postgres 源码解析 35 -- 可见性判断加速heapgetpage

1 简介


2 可见性判断

xmin : 该元组插入时对应的事务号
xmax : 该元组被删除或者更新时对应的事务号
t_ctid : 执行操作的命令id,常用于同一个事务中的若干个执行操作,在特定的场景下可用于可见性的判断

typedef struct HeapTupleFields
	TransactionId t_xmin;		/* inserting xact ID */
	TransactionId t_xmax;		/* deleting or locking xact ID */

		CommandId	t_cid;		/* inserting or deleting command ID, or both */
		TransactionId t_xvac;	/* old-style VACUUM FULL xact ID */
	}			t_field3;
} HeapTupleFields;

同时,postgres采用MVCC和快照技术进一步提升事务的并发效率,不同的事务读到的可能是同一记录的不同版本,此时可见性判断需要结合快照来进行,此部分的相关内容见:postgres源码解析32 快照可见性判断HeapTupleSatisfiesMVCC


postgres=# SELECT lp,lp_off, lp_flags, t_xmin, t_xmax, t_field3 as t_cid, t_ctid,t_infomask, infomask(t_infomask,1) as infomask,t_infomask2,infomask(t_infomask2,2) as infomask2, t_data  FROM heap_page_items(get_raw_page('test', 0));
 lp | lp_off | lp_flags | t_xmin | t_xmax | t_cid | t_ctid | t_infomask |                infomask                 | t_infomask2 | infomask2 |            t_data            
  1 |   8152 |        1 |    737 |      0 |     0 | (0,1)  |       2306 | XMAX_INVALID|XMIN_COMMITTED|HASVARWIDTH |           2 |           | \x0100000013706f737467726573
  2 |   8112 |        1 |    737 |      0 |     0 | (0,2)  |       2306 | XMAX_INVALID|XMIN_COMMITTED|HASVARWIDTH |           2 |           | \x0200000013706f737467726573
  3 |   8072 |        1 |    737 |      0 |     0 | (0,3)  |       2306 | XMAX_INVALID|XMIN_COMMITTED|HASVARWIDTH |           2 |           | \x0300000013706f737467726573
  4 |   8032 |        1 |    737 |      0 |     0 | (0,4)  |       2306 | XMAX_INVALID|XMIN_COMMITTED|HASVARWIDTH |           2 |           | \x0400000013706f737467726573
  5 |   7992 |        1 |    737 |      0 |     0 | (0,5)  |       2306 | XMAX_INVALID|XMIN_COMMITTED|HASVARWIDTH |           2 |           | \x0500000013706f737467726573
  6 |   7952 |        1 |    737 |      0 |     0 | (0,6)  |       2306 | XMAX_INVALID|XMIN_COMMITTED|HASVARWIDTH |           2 |           | \x0600000013706f737467726573
  7 |   7912 |        1 |    737 |      0 |     0 | (0,7)  |       2306 | XMAX_INVALID|XMIN_COMMITTED|HASVARWIDTH |           2 |           | \x0700000013706f737467726573
  8 |   7872 |        1 |    737 |      0 |     0 | (0,8)  |       2306 | XMAX_INVALID|XMIN_COMMITTED|HASVARWIDTH |           2 |           | \x0800000013706f737467726573
  9 |   7832 |        1 |    737 |      0 |     0 | (0,9)  |       2306 | XMAX_INVALID|XMIN_COMMITTED|HASVARWIDTH |           2 |           | \x0900000013706f737467726573
 10 |   7792 |        1 |    737 |      0 |     0 | (0,10) |       2306 | XMAX_INVALID|XMIN_COMMITTED|HASVARWIDTH |           2 |           | \x0a00000013706f737467726573
(10 rows)

