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转载 理解Bellman Equation

The Bellman equation simply averages over

2014-07-03 19:01:36 4468

原创 reference for TCP friendliness

When a new congestion contTCP friendliness means that the average throughput

2014-07-02 22:34:46 863

原创 Network Visualization Function_White Paper [ETSI]


2014-06-05 17:23:05 1340

原创 4K TEST SEQUENCES 测试视频片段下载


2014-03-10 16:57:55 19213

原创 CSMA/CA 缺点

MAC层资源控制协议CSMA/CA能有效协调无线资源共享,然而也有缺陷:1. 不同node竞争资源依靠random backoff,不良后果是有可能带来过长的delay2. random backoff的选择是discrete的,所以不同nodes可能会有相同的backoff数值,引发collisionIn general, CSMA/CA的随机性带来很多unpredictable i

2014-02-10 22:39:03 7939

转载 Comparing LTE and 3G Energy Consumption [cited from AT&T]

https://developer.att.com/developer/forward.jsp?passedItemId=11900006Figure 1: The 3G state machine.Starting in the lower left of figure 1 and proceeding clockwise, we begin with the IDLE st

2013-12-13 20:39:59 980

转载 News for multipath TCP

http://arstechnica.com/apple/2013/09/multipath-tcp-lets-siri-seamlessly-switch-between-wi-fi-and-3glte/In theory, a router could just load balance packets over two or more paths by sending packet 1

2013-10-17 16:56:24 783

原创 Splitting Attribute measure in Decision Tree Learning (ML)

Ref: chapter 8 in 3rd Ed, by Han, etc.Information Gainstrong: easy implementweak: it prefers to select attribute with a large number of values, therefore, the selected splitting attribute might

2013-10-05 01:50:33 1211

原创 Data Preprocessing in Data Mining

reference: Chapter 3 in book >, 3rd Ed by Han, etc.Data preprocessing techniques aims to improve the quality of pattern mined and/or the time required for mining:Data cleaning, which removes n

2013-10-03 21:58:11 1151

原创 books for beginners in data mining and pattern recgonition

Data mining:《DataMining, Concepts and Techniques》,by J.Han, etc《DataMining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques》, 3rd Edition,Ian H. Witten. (Basic theory and practical methods. Very

2013-09-30 16:56:24 943

原创 [IETF] [BitTorrent] Low Extra Delay Background Transport (LEDBAT)

Reference[1] Low Extra Delay Background Transport (LEDBAT)http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6817What is LEDBAT?LEDBAT, Developed by BitTorrent and approved byIETF in Dec.2012, is a new applicati

2013-09-11 22:08:13 1184

原创 [IETF] Congestion Exposure

Reference[1]Congestion Exposure (ConEx) Concepts and Abstract Mechanismhttp://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-conex-abstract-mech-07[2]TCP modifications for Congestion Exposurehttp://tools.

2013-09-11 19:01:30 810

原创 Overview of OFDM and OFDMA [LTE Self-training]

Multiplexing: combine a number of independent signals into  composite signal, which is suitable to be delivered over a common channel. To deliver over the same channel, these signals must be separated

2013-07-10 17:57:29 991

原创 Overview of IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) [LTE Self-training]

Summary:1. First released by 3GPP release 5, in order to enhance Packet-Switched domain in supporting IP multimedia services.2. Providing back compatibility to Circuit-Switched domains and functio

2013-07-09 18:26:31 1191

原创 LTE Self-training --- Training Map

From www.Lteuniversity.com

2013-07-09 17:57:57 714

原创 Signaling System No.7-7号信令

Common Channel Signaling System No. 7, standardized by ITU, is protocol that setup/tear down basic telephone calls.function: exchange control information such as number dialed by caller, setup/relea

2013-07-04 05:21:25 1114

原创 differences between ATM and Ethernet

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM): is a high speed networking protocol commonly used by internet providers to delivery both voice and data services. ATM operated at layer 2(data link layer).Ethernet:

