Robbins-Monro 算法


Robbins-Monro 算法是一种用于求解非线性方程的迭代算法,通常用于根的搜索和估计。它的主要思想是通过不断迭代来逼近方程的根,而无需显式地解出方程。这个算法在统计学和机器学习中有广泛的应用,特别是在参数估计和优化问题中。


  1. 初始化:选择一个初始估计值 x 0 x_0 x0

  2. 迭代:使用以下规则进行迭代:
    x k + 1 = x k − a k ⋅ g ( x k ) x_{k+1} = x_k - a_k \cdot g(x_k) xk+1=xkakg(xk)


    • x k x_k xk 是第 k 次迭代的估计值。
    • a k a_k ak 是一个递减的正数序列,通常由用户提前指定,通常需要满足一些条件以保证收敛性。
    • g ( x k ) g(x_k) g(xk) f ( x k ) = 0 f(x_k) = 0 f(xk)=0 方程中 f ( x k ) f(x_k) f(xk) 的估计值,通常根据观测数据计算得出。
  3. 终止条件:重复步骤2,直到满足某个终止条件,如达到一定的迭代次数、估计值不再显著变化,或者满足其他收敛条件。


下面通过一个简单的例子来说明 Robbins-Monro 算法的应用:

假设我们要解方程 x 2 − 4 = 0 x^2 - 4 = 0 x24=0,我们知道这个方程的根是 x = 2 x = 2 x=2。现在,我们使用 Robbins-Monro 算法来估计这个根。

  1. 初始化:选择一个初始估计值 x 0 x_0 x0,假设初始值为 x 0 = 1 x_0 = 1 x0=1

  2. 迭代:使用 Robbins-Monro 算法的迭代规则:

    x k + 1 = x k − a k ⋅ ( x k 2 − 4 ) x_{k+1} = x_k - a_k \cdot (x_k^2 - 4) xk+1=xkak(xk24)

    这里,我们可以选择一个固定的 a k a_k ak,比如 a k = 0.1 a_k = 0.1 ak=0.1

  3. 终止条件:在每次迭代后,检查 x k x_k xk 是否足够接近根的真值(即 x = 2 x=2 x=2),或者根据迭代次数设置终止条件。

通过多次迭代,Robbins-Monro 算法会逐渐接近真实根值 x = 2 x = 2 x=2。注意,选择合适的 a k a_k ak 值以及初始估计值对算法的性能和收敛速度至关重要。


当使用 Robbins-Monro 算法来解非线性方程 x 2 − 4 = 0 x^2 - 4 = 0 x24=0 时,我们需要选择合适的参数和初始值,并迭代计算,直到满足终止条件。

  1. 初始化:选择初始估计值 x 0 = 1 x_0 = 1 x0=1 和迭代步长 a k = 0.1 a_k = 0.1 ak=0.1

  2. 迭代:使用 Robbins-Monro 算法的迭代规则:

    x k + 1 = x k − a k ⋅ ( x k 2 − 4 ) x_{k+1} = x_k - a_k \cdot (x_k^2 - 4) xk+1=xkak(xk24)


    • 第一次迭代:

      x 1 = 1 − 0.1 ⋅ ( 1 2 − 4 ) = 1 − 0.1 ⋅ ( − 3 ) = 1 + 0.3 = 1.3 x_1 = 1 - 0.1 \cdot (1^2 - 4) = 1 - 0.1 \cdot (-3) = 1 + 0.3 = 1.3 x1=10.1(124)=10.1(3)=1+0.3=1.3

    • 第二次迭代:

      x 2 = 1.3 − 0.1 ⋅ ( 1. 3 2 − 4 ) = 1.3 − 0.1 ⋅ ( − 2.31 ) = 1.3 + 0.231 = 1.531 x_2 = 1.3 - 0.1 \cdot (1.3^2 - 4) = 1.3 - 0.1 \cdot (-2.31) = 1.3 + 0.231 = 1.531 x2=1.30.1(1.324)=1.30.1(2.31)=1.3+0.231=1.531

    • 第三次迭代:

      x 3 = 1.531 − 0.1 ⋅ ( 1.53 1 2 − 4 ) = 1.531 − 0.1 ⋅ ( − 1.09 ) = 1.531 + 0.109 = 1.64 x_3 = 1.531 - 0.1 \cdot (1.531^2 - 4) = 1.531 - 0.1 \cdot (-1.09) = 1.531 + 0.109 = 1.64 x3=1.5310.1(1.53124)=1.5310.1(1.09)=1.531+0.109=1.64


注意,这个例子中的参数选择和初始值选择是人为的,而实际应用中可能需要根据问题的性质和数值稳定性来选择这些参数。在迭代的过程中,估计值会逐渐接近真实根值 x = 2 x = 2 x=2,并在满足终止条件后停止迭代。

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The Robbins-Monro setting is a mathematical framework used to study stochastic approximation and optimization problems. It is named after Herbert Robbins and Sutton Monro, who introduced this framework in the 1950s. In the Robbins-Monro setting, we consider a sequence of random variables (Xn, Yn) where Xn is a sequence of random variables taking values in a measurable space and Yn is a sequence of random variables taking values in the real line. The goal is to find a sequence of real numbers (θn) that converges to a solution of the optimization problem minimize f(θ) where f is an unknown function that we want to minimize. The key assumption in the Robbins-Monro setting is that the function f is not known, but we can evaluate it at any point θ. Moreover, we assume that the random variables (Xn, Yn) are independent and identically distributed, and that the conditional distribution of Yn given Xn and θn is a probability distribution that depends on θn. The Robbins-Monro algorithm is a way to solve the optimization problem in this setting. It is an iterative algorithm that updates the estimate θn based on the observed value of Yn: θn+1 = θn - an(Xn, θn)(Yn - f(θn)) where an(Xn, θn) is a sequence of positive numbers that satisfies certain conditions. The idea behind this update rule is to move θn in the direction that reduces the expected value of the objective function f. The Robbins-Monro algorithm has been widely used in statistics, machine learning, and control theory to solve various optimization and estimation problems. It is a powerful tool for dealing with complex and noisy data, and it can be used to find the optimal solution even when the objective function is non-convex or non-smooth.


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