数字嗅觉将气味模拟系统带入21世纪(Digital Olfaction Brings Scent Systems Into the 21st Century)

多年来,酒店、办公室、零售和多户住宅一直在"操纵"我们呼吸的空气来创造一种地方感(a sense of place)。 虽然我们对气味的感知极为强大,但我们对它却知之甚少。

数字嗅觉(Digital olfaction)对鼻子的作用就像相机对我们的眼睛所做的那样,使用代码来复制气味,这开创了一种新的气味控制和复制范式,并且可能很快成为 PropTech 的支柱。

Movie theaters don’t really smell like popcorn. The new car smell in the dealership isn’t real. The bathroom at the office wasn’t just cleaned. Each space is being made to smell that away with commercial scent systems. Hotels, offices, retail, and multifamily properties have manipulated the very air we breathe to create a sense of place for years. While our perception of smell is one of the most powerful senses, it’s also our least understood. Digital olfaction is doing for your nose what cameras did for our eyes, using code to replicate scents, ushering in a new paradigm of scent control and replication that could soon be a pillar of PropTech.

气味以我们尚不了解的方式一直影响着我们。 气味营销研究所(Scent Marketing)的研究表明,新鲜烘焙食品的气味可以使人们更有可能购买房屋。 苹果和黄瓜的味道可以让人感觉房间比实际更大,烟雾使空间看起来更小。 薄荷的气味可以让人保持清醒,薰衣草已被证明有助于睡眠。 在几乎每个行业中,气味都被用作区分产品、空间和位置的一种方式。目前,全球各种形式的香水行业价值估计为 710 亿美元。 可问题是我们对嗅觉的科学理解才刚刚开始。

Scent can impact us in ways we don’t yet understand. Research from the Scent Marketing Institute shows the smell of fresh baked goods can make someone more likely to purchase a home. Hints of apple and cucumber can make some feel like a room is larger than it really is, smoke makes the space seem smaller. The smell of peppermint can keep people awake, lavender has been shown to help with sleep. In practically every industry scent is used as a way to differentiate products, spaces, and locations. The global fragrance industry in all its forms is worth an estimated $71 billion. The problem is the collective scientific understanding of our sense of smell is only just beginning.


视觉、味觉、触觉和声音背后已弄清的科学细节超越嗅觉太多。大多数相机比人眼工作得更好,能够看到我们看不见的光谱。音频系统可以听到我们耳朵听不到的波长。而机器人现在可以使用人工触手来小心地剥葡萄。同时,一些人造香料比真正的味道更美味。但是捕捉嗅觉感官体验的类似努力却失败了,因为我们大脑嗅觉背后的物理原理并不像其他感官那么简单。视觉由光的作用所产生,声音是空气压缩的波动所产生的。然而气味却完全是另一回事。目前人类所了解到的是,有大约 400 种受体类型可以识别数百万种气味,并且可以将它们结合起来形成一种整体气味。例如,圣诞节的早晨闻起来像枞树,冲泡咖啡、燃烧原木、包装纸和烤肉桂卷。人工嗅觉设备可能能够识别一些气味,但事实证明,将它们结合起来并像我们的大脑一样找到它们之间的联系是很困难的。科学家们无法就我们大脑中究竟是如何处理气味达成一致。

The science behind sight, taste, touch, and sound are lightyears beyond smell. Most cameras work better than human eyes, able to see spectrums of light invisible to us. Audio systems can hear wavelengths our ears can’t. Robots can now use an artificial sense of touch to carefully peel a grape. Some artificial flavorings are tastier than the real thing. Similar efforts to capture olfactory sensory experiences have fallen short because the physics behind how our brains smell isn’t as straightforward as other senses. Sight is photons, sound is compressed air. Scent is something else entirely. Roughly 400 receptor types can recognize millions of scents, combining them to create an overall smell. Christmas morning smells like a fir tree, brewing coffee, burning logs, wrapping paper, and baking cinnamon rolls all at once. Artificial smelling devices may be able to recognize a few scents, but combining them and finding connections between them like our brains do has proved difficult. Scientists can’t agree on how exactly scent is processed in our brains.

一批追求数字嗅觉的初创公司正在设计与鼻子内部识别气味相同过程的设备,意图将气味检测和复制提升到一个新的水平。专注于神经技术的生物技术公司 Koniku 设计了一种小型紫色气泡状设备,该设备使用活细胞来检测气味。该设备只有一个花头大小,其中活细胞悬浮在一种溶液中,该溶液模拟了我们鼻腔中被称为粘膜的膜层。Aryballe 的设备使用移植到硅片上的肽,这些肽会对某些气味的存在作出反应。 两种设备都记录了所触发反应的顺序,并以此来解释气味。

A new crop of startups pursuing digital olfaction are taking odor detection and replication to the next level by designing devices that use the same processes at the nose itself. Koniku, a biotech firm specializing in neurotechnology, has designed a small purple bubble-like device that uses living cells to detect scents. About the size of a flowerhead, the living cells are suspended inside a solution that mimics the layer of the membrane in our nasal cavity known as mucosa. Aryballe’s device uses peptides grafted onto silicon wafers that react to the presence of certain odors. Both devices record which reactions are triggered in what order to interpret the smell.