2013-07-04 05:09:44 961

原创 通信系统常见问题 common problems in mobile network

1. From the point view of customer: quality of service degradation of voice calls and internet access; call dropped due to interference or handover; information security 2. From the point vi

2013-07-04 04:40:35 837

转载 [summary]-SIGMETRICS'13: Tolerating Path Heterogeneity in Multipath TCP with Bounded Receive Buffers

Problem for current multipath delivering protocol: assume infinite receive buffer. When the buffer is limited, flow control will degrade the throughput a lot.Contribution: the authors uses systemati

2013-06-28 17:41:20 950

原创 linux 常用命令

awk ‘{print $1}’ file打印文件的第一列(第一个域)sed -n '/test/w file' example在example中所有包含test的行都被写入file里awk ‘/XXX/ {print $1,$2}’ file打印文件file包含XXX的行的第一和第二个域cut -c 2-6 file>output从file中截取每行第2个到第6个

2013-06-22 00:00:06 517

原创 cell association and interference coordination in LTE

Tingfang Ji(Qualcomm), etc, "Cell Association and Interference Coordination in Heterogeneous LTE-A Cellular Networks", JSAC 2010.Background:heterogeneous LTE networks: macro base station+femto bas

2013-05-09 16:37:04 1198

原创 RL note(1)_Why exploratory is needed

[sutton's book section 2.2]Why exploratory is needed:1. greedy selection is bad in the long run, as at each time, the agent has to wait for(get stucking) the suboptimal action.2. when true value

2013-04-24 16:24:31 579

原创 reinforcement learning & value iteration discussion方面的奠基性文章


2013-04-23 21:10:30 847

原创 为什么power control 在 LTE系统不再重要

首先需要理解power control (3GPPTS 36.213),当手机远离基站,为了保证通话质量,需要适当增加发送功率,当距离远到一定程度,但又没有可用的周边cell,则需要降低service的质量(e.g. bitrate)。在3G网络比如UMTS、WCDMA,power control is needed at cell edge since channels are interf

2013-04-10 04:03:11 1840

原创 FP7 project-iJoin

A recent FP7 project called iJoin (http://www.ict-ijoin.eu/), which aims to jointly optimize access and backhaul solution when integrating small cells deployed by operators. iJoin introduces the c

2013-02-28 06:31:11 653

原创 LTE note 2012.12.27

来自中国移动研究院无线所无线研究员面经http://www.losersaver.com/pay.do?id=ff8080813b04a1c3013b1ed2920c002a1. why LTE adopts OFDM-MIMO? Why does CDMA not use it?(背景:MIMO的概念早在1908年由马可尼提出,很简单,利用多根收发天线提高信道容量,而不用增大天线

2012-12-27 20:35:18 588

原创 LTE网络CQI机制

ref: E-UTRA_Physical layer procedures_3GPP TS 36.213-v9.2.0(2010)关于CQI的学习总结:1. Channel Quality Indication (CQI) report格式:2. CQI report 有两种:periodic 和 aperiodicperiodic CQI report由Physica

2012-12-13 19:57:54 3586

原创 Head-of-Line Blocking (线头阻塞)

Head of Line (HOL) Blocking 产生的原因:概念:队列的首个packet由于它的目的端口正忙而被延迟转发,导致后面的packets被blocked原因:如果1个switch,使用FIFO队列,就会出现HOL Blocking。优化方案:1. 使用window,即队列前面的n个packet而不是一个packet参与输出端口的竞争,这样会降低blocking的概

2012-12-12 03:51:53 10782

转载 Bearers Questions from lteuniversity.com

http://lteuniversity.com/get_trained/expert_opinion1/b/chrisreece/archive/2009/02/06/bearers-questions.aspxAre default bearers created on a per UE or a per PDN (Packet Data Network) basis? Defau

