A tour of C++ Day5

A tour of C++ Book Note Day5

Just for share my note when I reading the book. If you want to discuss what interests you, you can write in the comments section. If there is a dispute, you can corret it!

1.7 Pointers, Arrays and References

Arrays quote36

  • 最基本的数据集合就是连续分配的相同类型的数据序列,被成为数组。其基本上是被硬件所提供的
    • 实际上就是内存,数组是在内存中连续开辟的一段有序空间

The most fundamental collection of data is a contiguously allocated sequence of elements of the same type, called an array. This is basically what the hardware offers. ^quote36

Arrays/size quote37

char v[6];
  • 所有的数组的下限都是0,所以v中有六个元素,v[0]到v[5]。数组的大小必须是常量表达式
    • 实际上,目前数组也有很多特殊的形式,比如变长数组、柔性数组甚至更多的

All arrays have 0 as their lower bound, so v has six elements, v[0] to v[5]. The size of an array must be a constant expression. ^quote37

Pointer quote38

  • 在表达式中
    • 前缀"*“表示"什么什么的内容” -> 或者说包含
    • 前缀"&“表示"什么什么的地址”

In an expression, prefix unary * means “contents of” and prefix unary & means “address of.” ^quote38

char v[6];
char* p = &v[3];
char x = *p; // *p is the object that p points to

![[A tour of C++ Point Graph.png]]

Arrays/range-for quote39

  • 注意:当我们使用初始化列表匿名数组的时候,不必指定数组绑定
    • -> 也就是说,不需要将其给定到一个确切的变量中

Note that we don’t have to specify an array bound when we initialize it with a list. ^quote39

for (auto x : {1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
	std::cout << x << " ";

Reference quote40

void increment() {
	int v[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
	for (auto& x : v) // add 1 to each x in v
  • 如果你不想将v中的值复制到变量x中,而只是让x引用一个元素 -> auto& x
  • 在上述声明中,这个一元后缀"&“的意思是引用。引用类似于指针,不同之处在于引用不需要使用”*"来进行解引用去访问指向的值

If we didn’t want to copy the values from v into the variable x, but rather just have x refer to an element
In a declaration, the unary suffix & means “reference to.” A reference is similar to a pointer, except that you don’t need to use a prefix * to access the value referred to by the reference. ^quote40

Reference/function quote41

  • 引用在指定函数参数上特别有用
    • 引用可以简单的就将指针复杂的功能简化,而达到类似与指针一样的效果 -> 简化内存,修改值…

References are particularly useful for specifying function arguments. ^quote41

Reference/const quote42

  • 当我们不想修改一个参数的值但是又不想其在传参的过程中产生太大的代价,我们可以使用一个 const reference,也就是说,对常量的引用
    • 事实上,const reference是极为有用的,并且在代码中很常见

When we don’t want to modify an argument but still don’t want the cost of copying, we use a const reference; that is, a reference to a const. ^quote42

double sum(const std::vector<double>&);

1.7.1 The Null Pointer

nullptr quote43

  • 习惯性的检查一个指针是否指向实际的值是很明智的
    • 由于C/C++的指针可以指向空的原因,做这种检查是很有必要的

It is often wise to check that a pointer argument actually points to something ^quote43

int count_x(const char* p, char x) {
	// count the number of occurrences of x in p[]
	// p is assumed to point to a zero-terminated array of char (or to nothing)
	if (p == nullptr)
		return 0;
	int count = 0;
	for (; *p != 0; ++p)
		if (*p == x)
	return count;

nullptr/Null quote44

  • 在老标准的代码中,通常使用0或者NULL而不是nullptr。但是,nullptr的善用可以消除整形(如0和NULL)和指针(nullptr)之间的潜在混淆
    • 因为在老标准中,NULL的定义为:
#define NULL (void*)0 // -> 其极有可能出现二义性,但是又可以有妙用

if (pointer != NULL) // -> 这里可以是判断,但是其实可以通过直接pointer来判断
if (pointer) // -> 如果pointer == NULL时,那么实际上这里就是 if (0)

In older code, 0 or NULL is typically used instead of nullptr. However, using nullptr eliminates potential confusion between integers (such as 0 or NULL) and pointers (such as nullptr). ^quote44

nullptr/null-reference quote45

  • 这里没有空引用 -> 也就是说不允许没有初始化引用的存在
  • 引用必须引用有效对象(假定它引用有效对象) -> 但是一些晦涩而又smart的操作可以绕过这一约定 -> 蠢吧

There is no “null reference.” A reference must refer to a valid object (and implementations assume that it does). There are obscure and clever ways to violate that rule; don’t do that. ^quote45

