
环境为hadoop 3.1.3






  public HdfsFileStatus create(String src, FsPermission masked,
      String clientName, EnumSetWritable<CreateFlag> flag,
      boolean createParent, short replication, long blockSize,
      CryptoProtocolVersion[] supportedVersions, String ecPolicyName)
      throws IOException {
    // 发起请求的客户端ip
    String clientMachine = getClientMachine();  
    if (stateChangeLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
      stateChangeLog.debug("*DIR* NameNode.create: file "
          +src+" for "+clientName+" at "+clientMachine);
    // 目录的长度(8000)和深度(1000)是否超出限制
    if (!checkPathLength(src)) {  
      throw new IOException("create: Pathname too long.  Limit "
          + MAX_PATH_LENGTH + " characters, " + MAX_PATH_DEPTH + " levels.");
    // 当前NameNode的状态(active、backup、standby)是否支持该操作
    CacheEntryWithPayload cacheEntry = RetryCache.waitForCompletion(retryCache, null);
    if (cacheEntry != null && cacheEntry.isSuccess()) {
      return (HdfsFileStatus) cacheEntry.getPayload();

    HdfsFileStatus status = null;
    try {
      PermissionStatus perm = new PermissionStatus(getRemoteUser()
          .getShortUserName(), null, masked);
      // 创建文件
      status = namesystem.startFile(src, perm, clientName, clientMachine,  
          flag.get(), createParent, replication, blockSize, supportedVersions,
          ecPolicyName, cacheEntry != null);
    } finally {
      RetryCache.setState(cacheEntry, status != null, status);

    return status;


  HdfsFileStatus startFile(String src, PermissionStatus permissions,
      String holder, String clientMachine, EnumSet<CreateFlag> flag,
      boolean createParent, short replication, long blockSize,
      CryptoProtocolVersion[] supportedVersions, String ecPolicyName,
      boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException {

    HdfsFileStatus status;
    try {
      // 创建文件
      status = startFileInt(src, permissions, holder, clientMachine, flag,  
          createParent, replication, blockSize, supportedVersions, ecPolicyName,
    } catch (AccessControlException e) {
      logAuditEvent(false, "create", src);
      throw e;
    logAuditEvent(true, "create", src, status);
    return status;

不需要关注ecPolicy等相关参数,这是利用纠删码(Erasure Coding)实现条带式(striped)存储的方式,可以降低数据存储空间的开销,这里我们不考虑这些。继续看startFileInt()

  private HdfsFileStatus startFileInt(String src,
      PermissionStatus permissions, String holder, String clientMachine,
      EnumSet<CreateFlag> flag, boolean createParent, short replication,
      long blockSize, CryptoProtocolVersion[] supportedVersions,
      String ecPolicyName, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException {
    if (NameNode.stateChangeLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
      StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
      builder.append("DIR* NameSystem.startFile: src=").append(src)
          .append(", holder=").append(holder)
          .append(", clientMachine=").append(clientMachine)
          .append(", createParent=").append(createParent)
          .append(", replication=").append(replication)
          .append(", createFlag=").append(flag)
          .append(", blockSize=").append(blockSize)
          .append(", supportedVersions=")
    if (!DFSUtil.isValidName(src) ||                       // 路径是否合法
        FSDirectory.isExactReservedName(src) ||            // 路径是否是reserved的
        (FSDirectory.isReservedName(src)                   // 同上
            && !FSDirectory.isReservedRawName(src)         // 是否是预留raw
            && !FSDirectory.isReservedInodesName(src))) {  // 是否是预留inode
      throw new InvalidPathException(src);

    boolean shouldReplicate = flag.contains(CreateFlag.SHOULD_REPLICATE);
    if (shouldReplicate &&
        (!org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isEmpty(ecPolicyName))) {
      throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("SHOULD_REPLICATE flag and " +
          "ecPolicyName are exclusive parameters. Set both is not allowed!");

    INodesInPath iip = null;
    boolean skipSync = true; // until we do something that might create edits
    HdfsFileStatus stat = null;
    BlocksMapUpdateInfo toRemoveBlocks = null;

    final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker();
    try {
      checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot create file" + src);

	  // 获取路径中的inodes,INodesInPath中包含了从根目录到当前文件的各级inode信息
      iip = FSDirWriteFileOp.resolvePathForStartFile(  
          dir, pc, src, flag, createParent);

      if (blockSize < minBlockSize) {
        throw new IOException("Specified block size is less than configured" +
            " minimum value (" + DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE_KEY
            + "): " + blockSize + " < " + minBlockSize);

      if (shouldReplicate) {
        blockManager.verifyReplication(src, replication, clientMachine);
      } else {
        final ErasureCodingPolicy ecPolicy = FSDirErasureCodingOp
            .getErasureCodingPolicy(this, ecPolicyName, iip);
        if (ecPolicy != null && (!ecPolicy.isReplicationPolicy())) {
          if (blockSize < ecPolicy.getCellSize()) {
            throw new IOException("Specified block size (" + blockSize
                + ") is less than the cell size (" + ecPolicy.getCellSize()
                +") of the erasure coding policy (" + ecPolicy + ").");
        } else {
          // 判断副本数是否超出配置文件设置的限制
          blockManager.verifyReplication(src, replication, clientMachine);