Koniku 创始人 Osh Agabi 告诉彭博商业周刊:“相机为视觉做了什么,我们现在就正在为嗅觉做什么。” Koniku 与饮料巨头 AB InBev 签署了一项协议,使用 Konikore 设备测量啤酒产品的芳香气味。与空客公司的合作使该设备被带到机场,以帮助检测爆炸装置。 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 正在与 Koniku 合作开发一种在交通停车期间检测大麻烟雾痕迹的方法。

“What the camera did for vision, we’re now doing for smell,” Koniku founder Osh Agabi told Bloomberg Businessweek. Commercial building applications are already beginning. Koniku inked a deal with adult beverage giant AB InBev to use the Konikore device to measure aromatic notes of the brewer’s product. A partnership with Airbus is bringing the device to airports to help with explosive device detection. Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. is working with Koniku to develop a method for detecting traces of cannabis smoke during traffic stops.

不仅仅是数字检测,气味的数字传输和复制也在推进。 科学家们现在正在努力编码某些气味,以期能够通过电子设备发送它们进行有效复制。 复制气味很困难,因为没有人掌握一种传递方法。气体和气味之间经常相互污染,很难控制已经自然含有气味的环境的气味。 充其量,用于商业用途的气味复制依赖于压倒大多数其他气味来创造的一种标志性气味,如爆米花、烤饼干或刚打扫过的洗手间。

It isn’t just digital detection. Digital transmission and replication of scents are also advancing. Scientists are working to codify certain smells to be able to send them across electronics for efficient replication. Replicating scents is difficult because no one has mastered a delivery method. Smells commingle, gaseous and liquid odorants often contaminate each other, and it’s hard to control for the environment that already naturally contains its own odors. At best, scent replication for commercial use relies on overpowering most other smells to create one signature scent, like popcorn, baking cookies, or a freshly cleaned restroom.

“气味不像颜色,我们可以做 RGB 或 CMYK 颜色模型来实现我们想要的任何东西,”非营利性艺术和嗅觉研究所的创始人 Saskia Wilson-Brown 告诉 BBC。 “每种气味都有自己的成分。”

“Scent isn’t like color, where we can do the RGB or CMYK color models and replicate whatever we want,” Founder of the non-profit Institute for Art and Olfaction Saskia Wilson-Brown told the BBC. “Every smell has its own components.”

几个世纪以来,香炉和香炉一直在教堂中被用于宗教仪式。 事实证明,按需加不同香味的香是一个难以实现的目标。 Scenovision 在 1939 年的世界博览会上首次亮相,使用连接在剧院观众椅子上的管道,这些管道与屏幕上的图像同步释放某些气味。 但这一技术在电影和商业上都失败了。 与气味检测行业一样,这是几十年来一直未能实现的大胆主张。 而这一切可能最终会被改变。

Historical efforts to replicate smells on demand go back thousands of years. Ancient Greeks devised a method using doves doused in fragranced oils to spread pleasant scents during a festival as they flap their wings. Incense and censers have been used in churches for religious ceremonies for centuries. Having something or someplace always have a particular scent is about the extent of the industry. Scent on-demand has proved an elusive goal. Scenovision was debuted at the 1939 World’s Fair, using pipes attached to the theater-goers chairs that released certain smells in sync with images on the screen. The technology and films utilizing it were commercial flops. Like the odor detection industry, the replication industry has been failing to achieve bold claims for decades. All that may be finally changing.

为了解决气体气味和液体气味的传递问题,The Aroma Shooter 等产品使用了固态芳香材料,可以快速释放各种气味而不会无意混合。 Scent Machina 使用连接到扩散器的智能手机应用程序,允许用户按需选择四种不同类型的气味。 游戏行业正在努力为虚拟现实世界添加嗅觉体验,开发用户佩戴的设备,在模拟现实的过程中释放目标气味。

To get around delivery problems with gas and liquid scents, products like The Aroma Shooter use solid-state fragrance material that can rapidly deploy various scents without unintentional mixing. Scent Machina uses a smartphone app connected to a diffuser, allowing users to choose between four types of scents on-demand. The gaming industry is working to add olfactory experiences to the world of virtual reality, developing necklaces worn by users that release target scents during simulations.

