s [pat=rep] [cmd] Fix Command. In the first form, a range of commands from first to last is selected from the history list. First and last may be specified as a string (to locate the last command beginning with that string) or as a number (an index into the history list, where a negative number is used as an offset from the current command number). If last is not specified it is set to the current command for listing (so that ‘‘fc -l -10’’ prints the last 10 commands) and to first otherwise. If first is not speci- fied it is set to the previous command for editing and -16 for listing. The -n option suppresses the command numbers when listing. The -r option reverses the order of the commands. If the -l option is given, the commands are listed on standard output. Otherwise, the editor given by ename is invoked on a file contain- ing those commands. If ename is not given, the value of the FCEDIT variable is used, and the value of EDITOR if FCEDIT is not set. If neither variable is set, is used. When editing is complete, the edited commands are echoed and executed. In the second form, command is re-executed after each instance of pat is replaced by rep. A useful alias to use with this is ‘‘r="fc -s"’’, so that typing ‘‘r cc’’ runs the last command beginning with ‘‘cc’’ and typing ‘‘r’’ re-executes the last command. If the first form is used, the return value is 0 unless an invalid option is encoun- tered or first or last specify history lines out of range. If the -e option is sup- plied, the return value is the value of the last command executed or failure if an error occurs with the temporary file of commands. If the second form is used, the return status is that of the command re-executed, unless cmd does not specify a valid history line, in which case fc returns failure. fg [jobspec] Resume jobspec in the foreground, and make it the current job. If jobspec is not present, the shell’s notion of the current job is used. The return value is that of the command placed into the foreground, or failure if run when job control is dis- abled or, when run with job control enabled, if jobspec does not specify a valid job or jobspec specifies a job that was started without job control. getopts optstring name [args] getopts is used by shell procedures to parse positional parameters. optstring con- tains the option characters to be recognized; if a character is followed by a colon, the option is expected to have an argument, which should be separated from it by white space. The colon and question mark characters may not be used as option char- acters. Each time it is invoked, getopts places the next option in the shell vari- able name, initializing name if it does not exist, and the index of the next argument to be processed into the variable OPTIND. OPTIND is initialized to 1 each time the shell or a shell script is invoked. When an option requires an argument, getopts places that argument into the variable OPTARG. The shell does not reset OPTIND auto- matically; it must be manually reset between multiple calls to getopts within the same shell invocation if a new set of parameters is to be used. When the end of options is encountered, getopts exits with a return value greater than zero. OPTIND is set to the index of the first non-option argument, and name is set to ?. getopts normally parses the positional parameters, but if more arguments are given in args, getopts parses those instead. getopts can report errors in two ways. If the first character of optstring is a colon, silent error reporting is used. In normal operation diagnostic messages are printed when invalid options or missing option arguments are encountered. If the variable OPTERR is set to 0, no error messages will be displayed, even if the first character of optstring is not a colon. If an invalid option is seen, getopts places ? into name and, if not silent, prints an error message and unsets OPTARG. If getopts is silent, the option character found is placed in OPTARG and no diagnostic message is printed. If a required argument is not found, and getopts is not silent, a question mark (?) is placed in name, OPTARG is unset, and a diagnostic message is printed. If getopts is silent, then a colon (:) is placed in name and OPTARG is set to the option charac- ter found. getopts returns true if an option, specified or unspecified, is found. It returns false if the end of options is encountered or an error occurs. hash [-lr] [-p filename] [-dt] [name] For each name, the full file name of the command is determined by searching the directories in $PATH and remembered. If the -p option is supplied, no path search is performed, and filename is used as the full file name of the command. The -r option causes the shell to forget all remembered locations. The -d option causes the shell to forget the remembered location of each name. If the -t option is supplied, the full pathname to which each name corresponds is printed. If multiple name arguments are supplied with -t, the name is printed before the hashed full pathname. The -l option causes output to be displayed in a format that may be reused as input. If no arguments are given, or if only -l is supplied, information about remembered commands is printed. The return status is true unless a name is not found or an invalid option is supplied. help [-s] [pattern] Display helpful information about builtin commands. If pattern is specified, help gives detailed help on all commands matching pattern; otherwise help for all the builtins and shell control structures is printed. The -s option restricts the infor- mation displayed to a short usage synopsis. The return status is 0 unless no command matches pattern. history [n] history -c history -d offset history -anrw [filename] history -p arg [arg ...] history -s arg [arg ...] With no options, display the command history list with line numbers. Lines listed with a * have been modified. An argument of n lists only the last n lines. If the shell variable HISTTIMEFORMAT is set and not null, it is used as a format string for strftime(3) to display the time stamp associated with each displayed history entry. No intervening blank is printed between the formatted time stamp and the history line. If filename is supplied, it is used as the name of the history file; if not, the value of HISTFILE is used. Options, if supplied, have the following meanings: -c Clear the history list by deleting all the entries. -d offset Delete the history entry at position offset. -a Append the ‘‘new’’ history lines (history lines entered since the beginning of the current bash session) to the history file. -n Read the history lines not already read from the history file into the current history list. These are lines appended to the history file since the begin- ning of the current bash session. -r Read the contents of the history file and use them as the current history. -w Write the current history to the history file, overwriting the history file’s contents. -p Perform history substitution on the following args and display the result on the standard output. Does not store the results in the history list. Each arg must be quoted to disable normal history expansion. -s Store the args in the history list as a single entry. The last command in the history list is removed before the args are added. If the HISTTIMEFORMAT is set, the time stamp information associated with each history entry is written to the history file. The return value is 0 unless an invalid option is encountered, an error occurs while reading or writing the history file, an invalid offset is supplied as an argument to -d, or the history expansion supplied as an argument to -p fails. jobs [-lnprs] [ jobspec ... ] jobs -x command [ args ... ] The first form lists the active jobs. The options have the following meanings: -l List process IDs in addition to the normal information. -p List only the process ID of the job’s process group leader. -n Display information only about jobs that have changed status since the user was last notified of their status. -r Restrict output to running jobs. -s Restrict output to stopped jobs. If jobspec is given, output is restricted to information about that job. The return status is 0 unless an invalid option is encountered or an invalid jobspec is sup- plied. If the -x option is supplied, jobs replaces any jobspec found in command or args with the corresponding process group ID, and executes command passing it args, returning its exit status. kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] [pid | jobspec] ... kill -l [sigspec | exit_status] Send the signal named by sigspec or signum to the processes named by pid or jobspec. sigspec is either a case-insensitive signal name such as SIGKILL (with or without the SIG prefix) or a signal number; signum is a signal number. If sigspec is not present, then SIGTERM is assumed. An argument of -l lists the signal names. If any arguments are supplied when -l is given, the names of the signals corresponding to the arguments are listed, and the return status is 0. The exit_status argument to -l is a number specifying either a signal number or the exit status of a process termi- nated by a signal. kill returns true if at least one signal was successfully sent, or false if an error occurs or an invalid option is encountered. let arg [arg ...] Each arg is an arithmetic expression to be evaluated (see ARITHMETIC