      FileEncryptionInfo feInfo = null;
      if (!iip.isRaw() && provider != null) {
        EncryptionKeyInfo ezInfo = FSDirEncryptionZoneOp.getEncryptionKeyInfo(
            this, iip, supportedVersions);
        // if the path has an encryption zone, the lock was released while
        // generating the EDEK.  re-resolve the path to ensure the namesystem
        // and/or EZ has not mutated
        if (ezInfo != null) {
          iip = FSDirWriteFileOp.resolvePathForStartFile(
              dir, pc, iip.getPath(), flag, createParent);
          feInfo = FSDirEncryptionZoneOp.getFileEncryptionInfo(
              dir, iip, ezInfo);

      skipSync = false; // following might generate edits
      toRemoveBlocks = new BlocksMapUpdateInfo();
      // 目录上写锁
      try {
        // 创建文件
        stat = FSDirWriteFileOp.startFile(this, iip, permissions, holder,
            clientMachine, flag, createParent, replication, blockSize, feInfo,
            toRemoveBlocks, shouldReplicate, ecPolicyName, logRetryCache);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        skipSync = e instanceof StandbyException;
        throw e;
      } finally {
    } finally {
      // There might be transactions logged while trying to recover the lease.
      // They need to be sync'ed even when an exception was thrown.
      if (!skipSync) {
        // edit log落盘,实际上就是预写日志
        // 如果覆盖文件,则需要清理对应block
        if (toRemoveBlocks != null) {

    return stat;


  static HdfsFileStatus startFile(
      FSNamesystem fsn, INodesInPath iip,
      PermissionStatus permissions, String holder, String clientMachine,
      EnumSet<CreateFlag> flag, boolean createParent,
      short replication, long blockSize,
      FileEncryptionInfo feInfo, INode.BlocksMapUpdateInfo toRemoveBlocks,
      boolean shouldReplicate, String ecPolicyName, boolean logRetryEntry)
      throws IOException {
    assert fsn.hasWriteLock();
    boolean overwrite = flag.contains(CreateFlag.OVERWRITE);
    boolean isLazyPersist = flag.contains(CreateFlag.LAZY_PERSIST);

    final String src = iip.getPath();
    // 目录树
    FSDirectory fsd = fsn.getFSDirectory();  

	// 如果目标文件是已存在的
    if (iip.getLastINode() != null) {  
      // 覆盖
      if (overwrite) {  
        List<INode> toRemoveINodes = new ChunkedArrayList<>();
        List<Long> toRemoveUCFiles = new ChunkedArrayList<>();
        // 1、将文件从命名空间中移除
        // 2、删除文件对应block
        // toRemoveBlocks将在删除流程没出错的情况下在上级方法删除
        long ret = FSDirDeleteOp.delete(fsd, iip, toRemoveBlocks,toRemoveINodes, toRemoveUCFiles, now());                                          
        if (ret >= 0) {
          // 将INodesInPath中最后一级inode删掉,即被overwrite的文件
          iip = INodesInPath.replace(iip, iip.length() - 1, null);
          // 删除lease,将inode移除
          fsn.removeLeasesAndINodes(toRemoveUCFiles, toRemoveINodes, true);
      } else {
        // If lease soft limit time is expired, recover the lease
        fsn.recoverLeaseInternal(FSNamesystem.RecoverLeaseOp.CREATE_FILE, iip,
                                 src, holder, clientMachine, false);
        throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(src + " for client " +
            clientMachine + " already exists");
    // object(inode、block)数量是否超出限制
    INodeFile newNode = null;
    INodesInPath parent =
        FSDirMkdirOp.createAncestorDirectories(fsd, iip, permissions);
    if (parent != null) {
      // 如果父目录不为空,创建目标文件
      iip = addFile(fsd, parent, iip.getLastLocalName(), permissions,      
          replication, blockSize, holder, clientMachine, shouldReplicate,
      newNode = iip != null ? iip.getLastINode().asFile() : null;
    if (newNode == null) {
      throw new IOException("Unable to add " + src +  " to namespace");
    fsn.leaseManager.addLease(  // 上lease,clientName -> files
    if (feInfo != null) {
      FSDirEncryptionZoneOp.setFileEncryptionInfo(fsd, iip, feInfo,
    // 设置存储策略
    setNewINodeStoragePolicy(fsd.getBlockManager(), iip, isLazyPersist);  
    // 预写日志
    fsd.getEditLog().logOpenFile(src, newNode, overwrite, logRetryEntry); 
    if (NameNode.stateChangeLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
      NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("DIR* NameSystem.startFile: added " +
          src + " inode " + newNode.getId() + " " + holder);
    return FSDirStatAndListingOp.getFileInfo(fsd, iip, false, false);


  private static INodesInPath addFile(
      FSDirectory fsd, INodesInPath existing, byte[] localName,
      PermissionStatus permissions, short replication, long preferredBlockSize,
      String clientName, String clientMachine, boolean shouldReplicate,
      String ecPolicyName) throws IOException {

    long modTime = now();
    INodesInPath newiip;
    try {
      boolean isStriped = false;
      ErasureCodingPolicy ecPolicy = null;
      if (!shouldReplicate) {
        ecPolicy = FSDirErasureCodingOp.getErasureCodingPolicy(
            fsd.getFSNamesystem(), ecPolicyName, existing);
        if (ecPolicy != null && (!ecPolicy.isReplicationPolicy())) {
          isStriped = true;
      final BlockType blockType = isStriped ?
          BlockType.STRIPED : BlockType.CONTIGUOUS;
      final Short replicationFactor = (!isStriped ? replication : null);
      final Byte ecPolicyID = (isStriped ? ecPolicy.getId() : null);
      // 创建inode
      INodeFile newNode = newINodeFile(fsd.allocateNewInodeId(), permissions,  
          modTime, modTime, replicationFactor, ecPolicyID, preferredBlockSize,
      newNode.toUnderConstruction(clientName, clientMachine);
      // 将inode加入命名空间中
      newiip = fsd.addINode(existing, newNode, permissions.getPermission());  
    } finally {
    if (newiip == null) {
      NameNode.stateChangeLog.info("DIR* addFile: failed to add " +
          existing.getPath() + "/" + DFSUtil.bytes2String(localName));
      return null;

    if(NameNode.stateChangeLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
      NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("DIR* addFile: " +
          DFSUtil.bytes2String(localName) + " is added");
    return newiip;




  public LocatedBlock addBlock(String src, String clientName,
      ExtendedBlock previous, DatanodeInfo[] excludedNodes, long fileId,
      String[] favoredNodes, EnumSet<AddBlockFlag> addBlockFlags)
      throws IOException {
    // NameNode是否完全启动
    // 申请block并获取其存储的DataNode
    LocatedBlock locatedBlock = namesystem.getAdditionalBlock(src, fileId,
        clientName, previous, excludedNodes, favoredNodes, addBlockFlags);
    if (locatedBlock != null) {
    return locatedBlock;