在postgres中CLOG日志模块记录了所有事务的最终状态:提交/回滚,用于判断元组是否可见/不可见,由于共享内存的限制,需要从磁盘加载至内存中/或者淘汰页面以供新页面的加载,其访问速度会限制事务的执行效率,为此,在每条元组的元组头设置标识位 t_infomask,在第一次查找时会新增 XMIN_COMMITTED标识信息,以后查找见此标识信息便可知该元组可见,避免频繁访问CLOG日志。相关知识见:postgres 源码解析2 元组可见性判断 t_infomask标识位



 * heapgetpage - subroutine for heapgettup()
 * This routine reads and pins the specified page of the relation.
 * In page-at-a-time mode it performs additional work, namely determining
 * which tuples on the page are visible.
heapgetpage(TableScanDesc sscan, BlockNumber page)
	HeapScanDesc scan = (HeapScanDesc) sscan;
	Buffer		buffer;
	Snapshot	snapshot;
	Page		dp;
	int			lines;
	int			ntup;
	OffsetNumber lineoff;
	ItemId		lpp;
	bool		all_visible;

	Assert(page < scan->rs_nblocks);

	/* release previous scan buffer, if any */
	if (BufferIsValid(scan->rs_cbuf))
		scan->rs_cbuf = InvalidBuffer;

	 * Be sure to check for interrupts at least once per page.  Checks at
	 * higher code levels won't be able to stop a seqscan that encounters many
	 * pages' worth of consecutive dead tuples.

	/* read page using selected strategy */
	// 根据指定的策略将指定数据页读至共享内存中的某一缓冲块
	scan->rs_cbuf = ReadBufferExtended(scan->rs_base.rs_rd, MAIN_FORKNUM, page,
									   RBM_NORMAL, scan->rs_strategy);
	scan->rs_cblock = page;

	if (!(scan->rs_base.rs_flags & SO_ALLOW_PAGEMODE))

	buffer = scan->rs_cbuf;
	snapshot = scan->rs_base.rs_snapshot;

	 * Prune and repair fragmentation for the whole page, if possible.
	 // 有需要进行页内整理工作
	heap_page_prune_opt(scan->rs_base.rs_rd, buffer);

	 * We must hold share lock on the buffer content while examining tuple
	 * visibility.  Afterwards, however, the tuples we have found to be
	 * visible are guaranteed good as long as we hold the buffer pin.
	 // 判断元组可见性时需持有 BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE
	LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);

	dp = BufferGetPage(buffer);
	TestForOldSnapshot(snapshot, scan->rs_base.rs_rd, dp);
	lines = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(dp);
	ntup = 0;

	 * If the all-visible flag indicates that all tuples on the page are
	 * visible to everyone, we can skip the per-tuple visibility tests.
	 * Note: In hot standby, a tuple that's already visible to all
	 * transactions on the primary might still be invisible to a read-only
	 * transaction in the standby. We partly handle this problem by tracking
	 * the minimum xmin of visible tuples as the cut-off XID while marking a
	 * page all-visible on the primary and WAL log that along with the
	 * visibility map SET operation. In hot standby, we wait for (or abort)
	 * all transactions that can potentially may not see one or more tuples on
	 * the page. That's how index-only scans work fine in hot standby. A
	 * crucial difference between index-only scans and heap scans is that the
	 * index-only scan completely relies on the visibility map where as heap
	 * scan looks at the page-level PD_ALL_VISIBLE flag. We are not sure if
	 * the page-level flag can be trusted in the same way, because it might
	 * get propagated somehow without being explicitly WAL-logged, e.g. via a
	 * full page write. Until we can prove that beyond doubt, let's check each
	 * tuple for visibility the hard way.
	 // 初步可见性判断流程
	 // 若否存在 all-visible flag,存在表明都可见,无需走后续复杂判断流程
	all_visible = PageIsAllVisible(dp) && !snapshot->takenDuringRecovery;
    // 遍历该页中的所有元组项
	for (lineoff = FirstOffsetNumber, lpp = PageGetItemId(dp, lineoff);
		 lineoff <= lines;
		 lineoff++, lpp++)
		if (ItemIdIsNormal(lpp))
			HeapTupleData loctup;
			bool		valid;

			loctup.t_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(scan->rs_base.rs_rd);
			loctup.t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem((Page) dp, lpp);
			loctup.t_len = ItemIdGetLength(lpp);
			ItemPointerSet(&(loctup.t_self), page, lineoff);

			if (all_visible)
				valid = true;
				valid = HeapTupleSatisfiesVisibility(&loctup, snapshot, buffer);  // 可见性检查

