Let‘s learn some about makefiles. Knowing some basic knowledge of make is necesasary for programmers

Note: this is the notes when learning make. Because I use cmake more, this note is not resonable enough, and I just put some commands down and don’t explain the basic methodology of make.

Note: even you can use cmake to build C/C++ projects, learning make is still necessary. Because you can use make to do other builds when necessary, especially when the projects are not well-supported by tools.

Note: the code blocks’ commands are not started with TAB, if you want to run these codes, you may need to replace the spaces with TAB.

Basic Knowledge of Makefile


You can define variables in Makefile and use the variables through $(variable):

objects = obj1.o obj2.o obj3.o
all: $(object)
    $(CC) $(object) -o main

If you want to express the real $, you can use $$.

If you want to define a variable whose value is a single space, you can use:

nullstring :=
space := $(nullstring) # end of line

The $nullstring is a empty string, and space is a single space. Note that the # and a single space before # are necessary.

Note that the trailing spaces will be added to variables.

You can nest $ to get value:

x = y
y = z
z = u
# $(x) is y
# $($(x)) is $(y), and $(y) is z
# $($($(x))) is $(z), and $(z) is u
a := $($($(x)))

Target Variables

You can set variables only valid for the specified target:

prog : CFLAGS = -g
prog : prog.o foo.o bar.o
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) prog.o foo.o bar.o
prog.o : prog.c
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) prog.c
foo.o : foo.c
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) foo.c
bar.o : bar.c
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) bar.c

In the example above, only the prog’s CFLAGS is -g.

= := += ?=

There are many equal signs in make, but they are very different with each other:

  • =: this is like references in C/C++, for example, if you use a = $(b), once b’s value changed after, the a will change too.
  • :=: this is assignment equal sign, this is similar with = in C/C++.
  • +=: this is to append a variable with new values.
  • ?=: this will check if the variable is assigned before, if it is, this will not work, otherwise it is similar with =.

For the +=:

  • If the variable has not been defined, it will be =.
  • If the variable has been define, it will follow the last equal sign. If the last equal is =, += will use =; if the last equal sign is :=, += will use :=.


When the variable is defined by the make command, for example make a=12 will define a variable called a whose value is 12, the variable defined and assigned in your Makefile will be replaced by the command line’s. If you don’t want the variable be replaced, you can use override:

# you can use other equal signs
override a := 0

Multi Line Variables

You can define multi line variables by define, the signature after define is the name of the variable. Note that commands in macro must start with tab, so if the lines are not started with tab, they will be treated as a multi line variable’s value. There is an example below:

define two-lines
echo foo
echo $(bar)

$@ $< $* $% $? $^ $+

$@ is a variable in make. Its value is the target. For example, if $@ appears in commands following main.o: main.cpp, $@ will be main.o exactly.

$< is a variable in make. Its value is the first dependency, if $< appears in commands following main.o: main.cpp, $< will be main.cpp exactly.

$* means the match’s % and the string before %. For example, using $* following pre_%.o: pre_%.c, it will be pre_%.

$% when the target is in a lib, this variable is the names of members. For example, if a target is foo.a(bar.o) the $% will be bar.o and the $@ will be foo.a.

$? means all the files which are newer than the target.

$^ means all the dependencies of the target, this will have only one copy if the target depends on the same file more than once.

$+ is similar with $^ but will store the repetitive files.

Auto Deduction

You can use Makefile with auto deduction. Auto deduction looks like this:

main.o: header1 header2 header3

The example above will add main.c or main.cpp for target main.o, and the command $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c main.cpp header1 header2 header3 -o main.o will be added automatically too.


.PHONY is to specify the target is a pseudo target. This is usually used for clean and all. .PHONY will let make not treat the target as a file:

.PHONY: clean


include is very similar with the include in C/C++. The command will read the files’ contents and put them where the include command is:

# this will read the contents of config.make and put it there.
include config.make

make can also use the -I to specify where to find the files used by include command, for example make -I./include will let include command find the ./include directory.


There are three types of wildcards in make: *, and ?. They have the same meaning with bash of Linux. These wildcards can be used in commands, dependencies, and variables:

# wildcards in dependencies and commands
main: *.o
    g++ *.o -o main
.PHONY: clean
    rm -f *.o
# wildcards in variables
objects = *.o

Note that objects = *.o will let the variable’s value be *.o rather than the exact object files found.

If you want objects to be the exact object files found, you can use objects := $(wildcard *.o).