  LocatedBlock getAdditionalBlock(
      String src, long fileId, String clientName, ExtendedBlock previous,
      DatanodeInfo[] excludedNodes, String[] favoredNodes,
      EnumSet<AddBlockFlag> flags) throws IOException {
    final String operationName = "getAdditionalBlock";
    NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("BLOCK* getAdditionalBlock: {}  inodeId {}" +
        " for {}", src, fileId, clientName);
	// 用于判断当前块是不是重试块
    LocatedBlock[] onRetryBlock = new LocatedBlock[1];
    FSDirWriteFileOp.ValidateAddBlockResult r;
    // 检查NameNode当前状态(Active Backup StandBy)是否可以执行read操作
    final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker();
    try {
      // 1、是否可以添加block
      // 2、是否有潜在的重试块
      // 3、分配DataNode
      r = FSDirWriteFileOp.validateAddBlock(this, pc, src, fileId, clientName,
                                            previous, onRetryBlock);
    } finally {

	// 如果是重试块,直接返回该块
    if (r == null) {
      assert onRetryBlock[0] != null : "Retry block is null";
      // This is a retry. Just return the last block.
      return onRetryBlock[0];

	// 选择目标存储节点
    DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets = FSDirWriteFileOp.chooseTargetForNewBlock(
        blockManager, src, excludedNodes, favoredNodes, flags, r);

    LocatedBlock lb;
    try {
      // block加入blocksMap,记录DataNode正在传输的block数等操作
      lb = FSDirWriteFileOp.storeAllocatedBlock(  
          this, src, fileId, clientName, previous, targets);
    } finally {
    return lb;


  static ValidateAddBlockResult validateAddBlock(
      FSNamesystem fsn, FSPermissionChecker pc,
      String src, long fileId, String clientName,
      ExtendedBlock previous, LocatedBlock[] onRetryBlock) throws IOException {
    final long blockSize;
    final short numTargets;
    final byte storagePolicyID;
    String clientMachine;
    final BlockType blockType;

	// 获取从根目录到目标文件每级的inode
    INodesInPath iip = fsn.dir.resolvePath(pc, src, fileId);
    * 分析文件状态:
    * 1、判断上一个块和当前名称空间是否为同一个block pool
    * 2、判断object(inode及block)数是否超出限制
    * 3、检查lease(单写多读)
    * 4、校验多种情况下前一块是否合格以及是否为重试块
    FileState fileState = analyzeFileState(fsn, iip, fileId, clientName,
                                           previous, onRetryBlock);
    if (onRetryBlock[0] != null && onRetryBlock[0].getLocations().length > 0) {
      // This is a retry. No need to generate new locations.
      // Use the last block if it has locations.
      return null;

    final INodeFile pendingFile = fileState.inode;
    // 是否可以添加新块,这个方法在complete rpc调用中会着重讲
    if (!fsn.checkFileProgress(src, pendingFile, false)) {  
      throw new NotReplicatedYetException("Not replicated yet: " + src);
    // 文件过大
    if (pendingFile.getBlocks().length >= fsn.maxBlocksPerFile) {
      throw new IOException("File has reached the limit on maximum number of"
          + " blocks (" + DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_MAX_BLOCKS_PER_FILE_KEY
          + "): " + pendingFile.getBlocks().length + " >= "
          + fsn.maxBlocksPerFile);
    blockSize = pendingFile.getPreferredBlockSize();  // 块大小,128MB
    clientMachine = pendingFile.getFileUnderConstructionFeature()  // 客户端IP
    // 块类型 
    // CONTIGUOUS:连续存储,一般是用这个
    // STRIPED:条带化,用纠删码存储,减少存储空间
    blockType = pendingFile.getBlockType();  
    ErasureCodingPolicy ecPolicy = null;
    // 条带化存储纠删码相关
    if (blockType == BlockType.STRIPED) {
      ecPolicy =
          FSDirErasureCodingOp.unprotectedGetErasureCodingPolicy(fsn, iip);
      numTargets = (short) (ecPolicy.getSchema().getNumDataUnits()
          + ecPolicy.getSchema().getNumParityUnits());
    } else {
      // 需要的副本数量
      numTargets = pendingFile.getFileReplication();
    storagePolicyID = pendingFile.getStoragePolicyID();
    return new ValidateAddBlockResult(blockSize, numTargets, storagePolicyID,
                                      clientMachine, blockType, ecPolicy);

该方法主要验证了文件状态(判断上一个块和当前名称空间是否为同一个block pool、判断object(inode及block)数是否超出限制、检查lease(单写多读)、校验多种情况下前一块是否合格以及是否为重试块),并封装了块相关信息。接下来回到上级方法,看FSDirWriteFileOp.chooseTargetForNewBlock()

  static DatanodeStorageInfo[] chooseTargetForNewBlock(
      BlockManager bm, String src, DatanodeInfo[] excludedNodes,
      String[] favoredNodes, EnumSet<AddBlockFlag> flags,
      ValidateAddBlockResult r) throws IOException {
    Node clientNode = null;

    boolean ignoreClientLocality = (flags != null
            && flags.contains(AddBlockFlag.IGNORE_CLIENT_LOCALITY));

