


data  segment

  buffer dw 35098, 17758, 54582, 61504, 46054, 58513, 4409, 7902, 14255

         dw 40623, 47645, 15575, 51572, 18110, 26511, 14880, 5921, 31999

         dw 2893, 21056, 16574, 147, 25532, 33336, 5251, 64269, 31514, 23670

         dw 53335, 49581, 57895, 25689, 51697, 58198, 27548, 54151, 41373

         dw 44382, 23511, 39326, 56955, 51911

  max dw  ?

data  ends


assume ds:data,cs:codesg

data  segment
  buffer dw 35098, 17758, 54582, 61504, 46054, 58513, 4409, 7902, 14255
         dw 40623, 47645, 15575, 51572, 18110, 26511, 14880, 5921, 31999
         dw 2893, 21056, 16574, 147, 25532, 33336, 5251, 64269, 31514, 23670
         dw 53335, 49581, 57895, 25689, 51697, 58198, 27548, 54151, 41373
         dw 44382, 23511, 39326, 56955, 51911
  max dw  ?
data  ends

codesg segment
start: mov ax,data
       mov ds,ax
       mov cx,offset max-offset buffer ;Subtract the offset address to find the range of the loop.
       shr cx,1 ;Because it is stored by the word, the actual number is only half,
       ;and the operation of dividing by 2 is performed by logically shifting one bit to the right.
       mov bx,offset buffer
       mov ax,ds:[bx] ;Assume that the first number is the largest.
       mov bx,2
       dec cx ;Remove one cycle.

   s0: cmp ax,ds:[bx] ;Subtract the comparison size by cmp instruction.
       jae next ;If it is greater than or equal to 0, jump.
       mov ax,ds:[bx] ;If less then update the value of ax.

 next: add bx,2 ;Compare the next number.
     loop s0
       mov bx,offset max
       mov ds:[bx],ax ;Place the maximum ax in the required position.

       mov ax,4c00h
       int 21h
codesg ends
end start



assume ds:data,cs:code
data segment
   buf db 85, 72, 79, 90, 79, 54, 63, 66, 83, 79, 71, 77, 77, 65, 89, 93
       db 69, 96, 72, 98, 60, 78, 69, 68, 80, 65, 91, 64, 90, 90, 64, 90
       db 99, 55, 84, 56, 80, 54, 55, 66, 53, 54, 83, 61, 52, 92, 66, 51
       db 95, 81, 51, 100, 70, 65, 50, 74, 91, 57, 95, 66, 54, 50, 73, 59
       db 78, 80, 92, 78, 89, 78, 99, 100, 82, 92, 59, 71, 74, 81, 93, 74
       db 98, 57, 57, 96, 76, 79, 57, 67, 52, 84, 87, 54, 67, 72, 59, 75
       db 64, 89, 77, 80
result  db 3 dup(0)
data ends

code segment
start: mov ax,data
       mov ds,ax
       mov cx,100
       mov bx,offset buf   ;Get the offset address at buf.
    s0:cmp byte ptr[bx],90
       jb  first           ;Less than jumps.
       inc [result]        ;The result is placed in the first position at the beginning of the result.
       jmp third           ;End a screening.
 first:cmp byte ptr[bx],60
       jb  second
       inc [result+1]
       jmp third
second:inc [result+2]
       jmp third
 third:inc bx             ;Perform the next screening.
     loop s0
       mov ax,4c00h
       int 21h
code ends
end start



assume cs:cseg, ds:dseg, ss:sseg

sseg   segment  stack

    dw  100h  dup  (?)

sseg   ends

dseg   segment

    db 'YanTai University 264005', 0

dseg   ends

cseg   segment

start: mov  ax, dseg

       mov  ds, ax

       mov  ax, sseg

       mov  ss, ax

       mov  sp, 100h


       mov bx, 0

       call getUpper


       mov  ax, 4c00h

       int   21h



;功    能:对从DS:bx开始,以0结束的字符串,只保留大写字母,并仍以0结束



getUpper  proc

          ; 请写出你的代码


getUpper  endp

cseg  ends

      end   start

assume cs:cseg, ds:dseg, ss:sseg
dseg   segment
    db 'YanTai University 264005', 0
dseg   ends
sseg   segment  stack
    dw  100h  dup  (0)
sseg   ends
cseg   segment
start: mov  ax, dseg
       mov  ds, ax
       mov  ax, sseg
       mov  ss, ax
       mov  sp, 100h

       mov bx, 0
       call getUpper

       mov  ax, 4c00h
       int   21h

;功    能:对从DS:bx开始,以0结束的字符串,只保留大写字母,
getUpper  proc
          push ax
          push si ;Before the function starts, all the registers used are pushed onto the stack.
	  mov si,bx
 again:   mov al,ds:[si]
	  or al,al ;The loop is controlled by judging 0.
	  jz  ok     ;Equal to the jump.
	  cmp al,'A' 
	  jb  next   ;Jump less than A.
          cmp al,'Z'
          ja  next       ;Jump greater than Z.
	  jmp next2
  next:   mov byte ptr ds:[si],0
 next2:   inc si      ;Continue scanning the next character.
          jmp again
    ;ok:   mov [si],cl ;Set to 0 at the end of the store.
    ok:   pop ax
	  pop si   ;After finishing, all registers are popped.
getUpper  endp
cseg  ends
      end   start




assume cs:cseg, ds:dseg, ss:sseg
dseg segment
    db 20
    db 98,61,57,82,89,73,61,58,53,54
    db 84,78,70,64,84,63,76,84,83,86
dseg ends
sseg segment  stack
    dw 100H dup (?)
sseg ends
cseg segment
  start: mov ax, dseg
         mov ds, ax
         mov cl, ds:[0]
         mov ch, 0      ;cx中存储要排序数的个数
         mov bx, 1      ;要排序数的起始偏移地址
         call sort

         mov ax, 4c00h
         int   21h
;功    能:对从(DS):(bx)开始的(cx)个字节排序
;        (cx)中是要排序的数据个数
sort proc
   push bx
   push ax
   push cx
   dec cx
   s:                     ;for(int i=0;i<19;i++)
       push cx
       mov bx,1
	 s0:                ;for(int j=0;j<19-i-1;j++)
	    mov al,ds:[bx]
	    cmp al,ds:[bx+1]
	    jbe next            ;if(a[j]<a[j+1])
	    xchg al,[bx+1]      ;swap(a[j],a[j+1])
	    mov [bx],al
	    next:inc bx         ;j++
	 loop s0
	    pop cx
   loop s
    pop bx
    pop ax
    pop cx
sort endp
cseg ends
end start





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