postgres源码解析41 btree索引文件的创建–1
postgres源码解析42 btree索引文件的创建–2
* BTStackData -- As we descend a tree, we push the location of pivot
* tuples whose downlink we are about to follow onto a private stack. If
* we split a leaf, we use this stack to walk back up the tree and insert
* data into its parent page at the correct location. We also have to
* recursively insert into the grandparent page if and when the parent page
* splits. Our private stack can become stale due to concurrent page
* splits and page deletions, but it should never give us an irredeemably
* bad picture.
typedef struct BTStackData
BlockNumber bts_blkno; // 存储该元组所在页号
OffsetNumber bts_offset; // 元组在该页中的偏移量
struct BTStackData *bts_parent; // 指向该节点的父指针
} BTStackData;
typedef BTStackData *BTStack; // 类似一个栈结构
* btinsert() -- insert an index tuple into a btree.
* Descend the tree recursively, find the appropriate location for our
* new tuple, and put it there.
btinsert(Relation rel, Datum *values, bool *isnull,
ItemPointer ht_ctid, Relation heapRel,
IndexUniqueCheck checkUnique,
bool indexUnchanged,
IndexInfo *indexInfo)
bool result;
IndexTuple itup;
/* generate an index tuple */
itup = index_form_tuple(RelationGetDescr(rel), values, isnull);
itup->t_tid = *ht_ctid;
result = _bt_doinsert(rel, itup, checkUnique, indexUnchanged, heapRel);
return result;
_bt_doinsert 执行流程
- 根据索引元祖计算相应的扫描键 itup_key,即构建 BTScanInsert结构体;
2) 定义并初始化 BTInsertStateData结构体,包含索引元组、元组大小以及上述构建的扫描键;
3)调用 _bt_search_insert函数确定待插入索引元组所在的叶子结点;
4)如果是唯一约束,调用 _bt_check_unique 需进行唯一性检查,如存在重复key的索引元组事务还未结束,则需释放该leaf buf锁,然后等待其他事务完成,释放search过程建立的stack内存,之后回到第3步继续执行search操作;不存在则将 itup_key->scantid = &itup->t_tid;
1. 进行序列化检查SSI;
2. 确定元组的插入位置;
3. 向指定页插入索引元祖,必要时会进行叶子结点的分裂操作
_bt_doinsert(Relation rel, IndexTuple itup,
IndexUniqueCheck checkUnique, bool indexUnchanged,
Relation heapRel)
bool is_unique = false;
BTInsertStateData insertstate;
BTScanInsert itup_key;
BTStack stack;
bool checkingunique = (checkUnique != UNIQUE_CHECK_NO);
/* we need an insertion scan key to do our search, so build one */
itup_key = _bt_mkscankey(rel, itup);
if (checkingunique)
if (!itup_key->anynullkeys)
/* No (heapkeyspace) scantid until uniqueness established */
itup_key->scantid = NULL;
* Scan key for new tuple contains NULL key values. Bypass
* checkingunique steps. They are unnecessary because core code
* considers NULL unequal to every value, including NULL.
* This optimization avoids O(N^2) behavior within the
* _bt_findinsertloc() heapkeyspace path when a unique index has a
* large number of "duplicates" with NULL key values.
checkingunique = false;
/* Tuple is unique in the sense that core code cares about */
Assert(checkUnique != UNIQUE_CHECK_EXISTING);
is_unique = true;
* Fill in the BTInsertState working area, to track the current page and
* position within the page to insert on.
* Note that itemsz is passed down to lower level code that deals with
* inserting the item. It must be MAXALIGN()'d. This ensures that space
* accounting code consistently considers the alignment overhead that we
* expect PageAddItem() will add later. (Actually, index_form_tuple() is
* already conservative about alignment, but we don't rely on that from
* this distance. Besides, preserving the "true" tuple size in index
* tuple headers for the benefit of nbtsplitloc.c might happen someday.