    // If client locality is ignored, clientNode remains 'null' to indicate
    // 是否考虑客户端本机,因为客户端有可能也是DataNode
    if (!ignoreClientLocality) {
      clientNode = bm.getDatanodeManager().getDatanodeByHost(r.clientMachine);
      if (clientNode == null) {
        clientNode = getClientNode(bm, r.clientMachine);

	// 排除的DataNode
    Set<Node> excludedNodesSet =
        (excludedNodes == null) ? new HashSet<>()
            : new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(excludedNodes));

	// 倾向的DataNode
    List<String> favoredNodesList =
        (favoredNodes == null) ? Collections.emptyList()
            : Arrays.asList(favoredNodes);

    // choose targets for the new block to be allocated. 
    // 选择DataNodes
    return bm.chooseTarget4NewBlock(src, r.numTargets, clientNode,
                                    excludedNodesSet, r.blockSize,
                                    favoredNodesList, r.storagePolicyID,
                                    r.blockType, r.ecPolicy, flags);


  public DatanodeStorageInfo[] chooseTarget4NewBlock(final String src,
      final int numOfReplicas, final Node client,
      final Set<Node> excludedNodes,
      final long blocksize,
      final List<String> favoredNodes,
      final byte storagePolicyID,
      final BlockType blockType,
      final ErasureCodingPolicy ecPolicy,
      final EnumSet<AddBlockFlag> flags) throws IOException {
    // 优先选择节点
    List<DatanodeDescriptor> favoredDatanodeDescriptors = 
    // 异构存储策略,用于选择不同类型的存储类型
    // 默认为HOT,所有副本都保存到DISK类型的存储介质中
    final BlockStoragePolicy storagePolicy =
    // 块放置策略,CONTIGUOUS类型块的默认放置策略(为BlockPlacementPolicyDefault)为:
    // 第一个副本为client本机(如果client为DataNode),第二个副本从其它机架中随机选择,
    // 第三个副本在第二个副本同机架中随机选择,如果副本数量大于3,剩下的副本都随机选择
    final BlockPlacementPolicy blockplacement =
    // 选择DataNode
    final DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets = blockplacement.chooseTarget(src,
        numOfReplicas, client, excludedNodes, blocksize, 
        favoredDatanodeDescriptors, storagePolicy, flags);

    final String errorMessage = "File %s could only be written to %d of " +
        "the %d %s. There are %d datanode(s) running and %s "
        + "node(s) are excluded in this operation.";
    if (blockType == BlockType.CONTIGUOUS && targets.length < minReplication) {
      throw new IOException(String.format(errorMessage, src,
          targets.length, minReplication, "minReplication nodes",
          (excludedNodes == null? "no": excludedNodes.size())));
    } else if (blockType == BlockType.STRIPED &&
        targets.length < ecPolicy.getNumDataUnits()) {
      throw new IOException(
          String.format(errorMessage, src, targets.length,
              String.format("required nodes for %s", ecPolicy.getName()),
              (excludedNodes == null ? "no" : excludedNodes.size())));
    return targets;


  private DatanodeStorageInfo[] chooseTarget(int numOfReplicas,
                                    Node writer,
                                    List<DatanodeStorageInfo> chosenStorage,
                                    boolean returnChosenNodes,
                                    Set<Node> excludedNodes,
                                    long blocksize,
                                    final BlockStoragePolicy storagePolicy,
                                    EnumSet<AddBlockFlag> addBlockFlags,
                                    EnumMap<StorageType, Integer> sTypes) {
    if (numOfReplicas == 0 || clusterMap.getNumOfLeaves()==0) {
      return DatanodeStorageInfo.EMPTY_ARRAY;
    if (excludedNodes == null) {
      excludedNodes = new HashSet<>();
    // 获取 idx0->待分配的节点数;idx1->单机架上最多分配几个副本
    int[] result = getMaxNodesPerRack(chosenStorage.size(), numOfReplicas);  
    numOfReplicas = result[0];
    int maxNodesPerRack = result[1];
    // 将已选择的节点加入ExcludedNodes防止重复选择
    for (DatanodeStorageInfo storage : chosenStorage) {
      // add localMachine and related nodes to excludedNodes
      addToExcludedNodes(storage.getDatanodeDescriptor(), excludedNodes);

    List<DatanodeStorageInfo> results = null;
    Node localNode = null;
    // 是否忽略stale的节点(NameNode一定时间没收到其心跳)
    boolean avoidStaleNodes = (stats != null
        && stats.isAvoidingStaleDataNodesForWrite());
    // 是否排除本机
    boolean avoidLocalNode = (addBlockFlags != null
        && addBlockFlags.contains(AddBlockFlag.NO_LOCAL_WRITE)
        && writer != null
        && !excludedNodes.contains(writer));
    // Attempt to exclude local node if the client suggests so. If no enough
    // nodes can be obtained, it falls back to the default block placement
    // policy.
    if (avoidLocalNode) {
      results = new ArrayList<>(chosenStorage);
      Set<Node> excludedNodeCopy = new HashSet<>(excludedNodes);
      if (writer != null) {
        // 排除本机
      localNode = chooseTarget(numOfReplicas, writer,
          excludedNodeCopy, blocksize, maxNodesPerRack, results,
          avoidStaleNodes, storagePolicy,
          EnumSet.noneOf(StorageType.class), results.isEmpty(), sTypes);
      if (results.size() < numOfReplicas) {
        // not enough nodes; discard results and fall back
        results = null;
    if (results == null) {
      results = new ArrayList<>(chosenStorage);
      // 获取节点
      localNode = chooseTarget(numOfReplicas, writer, excludedNodes,  
          blocksize, maxNodesPerRack, results, avoidStaleNodes,
          storagePolicy, EnumSet.noneOf(StorageType.class), results.isEmpty(),