EVALUATION). If the last arg evaluates to 0, let returns 1; 0 is returned otherwise. local [option] [name[=value] ...] For each argument, a local variable named name is created, and assigned value. The option can be any of the options accepted by declare. When local is used within a function, it causes the variable name to have a visible scope restricted to that function and its children. With no operands, local writes a list of local variables to the standard output. It is an error to use local when not within a function. The return status is 0 unless local is used outside a function, an invalid name is sup- plied, or name is a readonly variable. logout Exit a login shell. popd [-n] [+n] [-n] Removes entries from the directory stack. With no arguments, removes the top direc- tory from the stack, and performs a cd to the new top directory. Arguments, if sup- plied, have the following meanings: +n Removes the nth entry counting from the left of the list shown by dirs, start- ing with zero. For example: ‘‘popd +0’’ removes the first directory, ‘‘popd +1’’ the second. -n Removes the nth entry counting from the right of the list shown by dirs, starting with zero. For example: ‘‘popd -0’’ removes the last directory, ‘‘popd -1’’ the next to last. -n Suppresses the normal change of directory when removing directories from the stack, so that only the stack is manipulated. If the popd command is successful, a dirs is performed as well, and the return status is 0. popd returns false if an invalid option is encountered, the directory stack is empty, a non-existent directory stack entry is specified, or the directory change fails. printf [-v var] format [arguments] Write the formatted arguments to the standard output under the control of the format. The format is a character string which contains three types of objects: plain charac- ters, which are simply copied to standard output, character escape sequences, which are converted and copied to the standard output, and format specifications, each of which causes printing of the next successive argument. In addition to the standard printf(1) formats, %b causes printf to expand backslash escape sequences in the cor- responding argument (except that \c terminates output, backslashes in \', \", and \? are not removed, and octal escapes beginning with \0 may contain up to four digits), and %q causes printf to output the corresponding argument in a format that can be reused as shell input. The -v option causes the output to be assigned to the variable var rather than being printed to the standard output. The format is reused as necessary to consume all of the arguments. If the format requires more arguments than are supplied, the extra format specifications behave as if a zero value or null string, as appropriate, had been supplied. The return value is zero on success, non-zero on failure. pushd [-n] [dir] pushd [-n] [+n] [-n] Adds a directory to the top of the directory stack, or rotates the stack, making the new top of the stack the current working directory. With no arguments, exchanges the top two directories and returns 0, unless the directory stack is empty. Arguments, if supplied, have the following meanings: +n Rotates the stack so that the nth directory (counting from the left of the list shown by dirs, starting with zero) is at the top. -n Rotates the stack so that the nth directory (counting from the right of the list shown by dirs, starting with zero) is at the top. -n Suppresses the normal change of directory when adding directories to the stack, so that only the stack is manipulated. dir Adds dir to the directory stack at the top, making it the new current working directory. If the pushd command is successful, a dirs is performed as well. If the first form is used, pushd returns 0 unless the cd to dir fails. With the second form, pushd returns 0 unless the directory stack is empty, a non-existent directory stack element is specified, or the directory change to the specified new current directory fails. pwd [-LP] Print the absolute pathname of the current working directory. The pathname printed contains no symbolic links if the -P option is supplied or the -o physical option to the set builtin command is enabled. If the -L option is used, the pathname printed may contain symbolic links. The return status is 0 unless an error occurs while reading the name of the current directory or an invalid option is supplied. read [-ers] [-u fd] [-t timeout] [-a aname] [-p prompt] [-n nchars] [-d delim] [name ...] One line is read from the standard input, or from the file descriptor fd supplied as an argument to the -u option, and the first word is assigned to the first name, the second word to the second name, and so on, with leftover words and their intervening separators assigned to the last name. If there are fewer words read from the input stream than names, the remaining names are assigned empty values. The characters in IFS are used to split the line into words. The backslash character (\) may be used to remove any special meaning for the next character read and for line continuation. Options, if supplied, have the following meanings: -a aname The words are assigned to sequential indices of the array variable aname, starting at 0. aname is unset before any new values are assigned. Other name arguments are ignored. -d delim The first character of delim is used to terminate the input line, rather than newline. -e If the standard input is coming from a terminal, readline (see READLINE above) is used to obtain the line. -n nchars read returns after reading nchars characters rather than waiting for a com- plete line of input. -p prompt Display prompt on standard error, without a trailing newline, before attempt- ing to read any input. The prompt is displayed only if input is coming from a terminal. -r Backslash does not act as an escape character. The backslash is considered to be part of the line. In particular, a backslash-newline pair may not be used as a line continuation. -s Silent mode. If input is coming from a terminal, characters are not echoed. -t timeout Cause read to time out and return failure if a complete line of input is not read within timeout seconds. This option has no effect if read is not reading input from the terminal or a pipe. -u fd Read input from file descriptor fd. If no names are supplied, the line read is assigned to the variable REPLY. The return code is zero, unless end-of-file is encountered, read times out, or an invalid file descriptor is supplied as the argument to -u. readonly [-apf] [name[=word] ...] The given names are marked readonly; the values of these names may not be changed by subsequent assignment. If the -f option is supplied, the functions corresponding to the names are so marked. The -a option restricts the variables to arrays. If no name arguments are given, or if the -p option is supplied, a list of all readonly names is printed. The -p option causes output to be displayed in a format that may be reused as input. If a variable name is followed by =word, the value of the vari- able is set to word. The return status is 0 unless an invalid option is encountered, one of the names is not a valid shell variable name, or -f is supplied with a name that is not a function. return [n] Causes a function to exit with the return value specified by n. If n is omitted, the return status is that of the last command executed in the function body. If used outside a function, but during execution of a script by the . (source) command, it causes the shell to stop executing that script and return either n or the exit status of the last command executed within the script as the exit status of the script. If used outside a function and not during execution of a script by ., the return status is false. Any command associated with the RETURN trap is executed before execution resumes after the function or script. set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option] [arg ...] Without options, the name and value of each shell variable are displayed in a format that can be reused as input for setting or resetting the currently-set variables. Read-only variables cannot be reset. In posix mode, only shell variables are listed. The output is sorted according to the current locale. When options are specified, they set or unset shell attributes. Any arguments remaining after the options are processed are treated as values for the positional parameters and are assigned, in order, to $1, $2, ... $n. Options, if specified, have the following meanings: -a Automatically mark variables and functions which are modified or created for export to the environment of subsequent commands. -b Report the status of terminated background jobs immediately, rather than before the next primary prompt. This is effective only when job control is enabled. -e Exit immediately if a simple command (see SHELL GRAMMAR above) exits with a non-zero status. The shell does not exit if the command that fails is part of the command list immediately following a while or until keyword, part of the test in an if statement, part of a && or ││ list, or if the command’s return value is being inverted via !. A trap on ERR, if set, is executed before the shell exits. -f Disable pathname expansion. -h Remember the location of commands as they are looked up for execution. This is enabled by default. -k All arguments in the form of assignment