This variable is built-in within make, which is used to specify where to find files. This variable’s value is separated with colon, and each item is a path:

# this will specify two directories to be used to find files
VPATH = src:../include


vpath is a keyword of make, and this keyword also can be used to find files:

# % is similar with .* of regexpr
# this is to specify to find header files in ../include
vpath %.h ../include

# this is to specify to find C files in ./src
vpath %.c ./src

Multi Targets

You can write more than one target in one line:

bigoutput littleoutput : text.g
	generate text.g -$(subst output,,$@) > $@

-$(subst output,,$@) means substitute output of $@ with empty string which is specified by ,,. The hyphen before means to ignore errors. make will check the return value after each command. When return value is non-zero, make will stop, the hyphen means don’t check the return value.

More straightforward, the commands above will be convert to:

bigoutput : text.g
	generate text.g -big > bigoutput
littleoutput : text.g
	generate text.g -little > littleoutput

Static Pattern Rules

In make, you can use static pattern rules to simplify the Makefile:

objects = foo.o bar.o
all: $(objects)
$(objects): %.o: %.c
	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@

$(objects): %.o: %.c will find foo.o and bar.o from $(objects) and place them at %.o, and then find foo.c and bar.c from foo.o bar.o.

There is another example to use filter and static pattern rules:

files = foo.elc bar.o lose.o
# $(filter %.o,%(files)) will get all the .o files from $(files)
$(filter %.o,$(files)): %.o: %.c
	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
$(filter %.elc,$(files)): %.elc: %.el
	emacs -f batch-byte-compile $<

Generate Dependencies Automatically

gcc -MM *.c will print the header files of C files, for example gcc -MM test.c’s output will look like this:

test.o: test.c header1 header2 header3

We can use the command to automatically add dependencies for a target:

# @ will not print the commands
%.d: %.c
    @set -e; \
    rm -f $@; \
    $(CC) -MM $< > $@.; \
    sed -e 's/\($*\)\.o[ : ]*/\1.o $@ :/g' < $@. > $@; \
    rm -f $@.

We use $(CC) -MM $< > $@. to generate a file %.d. to store the output. Then we use sed to substitute the %.o with %.o %.d and output to %.d. Finally we remove the %.d..

After this, we can include the %.d files:

sources = a.c b.c
# substitude .c with .d in sources
include $(sources:.c=.d)

After include, we’ll have something like a.o a.d: a.c header in our Makefile, then make will auto deduction the commands.

Nested Makefiles

If you use 3rd parties, you want to build the 3rd parties by make:

    cd subdir $$ $(MAKE)

You can pass the variables of current Makefile to sub-Makefile through export:

export variable = value
# pass all variables


In make, you can use define to define macros:

# note that there is no semicolon after each command
define name

If you want to use the macro, you just need use $(macro_name) to call the macro.

Conditional Structures

This part is simple, so I just post some examples.

The example using ifeq:

libs_for_gcc = -lgnu
normal_libs =
foo: $(objects)
ifeq ($(CC),gcc)
	$(CC) -o foo $(objects) $(libs_for_gcc)
	$(CC) -o foo $(objects) $(normal_libs)

You can use ifneq, ifdef and ifndef, too.


You can use functions in make through $(func_name args).

String Functions

There are some functions related to strings:

  • $(subst from,to,text): substitute from with to in text.
  • $(patsubst pattern,replacement,text): substitute pattern with replacement in text.
  • $(strip text): remove the white spaces in text.
  • $(findstring target,text): find target in text, if found, return target otherwise, return empty string.
  • $(filter pattern...,text): filter the contents matching the pattern... from text.
  • $(filter-out pattern...,text): filter out the contents matching the pattern... from text.
  • $(sort list): sort the contents in list lexicographically. Note that sort will unique the contents, too.
  • $(word i,text): get the i-th word from text (index started from 1).
  • $(wordlist l,r,text): get the words whose index is in [l,r] in sequence.
  • $(firstword text): get the first word of text.

File Functions

There are some functions related to files:

  • $(dir name...): get the directory part from name.
  • $(notdir name...): get the non-directory part from name.
  • $(suffix name...): get the suffixes of files from name.
  • $(basename name...): get the base name (files’ name without extension) of files from name.
  • $(addsuffix suffix,name): add suffix for name.
  • $(addprefix prefix,name): add prefix for name.
  • $(join list1,list2): join two lists. This will append words in list2 to list1. For example $(join aaa bbb,111 222 333) will get aaa111 bbb222 333.

