

  • Computer Networking:A Top-Down Approach,7-th
  • PPT of NEU(lx)

  • Nodes: any device that runs a link-layer protocol, include hosts, routers, switches, and WiFi Access points;

  • Links:the communication channels that connect adjacent nodes along the communication path

    • wired links
    • wireless links
  • Frame:layer-2 packet, encapsulates the datagram;

  • 数据链路层的子层 (802委员将局域网的数据链路层拆分为两个子层以适应多种局域网标准):

    • Logical Link Control (LLC, 逻辑链路控制) 子层

    • Medium Access Control (MAC, 媒体接入控制) 子层

    • 局域网对LLC子层是透明的:

1. Introduction

1.1 The Services Provided by the Link Layer(链路层提供的服务)

  • Framing(封装成帧):
    • Almost all link-layer protocols encapsulate each network-layer datagram within a link-layer frame before transmission over the link;
    • A frame consists of a data field, in which the network-layer datagram is inserted, and a number of header fields;
    • The structure of the frame is specified by the link-layer protocol;
  • Link access(链路接入):
    • A medium access control (MAC) protocol specifies the rules by which a frame is transmitted onto the link.
    • Multiple access problem
      • MAC protocol serves to coordinate (协调) the frame transmissions of the many nodes.
    • MAC addresses used in frame headers to identity source, destination.
  • Reliable delivery(可靠传输):
    • Often used for links (like wireless link) that are prone to high error rates;
    • Seldom used on low bit error link (such as fiber, some twisted pair);
  • Error detection and correction(差错检测与纠正):
    • Error: Introduced by signal attenuation (信号衰减) and electromagnetic noise (电磁噪声)
    • The mechanism to detect bit errors is done by:
      • Having the transmitting node including error-dectection bits in the frame
      • Having the receiving node perform an error check;
    • Error detection in the link layer is usually more sophisticated and is implemented in hardware;
    • Error correction:receiver identifies and corrects bit error(s) without resorting to retransmission;
  • Half-duplex and full-duplex (半双工与全双工):
    • With half duplex, node at both ends of link can transmit, but not at same time

1.2 Where Is the Link Layer Implemented?(链路层在哪实现)

  • For the most part, the link layer is implemented in a network adapter(网络适配器), also sometimes known as a network interface card (NIC,网络接口卡);
  • Adapter is semi-autonomous (半自主的)
  • 适配器的重要功能:
    • 串并行转换;
    • 缓存数据;
    • 在计算机的操作系统安装设备驱动程序;
    • 实现以太网协议;
  • At the heart of the adapter is the link-layer controller;
  • sending side :
    • encapsulates datagrame in a frame;
    • adds error checking bits, rdt (可靠数据传输), flow control;
  • receiving side:
    • extracts datagram, passes to rcving node
  • Network adapter’s relationship to other host components and to protocal stack functionality
    • The link-layer is a combination of hardware and software;

2. Error-Detection and -Correction Techniques(差错检测与纠错技术)


  • At the sending node, data, D, to be protected against bit errors is augmented with error-detection and -correction bits (EDC).
  • Typically, the data to be protected includes not only the datagram passed down from the network layer for transmission across the link, but also link-level addressing information, sequence numbers, and other fields in the link frame header.

2.1 Parity Checks (奇偶校验)

  • Single bit Parity (单比特奇偶校验)(even 偶数的; odd 奇数的):

    • 偶校验:
  • Two Dimensional Bit Parity (单比特的奇偶校验方案的二维推广,二维奇偶校验):

    • d bits in D are divided into i rows and j columns;
    • A parity value is computed for each row and for each column;
    • The parity of both the column and the row containing the flipped bit will be in error;
    • 奇偶校验位本身的错误亦可被检测和纠正;
    • Two-dimensional even parity:
  • ***Forward error correction (FEC,正向纠错): The ability of the receiver to both detect and correct errors;