statements are placed in the environ- ment for a command, not just those that precede the command name. -m Monitor mode. Job control is enabled. This option is on by default for interactive shells on systems that support it (see JOB CONTROL above). Back- ground processes run in a separate process group and a line containing their exit status is printed upon their completion. -n Read commands but do not execute them. This may be used to check a shell script for syntax errors. This is ignored by interactive shells. -o option-name The option-name can be one of the following: allexport Same as -a. braceexpand Same as -B. emacs Use an emacs-style command line editing interface. This is enabled by default when the shell is interactive, unless the shell is started with the --noediting option. errtrace Same as -E. functrace Same as -T. errexit Same as -e. hashall Same as -h. histexpand Same as -H. history Enable command history, as described above under HISTORY. This option is on by default in interactive shells. ignoreeof The effect is as if the shell command ‘‘IGNOREEOF=10’’ had been exe- cuted (see Shell Variables above). keyword Same as -k. monitor Same as -m. noclobber Same as -C. noexec Same as -n. noglob Same as -f. nolog Currently ignored. notify Same as -b. nounset Same as -u. onecmd Same as -t. physical Same as -P. pipefail If set, the return value of a pipeline is the value of the last (rightmost) command to exit with a non-zero status, or zero if all command
PassMark BurnInTest V5.3 Copyright (C) 1999-2008 PassMark Software All Rights Reserved http://www.passmark.com Overview ======== Passmark's BurnInTest is a software tool that allows all the major sub-systems of a computer to be simultaneously tested for reliability and stability. Status ====== This is a shareware program. This means that you need to buy it if you would like to continue using it after the evaluation period. Installation ============ 1) Uninstall any previous version of BurnInTest 2) Double click (or Open) the downloaded ".exe" file 3) Follow the prompts UnInstallation ============== Use the Windows control panel, Add / Remove Programs Requirements ============ - Operating System: Windows 2000, XP, 2003 server, Vista (*) - RAM: 32 Meg - Disk space: 6 Meg of free hard disk space (plus an additional 10Meg to run the Disk test) - DirectX 9.0c or above software for 3D graphics and video tests (plus working DirectX drivers for your video card) - SSE compatible CPU for SSE tests - A printer to run the printer test, set-up as the default printer in Windows. - A CD ROM + 1 Music CD or Data CD to run the CD test. - A CD-RW to run the CD burn test. - A network connection and the TCP/IP networking software installed for the Network Tests Pro version only: - A serial port loop back plug for the serial port test. - A parallel port loop back plug for the parallel port test. - A USB port loop back plug for the USB port test. - A USB 2.0 port loop back plug for the USB 2.0 port test. - PassMark ModemTest V1.3 1010 (or higher) for Plugin Modem testing. - PassMark KeyboardTest V2.2 1011 (or higher) for Plugin Keyboard testing. - PassMark Firewire Plugin V1.0 1000 (or higher) and a 揔anguru FireFlash?drive for Plugin Firewire testing. (*) Windows 2000 does not support the CD-RW burn test. The advanced RAM test is only available under Windows 2000 and Windows XP professional (the other RAM tests are supported under the other OS's). Users must have administrator privileges. Windows 98 and Windows ME ========================= Windows 98 and ME are not supported in BurnInTest version 5.3 and above. Use a version of BurnInTest prior to 5.2 for compatibility with W98 and ME. Windows 95 and Windows NT ========================= Windows 95 and NT are not supported in BurnInTest version 4.0 and above. Use a version of BurnInTest prior to 3.1 for compatibility with W95 and NT. Version History =============== Here is a summary of all changes that have been made in each version of BurnInTest. Release 5.3 build 1035 revision 4 WIN32 release 10 November 2008 - Lenovo China specific build. Lenovo system detection changes. Release 5.3 build 1035 revision 3 WIN32 release 7 November 2008 - Lenovo China specific build. Lenovo system detection changes. Release 5.3 build 1035 revision 2 WIN32 release 6 November 2008 - Lenovo China specific build. Lenovo logo and Lenovo system detection changes. Release 5.3 build 1035 WIN32 release 5 November 2008 - Lenovo China specific build. Changes include: Lenovo logo added, Lenovo system support only, 32-bit BurnInTest restricted to 32-bit Windows and BurnInTest run as administrator. Release 5.3 build 1034 WIN32 release 3 October 2008 - Correction to setting the CD burn test drive in preferences. - Changed the mechanism to check for the required DirectX Direct3D as the previous method did not work on some system (some W2003 servers). - Enhanced the mechanism to report memory hardware errors in the Memory torture test. Release 5.3 build 1033 WIN32 release 1 October 2008 - Changes to correct a BurnInTest crash problem on some systems. When the disk and standard RAM tests are run for many hours, BurnInTest may have disappeared with no error message. Release 5.3 build 1030 WIN32 release 25 September 2008 - Changes to investigate a BurnInTest crash problem on XP SP3. Release 5.3 build 1028 WIN32 release 11 September 2008 - Two 2D Video memory test crash bug workarounds implemented. Crashes in (i) DirectX DirectShow and (ii) ATI atiumdag.dll library. - A hang on startup has been corrected. A 2 minute timeout has been added to the collection of system information. - Video playback, Hard disk and CD/DVD test 'no operations' error reporting changed. - When BurnInTest crashes, it will not generate a "minidump" file. Minidumps will need to be sent to Microsoft as per the normal process. However, a log entry will be added to the normal BurnInTest log. - Changes to trace logging to reduce activity when trace logging is not turned on. - Note: We have seen a report of the Video Playback failing (crash) due to a faulty video codec, ffdshow.ax. If you are using this we suggest you try a different Video file and codec. Release 5.3 build 1027 revision 0003 WIN32 release 19 August 2008 - Changed the 2D test to wait for the Video Playback test in order to allow memory allocation for the Video playback test. - Changed the Memory test to wait for the Video Playback test and 3D test to allow memory allocation for these tests. - Minor changes to the No operation error watchdog timer for the CD and Hard disk tests. - Minor correction to the Butterfly seek test. - Video playback trace logging increased. Release 5.3 build 1027 revision 0002 WIN32 release 19 August 2008 - Video playback trace logging increased. Release 5.3 build 1027 WIN32 release 31 July 2008 - Corrected a bug where BurnInTest would fail to start if Activity trace level 2 logging (debug level logging) was turned on and the Logging Summarize option was also selected. - Minor change to the serial port test where, if "Disable RTS/CTS and DSR/DTR test phase" was selected the DTR and RTS lines would be explicitly disabled to prevent any toggling of these lines. Previously these where enabled, but not explicitly toggled. Release 5.3 build 1026 WIN32 release 17 July 2008 - Updated Level 2 and Level 3 CPU cache information for newer Intel CPU's. - Updated the detection of Hyperthreading and the number of logical CPUs for a new Intel CPU. Release 5.3 build 1025 WIN32 release 11 July 2008 - Corrected a Disk test bug where on rare occasions a verification error is incorrectly displayed. This is during the random seeking phase of the "Random data with random seeking" test mode and only occurs with some specific test settings. Release 5.3 build 1024 WIN32 release 10 July 2008 - Workaround for the rare crash bug in Vista in atklumdisp.dll at address 0x730676ae. - Added trace debug information for BurnInTest startup and the 3D test. Release 5.3 build 1022 WIN32 release 12 June 2008 - Corrected a bug where the 2D video memory test in BurnInTest v5.3.1020 and v5.3.1021 would report a "Not enough video memory available for test" error if the test was run a couple of times (without closing BurnInTest). Release 5.3 build 1021 WIN32 release 5 June 2008 - 32-bit BurnInTest PRO 5.3.1020 would not start on Windows 2000. This has been corrected. Release 5.3 build 1020 WIN32 release 29 May 2008 - BurnInTest could have crashed on accessing bad video memory hardware in the 2D test. This problem is now just reported as an error (and BurnInTest) continues. - When BurnInTest crashes, it should now generate a "minidump" file to help debug which system component caused the failure (32-bit Pro version only). - Other minor changes. Release 5.3 build 1019 WIN32 release 16 May 2008 - Corrected rare crash bugs in the 2D and Video tests. - Added a hot Key, F4, to set the auto run flag and run the tests (i.e. set "-r" and then run the tests). - Other minor changes. Release 5.3 build 1018 WIN32 release 16 April 2008 - Added an operation watchdog timer for all tests. In rare cases, a single test can stop in the operating system - i.e. there is a problem in the operating system/ device driver that prevents control being returned to the BurnInTest for that test. This was added for specialized serial port hardware that could lockup after several hours of testing. Release 5.3 build 1017 