    if (!returnChosenNodes) {
    // sorting nodes to form a pipeline 
    // 根据网络距离排序
    return getPipeline(
        (writer != null && writer instanceof DatanodeDescriptor) ? writer
            : localNode,
        results.toArray(new DatanodeStorageInfo[results.size()]));


  private Node chooseTarget(int numOfReplicas,
                            Node writer,
                            final Set<Node> excludedNodes,
                            final long blocksize,
                            final int maxNodesPerRack,
                            final List<DatanodeStorageInfo> results,
                            final boolean avoidStaleNodes,
                            final BlockStoragePolicy storagePolicy,
                            final EnumSet<StorageType> unavailableStorages,
                            final boolean newBlock,
                            EnumMap<StorageType, Integer> storageTypes) {
    if (numOfReplicas == 0 || clusterMap.getNumOfLeaves()==0) {
      return (writer instanceof DatanodeDescriptor) ? writer : null;
    final int numOfResults = results.size();
    final int totalReplicasExpected = numOfReplicas + numOfResults;
    if ((writer == null || !(writer instanceof DatanodeDescriptor)) && !newBlock) {
      writer = results.get(0).getDatanodeDescriptor();

    // Keep a copy of original excludedNodes
    final Set<Node> oldExcludedNodes = new HashSet<>(excludedNodes);

    // choose storage types; use fallbacks for unavailable storages
    // 获取存储类型,根据默认策略,这里返回三个DISK(三个节点都存到DISK里)
    final List<StorageType> requiredStorageTypes = storagePolicy  
        .chooseStorageTypes((short) totalReplicasExpected,
            unavailableStorages, newBlock);
    if (storageTypes == null) {
      // 这里转换为 type -> count , 例:DISK -> 3
      storageTypes = getRequiredStorageTypes(requiredStorageTypes);
    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
      LOG.trace("storageTypes=" + storageTypes);

    try {
      if ((numOfReplicas = requiredStorageTypes.size()) == 0) {
        throw new NotEnoughReplicasException(
            "All required storage types are unavailable: "
            + " unavailableStorages=" + unavailableStorages
            + ", storagePolicy=" + storagePolicy);
      // 按序选择节点
      writer = chooseTargetInOrder(numOfReplicas, writer, excludedNodes, blocksize,  
          maxNodesPerRack, results, avoidStaleNodes, newBlock, storageTypes);
    } catch (NotEnoughReplicasException e) {
      final String message = "Failed to place enough replicas, still in need of "
          + (totalReplicasExpected - results.size()) + " to reach "
          + totalReplicasExpected
          + " (unavailableStorages=" + unavailableStorages
          + ", storagePolicy=" + storagePolicy
          + ", newBlock=" + newBlock + ")";

      if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
        LOG.trace(message, e);
      } else {
        LOG.warn(message + " " + e.getMessage());

	  // 如果避免stale的节点,重新选取
      if (avoidStaleNodes) {
        // Retry chooseTarget again, this time not avoiding stale nodes.

        // excludedNodes contains the initial excludedNodes and nodes that were
        // not chosen because they were stale, decommissioned, etc.
        // We need to additionally exclude the nodes that were added to the 
        // result list in the successful calls to choose*() above.
        for (DatanodeStorageInfo resultStorage : results) {
          addToExcludedNodes(resultStorage.getDatanodeDescriptor(), oldExcludedNodes);
        // Set numOfReplicas, since it can get out of sync with the result list
        // if the NotEnoughReplicasException was thrown in chooseRandom().
        numOfReplicas = totalReplicasExpected - results.size();
        return chooseTarget(numOfReplicas, writer, oldExcludedNodes, blocksize,
            maxNodesPerRack, results, false, storagePolicy, unavailableStorages,
            newBlock, null);

      boolean retry = false;
      // simply add all the remaining types into unavailableStorages and give
      // another try. No best effort is guaranteed here.
      for (StorageType type : storageTypes.keySet()) {
        if (!unavailableStorages.contains(type)) {
          retry = true;
      if (retry) {
        for (DatanodeStorageInfo resultStorage : results) {
        numOfReplicas = totalReplicasExpected - results.size();
        return chooseTarget(numOfReplicas, writer, oldExcludedNodes, blocksize,
            maxNodesPerRack, results, false, storagePolicy, unavailableStorages,
            newBlock, null);
    return writer;


  protected Node chooseTargetInOrder(int numOfReplicas, 
                                 Node writer,
                                 final Set<Node> excludedNodes,
                                 final long blocksize,
                                 final int maxNodesPerRack,
                                 final List<DatanodeStorageInfo> results,
                                 final boolean avoidStaleNodes,
                                 final boolean newBlock,
                                 EnumMap<StorageType, Integer> storageTypes)
                                 throws NotEnoughReplicasException {
    final int numOfResults = results.size();
    if (numOfResults == 0) {
      * 1.如果本机使DataNode,直接选本机;
      * 2.如果不是,则在本机架随机选一个;
      * 3.如果随机选的节点不满足条件(stale、负载大于平均负载的两倍(isGoodDatanode()方法)、空间不足等),则在所有节点中随机选择一个
      DatanodeStorageInfo storageInfo = chooseLocalStorage(writer,  
          excludedNodes, blocksize, maxNodesPerRack, results, avoidStaleNodes,
          storageTypes, true);

      writer = (storageInfo != null) ? storageInfo.getDatanodeDescriptor()
                                     : null;