2012-11-29 01:10:00 691

原创 关于IPv6的2篇IETF文档 【MIPv6, FMIPv6】

Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6), 2004年IETF RFC3775标准,基于break-before-make机制,MN只有断掉当前连接的基站才能开始寻找并连接到新的基站。MIPv6最大的问题是会产生high handover latency和loss,因此不适于real time应用。为提高MIPv6性能,2009年IETF RFC5568提出Fast Mobile IPv6 (F

2012-11-19 18:46:36 776

原创 TDD and FDD 比较

TDD, downlink and uplink traffic use the same channel and separated by time space适合unsymmetrical业务,如因特网数据业务lower speed support, e.g. up to 120Km/h, 因为TDD芯片处理速度跟不上TDD基站成本比FDD低,重要原因之一,TDD中,上下行数据共用

2012-10-30 19:43:25 920



2012-10-23 23:14:13 690

原创 Data Center TCP (DCTCP)

微软研究院与Standford U合作开发,发表在2010年 ACM SIGCOMMMotivation: satisfying data center trafficPrinciple: Extends TCP's congestion control algorithm. Using Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) in switches

2012-10-19 22:57:35 4004

原创 数字气味应用前景

气味的应用1. 安全驾驶。当检测到驾驶员处于疲劳状态时(目前技术是基于唾液或声音频率),车内自动释放令人清醒的气味2. 孩童玩具。融合气味帮助记忆教学3. 多感官电影,美食纪录片,游戏4. 餐厅,超市,增加人工产生的食物香味,增大销量Devices that generate scent  1. ScentScape Programm

2012-10-11 17:23:34 1424

原创 车载通信(telematics) 市场分析

车载应用领域三大类交通信息: 车况,路况紧急服务: 医疗呼救,事故请援个性话服务: 信息定制,娱乐,定位其它国家市场简介美国: 1997年开始,提供全方位信息,GPS,路况,商店,餐厅,医院,等。成功案例: on-star(安吉星) 和 wingcast欧洲: E-safty项目日本: G-Book 项目中国:高档车为主。公司:北京四通等。案例分析on-st

2012-10-07 06:04:16 999

原创 [summ] 基于MPTCP的无线通信节能方案/MPTCP-based Energy Saving Techs in Wireless Networks

1. Saving Mobile Device Energy with Multipath TCP [http://eggert.org/papers/2011-mobiarch-mptcp-saving-energy.pdf]contribution: proposes a scheduler to switch between 3G and Wi-Fi, in order to sav

2012-08-27 17:15:00 1121

原创 [summ]Coupled Congestion Control for Multipath Transport Protocols [draft-ietf-mptcp-congestion-07]

Coupled Congestion Control for Multipath Transport Protocols [draft-ietf-mptcp-congestion-07]link:http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-mptcp-congestion-07重要文献:[1] Wischik, D., Raiciu, C., Gre

2012-08-27 17:11:44 1243

原创 [summ] IETF文档之MPTCP应用:MPTCP Application Interface Considerations (draft-ietf-mptcp-api-05)_Apr.2012

背景:早在2007年,IETF推出Streaming Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), Stewart, R., Stream Control Transmission Protocol, RFC 4960, September 2007. SCTP主要特色是提供 多路径通信(concurrent multipath transfer). 然而SC

2012-08-22 00:06:53 1412

原创 [summ]network traffic measurement and analysis-challenges and solutions

1.A. Marold, P. Lieven, and B. Scheuermann, “Probabilistic parallel measurement of network traffic at multiple locations,” IEEE Network, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 6 –12, Feb. 2012.challenge: when merging

2012-08-20 08:04:36 800

原创 [summ]Energy saving-Switching 3G_Wi-Fi_GPS

J. Ryoo, H. Kim, and S. R. Das, “Geo-fencing: Geographical-fencing based energy-aware proactive framework for mobile devices,” in 2012 IEEE 20th International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS), 2

2012-08-14 18:22:27 530





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