WIN32 release 3 April 2008 - Corrected the Advanced Network test to run on non-English Operating Systems. Release 5.3 build 1016 WIN32 release 17 March 2008 - Added additional USB 2.0 Loopback plug test initialization to ensure plugs are in a 'clean' state when starting the USB tests. This was added due to reported USB data verification errors after scripted USB testing across multiple reboots. Release 5.3 build 1015 WIN32 release 27 February 2008 - Increased error reporting detail for the standard RAM test, when the -v command line option is used. Release 5.3 build 1014 WIN32 release 30 January 2008 - Corrected a problem where the loopback sound test could run out of memory if run for several days. Release 5.3 build 1013 WIN32 release 31 December 2007 - Improved the reporting of COM port errors such that in the rare case a COM port locks up in the Operating System, the error is still reported. - Corrected a bug, where in rare cases, the result summary could be duplicated in a log file. - Updated license management, in an attempt to remove a rare crash on startup. Release 5.3 build 1012.0002 WIN32 release 31 October 2007 - New build of Rebooter (64-bit Windows correction). - Clarifications in the help file. Release 5.3 build 1012 WIN32 release 17 October 2007 - Changed the Standard Network Test, "Test all available NICs" such that the number of Network Addresses specified in Preferences->Network will be the number of NICs tested. This will error faulty NICs that are not detected by the BurnInTest auto NIC detection mechanism. - Minor change to the 2D memory test when run with the 3D test (multiple large windows) and the RAM test. Aimed at correcting sympton: Access Violation 0x00404CF9. - Corrections to the mapping of paths with ".\". Release 5.3 build 1011 rev 2 WIN32 release 17 September 2007 - Modified the Multi-Process torture test to better describe a new error message introduced in V5.3.1010. Release 5.3 build 1011 - Public release WIN32 release 11 September 2007 - Corrected a bug where "Limited Evaluation Version" could be displayed even after BUrnInTest is licensed (problem introduced in 32-bit BITPRO V5.3.1010). - Changed the Sound test to allow any of the tests (Wave, Midi or MP3) to be excluded from testing by blanking the filename. - The Command line parameter "-j" (cycle disk test patterns after each test file) could fail during the Random data test due to the mechanism used in BurnInTest. The Random data test is now excluded from the test when (and only when) the "-j" command line parameter is specified. - In rare circumstances, the 2D test number of operations could potentially overflow and become negative. This has been corrected. - In rare circumstances, BurnInTest could hang if there was a system problem in rebooting the system (ie. it failed to shutdown) using PassMark Rebooter. This has been corrected. Release 5.3 build 1010 - Public release WIN32 release 28 August 2007 WIN64 release 28 August 2007 - As BurnInTest exercises system components, it is possible for faulty hardware or device drivers to cause software exceptions. These are normally seen as Windows reporting an "Access Violation". Changes have been made to handle these errors for the memory tests (for faulty RAM) and direct device driver access (for some device driver errors), as well as overarching more generic handling of these types of errors. - Corrected a software failure bug on startup (particularly Vista) where a DirectX function was causing software failures in "dsetup.dll". - Updated the "Activity Event" generated with the periodic results summary report to be numbered (from 1 upwards) such that when "Logging->Summarize", these events are not summarized. - Corrected a bug where the HTML log name could include a duplicate of the filename prefix. - Updated to the Common Errors section of help. Release 5.3 build 1009 - Public release WIN32 release 16 August 2007 - Corrected a 'zip' version cleanup problem. Release 5.3 build 1008 - Komputer Swiat Expert magazine version WIN32 STD release 14 August 2007 Release 5.3 build 1007 - Public release WIN32 release 7 August 2007 - Corrected a disk test startup problem for some large RAID systems when SMART testing is selected. - Added additional logging for the disk test when an error occurs. - Changed the 3D test when run with the 2D EMC test to be 'behind' the EMC scrolling H's test. Allowed the test to be easily exited when running the 3D test in Fullscreen mode. - Minor corrections to the Advanced Network test. - Changed the log file reference of "Network Name" to "Computer Name". WIN64 specific: - MMX and 3DNow! are obsolete for native 64-bit applications. BurnInTest has been changed to show "NA" (Not applicable) in the test window for these tests. Release 5.3 build 1006 - Limited release WIN32 release 17 July 2007 - Standard Network Test changes: - Increased the number of destination IP addresses from 4 to 6. - Added an option (default) "Test all available NICs", which will force traffic down every system NIC with a basic algorithm of NIC1 to IP Address 1, NIC2 to IP Address 2 etc. - Advanced Network test changes: - Simplified the test. - Removed the UDP and FTP options. The Standard Network test can be used as a UDP test. - Removed the Advanced Network test specific logging, and included all relevant logging in the standard BurnInTest logging mechanism. - Replaced the complicated dynamic balancing of any system NIC to any Endpoint NIC with a simpler static allocation on test startup. - Changed the error detection mechanism to detect errors much more quickly. - Re-worked the errors reported. - Changed the CPU throttling mechanism to reduce the CPU load. - Updated endpoint.exe. - Removed checkend.exe (now obsolete). - Changed the logging rollover to work with the output of interim results (e.g. per 1 minute). Previously rollover only occurred on error events written to the log. This also corrected an issue where interim results summary logging could be written to the physical disk with some delay (based on Windows disk caching). - Corrected the "Unknown" reporting of some operating systems. - Added the skipping of the Butterfly seek disk test when run on Vista and insufficient privileges. A notification of this is logged. - Intel Quad core L2 cache size reporting has been added. - Added new SMART threshold descriptions. - Added new disk test options, accessed via command line parameters: /ka: keep disk test files in all cases (c.f. /k keep disk test files on error). /j: cycle patterns between test files. Note: Random seeking will be skipped in this case. This option has been added to allow multiple test patterns to be used across very large disks. - Added an option to make some test settings unavailable to the user. An example configuration file available on request. Release 5.3 build 1005 0001 (STD only) - Public release WIN32 release 29 June 2007 - Corrected a bug introduced in v5.3.1005.0000 STD (only) where the disk test would use up more and more system resources, thus causing test failures. Release 5.3 build 1005 rev 0003 (PRO only) - Limited public release WIN32 release 21 June 2007 - Correction to the behavior of a static RAM test pattern (rather than the default Cyclic pattern). Release 5.3 build 1005 rev 0002 (PRO only) - Limited public release WIN32 release 15 June 2007 - The "Select all CD/DVD drives" preferences option has been made user configurable, rather than using pre-defined test settings. Release 5.3 build 1005 rev 0001 (PRO only) - Limited public release WIN32 release 13 June 2007 - Bug correction for the CD auto selection feature. Release 5.3 build 1005 - Public release WIN32 release 18 May 2007 WIN64 release 18 May 2007 - In a number of cases, such as when specifying the post test application, uppercase application names were not accepted. This has been corrected. - The default font height in the 2D scrolling H's test should have been Arial 9. This has been changed. - The BurnInTest Video playback test incompatibility with Nero 6 and Nero 7 has been resolved. - The BurnInTest disk test throughput for dual core systems has been improved. Release 5.3 build 1004 rev2 - Limited release WIN32 release 8 May 2007 - Changed the Standard Network Test to better report packet error ratios. In addition, a new warning has been added to indicate that errors have been detected but not enough packets have been attempted to be sent to determine accurately whether the configured error ratio has been exceeded. - Corrected a bug where the "append to existing" logging option did not work across scripted reboots, and a new log file was created instead of appending to the existing log file. - If the 3D test was running, then BurnInTest blocked a forced close of BurnInTest, this blocking has been removed. - Changed the PASS and FAIL windows so they can now also be closed by selecting the Windows Close "X" button. Release 5.3 build 1004 - Public release WIN32 release 10 April 2007 WIN64 release 10 April 2007 - Corrected a problem introduced in BurnInTest v5.2 where BurnInTest could run out of memory (the main symptom) when tests where run for long periods (> 12hours). WIN64 specific: - Corrected a bug where the number of cores reported on a Quad core system was incorrectly reported as CPU packages. Release 5.3 build 1003 - Limited release WIN32 release 3 April 2007 - A new 2D GUI (Graphical User Interface) test has been added