* Note that heapam does not MAXALIGN() each heap tuple's lp_len field.)
insertstate.itup = itup;
insertstate.itemsz = MAXALIGN(IndexTupleSize(itup));
insertstate.itup_key = itup_key;
insertstate.bounds_valid = false;
insertstate.buf = InvalidBuffer;
insertstate.postingoff = 0;
* Find and lock the leaf page that the tuple should be added to by
* searching from the root page. insertstate.buf will hold a buffer that
* is locked in exclusive mode afterwards.
stack = _bt_search_insert(rel, &insertstate);
* checkingunique inserts are not allowed to go ahead when two tuples with
* equal key attribute values would be visible to new MVCC snapshots once
* the xact commits. Check for conflicts in the locked page/buffer (if
* needed) here.
* It might be necessary to check a page to the right in _bt_check_unique,
* though that should be very rare. In practice the first page the value
* could be on (with scantid omitted) is almost always also the only page
* that a matching tuple might be found on. This is due to the behavior
* of _bt_findsplitloc with duplicate tuples -- a group of duplicates can
* only be allowed to cross a page boundary when there is no candidate
* leaf page split point that avoids it. Also, _bt_check_unique can use
* the leaf page high key to determine that there will be no duplicates on
* the right sibling without actually visiting it (it uses the high key in
* cases where the new item happens to belong at the far right of the leaf
* page).
* NOTE: obviously, _bt_check_unique can only detect keys that are already
* in the index; so it cannot defend against concurrent insertions of the
* same key. We protect against that by means of holding a write lock on
* the first page the value could be on, with omitted/-inf value for the
* implicit heap TID tiebreaker attribute. Any other would-be inserter of
* the same key must acquire a write lock on the same page, so only one
* would-be inserter can be making the check at one time. Furthermore,
* once we are past the check we hold write locks continuously until we
* have performed our insertion, so no later inserter can fail to see our
* insertion. (This requires some care in _bt_findinsertloc.)
* If we must wait for another xact, we release the lock while waiting,
* and then must perform a new search.
* For a partial uniqueness check, we don't wait for the other xact. Just
* let the tuple in and return false for possibly non-unique, or true for
* definitely unique.
if (checkingunique)
TransactionId xwait;
uint32 speculativeToken;
xwait = _bt_check_unique(rel, &insertstate, heapRel, checkUnique,
&is_unique, &speculativeToken);
if (unlikely(TransactionIdIsValid(xwait)))
/* Have to wait for the other guy ... */
_bt_relbuf(rel, insertstate.buf);
insertstate.buf = InvalidBuffer;
* If it's a speculative insertion, wait for it to finish (ie. to
* go ahead with the insertion, or kill the tuple). Otherwise
* wait for the transaction to finish as usual.
if (speculativeToken)
SpeculativeInsertionWait(xwait, speculativeToken);
XactLockTableWait(xwait, rel, &itup->t_tid, XLTW_InsertIndex);
/* start over... */
if (stack)
goto search;
/* Uniqueness is established -- restore heap tid as scantid */
if (itup_key->heapkeyspace)
itup_key->scantid = &itup->t_tid;
if (checkUnique != UNIQUE_CHECK_EXISTING)
OffsetNumber newitemoff;
* The only conflict predicate locking cares about for indexes is when
* an index tuple insert conflicts with an existing lock. We don't
* know the actual page we're going to insert on for sure just yet in
* checkingunique and !heapkeyspace cases, but it's okay to use the
* first page the value could be on (with scantid omitted) instead.
CheckForSerializableConflictIn(rel, NULL, BufferGetBlockNumber(insertstate.buf));
* Do the insertion. Note that insertstate contains cached binary
* search bounds established within _bt_check_unique when insertion is
* checkingunique.
