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POJ - 3617 题意: 从原串的头和尾部取字符,加到新串的尾部。让新 串的最小字典序,每80个字符换一次行。 思路: 要使字典序最小每个位置都取头和尾最小的那个加到新串的尾部,相等时则看头和尾谁能够将以后较小的字符更早的加入新串的尾部。 #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> ...

2020-03-27 16:23:07 955

原创 POJ - 2230 Watchcow (欧拉回路)

Description Bessie’s been appointed the new watch-cow for the farm. Every night, it’s her job to walk across the farm and make sure that no evildoers are doing any evil. She begins at the barn, makes ...

2019-07-28 21:35:38 115

原创 HDU - 1116 (欧拉道路,一笔画问题)

Description Some of the secret doors contain a very interesting word puzzle. The team of archaeologists has to solve it to open that doors. Because there is no other way to open the doors, the puzzle ...

2019-07-28 21:26:02 162

原创 POJ - 1094 (拓扑排序)

Description An ascending sorted sequence of distinct values is one in which some form of a less-than operator is used to order the elements from smallest to largest. For example, the sorted sequence A...

2019-07-28 21:08:44 101

原创 POJ - 3259 Wormholes (spfa,负权回路)

Description While exploring his many farms, Farmer John has discovered a number of amazing wormholes. A wormhole is very peculiar because it is a one-way path that delivers you to its destination at a...

2019-07-28 20:52:46 108

原创 POJ - 1135 / ZOJ - 1298 (最短路,diijkstra)

Description Did you know that you can use domino bones for other things besides playing Dominoes? Take a number of dominoes and build a row by standing them on end with only a small distance in betwee...

2019-07-28 20:40:05 165

原创 POJ - 3255 Roadblocks (次短路径)

Description Bessie has moved to a small farm and sometimes enjoys returning to visit one of her best friends. She does not want to get to her old home too quickly, because she likes the scenery along ...

2019-07-28 19:22:19 194

原创 UVA - 10382 (区间覆盖贪心)

Description n sprinklers are installed in a horizontal strip of grass l meters long and w meters wide. Each sprinkler is installed at the horizontal center line of the strip. For each sprinkler we are...

2019-07-20 11:32:38 131

原创 HDU - 1455 / UVA - 307 Sticks(深搜+剪枝)

Description George took sticks of the same length and cut them randomly until all parts became at most 50 units long. Now he wants to return sticks to the original state, but he forgot how many sticks...

2019-07-20 10:46:41 107

原创 HDU - 1043 Eight(广搜+打表)

Description The 15-puzzle has been around for over 100 years; even if you don’t know it by that name, you’ve seen it. It is constructed with 15 sliding tiles, each with a number from 1 to 15 on it, an...

2019-07-20 09:53:14 73

原创 HDU - 1226 超级密码(搜索+同余去重)

@搜索+同余去重 input 输入数据的第一行是一个整数T(1<=T<=300),表示测试数据的数量.每组测试数据的第一行是两个整数N(0<=N<=5000)和C(2<=C<=16),其中N表示的是题目描述中的给定十进制整数,C是密码的进制数.测试数据的第二行是一个整数M(1<=M<=16),它表示构成密码的数字的数量,然后是M个数字用来表示构成密码...

2019-06-05 17:52:01 139



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