to the standard 2D graphics test. - Resolved an issue where BurnInTest would fail to start on Vista systems with DEP enabled for all programs. - On some systems, the Disk test could pause momentarily even when a duty cycle of 100% was specified. This pause has been removed. - When running the CD test under BartPE (Pre-install environment) 4 additional specific files are skipped as they are unavailable for testing. - Minor bug corrections. Release 5.3 build 1002 rev 0001 - Limited release WIN32 release 16 March 2007 - Changes to the new 3D test: - Added a Full screen non-windowed test for the primary monitor, where the resolution can be selected from those supported by the Graphics card. - Added the user option of changes the vertical sync in the full screen non-windowed test to be either the Maximum rate of the graphics card, or to be the rate of the monitor (this may prevent some flicker). - Added a more complex water texture using DirectX Vertex Shader 2.0 and Pixel Shader 2.0 effects (if supported by the graphics card). This applies to 3D test windows that are 800x600 or larger. - Changed some error messages from window displays (that require user intervention) to standard error reporting. Added new 3D error messages and more detail in the error reporting. - Changed the definition of an operation to be a successfully displayed frame. - Changed the definition of a cycle to be 2000 frames. - Changed 2D video memory test to wait until the 3D test starts (as per V5.2 and earlier). - A new version of rebooter has been included. - If BurnInTest is started with the -p command line parameter (to use the bit.exe directory for files such as the configuration file), then BurnInTest will start rebooter with the -p option. This can be useful when running BurnInTest and Rebooter from a USB drive. Release 5.3 build 1002 - Limited release WIN32 release 19 March 2007 - Corrected a bug introduced in V5.2 where selecting accumulated logging could lead to rebooter failing to launch. Release 5.3 build 1001 - Limited release WIN32 release 16 March 2007 - The 3D test has been improved. The 3D ball test has been replaced with a more complex 3D terrain test. This will more thoroughly exercise modern graphics cards. Further, the 3D test has been changed to support multi- monitor testing (up to 4 monitors). Accordingly, a new preferences section has been added for the 3D test. The multi-monitor test options are only available in BurnInTest Professional. Release 5.3 build 1001 - Limited release WIN32 release 16 March 2007 - The 3D test has been improved. The 3D ball test has been replaced with a more complex 3D terrain test. This will more thoroughly exercise modern graphics cards. Further, the 3D test has been changed to support multi- monitor testing (up to 4 monitors). Accordingly, a new preferences section has been added for the 3D test. The multi-monitor test options are only available in BurnInTest Professional. - BurnInTest uses DirectX 9.0c. This version of BurnInTest uses a more recent version of the Microsoft DirectX Direct3D component, October 2006. BurnInTest has been modified to detect and install this component (file) if it does not exist. - A command line parameter -X has been added to skip the DirectX version checking on BurnInTest start-up. - With the recent introduction of multi-monitor support for the Video Playback test, it is now more likely that the system will run out of memory when running multiple video tests simultaneously, particularly when more memory intensive codecs are used. A specific Insufficient resources to complete test message has been added in this case, rather than the previous more generic unrecoverable error message. The video test have been changed to attempt recovery from this and the more generic unrecoverable error, by closing the current video and opening the next. The logging detail has been increased. - Note: The BurnIntest sample video pack has been altered with the DivX Compressed Video file being removed due to the DivX codec failing with this Video file when used with multiple simultaneous Video playbacks. Access Violation: 0x69756e65. See: http://www.passmark.com/download/bit_download.htm - The video description is now collected for a larger range of Vista systems. - Windows 98 and ME are no longer supported. Please see www.passmark.com for a link to an older version of BurnInTest that will support W98/ME. Release 5.3 build 1000 rev2 - Limited release WIN32 release 9 March 2007 - A command line parameter -P has been added to allow the BurnInTest directory to be used rather than the User's personal directory. This may be useful when running BurnInTest from a USB drive for example. - When running the CD test under BartPE (Pre-install environment) 4 additional specific files are skipped as they are unavailable for testing. - A change has been made to support Hmonitor temperature monitoring on Vista. - A number of undocumented command line parameters have been documented: -B: BurnInTest will generate additional Serial port test information when activity trace level 2 logging is set. -E [data]: Specifies the test data to use in the serial port test. -M: Automatically display the Machine ID Window when BurnInTest is started. -U: Force BurnInTest to set logging on at startup. Release 5.3 build 1000 - Limited release WIN32 release 8 March 2007 - Changed the 2D and Video playback tests to support multi-monitor testing. - When running the CD test under BartPE (Pre-install environment) 4 specific files are skipped as they are unavailable for testing. Release 5.2 build 1006 - Limited release WIN32 release 1 March 2007 - Corrected a bug where BurnInTest would fail to start on certain Vista systems. - Corrected a bug where some files where the full path was not specified would be incorrectly referenced in the Program Files directory, rather than the user personal directory. Release 5.2 build 1005 - Public release WIN32 release 21 February 2007 WIN64 release 21 February 2007 - Updated the Graphics card description for Windows Vista systems. - Updated the Advanced Network test to indicate that elevated administrator privileges are required when running on Vista. - Moved files from the Program files directory for the Advanced Network Test (BurnInTest, EndPoint and CheckEnd). Specifically, the User Application directory is now used for the temporary test FTP files and the User Personal directory is now used for the log and configuration files. - Updated the cleanup process for when running the "zip" version of BurnInTest Professional from a CD or flash drive. - Updated the help link from the Windows Start, All Programs, BurnInTest menu for the browser based help. - Corrected a bug where Disk preferences displayed in the Preferences window would be incorrect when the system had no Floppy drive. - Corrected a bug where the Advanced Network test might not have been displayed until after entering the Duty Cycle selection (ie. just chaning from the standard network test to the advanced test). - Corrected a USB bug in Beta 5.2.1003 where the test would not run if there where there insufficient USB loopback plugs attached to the system. - Included a new version of PassMark Rebooter that supports Windows Vista. Release 5.2 build 1004 - Public Pre-release WIN32 release 13 February 2007 - Updated the reported Operating system for the various Vista product editions. - Disk test settings can be configured for "Automatically Select all Hard Disks", rather than using defaults. - When running the CD test under BartPE (Pre-install environment) 4 specific files are skipped as they are unavailable for testing. - Corrected a bug where temperature information could be duplicated in the HTML report. - Corrected a bug certain 'save report' warning messages could be truncated. - Help file updated. Release 5.2 build 1003 - BETA RELEASE ONLY WIN32 release 23 January 2007 - Changed the USB preferences and test to more completely check for the PassMark USB Loopback plugs and ignore any device that is not a PassMark USB Loopback plug (due to reported incorrect detection with another hardware device). - Increased Trace level debugging for Intel temperature monitoring. - Corrected a bug with the disk test introduced in 5.2.1001 Release 5.2 build 1002 - BETA RELEASE ONLY WIN32 release 22 January 2007 - Increased the number of disks that can be tested from 20 to 26. - Updated BurnInTest to reflect that Temperature monitoring with Intel Desktop utilities is supported. Intel Desktop utilities essentially is a replacement for Intel Active Monitor for newer Intel motherboards. - Increased Trace level debugging for Intel temperature monitoring. Release 5.2 build 1001 - BETA RELEASE ONLY WIN32 release 19 January 2007 - Windows Vista support. - The Block size used in the disk test is now configurable per disk. The default block size has been increased from 16KB to 32KB. - An option has been added to automatically detect all of the CD and DVD drives for the CD test (as per the disk test). This may be useful when testing across many systems with different optical drive configurations. - Increased Trace level debugging for Intel temperature monitoring. - Bugs corrected: - Disk preferences - in rare cases invalid default values could be set for a disk, an invalid value error would occur and the values would need to be manually corrected. Release 5.2 build 1000 - limited release WIN32 