import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# New data for CIDEr metric
beam_sizes =[1,3,5,7]
CIDEr_new =[35.2,35.6,38.1,37.6]# Creating the plot for CIDEr vs Beam Size with the updated data
plt.plot(beam_sizes, CIDEr_new, marker='^', color='blue', linewidth=2, markersize=10)# Triangular markers# Increasing the font size of axis labels
plt.xlabel('Frequency Size', fontweight='bold', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('CIDEr', fontweight='bold', fontsize=14)
plt.xticks(beam_sizes, fontweight='bold', fontsize=12)
plt.yticks(fontweight='bold', fontsize=12)
plt.grid(axis='y')# Only horizontal grid lines# Save the plot with high resolution
file_path ='msvd_cider.jpg'
plt.savefig(file_path, dpi=600)# Display the plot