			HeapCheckForSerializableConflictOut(valid, scan->rs_base.rs_rd,
												&loctup, buffer, snapshot);

			if (valid)
				scan->rs_vistuples[ntup++] = lineoff;
	// 释放锁
	LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

	Assert(ntup <= MaxHeapTuplesPerPage);
	scan->rs_ntuples = ntup;

从上述获取元组逻辑可以看出,会对每一条元组调用 HeapTupleSatisfiesVisibility函数来判断元组的可见性,在AP场景下会对大量数据进行分析,此数据页中的大多数据都需读取,此时会耗费大量的时间在执行HeapTupleSatisfiesVisibility逻辑,显然在此情况下不尽人意。



heapgetpage(TableScanDesc sscan, BlockNumber page)
	HeapScanDesc scan = (HeapScanDesc) sscan;
	Buffer		buffer;
	Snapshot	snapshot;
	Page		dp;
	int			lines;
	int			ntup;
	OffsetNumber lineoff;
	ItemId		lpp;
	bool		all_visible;
	TransactionId t_xmin;
	CommandId	t_cid;

	Assert(page < scan->rs_nblocks);

	/* release previous scan buffer, if any */
	if (BufferIsValid(scan->rs_cbuf))
		scan->rs_cbuf = InvalidBuffer;

	 * Be sure to check for interrupts at least once per page.  Checks at
	 * higher code levels won't be able to stop a seqscan that encounters many
	 * pages' worth of consecutive dead tuples.

	/* read page using selected strategy */
	scan->rs_cbuf = ReadBufferExtended(scan->rs_base.rs_rd, MAIN_FORKNUM, page,
									   RBM_NORMAL, scan->rs_strategy);
	scan->rs_cblock = page;

	if (!(scan->rs_base.rs_flags & SO_ALLOW_PAGEMODE))

	buffer = scan->rs_cbuf;
	snapshot = scan->rs_base.rs_snapshot;

	 * Prune and repair fragmentation for the whole page, if possible.
	heap_page_prune_opt(scan->rs_base.rs_rd, buffer);

	 * We must hold share lock on the buffer content while examining tuple
	 * visibility.  Afterwards, however, the tuples we have found to be
	 * visible are guaranteed good as long as we hold the buffer pin.
	LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);

	dp = BufferGetPage(buffer);
	TestForOldSnapshot(snapshot, scan->rs_base.rs_rd, dp);
	lines = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(dp);
	ntup = 0;

	t_xmin = 0;
	t_cid = 0;
	 * If the all-visible flag indicates that all tuples on the page are
	 * visible to everyone, we can skip the per-tuple visibility tests.
	 * Note: In hot standby, a tuple that's already visible to all
	 * transactions in the master might still be invisible to a read-only
	 * transaction in the standby. We partly handle this problem by tracking
	 * the minimum xmin of visible tuples as the cut-off XID while marking a
	 * page all-visible on master and WAL log that along with the visibility
	 * map SET operation. In hot standby, we wait for (or abort) all
	 * transactions that can potentially may not see one or more tuples on the
	 * page. That's how index-only scans work fine in hot standby. A crucial
	 * difference between index-only scans and heap scans is that the
	 * index-only scan completely relies on the visibility map where as heap
	 * scan looks at the page-level PD_ALL_VISIBLE flag. We are not sure if
	 * the page-level flag can be trusted in the same way, because it might
	 * get propagated somehow without being explicitly WAL-logged, e.g. via a
	 * full page write. Until we can prove that beyond doubt, let's check each
	 * tuple for visibility the hard way.
	all_visible = PageIsAllVisible(dp) && !snapshot->takenDuringRecovery;