release 8 January 2007 - Windows Vista support. - Reduced the need for elevated administrator privileges: - Changed the location of the disk test files from the root directory of the test volume to a BurnInTest data files subdirectory (e.g from "C:\" to "C:\BurnInTest test files\") - Moved many of the files from the Program Files directory to the User directory for Windows 2000, XP and Vista. When running BurnInTest on Windows 98, ME or from a key.dat file (e.g. from a USB drive with a licensed key.dat) BurnInTest will store these files in the BurnInTest program directory. Specifically, the following files have been moved from the Program Files directory to the User Personal directory, e.g. Vista - "C:\Users\\Documents\PassMark\BurnInTest\" XP - "My Documents\PassMark\BurnInTest\" Files: Configuration file, Configuration load/save default directory, Save log file and image default directory, parallel port override "ioports.dat" directory, default command line script directory, log file directory, video file directory, Plugin directory, machine id file directory, Run as script default directory, CD burn image, Advanced network FTP temp files. - Replaced the Help system with Browser based help. - Changed the Disk test block size from 16KB to 256KB. It is planned to make this user configurable in the next build. Release 5.1 build 1014 WIN32 release 2 November 2006 WIN64 release 2 November 2006 - Corrected a bug when running on Vista, where the Standard network test would report a checksum error when the transmitted data was correct. - Corrected a bug where BurnInTest would not stop the tests based on the number of test cycles for the Plugin test or the Advanced Network test. - Made the "Could not set USB2Test mode" USB error message more specific by adding an error for insufficient system resources. - Changed the preferences Window to fit on an 800x600 resolution screen. - Corrected a minor bug in Activity level 2 trace logging with the 'hide duplicate' preference setting. - Corrected a minor memory leak if the 2D test failed to initialize (such as due to a DirectX problem). - The Parallel port test may now be used on Windows Vista. Specifically, the PassMark device driver used for the parallel port test could not be loaded on 64-bit Windows Vista as it was not digitally signed. It is now digitally signed. Release 5.1 build 1013 revision 0002 WIN32 release 19 September 2006 WIN64 release 19 September 2006 - Corrected an Access Violation problem reported by a customer on a particular MB. Release 5.1 build 1013 WIN32 release 7 September 2006 WIN64 release 7 September 2006 - The "Notes" section has been added to the Customer results certificate. - Some additional configuration range validation has been added. Release 5.1 build 1012 WIN32 release 15 August 2006 - Corrected a false report of a "Unable to get disk volume extent information" for the disk butterfly seek test. - Advanced Network test changes for errors: "Corrupt header - packet discarded" and "Advanced Network test timed out" - Advanced Network test Endpoint changes for problems on non-English Operating Systems and systems with the Windows "Network Interface" performance statistics disabled. - SMART parameters on a Samsung Hard Disk caused BurnInTest to fail when running the disk test with SMART thresholds enabled. This has been corrected. - The 2D scrolling H's test could display corrupt characters on the second and subsequent test run. This has been corrected. - A problem with the Integer maths test where the results could display a negative number of operations has been resolved. - Minor improvements to the help file. - HTML help file added for Windows Vista and Longhorn Server. - Minor improvements to the Error Classification file (error descriptions). - Some CD Trace level 1 logging has been moved to trace level 2. - Trace level 1 logging has been added to the test closing software. - New build of Endpoint.exe (1.0 1010). Release 5.1 build 1011 WIN32 release 6 July 2006 - New Advanced Network test error reporting added in the previous build V5.1 1010 has been removed. - A broader range of USB 2.0 Loopback plugs can now be used with BurnInTest. Release 5.1 build 1010 WIN32 release 4 July 2006 - Corrected the HTML report description of the L2/L3 CPU cache when the L3 cache size could not be determined. Advanced network changes: - Endpoints ran at 100% CPU load as they contained no throttling. This impacted their ability to effectively handle multiple threads handling TCP/UDP messaging. Throttling has been added to the EndPoint side to reduce CPU load. This does not greatly impact Network load. - Throttling on the BurnInTest side contained a sleep that was not insignificant. This could have impacted the BurnInTest data test thread to to handle incoming TCP and particularly UDP messages. This sleep has been reduced and other throttling parameters changed to suit. (ie. smaller sleeps more often). - EndPoint systems with x NICs (where x > 1), reported themselves as an Endpoint with x NICs, x times. Effectively registering with BurnInTest as x * x EndPoint NICS. This impacted the effectiveness of the load distribution to EndPoint NICs. An Endpoint system now only registers the once with BurnInTest. - The BurnInTest side did not report data verification Checksum errors for full duplex testing. This error determination has been corrected and reporting added. - The Test statistics sent from the Endpoint to BurnInTest could fail if the statistics block is split across 2 lower level TCP send packets. This could lead to problems like incorrect reporting of Endpoint determined checksum errors, Endpoint load and load balancing. Further it would lead to an Endpoint testthread being put into an endless TCP send loop. This would eventually bring the Endpoint system to its knees as more and more of these test threads go into this state. This has been corrected. - The Data Received reported by BurnInTest was double counted. This has been corrected. Release 5.1 build 1009 WIN32 release 23 June 2006 - Plugin test error classifications were incorrect in the log file detailed description. - Corrections to the advanced network test (BurnInTest and EndPoint). Release 5.1 build 1008 - limited release WIN32 release 20 June 2006 - Advanced network changes corrections. Most notably, a bug where part of the payload data could be lost if the payload block (eg. 1000 bytes) was split across 2 (or more) lower level TCP packets. - Added version reporting for Endpoints. Release 5.1 build 1007 - limited release WIN32 release 16 June 2006 Advanced network changes: - Corrected a BurnInTest access Violation introduced in V5.1 1006. - The Endpoint now reports its version and build to BurnInTest and BurnInTest reports this in the log file if it is an earlier version than expected. This is to help avoid the situation where old Endpoints are run on the Network, that may not be compatible with the version of BurnInTest being run by the user. - Removed a timeout report in a specific instance where a timeout is not an error. - Changed the Endpoint rebalancing and polling to occur less often after the test has been running 3 minutes. This is to help allowing the handling of polling from a larger number of multiple copies of BurnInTest on the Network. - Added a connection retries on failure for the Endpoint. - Corrected a memory leak in the Endpoint. - Increased the number of sockets supported. - Corrected some Advanced Network error classifications. Release 5.1 build 1006 - limited release WIN32 release 14 June 2006 - Improvements to the Advanced Network test (both BurnInTest V5.1 1006 and EndPoint V1.0 1004) to remove corrupted false packet corruption errors. Improved the timeout recovery mechanism. Added some validation to the Windows Network performance data used for NIC utilization. - Changes to the collection of Disk drive information on startup to try to resolve a startup issue on Systems with a large number of physical drives and 'unusual' WMI namings. Release 5.1 build 1005 WIN32 release 2 June 2006 - Corrected a bug in the Advanced network test where the test would not recover from timeout errors. The test appears to be running, but the results are 0 and the number of connected End Points are 0. Also improved the retry on timeout mechanism. - Removed some duplication in error reporting in the Advanced Network test. - Changed the Advanced Network display of Utilization to ensure a maximum of 100% displayed. - Corrected an Advanced Network test bug where the number of Errors reported in the test window would not take into account the corrupt packet threshold, and an error would be added for each occurrence of the corrupt packet (rather than when the user set threshold was reached). Release 5.1 build 1004b WIN32 release 25 May 2006 (not publicly released) - Corrected the default Advanced network corrupt packet threshold value. - Updated the data entry fields in the CD preferences when a different CD drive is selected. - The Advanced Network specific log files should be concatenated for a script run. This was only occurring for the first NIC under test. The concatenation will now occur for each NIC under test, when run from a script. - Corrected a bug where a log file name specified with no directory path could be incorrect. - Corrected a bug where the customer "Test Certificate" report incorrectly translated the "%" character from a customer specific HTML template. eg would be translated to . - The "Advanced Network test error" (215) has been removed and replaced with other existing error messages 214, 219, 220, 221 or 222. - Added the Customer name and Technician name to the text and HTMl reports. Previously, this information was only included in the "Test Certificate" report. - We have added a commandline option to specify the Serial port test data as a constant value. To specify specific data for the Serial port test you should specify e.g. "bit.exe /E 23" from the command line where 23 is in decimal and will be used for all test data (instead of random data). The vales should be between 0 and 255. Release 5.1 build 1004 WIN32 release 19 April 2006 (not publicly released) - Added the COM port speed of 921600 Kbits/s for RS 422/RS485 testing. - Changed the CD test to ensure that the entire test CD data is not cached on systems with a large amount of RAM. - Added a -M command line option to display the Machine ID window automatically when BurninTest starts. - Changed the 2D EMC scrolling H's test to work on multiple monitors were the resolution on each is different. - Changed log files such the syntax "..