2.2 Checksumming Methods (校验和方法)

  • In checksumming techniques, the d bits of data (see picture show before) are treated as a sequence of k-bit integers. One simple checksumming method is to simply sum these k-bit integers and use the resulting sum as the error-detection bits. The Internet checksum is based on this approach——bytes of data are treated as 16-bit integers and summed. The 1s complement of this sum then forms the Internet checksum that is carried in the segment header.
  • Internet checksum (校验和):used at transport layer only
    • Sender:
      • treat segment contents as sequence of 16-bit integers
      • the internet checksum: addition (1’s complement sum) of segment contents
      • sender puts checksum value into UDP checksum field
    • Receiver:
      • compute checksum of received segment
      • check if computed checksum equals checksum field value:
        • NO: error detected;
        • YES: no error detected;
        • But maybe errors nonetheless (依然)

2.3 Cyclic Redundary Check (CRC) (循环冗余校验)

An error-detection technique used widely in today’s computer networks is based on cyclic redundancy check (CRC) codes,which are also known as polynommial.

CRC codes Oprerate as follows:

  • Consider the d-bit piece of data, D, that the sending node wants to send to the receiving node;

  • Choose r+1 bit pattern (generator), denote it as G;

  • Sender: choose r additional bits, R, and append them to D such that:

    • <D, R> exactly divisible by G (using modulo-2 arithmetic);

      (All CRC calculations are done in modulo-2 arithmetic without carries in addition or borrows in subtraction)

    • Errors?

      • if the remainder is nonzero, an error has occurred;
      • otherwise the data is accepted as being corret;

  • How to compute R:
    • D*2^r XOR R = nG;
    • Equal to: D*2^r = nG XOR R;
    • Equal to: R = D*2^r / (模-2除法) G
  • Example:
    • All CRC calculations are done in modulo-2 arithmetic without carries in addition or borrows in subtraction.

3. Mutiple Access Links and Protocols (多路访问链路和协议)

  • Two types of “links”
    • Point-to-point link(点对点链路):
      • Consists of a single sender at one end of the link and a single receiver at the other end of the link;
      • Protocols designed for point-to-point links
        • point-to-point protocol;
        • high-level data link control (HDLC);
    • Broadcast link(广播链路):
      • Example:
        • traditional Ethernet;
        • HFC;
  • Mutiple access protocols(多路访问协议):
    • Single shared broadcast channel;
    • Two or more simultaneous transmissions by nodes: interference
      • collision if node receives two or more signals at the same time;
    • Distributed algorithm that determines how nodes share channel, i.e., determine when node can transmit;
    • Communication about channel sharing must use channel itself !
    • Ideally, a multiple access protocol for a broadcast channel of rate R bits per second should have the following desirable characteristics:
      • When only one node has data to send, that node has a throughput of R bps
      • When M nodes have data to send, each of these nodes has a throughput of R/M bps
      • The protocol is decentralized:
        • No master node that represents a single point of failure for the network;
        • No special node to coordinate transmissions;
        • No synchronization of clocks, slots;
      • Simple;

3.1 Channel Partitioning Protocols(信道划分协议)

  • TDMA(时分多路复用): time division multiple access;

    • Divides time into time frames(时间帧) and further divides each time frame into N time slots(时隙), Each time slot is then assigned to one of the N nodes.

    • Advantages:

      • Eliminates collisions and is perfectly fair: Each node gets a dedicated (独占的)

        transmission rate of R/N bps during each frame time;

    • Drawbacks:

      • A node is limited to an average rate of R/N bps even when it is the only node with packets to send.

      • A node must always wait for its turn in the transmission sequence—again, even

        when it is the only node with a frame to send.

  • FDMA(频分多路复用): frequency division multiple access;

    • Divides the R bps channel into different frequencies (each with a bandwidth of R/N) and assigns each frequency to one of the N nodes;
    • Shares both the advantages and drawbacks of TDM;
  • CDMA(码分多路复用): code division multiple access;

3.2 Random Access Prototols(随机接入协议)

  • Slotted ALOHA(时隙 ALOHA):

    • Assumptions:

      • All frames consist of exactly L bits;
      • Time is divided into slots of size L/R seconds (that is, a slot equals the time to transmit one frame);
      • Nodes start to transmit frames only at the beginnings of slots;
      • The nodes are synchronized so that each node knows when the slots begin;
      • If two or more frames collide in a slot, then all the nodes detect the collision event before the slot ends.
    • The operation of slotted ALOHA in each node:

      • When the node has a fresh frame to send, it waits until the beginning of the next slot and transmits the entire frame in the slot;
      • If there isn’t a collision, the node has successfully transmitted its frame and thus need not consider retransmitting the frame;
      • If there is a collision, the node detects the collision before the end of the slot; The node retransmits its frame in each subsequent slot with probability p until the frame is transmitted without a collision.
    • Advantages:

      • Allows a node to transmit continuously at the full rate, R, when that node is the only active node;
      • Highly decentralized (分散) : each node detects collisions and independently decides when to retransmit;
      • Simple;
    • Disadvantages:

      • A certain fraction of the slots will have collisions and will therefore be “wasted”;
      • ldle slots;
      • Clock syschronnization;
    • Efficiency :

      • Define: the long-run fraction (长期占比) of successful slots in the case when there are a large number of active nodes, each always having a large number of frames to send;

        p 1 = p ( 1 − p ) N − 1 p_1=p(1-p)^{N-1} p1=p(1p)N1
        p 2 = N p 1 = N p ( 1 − p ) N − 1 p_2=Np_1=Np(1-p)^{N-1} p2=Np1=Np(1p)N1
        p 2 p_2 p2最大值可得其最大效率为 1 e = 0.37 \frac{1}{e}=0.37 e1=0.37

  • Pure ALOHA (unslotted)

    • The slotted ALOHA protocol required that all nodes synchronize their transmissions to start at the beginning of a slot;

    • In pure ALOHA, when a frame first arrives (that is, a network-layer datagram is passed down from the network layer at the sending node), the node immediately transmits the frame in its entirety into the broadcast channel;

      • If a transmitted frame experiences a collision with one or more other transmissions, the node will then immediately (after completely transmitting its collided frame) retransmit the frame with probability p.
      • Otherwise, the node waits for a frame transmission time.
      • After this wait, it then transmits the frame with probability p, or waits (remaining idle) for another frame time with probability 1 – p.
    • Collision probability increases:

      • Frame sent at t 0 t_0 t0 collides with other frames sent in [ t 0 − 1 , t 0 + 1 ] [t_0-1, t_0+1] [t01,t0+1];
    • Efficiency:

      • At any given time, the probability that a node is transmitting a frame is p.
      • Suppose this frame begins transmission at time t 0 t_0 t0 .
      • The probability that a given node has a successful transmission is:
        • p ( 1 − p ) 2 ( N − 1 ) p(1-p)^{2(N-1)} p(1p)2(N1);
        • Taking Limit : 1/2e = 0.18;

  • Carrier Sence Mutiple Access (载波侦听多路访问):

    • 传送前监听信道:

      • 如果信道空闲,则传送整个帧;
      • 如果繁忙,则推迟传送;
    • Collisions can still occur, and once occur, entire packet transmission time wasted;

    • Space-time diagrams (to explain collisions):

      • At time t 0 t_0 t0, node B senses the channel is idle, as no other nodes are currently transmitting. Node B thus begins transmitting, with its bits propagating in both directions along the broadcast medium;

      • The downward propagation of B’s bits in Figure with increasing time indicates that a nonzero amount of time is needed for B’s bits actually to propagate (albeit at near the speed of light) along the broadcast medium;

      • At time t 1 ( t 1 > t 0 ) t_1(t_1>t_0) t1(t1>t0) , node D has a frame to send (Although node B is currently transmitting at time t 1 t_1 t1 , the bits being transmitted by B have yet to reach D, and thus D senses the channel idle at t 1 t_1 t1).

      • In accordance with the CSMA protocol, D thus begins transmitting its frame. A

        short time later, B’s transmission begins to interfere with D’s transmission at D.

    • The end-to-end channel propagation delay of a broadcast channel play a crucial role in determining its performance and collision probability.