1.9 Mapping to Hardware

Map-Hardware quote46

  • C++提供了到硬件的直接映射。当你使用一种基本操作时,其实现是由硬件提供的,且通常是单独的机器指令。例如,两个整数相加, x + y x + y x+y执行一个整数相加的机器指令
  • C++实现将计算机的内存视为一系列内存位置,它可以在其中放置(类型化)对象并使用指针寻址

C++ offers a direct mapping to hardware. When you use one of the fundamental operations, the implementation is what the hardware offers, typically a single machine operation. For example, adding two ints, x+y executes an integer add machine instruction.
A C++ implementation sees a machine’s memory as a sequence of memory locations into which it can place (typed) objects and address them using pointers ^quote46

Map-Hardware/pointer quote47

  • 指针在内存中表示为计算机地址,因此上图中p的数值为103.
    • 实际上这样看上去很想数组,因为数组在C++是对"内存中连续的对象序列"的基本抽象

A pointer is represented in memory as a machine address, so the numeric value of pin this figure would be 103. ^quote47

Map-Hardware/construct quote48

  • 基本语言结构到硬件的简单映射对于基本的底层性能至关重要,而C/C++几十年来一直以这种性能而闻名。C/C++的基本机器模型基于计算机硬件而不是某种形式上的数学
    • 也就是说,C/C++能够沟通底层,这也就是为什么C/C++经久不衰的一个原因

The simple mapping of fundamental language constructs to hardware is crucial for the raw low-level performance for which C and C++ have been famous for decades. The basic machine model of C and C++ is based on computer hardware, rather than some form of mathematics. ^quote48

1.9.1 Assignment

Assignment quote49

  • 内置类型的分配是简单的计算机拷贝操作

An assignment of a built-in type is a simple machine copy operation. ^quote49

int x = 2;
int y = 3;
x = y;

[!tip] The two objects are independent. We can change the value of one without affecting another.Unlike Java, C# and others, but like C, that is true for all types

  • If we want different objects to refer to the same value, we can do:
int x = 2;
int y = 3;
int *p = &x;
int *q = &y;
p = q;

Assignment/reference quote50

  • 指针和引用都可以指向/引用对象,并且都可以在内存中表示为计算机地址。但是他们相互之间所使用的语言规则不同。对引用的赋值不会更改引用所引用的内容

A reference and a pointer both refer/point to an object and both are represented in memory as a machine address. However, the language rules for using them differ. Assignment to a reference does not change what the reference refers to but assigns to the referenced object ^quote50

int x = 2;
int y = 3;
int& r = x;
int& r2 = y;
r = r2;  // -> if we do that, just let x become the value of y

1.9.2 Initialization

Map-Hardware/Initialization quote51

  • 初始化不同于赋值,一般来说,为了使赋值正常工作,分配的对象必须有一个值。
  • 另一方面,初始化的作用在于将未初始化的内存片段变为有效对象
  • 在C/C++中,对于所有类型,读取或者写入未初始化变量的结果都是未定义的

Initialization differs from assignment. In general, for an assignment to work correctly, the assigned-to object must have a value. On the other hand, the task of initialization is to make an uninitialized piece of memory into a valid object. For almost all types, the effect of reading from or writing to an uninitialized variable is undefined. ^quote51

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“a tour of c” 可以理解为C语言的一次巡回之旅。C语言是一种广泛应用于计算机硬件和软件开发的编程语言。它由贝尔实验室的丹尼斯·里奇于1972年开发,并在接下来的几年中逐渐流行起来。以下是关于C语言巡回之旅的一些重要内容: 首先,C语言具有简洁、高效的特点。它使用了一些基本的语法结构和关键字,使得程序代码更加简洁,易于理解和维护。同时,C语言的编译过程相对快速,生成的可执行文件也具有较高的执行效率。 其次,C语言具有广泛的应用领域。它被用于开发系统级软件,如操作系统和编译器,也被广泛应用于游戏开发、嵌入式系统、网络编程等领域。通过一次C语言的巡回之旅,可以深入了解C语言在不同领域中的应用和实践。 另外,C语言还具有丰富的库函数和标准函数供开发人员使用。这些库函数可以提供各种功能,如文件操作、字符串处理、内存管理等。通过学习和了解这些库函数,可以提高编程效率,并加快程序的开发速度。 最后,C语言也是学习其他高级编程语言的基础。许多其他编程语言,如C++、Java、Python等,都是在C语言基础上发展起来的。因此,通过一次C语言的巡回之旅,可以掌握一些基本的编程概念和思维方式,为学习其他编程语言打下坚实的基础。 总之,C语言巡回之旅是一个了解C语言的机会,通过深入学习和实践,可以了解C语言的特点、应用及其在计算机科学领域的重要性。


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