newitemoff = _bt_findinsertloc(rel, &insertstate, checkingunique,
indexUnchanged, stack, heapRel);
_bt_insertonpg(rel, itup_key, insertstate.buf, InvalidBuffer, stack,
itup, insertstate.itemsz, newitemoff,
insertstate.postingoff, false);
/* just release the buffer */
_bt_relbuf(rel, insertstate.buf);
/* be tidy */
if (stack)
return is_unique;
_bt_search 执行流程
由 _bt_search_insert函数包装,起到优化的作用,此处主要讲解 _bt_search函数的执行流程
2)防止并发操作导致页分裂,会事先调用 _bt_moveright 函数找到同级右侧结点;
5) 释放当前页lock与pin,找到元组indextuple指向的子页所在buffer,并pin住,若该页为叶子结点,则获取写锁,反之获取读锁,继续步骤2;
static OffsetNumber
_bt_findinsertloc(Relation rel,
BTInsertState insertstate,
bool checkingunique,
bool indexUnchanged,
BTStack stack,
Relation heapRel)
BTScanInsert itup_key = insertstate->itup_key;
Page page = BufferGetPage(insertstate->buf);
BTPageOpaque opaque;
OffsetNumber newitemoff;
opaque = BTPageGetOpaque(page);
/* Check 1/3 of a page restriction */
if (unlikely(insertstate->itemsz > BTMaxItemSize(page)))
_bt_check_third_page(rel, heapRel, itup_key->heapkeyspace, page,
Assert(P_ISLEAF(opaque) && !P_INCOMPLETE_SPLIT(opaque));
Assert(!insertstate->bounds_valid || checkingunique);
Assert(!itup_key->heapkeyspace || itup_key->scantid != NULL);
Assert(itup_key->heapkeyspace || itup_key->scantid == NULL);
Assert(!itup_key->allequalimage || itup_key->heapkeyspace);
if (itup_key->heapkeyspace)
/* Keep track of whether checkingunique duplicate seen */
bool uniquedup = indexUnchanged;
* If we're inserting into a unique index, we may have to walk right
* through leaf pages to find the one leaf page that we must insert on
* to.
* This is needed for checkingunique callers because a scantid was not
* used when we called _bt_search(). scantid can only be set after
* _bt_check_unique() has checked for duplicates. The buffer
* initially stored in insertstate->buf has the page where the first
* duplicate key might be found, which isn't always the page that new
* tuple belongs on. The heap TID attribute for new tuple (scantid)
* could force us to insert on a sibling page, though that should be
* very rare in practice.
if (checkingunique)
if (insertstate->low < insertstate->stricthigh)
/* Encountered a duplicate in _bt_check_unique() */
uniquedup = true;
for (;;)
* Does the new tuple belong on this page?
* The earlier _bt_check_unique() call may well have
* established a strict upper bound on the offset for the new
* item. If it's not the last item of the page (i.e. if there
* is at least one tuple on the page that goes after the tuple
* we're inserting) then we know that the tuple belongs on
* this page. We can skip the high key check.
if (insertstate->bounds_valid &&
insertstate->low <= insertstate->stricthigh &&
insertstate->stricthigh <= PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page))
/* Test '<=', not '!=', since scantid is set now */
if (P_RIGHTMOST(opaque) ||
_bt_compare(rel, itup_key, page, P_HIKEY) <= 0)
_bt_stepright(rel, insertstate, stack);
/* Update local state after stepping right */
page = BufferGetPage(insertstate->buf);
opaque = BTPageGetOpaque(page);
/* Assume duplicates (if checkingunique) */
uniquedup = true;
* If the target page cannot fit newitem, try to avoid splitting the
* page on insert by performing deletion or deduplication now
if (PageGetFreeSpace(page) < insertstate->itemsz)
_bt_delete_or_dedup_one_page(rel, heapRel, insertstate, false,
checkingunique, uniquedup,
* This is a !heapkeyspace (version 2 or 3) index. The current page
* is the first page that we could insert the new tuple to, but there
* may be other pages to the right that we could opt to use instead.
* If the new key is equal to one or more existing keys, we can
* legitimately place it anywhere in the series of equal keys. In
* fact, if the new key is equal to the page's "high key" we can place
* it on the next page. If it is equal to the high key, and there's
* not room to insert the new tuple on the current page without
* splitting, then we move right hoping to find more free space and
* avoid a split.