\" could be used for files in the directory up a level. - Minor correction to the advanced network test. Release 5.1 build 1003 WIN32 release 18 April 2006 WIN64 release 18 April 2006 - Changed the Advanced network test to allow a corrupt packet threshold value up to 1 million. - Bundled a new version of rebooter. Release 5.1 build 1002 WIN32 release 11 April 2006 WIN64 release 11 April 2006 - Corrections to the translation of V4.0 to V5 configuration files. Note: Configuration files in V5.x builds prior to V5.1 1002 could become corrupted if a V4.0 configuration file is loaded. - Corrected a bug where the main Window size and location were not restored on restarting BurnInTest. - Changes to the SMART attribute logging to support a greater range of Disk drive device drivers. Added additional Activity Level 2 trace logging. - Added an option to use CTS (Clear To Send) flow control in the loop back stage of the COM port test. - Corrected a bug where the CPU L3 cache could be reported as -1. - Help file updates. Release 5.1 build 1001 WIN32 release 30/March/2006 - Digitally signed the BurnInTest application to allow it to run under Windows Server "Longhorn". Note, previously only the installation package was digitally signed. - Updated the reported Operating system descriptions, including: - Windows Vista - Windows Server "Longhorn" - Corrected a bug where the Advanced network information was not displayed on the main window when it was run from a script. - The Advanced Network Corrupt threshold packet has been changed to produce an error every time the error is received after the threshold is reached. - Corrected the reporting of "Network, Packet discarded due to corrupt header" as a Network test error. - Corrected a bug where a new log file was not created if (only) the log prefix changed during the running of a script file. - Split the "Network, Advanced Network test error" error into 6 errors: "Network, Advanced Network test error" "Advanced Network Socket error" "Advanced Network Send error" "Advanced Network Send error - no data sent" "Advanced Network Receive error" "Advanced Network Receive error - no data received" Added either activity trace 1 or trace 2 logging for each of the errors, with additional information where available. - Added additional Serial port activity trace 2 logging. Including the logging of all transmit buffer data when the /B command line is used. Release 5.1 build 1000 WIN32 release 27/March/2006 (not a public release) Added the following features: - Create the log file directory specified in the Logging Options if it does not exist. - Condense the Advanced Network Test log files to one log file per IP address per script run, when run from a script. - Added an option to summarize duplicate errors in the log file. - Color coded errors based on severity in the Detailed event log Window and the HTML log file. - Added an option to only create a log file when BurnIn actually runs a test as opposed to every time BurnIn is executed. - Added a warning if a test thread completes with 0 cycles and 0 operations. - In the results summary html file, inserted more spacing between the 揘otes? and 揇etailed Event Log? - Changed the Activity Trace file format to be the same as the log file, ie. text or HTML, rather than always text. - The 2D 揝crolling H抯?test will now display across multiple screens/displays ?i.e. all active displays. - A threshold has been added for the 揷orrupt header ?packet discarded?event in the advanced network options so that a 揊ail?is not produced when that is the only thing that produces errors. - Added looping capability in scripting. LOOP n { ? } where n is the number of times to repeat the commands in the brackets. - Corrected a bug where PASS could be displayed if the Advanced Network test was the only test running, but it failed. Release 5.0 build 1001 WIN32 release 9/March/2006 - Corrected a bug where Network directory paths were not accepted, eg. for the log file name and post test application file name. - The CPU maths test has been improved to better load up all CPU's. Previously BurnInTest started a maths test thread per physical CPU package. BurnInTest has been changed to start a maths test thread per CPU (= num. physical CPU packages x num. CPU cores x num. logical CPUs). - The CPU preferences have been changed to allow the CPU maths test to be locked to any CPU (ie. select a CPU from a list of CPU's where the number of CPU's = num. physical CPU packages x num. CPU cores x num. logical CPUs). - The Parallel and Serial port error message have been modified in the case where a test plug may not have been connected to indicate that the user should check this. - Corrected a bug where a licenced version could display the message "[limited evaluation version]" Release 5.0 build 1000 WIN32 release 24/February/2006 WIN64 release 24/February/2006 NEW TESTS & IMPROVEMENTS TO EXISTING TESTS BurnInTest Standard and Professional versions. - Added a customer style results certificate. This will save the log file in HTML format but from the perspective of a end customer. This report style can be tailored by the user (through changing an HTML template). - An MP3 playback test has been added to the Sound test. - A color printer test has been added. - A new post test option to allow the results to be printed automatically at the end of a test has been added. - Added new Post-test action options of: - Optionally allow the user to "run an external program & exit" after BIT has been manually stopped. Modify the $RESULT variable to "PASS (manual abort)" or "FAIL (manual abort)" for this case. - Allow the results window to be displayed for all post test options (except Reboot). - Added new Pre-test actions to allow an external application to be run and have BIT wait for the application to exit. On continuing, BIT will run the subscript file (of scripting commands) if it has been created. - Changed the manual Stop buttons, to abort the running of a script (rather than just the current test). BurnInTest Professional specific. - Added a "Plugin" test that allows users to develop their own BurnInTest test modules for specialized hardware. Three external plugins may be specified at once. - A Modem test has been added to BurnInTest as a Plugin. PassMark's ModemTest Version V1.3 (latest build) is required. - A KeyBoard Test has been added to BurnInTest as a Plugin. PassMark's KeyboardTest Version V2.2 (latest build) is required. - A Firewire Test has been added to BurnInTest as a Plugin. PassMark's free Firewire plugin is required and a "Kanguru FireFlash" drive is required. - A new advanced network test has been added. BurnInTest Professional only. - The Memory test now allows the user to specify the type of test pattern to be used. - Testing with the USB 2.0 Loopback plug has been improved. When used with USB 2.0 Loopback device driver V2.0.1002, error details will now be reported for: CRC error reported by USB Host controller BIT STUFF error reported by USB Host controller DATA TOGGLE MISMATCH error reported by USB Host controller STALL PID error reported by USB Host controller DEVICE NOT RESPONDING error reported by USB Host controller PID CHECK FAILURE error reported by USB Host controller UNEXPECTED PID error reported by USB Host controller DATA OVERRUN error reported by USB Host controller DATA UNDERRUN error reported by USB Host controller BUFFER OVERRUN error reported by USB Host controller BUFFER UNDERRUN error reported by USB Host controller NOT ACCESSED error reported by USB Host controller FIFO error reported by USB Host controller TRANSACTION (XACT) ERROR reported by USB Host controller BABBLE DETECTED error reported by USB Host controller DATA BUFFER ERROR reported by USB Host controller In the case of these errors, BurnInTest will re-attempt the operation. The user can set the Error reporting to be skipped for the initial recovery attempt. IMPROVEMENTS TO TESTING FACILITIES - Added a disk autoconfig, such that when tests are started, the disk drives and settings will be defaults to all disks (exc. CD/DVD). This may be useful when testing multiple systems with different hard disk drive letters. - Store the position of the Main window on exiting