	for (lineoff = FirstOffsetNumber, lpp = PageGetItemId(dp, lineoff);
		 lineoff <= lines;
		 lineoff++, lpp++)
		if (ItemIdIsNormal(lpp))
			HeapTupleData loctup;
			bool		valid;
			HeapTupleHeader theader = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem((Page) dp, lpp);

			loctup.t_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(scan->rs_base.rs_rd);
			loctup.t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem((Page) dp, lpp);
			loctup.t_len = ItemIdGetLength(lpp);
			ItemPointerSet(&(loctup.t_self), page, lineoff);

			if (all_visible)
				valid = true;
				 * We have a one-item cache for the common case that a
				 * lot of tuples have the same visibility info. Don't use the
				 * cache, if the tuple was ever deleted, though (i.e. if xmax
				 * is valid, and not just for tuple-locking). We could cache
				 * the xmax too, but the visibility rules get more complicated
				 * with locked-only tuples and multi-XIDs, so it seems better
				 * to just give up early.
				bool		use_cache;
				// 未被删除或锁住,借助缓存加速可见性判断
				if ((theader->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_INVALID) != 0 ||
					use_cache = true;
					use_cache = false;

				if (use_cache &&
					t_xmin == HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(theader) &&
					t_cid == HeapTupleHeaderGetRawCommandId(theader))
					valid = true;
					valid = HeapTupleSatisfiesVisibility(&loctup, snapshot, buffer);

					if (valid && use_cache)
						t_xmin = HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(loctup.t_data);
						t_cid = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawCommandId(loctup.t_data);
			HeapCheckForSerializableConflictOut(valid, scan->rs_base.rs_rd,
											&loctup, buffer, snapshot);

			if (valid)
				scan->rs_vistuples[ntup++] = lineoff;

	LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

	Assert(ntup <= MaxHeapTuplesPerPage);
	scan->rs_ntuples = ntup;

改进思路:通过引入cache加速元组的可见性判断,避免频繁调用 HeapTupleSatisfiesVisibility函数。而只需要进行简单的数值比较,进一步加速了元组的访问。不过此优化对于页中大量具有相同可见性信息的元组非常有利。该优化策略值得本人学习借鉴

结论:修改后的版本在原版本基础之上TPS有所提升,以自身的案例为 7 % 以上+。

pgbench -i -s 500 -F 90 -h -p 5678 -U pg14 -d postgres
pgbench -c 256 -j 10 -M prepared -n -T 600 -r -h -p 5678 -U pg14 -d postgres

版本TranscationsTPSLatency averageconnectionsthreadsTime
pg14513083855.0/s299.408 ms2561010 min
pg14_modify549722915.5/s279.619 ms2561010 min


number of transactions actually processed: 513083
latency average = 299.408 ms
initial connection time = 94.252 ms
tps = 855.020331 (without initial connection time)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.406 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
0.446 \set bid random(1, 1 * :scale)
0.417 \set tid random(1, 10 * :scale)
0.418 \set delta random(-5000, 5000)
14.504 BEGIN;
41.115 UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;
31.457 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
40.618 UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid;
49.002 UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid;
30.345 INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
57.918 END;

number of transactions actually processed: 549722
latency average = 279.619 ms
initial connection time = 97.837 ms
tps = 915.532786 (without initial connection time)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.355 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
0.438 \set bid random(1, 1 * :scale)
0.365 \set tid random(1, 10 * :scale)
0.393 \set delta random(-5000, 5000)
13.389 BEGIN;
38.190 UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;
28.927 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
37.723 UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid;
45.889 UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid;
27.738 INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
55.228 END;

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