* Keep scanning right until we
* (a) find a page with enough free space,
* (b) reach the last page where the tuple can legally go, or
* (c) get tired of searching.
* (c) is not flippant; it is important because if there are many
* pages' worth of equal keys, it's better to split one of the early
* pages than to scan all the way to the end of the run of equal keys
* on every insert. We implement "get tired" as a random choice,
* since stopping after scanning a fixed number of pages wouldn't work
* well (we'd never reach the right-hand side of previously split
* pages). The probability of moving right is set at 0.99, which may
* seem too high to change the behavior much, but it does an excellent
* job of preventing O(N^2) behavior with many equal keys.
while (PageGetFreeSpace(page) < insertstate->itemsz)
* Before considering moving right, see if we can obtain enough
* space by erasing LP_DEAD items
if (P_HAS_GARBAGE(opaque))
/* Perform simple deletion */
_bt_delete_or_dedup_one_page(rel, heapRel, insertstate, true,
false, false, false);
if (PageGetFreeSpace(page) >= insertstate->itemsz)
break; /* OK, now we have enough space */
* Nope, so check conditions (b) and (c) enumerated above
* The earlier _bt_check_unique() call may well have established a
* strict upper bound on the offset for the new item. If it's not
* the last item of the page (i.e. if there is at least one tuple
* on the page that's greater than the tuple we're inserting to)
* then we know that the tuple belongs on this page. We can skip
* the high key check.
if (insertstate->bounds_valid &&
insertstate->low <= insertstate->stricthigh &&
insertstate->stricthigh <= PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page))
if (P_RIGHTMOST(opaque) ||
_bt_compare(rel, itup_key, page, P_HIKEY) != 0 ||
pg_prng_uint32(&pg_global_prng_state) <= (PG_UINT32_MAX / 100))
_bt_stepright(rel, insertstate, stack);
/* Update local state after stepping right */
page = BufferGetPage(insertstate->buf);
opaque = BTPageGetOpaque(page);
* We should now be on the correct page. Find the offset within the page
* for the new tuple. (Possibly reusing earlier search bounds.)
Assert(P_RIGHTMOST(opaque) ||
_bt_compare(rel, itup_key, page, P_HIKEY) <= 0);
newitemoff = _bt_binsrch_insert(rel, insertstate);
if (insertstate->postingoff == -1)
* There is an overlapping posting list tuple with its LP_DEAD bit
* set. We don't want to unnecessarily unset its LP_DEAD bit while
* performing a posting list split, so perform simple index tuple
* deletion early.
_bt_delete_or_dedup_one_page(rel, heapRel, insertstate, true,
false, false, false);
* Do new binary search. New insert location cannot overlap with any
* posting list now.
insertstate->postingoff = 0;
newitemoff = _bt_binsrch_insert(rel, insertstate);
Assert(insertstate->postingoff == 0);
return newitemoff;
7)最后调用 _bt_binsrch_insert 确定插入元组所在页的偏移量;
_bt_findinsertloc函数只是确定插入元组在页内的偏移量,而未真正将元组数据写入索引页,这一工作由_bt_insertonpg 函数完成,其执行流程如下:
static void
_bt_insertonpg(Relation rel,
BTScanInsert itup_key,
Buffer buf,
Buffer cbuf,
BTStack stack,
IndexTuple itup,
Size itemsz,
OffsetNumber newitemoff,
int postingoff,
bool split_only_page)
Page page;
BTPageOpaque opaque;
bool isleaf,
IndexTuple oposting = NULL;
IndexTuple origitup = NULL;
IndexTuple nposting = NULL;
page = BufferGetPage(buf);
opaque = BTPageGetOpaque(page);
isleaf = P_ISLEAF(opaque);
isroot = P_ISROOT(opaque);
isrightmost = P_RIGHTMOST(opaque);
isonly = P_LEFTMOST(opaque) && P_RIGHTMOST(opaque);
/* child buffer must be given iff inserting on an internal page */
Assert(isleaf == !BufferIsValid(cbuf));
/* tuple must have appropriate number of attributes */
Assert(!isleaf ||
BTreeTupleGetNAtts(itup, rel) ==
Assert(isleaf ||
BTreeTupleGetNAtts(itup, rel) <=
Assert(MAXALIGN(IndexTupleSize(itup)) == itemsz);
/* Caller must always finish incomplete split for us */
* Every internal page should have exactly one negative infinity item at
* all times. Only _bt_split() and _bt_newroot() should add items that
* become negative infinity items through truncation, since they're the
* only routines that allocate new internal pages.