	  // 如果只要求一个副本,直接返回
      if (--numOfReplicas == 0) {  
        return writer;
    final DatanodeDescriptor dn0 = results.get(0).getDatanodeDescriptor();
    if (numOfResults <= 1) {  
      // 第二个节点要在不同的机架上选取
      chooseRemoteRack(1, dn0, excludedNodes, blocksize, maxNodesPerRack,
          results, avoidStaleNodes, storageTypes);
      if (--numOfReplicas == 0) {
        return writer;
    if (numOfResults <= 2) {
      final DatanodeDescriptor dn1 = results.get(1).getDatanodeDescriptor();
      if (clusterMap.isOnSameRack(dn0, dn1)) {  
        // 如果前两个节点在同一机架,第三个节点尝试选择其它机架上的
        chooseRemoteRack(1, dn0, excludedNodes, blocksize, maxNodesPerRack,
            results, avoidStaleNodes, storageTypes);
      } else if (newBlock){  
        // new block  如果前两个节点不在同一机架,且这是个新块,第三个节点选择第二个节点相同机架上的
        chooseLocalRack(dn1, excludedNodes, blocksize, maxNodesPerRack,
            results, avoidStaleNodes, storageTypes);
      } else {  
        // 否则第三个节点选择第一个节点相同机架上的
        chooseLocalRack(writer, excludedNodes, blocksize, maxNodesPerRack,
            results, avoidStaleNodes, storageTypes);
      if (--numOfReplicas == 0) {
        return writer;

	// 如果副本总数大于3,剩下的副本随机选择
    chooseRandom(numOfReplicas, NodeBase.ROOT, excludedNodes, blocksize,  
        maxNodesPerRack, results, avoidStaleNodes, storageTypes);
    return writer;


  1. 第一个节点选择本机,不行的话(客户端不是DataNode)选择本机架的任意节点,还不行的话(一般不会)随机选择一个节点
  2. 第二个节点选择与第一个节点不同机架上的随机节点
  3. 第三个节点选择与第二个节点同机架上的另一节点
  4. 如果需求副本数大于3,剩下节点随机选取


  private DatanodeStorageInfo[] getPipeline(Node writer,
      DatanodeStorageInfo[] storages) {
    if (storages.length == 0) {
      return storages;

    synchronized(clusterMap) {
      int index=0;
      if (writer == null || !clusterMap.contains(writer)) {
        writer = storages[0].getDatanodeDescriptor();
      * 其实就是从writer出发,根据网络拓补距离的贪心算法,
      * 找到离writer最近的节点A,将其连接,使A作为writer继续
      * 找最近的节点,以此循环
      for(; index < storages.length; index++) {
        DatanodeStorageInfo shortestStorage = storages[index];
        // writer(即客户端,写数据的节点)到选定DataNode的网络拓补距离,
        // 即网络树中两个节点的距离,比如同机架下的两个节点,它们具有相同的父节点(交换机),
        // 所以它们的距离为2
        int shortestDistance = clusterMap.getDistance(writer,
        int shortestIndex = index;
        for(int i = index + 1; i < storages.length; i++) {
          int currentDistance = clusterMap.getDistance(writer,
          if (shortestDistance>currentDistance) {
            shortestDistance = currentDistance;
            shortestStorage = storages[i];
            shortestIndex = i;
        //switch position index & shortestIndex
        if (index != shortestIndex) {
          storages[shortestIndex] = storages[index];
          storages[index] = shortestStorage;
        writer = shortestStorage.getDatanodeDescriptor();
    return storages;


  static LocatedBlock storeAllocatedBlock(FSNamesystem fsn, String src,
      long fileId, String clientName, ExtendedBlock previous,
      DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets) throws IOException {
    long offset;
    // Run the full analysis again, since things could have changed
    // while chooseTarget() was executing.
    // 这里重新走了一遍文件分析,与之前一样
    LocatedBlock[] onRetryBlock = new LocatedBlock[1];
    INodesInPath iip = fsn.dir.resolvePath(null, src, fileId);
    FileState fileState = analyzeFileState(fsn, iip, fileId, clientName,
                                           previous, onRetryBlock);
    final INodeFile pendingFile = fileState.inode;
    src = fileState.path;

    if (onRetryBlock[0] != null) {
      if (onRetryBlock[0].getLocations().length > 0) {
        // This is a retry. Just return the last block if having locations.
        return onRetryBlock[0];
      } else {
        // add new chosen targets to already allocated block and return
        BlockInfo lastBlockInFile = pendingFile.getLastBlock();
            lastBlockInFile, targets, pendingFile.getBlockType());
        offset = pendingFile.computeFileSize();
        return makeLocatedBlock(fsn, lastBlockInFile, targets, offset);

    // commit the last block and complete it if it has minimum replicas
    // 提交或者完成前一个block
    // 需要区分下commit和complete的区别
    // commit:客户端报告其已经完成该块所有数据的传输,但DataNode还没有增量报告给NameNode其block信息
    // complete:NameNode已经接收到了满足配置文件中要求的最小副本数的DataNode汇报其拥有此块
    // 所以complete的条件比commit严格
    // 该方法也会在complete rpc中详细解释
    fsn.commitOrCompleteLastBlock(pendingFile, fileState.iip,

    // allocate new block, record block locations in INode.
    final BlockType blockType = pendingFile.getBlockType();
    // allocate new block, record block locations in INode.
    Block newBlock = fsn.createNewBlock(blockType);
    INodesInPath inodesInPath = INodesInPath.fromINode(pendingFile);
    // block加入blocksMap,记录DataNode正在传输的block数
    // 需要注意,这里更新了相关DataNode中各种存储类型(DISK、SSD等)正在传输的块数,
    // 防止超发(选择DataNode时会根据剩余空间和正在传输的块数来判断空间是否足够容纳新的block)
    saveAllocatedBlock(fsn, src, inodesInPath, newBlock, targets, blockType);  