Other Functions


If I want add a suffix for every item in a variable, I can do it with this:

names := a b c d
files := $(foreach item,$(names),$(item).o)

Its pattern looks like this: $(if condition,then-part,else-part). For this statement, if the condition is a non-empty string, it will run the then-part, otherwise it will run the else-part. The return value is the part which has been executed. Note that the else-part can be empty. If the else-part is empty and the condition is empty string, the return value will be empty string.


Let us use an example to explain this. Now you hope to have a function which can reverse two parameters, you can do it through this:

reverse = $(2) $(1)
reversedItemList = $(call reverse,item1,item2)

After that, reversedItemList will be item2 item1. Of course, you can add different suffixes for items:

addTargetAndDependency = $(1).o : $(1).c
result = $(call addTargetAndDependency,main)

result will be main.o : main.c.


$(origin variablename) will tell you where the variablename comes from. The return values are explained below:

  • undefined: never defined before.
  • environment: the variable comes from environment variables.
  • default: the default variable, such CC.
  • file: the variable is defined in a Makefile.
  • command line: the variable is defined by command lines (when you type make a=1, a is defined by command lines).
  • override: the variable if defined by override.
  • automatic: the variable is defined by make automatically.

This is to execute a command in shell:

contents := $(shell cat foo)
files := $(shell echo *.c)

The commands above will get the output of a shell command.

Control Functions

  • $(erro text): output text and stop make.
  • $(warning text): output text but don’t stop make.

Other Information about make

Implicit Rules

Implicit rules are similar with auto deduction. Or we can say auto deduction depends on implicit rules.

There are different implicit rules for different files. I’ll give the implicit rules of C and C++ files:

  • C: *.o will be deducted depending on *.c and the build command will be $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS).
  • C++: *.o will be deducted depending on*.C, *.cc or *.cpp and the build command will be $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS).

make’s return value

  • 0: success.
  • 1: some errors.
  • 2: when you use -q (-q will not run make, but give you a return value 0 if the targets are up to date) and make cannot make sure whether or not the files is up to date.

Specify Makefile

You can specify Makefile with -f. make -f test.make will use test.make as the Makefile rather than Makefile.

Specify Target

If you run make, make will build the first target. But you can specify target by make targetname.

There are some rules you should obey for naming a target when you write Makefile:

  • all: build all targets.
  • clean: remove all the files created by make.
  • install: install the targets, when in C/C++, this will move the binary files to /usr/bin and move the header files to /usr/include.
  • print: print the files having been updated.
  • tar: pack the source files into a tar file.
  • dist: create a compressed file including all source files.

Check Make Syntax

When you want to check your syntax in Makefile rather than run the make, you can use those options: -n, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon. The four options are synonyms.

Other Options in make

Note: the options seperated by comma are synonyms.

-t, --touch will touch all the targets.

-q, --question will check if the target exists. If the target exists, make will print nothing, otherwise make will play some information.

-W file, --what-if=file, --assume-new=file, --new-file=file will let make build the targets that depend on the file.

-B, --always-make will re-build all the time, even if the targets are up to date. This is useful when the modified time of files is wrong.

-C dir, --directory=dir will change working directory to dir.

--debug=options will print the debug info of make, the available options are:

  • a: print all info.
  • b: print basic info.
  • v: verbose.
  • i: print implicit rules.
  • j: print jobs’ info including PID, return value and so on.
  • m: this is for debugging when remaking makefiles.
  • If you just use -d, this is same with --debug=a.

-e, --environment-overrides can specify the environment variables.

-f file, --file=file, --makefile=file will use the file rather than Makefile.

-i, --ignore-errors will ignore all the errors.

-I dir, --include-dir=dir will specify where to found files.

-j num, --jobs=num will use num cores to build.

-k, --keep-going will let make continue even if there are some errors.

-o=file, --old-file=file, --assume-old=file will ignore the file while building.

-p, --print-data-base will print all the variables in Makefile. This can be used with -q to just print the variables in Makefile.

-r, --no-builtin-rules means not use any builtin rules.

-R, --no-builtin-variables will let make not define any variables.

-s, --silen, --quiet print no commands executed by make.

-S, --no-keep-going, --stop will stop when any error occurs.

-w, --print-directory print information containing the working directory before and after other processing. This is useful when build sub-systems.

--no-print-directory will disable -w.

--warn-undefined-variables will give a warning when finding a undefined variable.


  1. How to write makefiles.
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