Assert(isleaf || newitemoff > P_FIRSTDATAKEY(opaque));
* Do we need to split an existing posting list item?
if (postingoff != 0)
ItemId itemid = PageGetItemId(page, newitemoff);
* The new tuple is a duplicate with a heap TID that falls inside the
* range of an existing posting list tuple on a leaf page. Prepare to
* split an existing posting list. Overwriting the posting list with
* its post-split version is treated as an extra step in either the
* insert or page split critical section.
Assert(isleaf && itup_key->heapkeyspace && itup_key->allequalimage);
oposting = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, itemid);
* postingoff value comes from earlier call to _bt_binsrch_posting().
* Its binary search might think that a plain tuple must be a posting
* list tuple that needs to be split. This can happen with corruption
* involving an existing plain tuple that is a duplicate of the new
* item, up to and including its table TID. Check for that here in
* passing.
* Also verify that our caller has made sure that the existing posting
* list tuple does not have its LP_DEAD bit set.
if (!BTreeTupleIsPosting(oposting) || ItemIdIsDead(itemid))
errmsg_internal("table tid from new index tuple (%u,%u) overlaps with invalid duplicate tuple at offset %u of block %u in index \"%s\"",
newitemoff, BufferGetBlockNumber(buf),
/* use a mutable copy of itup as our itup from here on */
origitup = itup;
itup = CopyIndexTuple(origitup);
nposting = _bt_swap_posting(itup, oposting, postingoff);
/* itup now contains rightmost/max TID from oposting */
/* Alter offset so that newitem goes after posting list */
newitemoff = OffsetNumberNext(newitemoff);
* Do we need to split the page to fit the item on it?
* Note: PageGetFreeSpace() subtracts sizeof(ItemIdData) from its result,
* so this comparison is correct even though we appear to be accounting
* only for the item and not for its line pointer.
// 容纳不下,则会对当前页进行分裂
if (PageGetFreeSpace(page) < itemsz)
Buffer rbuf;
/* split the buffer into left and right halves */
rbuf = _bt_split(rel, itup_key, buf, cbuf, newitemoff, itemsz, itup,
origitup, nposting, postingoff);
* By here,
* + our target page has been split;
* + the original tuple has been inserted;
* + we have write locks on both the old (left half)
* and new (right half) buffers, after the split; and
* + we know the key we want to insert into the parent
* (it's the "high key" on the left child page).
* We're ready to do the parent insertion. We need to hold onto the
* locks for the child pages until we locate the parent, but we can
* at least release the lock on the right child before doing the
* actual insertion. The lock on the left child will be released
* last of all by parent insertion, where it is the 'cbuf' of parent
* page.
_bt_insert_parent(rel, buf, rbuf, stack, isroot, isonly);
Buffer metabuf = InvalidBuffer;
Page metapg = NULL;
BTMetaPageData *metad = NULL;
BlockNumber blockcache;
* If we are doing this insert because we split a page that was the
* only one on its tree level, but was not the root, it may have been
* the "fast root". We need to ensure that the fast root link points
* at or above the current page. We can safely acquire a lock on the
* metapage here --- see comments for _bt_newroot().