  • CSMA with collision detection (CSMA/CD,载波侦听多路访问/冲突检测):

    • In the foundation of CSMA, it adds a collision detection:

      • if detect collision has occurred, it will abort transmittion, and then send out a jamming signal (干扰信号,导致下面的时间延迟);

    • Adding collision detection to a multiple access protocol will help protocol performance by not transmitting a useless, damaged (by interference with a frame from another node) frame in its entirety.

    • Collision detection:

      • easy in wired LANs;
        • 在有线的局域网中监测信号强度measure signal strength,如果信号突然增强,则可能是发生了碰撞;
      • difficult in wireless LANs;
    • CSMA/CD dfficiency:

      • T p r o p T_{prop} Tprop = max prop bettween 2 nodes in LAN;

      • T t r a n s T_{trans} Ttrans = time to transmit max-size frame;

      e f f i c i e n c y = 1 1 + 5 t p r o p t t r a n s efficiency = \frac 1{1+5\frac{t_{prop}}{t_{trans}}} efficiency=1+5ttranstprop1

  • CDMA/CA(载波侦听多路访问/冲突避免)

3.3 Taking-Turns Protocols(轮流协议)

4 Switched Local Area Networks (交换局域网)

4.1 Link-Layer Addressing and ARP(链路层寻址与地址解析协议)

  • MAC Addresses (LAN Addresses)

    • A link-layer address is variously called a LAN address, a physical address, or a MAC address;

    • A host or router with multiple network interfaces (Adapters) will thus have multiple link-layer addresses associated with it;

    • Each interface(Adapter) connected to a LAN has a unique MAC address

    • Used to forward link-layer frames through the network of switches (Used to get frame from one interface to another physically-connected interface(same network));

    • 48 bit MAC address (for most LANs) burned in the adapter ROM;

      • 2 48 2^{48} 248 possible MAC address;
      • Typically expressed in hexadecimal notation (see picture up):
        • No two adapters have the same address
    • MAC address allocation administered by IEEE:

      • Manufacturer buys portion of MAC address space (to assure uniqueness);
    • Analogy(类比):

      • MAC address:like Social Security Number or 身份证;

      • IP address:like postal address (邮编号);

      • Mac flat address:Portability(可携带性)(doesn’t change no matter where the adapter goes)

      • IP hierarchical address:Not portable;

        • depend on IP subnet to which node is attached;
  • Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

    • Translate between network-layer addresses (IP) and link-layer addresses (MAC)

    • How to determine MAC address of A knowing A’s IP address? (ARP)

    • Each IP node (Host, Router) on LAN has ARP table

      • ARP Table:IP/MAC address mappings for some LAN nodes

        <IP address: Mac address: TTL>


        TTL(Time to Live):Time after which (ARP Table )will by forgotten(typically 20 min);

    • ARP protocal:same LAN(subnet)

      • A wants to send datagram to B, and B’s MAC address not in A’s ARP table;
      • A broadcosts ARP query packet, containg B’s IP address:
        • Dest MAC address :广播地址(FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF);
        • all machines on LAN receives ARP query;
      • B receives ARP packet, repies to A with its (B’s) MAC address;
        • frame sent to A’s MAC address (unicast, 单波);
      • A caches (saves) IP-to-Mac address pair in its ARP table unitl information become old (times out)
        • soft state:information that times out (goes away) unless refreshed;
      • ARP is “plug-and-play”(急插急用):
        • nodes create their ARP tables without intervention(介入) from administrator;
    • Routing to another LAN

      • Two subnets interconnected by a router(Two ARP table in router R, one for each IP network (LAN))

      • In routing table at source Host, find router
      • In ARP table at source, find MAC address E6-E9-00-17-BB-4B, etc.
      • Source A creates datagram with source A, destination B;
      • A uses ARP and R’s IP address ( to get R’s MAC address;
      • A creates link-layer frame with R’s MAC address as dest, frame contains A-to-B IP datagram;
      • A’s adapter sends frame, R’s adapter receives frame;
      • R removes IP datagram from Ethernet frame, sees its destined to B;
      • R uses ARP to get B’s MAC address;
      • R creates frame containing A-to-B IP datagram sends to B;




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