
create database teacher;
create database teacher2 character set utf8;
show databases;
use teacher2;
drop database teacher;

insert into info(name,sex,age,brithday,salary) values('张三','男',20,'2010-5-9','5800.25')
select * from info;
delete from info where id=3;
update info set sex='女' where id=2;

#primary key:主键  auto_increment:自增长,从1开始,每次增加1

create table teacher(
id int(10) primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(20) not null,
sex char(1) default '男',
password varchar(10) not null,
card varchar(18) not null,
unique key(card)

insert into teacher(name,password) values('冯文龙','123','79889616');
insert into xinxi(name,password) values('曲真浩','963'),

update teacher set password='666' where name='李江涛';
update teacher set password='666',card='11111111111' where name='李江涛';

delete from teacher where name='李江涛';
delete from teacher;
truncate table teacher;

select*from teacher;

drop table teacher;
show tables;
desc teacher;

alter table info rename xinxi;
alter table xinxi add age int(3);
alter table xinxi change age sex char(1) not null;
alter table xinxi drop sex;

alter table xinxi add constraint pk_xinxi primary key xinxi(id);
alter table score add constraint fk_score_xinxi foreign key(xid) references xinxi(id)

select id,name from xinxi;
select id as 编号,name 姓名 from xinxi;
select id,name from xinxi where id=1;
select id,name from xinxi where name='李四';

  []:包含 ^:去除(不是) %:任意长度的任意字符  _:任意一个字符
select id,name from xinxi where name like'李%'
select id,name from xinxi where name like '%三%' 
select id,name from xinxi where name like'张%' or name like '李%'

select id,name from xinxi where password is null;
select id,name from xinxi where password is not null;

select id,name from xinxi where id between 1 and 4;
select id,name from xinxi where id>=1 and id<=4;

select distinct name from xinxi;

#order by:以某个字段排序
select id,name from xinxi order by id;
select id,name from xinxi order by id asc;

select id,name from xinxi order by id desc;
select id,name from xinxi order by name desc;
select id,name from xinxi order by convert(name using gbk )desc;

select id,name from xinxi order by convert(name using gbk) desc,id desc;

select id,name from xinxi limit 0,3;
select id,name from xinxi limit 3;

select id,name from xinxi limit 1,4;
select id,name from xinxi limit 0,4;

#xinxi主表  score从表(辅表)
select x.id,x.name,s.grade from xinxi x inner join score s on x.id=s.xid;
select x.id,x.name,s.grade from score s inner join xinxi x on x.id=s.xid;
select x.id,x.name,s.grade from xinxi x,score s  where x.id=s.xid;

#查询学生的id,name和grade (左外连接:能查出空值,必须先查主表)
select x.id,x.name,s.grade from xinxi x left join score on x.id=s.xid;
#查询学生的id,name和grade (右外连接)
select x.id,x.name,s.grade from xinxi x right join score on x.id=s.xid;

#truncate table score;

select x.name,c.name,s.grade from xinxi x 
inner join score s on x.id=s.xid
inner join course c on c.id=s.cid where x.name='李江涛';

select avg(grade) from score;
select sum(grade) from score;
select count(*) from xinxi;
select count(id) from xinxi;
select count(1) from xinxi;
select max(grade),min(grade) from score;

select cid,avg(grade) from score group by cid;
select cid,xid,avg(grade) from score group by cid,xid;

select xid,avg(grade) from score group by xid having avg(grade)>80;

select xid,avg(grade) from score group by xid having count(*)>1;
select xid,avg(grade) from score group by xid,cid having count(*)>1;

select x.name,s.xid from xinxi x 
inner join score s on x.id=s.xid 
group by s.xid,s.cid having count(*)>1;

select id+2 from xinxi;
select id from xinxi where id>(1+1);

#> >= <= <= = and or not
#[]: 包含 ^:去除  %:任意长度的任意字符 _:任意一个字符

select password from xinxi where nmae='李江涛';
select name,password from xinxi;

select name,password from xinxi 
where password<(select password from xinxi where nmae='李江涛');

select x.name from xinxi x inner join score s on x.id=s.xid where s.grade<60;
select x.name from xinxi x,score s where x.id=s.xid and s.grade<60;
select xid from score where grade<60;
select name from xinxi;
select name from xinxi where id=(select xid from score where grade<60);

#in: 在……里面
select name from xinxi where id in(select xid from score where grade<60);
select name from xinxi where id not in(select xid from score where grade<60);

select x.name,s,grade from xixni x inner join socre s on x.id=s.xid where s.grade<60;

select id,name from xinxi where exists(select name from xinxi where name='李江涛');

select xid from score group by xid having avg(grade)>70;
select grade from score order by grade desc limit 3;
select grade from score 
where exists
(select xid from score group by xid having avg(grade)>70) 
order by grade desc limit 3;

select max(grade) from score;
select grade from score order by grade desc limit 1;
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