  • 气味与感性(Scent and sensibility)

按需创造气味的数字嗅觉可以超越使用令人愉快的气味进行营销或产生清洁的需求。 薰衣草和橙子等香味有助于镇定神经,在压力大的办公室环境中很有用。 设备很快就能让每位员工根据自己的气味定制办公室。 代替气溶胶喷雾,新技术使气味在公共场所的刺激性也降低了。 有些人对气味高度敏感,数字气味检测和气味复制可以帮助识别和中和办公室中一些引起争议的气味。

Digital olfaction that creates scents on-demand that can go beyond using a pleasant scent for marketing or the illusion of cleanliness. Scents like lavender and orange can help calm nerves, useful in high-stress office settings. Devices could soon enable each employee to tailor their office to their own scent. Instead of aerosol sprays, new technology is enabling scents to also be less irritating in public settings. Some individuals are highly sensitive to smells, digital odor detection and scent replication can help identify and neutralize some of the smells in the office that cause disputes.

数字嗅觉可能将彻底改变我们建筑物中最普遍的技术形式:烟雾探测器。 借助数字嗅觉,烟雾探测器可以检测到比烟雾更危险的污染物和问题,同时还能更好地检测烟雾本身。 今天的烟雾探测器要么依靠电离,要么依靠光电探测,它们的工作方式不同,并且探测烟雾的类型不同,从而致使在响应时间上产生了相当大的差异。 根据美国消防局的说法,这两种警报都不比另一种更好,该机构只能推荐使用双传感器烟雾探测器。 虽然数字嗅觉设备不太可能取代低成本的烟雾探测器,但这项技术无疑会让它们变得更好。 更好的感应可以防止误判因过度烹饪的食物所产生烟雾的威胁,并改进对真正威胁的检测。

Digital olfaction has the potential to revolutionize the most ubiquitous form of technology we have in our buildings: smoke detectors. With digital olfaction, smoke detectors can detect far more dangerous pollutants and problems than smoke while also detecting smoke itself better. Today’s smoke detectors either rely on ionization or photoelectric detection, each works differently and detects some smoke better than others, creating considerable differences in response times. Neither alarm is better than the other, according to the U.S. Fire Administration, but the agency does recommend dual sensor smoke detectors. While it’s unlikely digital olfaction devices will replace low-cost smoke detectors, the technology will undoubtedly make them better. Better sensing will prevent false alarms from overcooked food or steam and improve early detection of real threats.

数以千万计的资金正涌入数字嗅觉领域。 Aryballe 吸引了来自现代、三星和 International Flavors & Fragrances 等市值数十亿美元的公司的投资和合作。自 2015 年以来,Aromyx 已经筹集了近 1900 万美元。根据 Mordor Intelligence 的数据,全球电子鼻市场预计将从 1780 万美元增长到 3480 万美元,在未来 5 年内增长近 200%。阻碍增长的是既定的方法。大多数气味检测仅用于识别一些关键气味,不需要完整的数字鼻子。对于商业和消费应用来说,传递香味本身就是一个拥挤的产业——扩散器、喷雾器和中央系统。数字嗅觉的实现以及其他检测和复制方法需要进一步开发和产品化,其潜力是巨大的。气味在科学上可能是我们感官家族的害群之马,但它的重要性却是无可争议的。

Money is pouring into digital olfaction by the tens of millions. Aryballe has attracted investment and partnerships from billion-dollar corporations like Hyundai, Samsung, and International Flavors & Fragrances. Aromyx has raised nearly $19 million since 2015. The global electronic nose market is expected to grow from $17.8 million to $34.8 million, nearly a 200 percent increase over the next 5 years, according to Mordor Intelligence. Hampering that growth is established methods. Most odor detection is only designed to identify a few critical scents, a full digital nose isn’t required. Scent delivery itself is a crowded market for both commercial and consumer applications, using diffusers, sprays, candles, and central systems. In some places and for certain cultures we simply don’t want any smell, no matter how pleasant. Using digital olfaction to compete against other methods of detection and replication will require further development and productization but the potential is there. Smell may be the black sheep of our sense family scientifically but its importance is beyond dispute.

对于最初开发VR技术的先驱者来说,很难想象人工视觉和声音检测和复制的商业应用,但现在却很难想象没有它们的生活。 相机非常昂贵,但它们让业主了解空间中正在发生的事情。现今,建筑物里到处都是它们,而它们在商业应用变得明显之前就首先被发明了出来。 为气味创建摄像头的数字嗅觉具有相同的潜力。 在空气传播病毒大流行的情况下,空气质量监测取得了突飞猛进的发展。 但对很多人来说,监测一个空间的气味可能比空气质量更重要,因为气味与记忆和感知的联系极为强烈。

Commercial applications for artificial sight and sound detection and replication were hard to imagine for the pioneers that first developed those technologies too but now it’s hard to imagine life without them. Cameras are expensive too, but the insight they give property owners into what’s happening in spaces is invaluable. Today’s buildings are full of them, but they had to be invented first before commercial applications became apparent. Digital olfaction that creates a camera for smell has some of the same potentials. Air quality monitoring has grown by leaps and bounds amid a pandemic of an airborne virus. Monitoring the scent of a space may be more important to some than the quality of the air because of how strongly smell is attached to memory and perception. It’s time for the property sector to wake up and smell the opportunity.

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