if (unlikely(split_only_page))
metabuf = _bt_getbuf(rel, BTREE_METAPAGE, BT_WRITE);
metapg = BufferGetPage(metabuf);
metad = BTPageGetMeta(metapg);
if (metad->btm_fastlevel >= opaque->btpo_level)
/* no update wanted */
_bt_relbuf(rel, metabuf);
metabuf = InvalidBuffer;
/* Do the update. No ereport(ERROR) until changes are logged */
if (postingoff != 0)
memcpy(oposting, nposting, MAXALIGN(IndexTupleSize(nposting)));
if (PageAddItem(page, (Item) itup, itemsz, newitemoff, false,
false) == InvalidOffsetNumber)
elog(PANIC, "failed to add new item to block %u in index \"%s\"",
BufferGetBlockNumber(buf), RelationGetRelationName(rel));
if (BufferIsValid(metabuf))
/* upgrade meta-page if needed */
if (metad->btm_version < BTREE_NOVAC_VERSION)
metad->btm_fastroot = BufferGetBlockNumber(buf);
metad->btm_fastlevel = opaque->btpo_level;
* Clear INCOMPLETE_SPLIT flag on child if inserting the new item
* finishes a split
if (!isleaf)
Page cpage = BufferGetPage(cbuf);
BTPageOpaque cpageop = BTPageGetOpaque(cpage);
cpageop->btpo_flags &= ~BTP_INCOMPLETE_SPLIT;
/* XLOG stuff */
if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
xl_btree_insert xlrec;
xl_btree_metadata xlmeta;
uint8 xlinfo;
XLogRecPtr recptr;
uint16 upostingoff;
xlrec.offnum = newitemoff;
XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfBtreeInsert);
if (isleaf && postingoff == 0)
/* Simple leaf insert */
else if (postingoff != 0)
* Leaf insert with posting list split. Must include
* postingoff field before newitem/orignewitem.
/* Internal page insert, which finishes a split on cbuf */
XLogRegisterBuffer(1, cbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
if (BufferIsValid(metabuf))
/* Actually, it's an internal page insert + meta update */
Assert(metad->btm_version >= BTREE_NOVAC_VERSION);
xlmeta.version = metad->btm_version;
xlmeta.root = metad->btm_root;
xlmeta.level = metad->btm_level;
xlmeta.fastroot = metad->btm_fastroot;
xlmeta.fastlevel = metad->btm_fastlevel;
xlmeta.last_cleanup_num_delpages = metad->btm_last_cleanup_num_delpages;
xlmeta.allequalimage = metad->btm_allequalimage;
XLogRegisterBuffer(2, metabuf,
XLogRegisterBufData(2, (char *) &xlmeta,
XLogRegisterBuffer(0, buf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
if (postingoff == 0)
/* Just log itup from caller */
XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) itup, IndexTupleSize(itup));
* Insert with posting list split (XLOG_BTREE_INSERT_POST
* record) case.
* Log postingoff. Also log origitup, not itup. REDO routine
* must reconstruct final itup (as well as nposting) using
* _bt_swap_posting().
upostingoff = postingoff;
XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) &upostingoff, sizeof(uint16));
XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) origitup,
recptr = XLogInsert(RM_BTREE_ID, xlinfo);
if (BufferIsValid(metabuf))
PageSetLSN(metapg, recptr);
if (!isleaf)
PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(cbuf), recptr);
PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
/* Release subsidiary buffers */
if (BufferIsValid(metabuf))
_bt_relbuf(rel, metabuf);
if (!isleaf)
_bt_relbuf(rel, cbuf);
* Cache the block number if this is the rightmost leaf page. Cache
* may be used by a future inserter within _bt_search_insert().
blockcache = InvalidBlockNumber;
if (isrightmost && isleaf && !isroot)
blockcache = BufferGetBlockNumber(buf);
/* Release buffer for insertion target block */
_bt_relbuf(rel, buf);
* If we decided to cache the insertion target block before releasing
* its buffer lock, then cache it now. Check the height of the tree
* first, though. We don't go for the optimization with small
* indexes. Defer final check to this point to ensure that we don't
* call _bt_getrootheight while holding a buffer lock.
if (BlockNumberIsValid(blockcache) &&
_bt_getrootheight(rel) >= BTREE_FASTPATH_MIN_LEVEL)
RelationSetTargetBlock(rel, blockcache);
/* be tidy */
if (postingoff != 0)
/* itup is actually a modified copy of caller's original */