BurnInTest. On starting BurnInTest, position the main window as saved; on starting tests, position the test windows as saved. - Allow a "drag & drop" of the Configuration file directly on the BurnInTest program icon. - Allow testing 99.5% to 100% of disk, instead of 94%, for disks that do not contain the Windows directory and do not contain a swap file. - Added the ability to log interim results, which may be useful for unstable systems. - AMD and Intel Dual core reporting added. - New L2 CPU cache sizes added to reports. - CPU support for SSE3, DEP and PAE added to reports. - Shortcut of "F1" for contextual help added to all Windows. - Improve the flexibility in specifying the EXECUTEWAIT scripting command for sleeper. - Updated logging header information with the hard and optical drive model. - The 2D and 3D tests have been updated to use DirectX 9.0c. - User interface updated. - The HTML report format has been improved. - The BurnInTest configuration file extension has been renamed from .cfg to use .bitcfg, to ensure the configuration file is associated with BurnInTest. - An error message indicating that accumulated log files are not supported when run from CD or DVD has been added. - To allow smaller test files with very large disks, the minimum disk test file size has been reduced from 0.1% to 0.01% of the disk space. - Log events were previously shown as "INFORMATION" if they were low level errors, or simply additional information (not errors). "INFORMATION" now refers to a low level error, and "LOG NOTE" now refers to additional information (that is not in the error count). - Improved the specific detail of the Serial Port errors detected. BurnInTest now reports framing errors, buffer overrun errors, input buffer overflow errors, parity errors and Transmit buffer full errors as specific error messages (rather than a broader error description). - Added the /k command line so the user can specify not to delete HDD test files if an error occurs. - Increased Activity trace level 1 error logging for Serial port testing. - Increased Activity trace level 1 error logging for Hyper threading detection. - Bundled a new version of the Rebooter program. - Improved the Serial port error logging (displaying baud rate) and increased Activity trace level 1 error logging (displaying erroneous data). - Modified the Window sizes to help improve navigation on smaller displays (i.e. 640x480). - The CPU load for the Standard and Torture RAM tests has been made more linear with the duty cycle setting. Note: This means that compared to the previous build of BurnInTest, less RAM test operations will be run per second (when the duty cycle is less than 100). - Additional debug code and very minor changes in the Loopback sound test. - The Post test option of "Run external application and exit" has been modified such that if no external file is specified, this Post test option will just exit BurnInTest. - Allowed the full range of PassMark USB1 loopback plugs to be used with BurnInTest Professional. - Added additional Activity Trace level 2 logging. - The delay inserted between packets in the USB2 test, when the duty cycle is less than 50, has been changed from at least 1ms to at least 1ms to 50ms (for a Duty Cycle of 49 down to 0). - The subscript commands to configure BurnInTest from an external application (i.e. specified in the bit-script-input.txt file and run by specifying either a pre-test or EXECUTEWAIT application) has been changed to allow "LOAD" commands (in addition to "SET" scripting commands). - Renamed the "Error" log to "Event" log. - Changed the order of the items in an Event log line, such that the Severity is the first item. - The EXECUTEWAIT script command has been modified such that the external application may provide an input script file (of SET... commands) to be run after the EXECUTEWAIT application closes. This allows external applications to define test environment parameters (such as the serial number and machine type). - Added scripting commands: SETSERIAL "1234-shdfgdhs-GHGHG" SETMACHINETYPE "HP XPS800" SETNOTES "Test notes defined by the external application." SETLOG "\Program Files\Plugin\plugin_log" SETPLUGIN "\Program Files\Plugin\plugin.exe" - Added POST TEST application parameter substitution to allow values to be passed to an external application at the end of a test. These are: $RESULT - "PASS" or "FAIL" will be substituted. $SERIAL - The serial number will be substituted. $MACHINETYPE - The machine type will be substituted. $NOTES - The notes will be substituted. - Added extra logging for memory allocation errors in the disk test - Added "log bad sector increase" and "bad sector threshold" options to disk test. This resulted in a change to the configuration file format and required additional code to automatically convert from old formats. - Modified the user interface in the preferences window for the disk test and the CD test - Improved the handling of USB 2.0 loopback plugs recovery from sleep states. BUG CORRECTIONS - Corrected a bug where the System and Application events logged in the BurnInTest Trace logs were wrong if the event log had reached its maximum size. - Checks that the Sound test files (WAV and MIDI) exist have been added. - The continuous auto updating of the USB image (USB Loopback plug vs. USB 2.0 Loopback plug) on the main window has been removed. This is now updated on BIT startup, selecting Refresh in USB preferences or on starting a test. If there is a serious USB problem, this (together with the USB 2.0 Loopback device driver, V2.0.1002) will avoid the possibility of BurnInTest locking up. - Corrected a bug with the Butterfly seek mode of the Disk test. This was found to occur with FAT32 disks where the Cylinder size was relatively small and the Sector size relatively large. - Reset Defaults on the Configuration Page now resets the Auto Stop Value. - Reset Defaults on the Configuration Page now resets the color indicators. - The CD test has been modified to skip invalid files either with "?"'s , to avoid reporting errors that are due to the CD test media filenames. - The Network test results window scroll bar has been corrected. - The Memory torture test could fail on some systems with a small amount of RAM and relatively high memory fragmentation. This has been corrected. - Scripting correction for .cmd files. - Corrected a bug that caused problems when running the disk test with SMART monitoring turned on. This problem only occurs on a small number of HDD's. - Corrected memory leaks - On occasion, the measured waveform from the loopback sound test may have been slightly altered on starting or stopping all tests, possibly enough to trigger an error. This has been resolved. - If an error occurred in the final second of a test, the error may have been logged but not included in the big PASS/FAIL results window. This has been corrected. - After running a script file that loaded a configuration file, that had a full path specified, the Save and Load configuration menu options no longer worked. This has been corrected. - Previously, the Version of BurnInTest was only written in the First log file after starting BurnInTest. This log line is now written in all log files. - For USB2 tests that have read or write failures, the Windows error codes are now included in the level 2 Activity trace log. - Command line parameters may now be passed to a PreTest application. - Log files may now use a single static filename. This may be useful when the log file is to be parsed by an external program. - Corrected a bug where the Plugin test would stop prematurely. - Corrected the specification of the Scripting EXECUTEWAIT filename. - Changed Script processing such that a script is aborted if a scripting error is encountered and Stop on error is selected. - Added an indication on the main window that a script is currently running ("Script currently running"). - Corrected the serial port test to identify non-existing plugs when the Disable RTS/CTS and DSR/DTR testing has been selected. - Corrected the display of strange results (666666) reported by a user, related to copy protection. - Fixed a memory leak bug in the MBM interface which caused memory allocation errors. - Added BIT version number to the ASCII log file. - Fixed a bug with the 3D Test that was causing it to stop before the autostop timer period - Changed an error in the tape drive test to a warning if tape drive doesn't support setting drive parameters. History of earlier releases: Please see http://passmark.com/products/bit_history.htm Documentation ============= All the documentation is included in the help file. It can be accessed from the help menu. There is also a PDF format Users guide available for download from the PassMark web site. Support ======= For technical support, questions, suggestions, please check the help file for our email address or visit our web page at http://www.passmark.com Ordering / Registration ======================= All the details are in the help file documentation or you can visit our sales information page http://www.passmark.com/sales Compatibility issues with the Network & Parallel Port Tests =========================================================== If you are running Windows 2000 or XP, you need to have administrator privileges to run this test. Enjoy.. The PassMark Development team


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