	// 元数据edit log
    persistNewBlock(fsn, src, pendingFile);  
    offset = pendingFile.computeFileSize();

    // Return located block
    return makeLocatedBlock(fsn, fsn.getStoredBlock(newBlock), targets, offset);



该方法用于完成对文件的操作。 在客户端关闭输出流时调用。

  public boolean complete(String src, String clientName,
                          ExtendedBlock last,  long fileId)
      throws IOException {
    return namesystem.completeFile(src, clientName, last, fileId);


  boolean completeFile(final String src, String holder,
                       ExtendedBlock last, long fileId)
    throws IOException {
    boolean success = false;
    final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker();
    try {
      // NameNode当前状态是否能处理写操作
      checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot complete file " + src);
      // complete文件
      success = FSDirWriteFileOp.completeFile(this, pc, src, holder, last,
    } finally {
    // edit log落盘
    if (success) {
      NameNode.stateChangeLog.info("DIR* completeFile: " + src
          + " is closed by " + holder);
    return success;


  static boolean completeFile(FSNamesystem fsn, FSPermissionChecker pc,
      final String srcArg, String holder, ExtendedBlock last, long fileId)
      throws IOException {
    String src = srcArg;
    if (NameNode.stateChangeLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
      NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("DIR* NameSystem.completeFile: " +
                                        src + " for " + holder);
    // 检查 block pool id
    checkBlock(fsn, last);
    // 获取从根目录到目标文件的每一级的inode
    INodesInPath iip = fsn.dir.resolvePath(pc, src, fileId);
    // 完成文件
    return completeFileInternal(fsn, iip, holder,
        ExtendedBlock.getLocalBlock(last), fileId);


  private static boolean completeFileInternal(
      FSNamesystem fsn, INodesInPath iip,
      String holder, Block last, long fileId)
      throws IOException {
    assert fsn.hasWriteLock();
    final String src = iip.getPath();
    final INodeFile pendingFile;
    INode inode = null;
    try {
      // 目标文件的inode
      inode = iip.getLastINode();
      // 检查lease,inode 2 inodefile
      pendingFile = fsn.checkLease(iip, holder, fileId);
    } catch (LeaseExpiredException lee) {
      if (inode != null && inode.isFile() &&
          !inode.asFile().isUnderConstruction()) {
        // This could be a retry RPC - i.e the client tried to close
        // the file, but missed the RPC response. Thus, it is trying
        // again to close the file. If the file still exists and
        // the client's view of the last block matches the actual
        // last block, then we'll treat it as a successful close.
        // See HDFS-3031.
        final Block realLastBlock = inode.asFile().getLastBlock();
        if (Block.matchingIdAndGenStamp(last, realLastBlock)) {
          NameNode.stateChangeLog.info("DIR* completeFile: " +
              "request from " + holder + " to complete inode " + fileId +
              "(" + src + ") which is already closed. But, it appears to be " +
              "an RPC retry. Returning success");
          return true;
      throw lee;
    // Check the state of the penultimate block. It should be completed
    // before attempting to complete the last one.
    // 判断文件是否能继续操作(addBlock、complete等)
    // 这里是判断倒数第二个块是否已经complete,否则不能尝试complete最后一个块
    if (!fsn.checkFileProgress(src, pendingFile, false)) {
      return false;

    // commit the last block and complete it if it has minimum replicas
    // commit最后一个块,可以的话(已经有配置文件设置最小副本数的DataNode通知NameNode自己拥有此快)complete它
    fsn.commitOrCompleteLastBlock(pendingFile, iip, last);

	// 这里第三个入参是true,表示判断文件中所有的块是否都已complete
	// 但当numCommittedAllowed不为0时,最后numCommittedAllowed个块可以是COMMIT
    if (!fsn.checkFileProgress(src, pendingFile, true)) {
      return false;

	* numCommittedAllowed(配置文件设置)指的是,只有倒数numCommittedAllowed个块状态为COMMIT,
	* 再往前的块状态都为COMPLETE时,才可以继续操作(addBlock、complete等)。默认的值是0,即只有
	* 上一个块COMPLETE之后,才可以申请下一个块或者完成文件
	// 当配置文件中numCommittedAllowed参数不为0时需要将COMMIT但没有COMPLETE的块加入到pendingReconstruction中

	* 1、持久化inode(移除UnderConstruction信息)
	* 2、删除lease
	* 3、edit log
    fsn.finalizeINodeFileUnderConstruction(src, pendingFile,
        Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID, true);
    return true;


  boolean checkFileProgress(String src, INodeFile v, boolean checkall) {
    assert hasReadLock();
    if (checkall) {
      // 检查所有块是否都已COMPLETE
      return checkBlocksComplete(src, true, v.getBlocks());
    } else {
      // 检查倒数第二个块是否已经COMPLETE
      final BlockInfo[] blocks = v.getBlocks();
      // 一般numCommittedAllowed默认为0,所以是倒数第二个块
      final int i = blocks.length - numCommittedAllowed - 2;
      return i < 0 || blocks[i] == null
          || checkBlocksComplete(src, false, blocks[i]);


  private boolean checkBlocksComplete(String src, boolean allowCommittedBlock,
      BlockInfo... blocks) {
    final int n = allowCommittedBlock? numCommittedAllowed: 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
      final short min = blockManager.getMinStorageNum(blocks[i]);
      // 依次判断状态是否为COMPLETE(最后几个也可能可以为COMMIT)
      final String err = INodeFile.checkBlockComplete(blocks, i, n, min);
      if (err != null) {
        final int numNodes = blocks[i].numNodes();
        LOG.info("BLOCK* " + err + "(numNodes= " + numNodes
            + (numNodes < min ? " < " : " >= ")
            + " minimum = " + min + ") in file " + src);
        return false;
    return true;


  void commitOrCompleteLastBlock(
      final INodeFile fileINode, final INodesInPath iip,
      final Block commitBlock) throws IOException {
    assert hasWriteLock();
    blockManager.commitOrCompleteLastBlock(fileINode, commitBlock, iip);


  public boolean commitOrCompleteLastBlock(BlockCollection bc,
      Block commitBlock, INodesInPath iip) throws IOException {
    if(commitBlock == null)
      return false; // not committing, this is a block allocation retry
    BlockInfo lastBlock = bc.getLastBlock();
    if(lastBlock == null)
      return false; // no blocks in file yet
      return false; // already completed (e.g. by syncBlock)
    if(lastBlock.isUnderRecovery()) {
      throw new IOException("Commit or complete block " + commitBlock +
          ", whereas it is under recovery.");
    // 尝试提交最后一块,一般lastBlock和commitBlock为同一块
    final boolean committed = commitBlock(lastBlock, commitBlock);
    if (committed && lastBlock.isStriped()) {
      // update scheduled size for DatanodeStorages that do not store any
      // internal blocks
          .updateStorageScheduledSize((BlockInfoStriped) lastBlock);

    // Count replicas on decommissioning nodes, as these will not be
    // decommissioned unless recovery/completing last block has finished
    // 统计最后一块已收到汇报的可用的副本数
    NumberReplicas numReplicas = countNodes(lastBlock);
    int numUsableReplicas = numReplicas.liveReplicas() +
        numReplicas.decommissioning() +

	// 是否已收到设置的最小副本数的DataNode的汇报
    if (hasMinStorage(lastBlock, numUsableReplicas)) {
      if (committed) {
        // 该方法:如果该块没收到预期副本数(一般是3)的DataNode的汇报,将其加入pendingReconstruction
        // 因为当块已收到设置的最小副本数的DataNode的汇报时,就可以complete,但不代表其已经满足预期副本数
        // 比如默认情况下,最小副本数为1,期望副本数为3
      // 如果已收到设置的最小副本数的DataNode的汇报,complete block
      completeBlock(lastBlock, iip, false);
    } else if (pendingRecoveryBlocks.isUnderRecovery(lastBlock)) {
      // We've just finished recovery for this block, complete
      // the block forcibly disregarding number of replicas.
      // This is to ignore minReplication, the block will be closed
      // and then replicated out.
      completeBlock(lastBlock, iip, true);
      updateNeededReconstructions(lastBlock, 1, 0);
    return committed;


  private boolean commitBlock(final BlockInfo block,
      final Block commitBlock) throws IOException {
    // 已经COMMIT了
    if (block.getBlockUCState() == BlockUCState.COMMITTED)
      return false;
    assert block.getNumBytes() <= commitBlock.getNumBytes() :
        "commitBlock length is less than the stored one "
            + commitBlock.getNumBytes() + " vs. " + block.getNumBytes();
    if(block.getGenerationStamp() != commitBlock.getGenerationStamp()) {
      throw new IOException("Commit block with mismatching GS. NN has " +
          block + ", client submits " + commitBlock);
    // 将状态改为COMMIT,修改NumBytes,
    // 根据commitBlock中的GenerationStamp判断block中的副本是否有stale的
    List<ReplicaUnderConstruction> staleReplicas =
    // 移除stale的副本
    removeStaleReplicas(staleReplicas, block);
    return true;


  private void completeBlock(BlockInfo curBlock, INodesInPath iip,
      boolean force) throws IOException {
    if (curBlock.isComplete()) {

    int numNodes = curBlock.numNodes();
    if (!force && !hasMinStorage(curBlock, numNodes)) {
      throw new IOException("Cannot complete block: "
          + "block does not satisfy minimal replication requirement.");
    if (!force && curBlock.getBlockUCState() != BlockUCState.COMMITTED) {
      throw new IOException(
          "Cannot complete block: block has not been COMMITTED by the client");

	* 1、删除BlockUnderConstructionFeature(即状态转为COMPLETE)
	* 2、更新命名空间中的空间大小(包括配额(限制目录空间和数量))
    convertToCompleteBlock(curBlock, iip);

    // Since safe-mode only counts complete blocks, and we now have
    // one more complete block, we need to adjust the total up, and
    // also count it as safe, if we have at least the minimum replica
    // count. (We may not have the minimum replica count yet if this is
    // a "forced" completion when a file is getting closed by an
    // OP_CLOSE edit on the standby).
    bmSafeMode.adjustBlockTotals(0, 1);
    final int minStorage = curBlock.isStriped() ?
        ((BlockInfoStriped) curBlock).getRealDataBlockNum() : minReplication;
    bmSafeMode.incrementSafeBlockCount(Math.min(numNodes, minStorage),


  void finalizeINodeFileUnderConstruction(String src, INodeFile pendingFile,
      int latestSnapshot, boolean allowCommittedBlock) throws IOException {
    assert hasWriteLock();

    FileUnderConstructionFeature uc = pendingFile.getFileUnderConstructionFeature();
    if (uc == null) {
      throw new IOException("Cannot finalize file " + src
          + " because it is not under construction");


    // The file is no longer pending.
    // Create permanent INode, update blocks. No need to replace the inode here
    // since we just remove the uc feature from pendingFile
    * 1、移除UnderConstructionFeature(表示已COMPLETE)
    * 2、检查所有块是否已经都COMPLETE
    * 3、更新文件modify time
        allowCommittedBlock? numCommittedAllowed: 0,

	// shi放lease
    leaseManager.removeLease(uc.getClientName(), pendingFile);

    // close file and persist block allocations for this file
    // edit log
    closeFile(src, pendingFile);

	// 如果有些块pending+live的副本数达不到预期副本数,就需要重新做冗余




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