A tour of C++ Day4

A tour of C++ Book Note Day4

Just for share my note when I reading the book. If you want to discuss what interests you, you can write in the comments section. If there is a dispute, you can corret it!

1.5 Scope and Lifetime

Scope/local quote27

  • 函数形参也可以视作是局部变量
    • 因此,就出现了一个问题 -> 函数中的局部变量作为返回值被返回,因此C++中,局部变量的返回不允许被引用。除非是右值引用

Function argument names are considered local names. ^quote27

Scope/class quote28

  • 也就是说,只要在类中定义的成员变量(且不是在类中的函数、lambda甚至enum中定义的),其作用范围就是在类中全局的

if it is defined in a class, outside any function , lambda , or enum class . Its scope extends from the opening { of its enclosing declaration to the matching }. ^quote28

Scope/global quote29

  • 如果一个变量定义在任何函数、lambda甚至结构体之内,那么就称其为全局变量,其作用范围也是全局的 -> 全局的命名空间

A name not declared inside any other construct is called a global name and is said to be in the global namespace. ^quote29

1.6 Constants

Constants/const quote30

  • const: 其被主要用于指定接口,以便于可以使用指针或者引用来传值而不必担心数据会被修改 -> 尤其是引用

const: This is used primarily to specify interfaces so that data can be passed to functions using pointers and references without fear of it being modified. ^quote30

void function(int* a, int& b) {  
    // if we not use const to limit pointer and reference, the data may be modified  
    *a = 5;  
    b = 6;  
void function(const int* a, const int& b) {  
    // if we use const, when we may modify it careless, const will talk to the compiler, we don't want it modified  
    *a = 6; // wrong  
    b = 7; // wrong  
void Contants() {  
    // if we use const, we can do pass data without fear of it being modified  
    int a = 2, b = 3;  
    function(&a, b);  

Constants/constexpr quote31

  • constexpr:大致的意思就是“在编译期计算”。其主要用于指定常量,允许数据放置在只读内存中(不可能损坏) -> 也就是说,允许其在内存中就进行计算,为了更高效。

constexpr: meaning roughly “to be evaluated at compile time.” This is used primarily to specify constants, to allow placement of data in read-only memory (where it is unlikely to be corrupted), and for performance. The value of a constexpr must be calculated by the compiler. ^quote31

constexpr long fibonacii(long num) {  
    return num <= 2 ? 1 : fibonacii(num - 1) + fibonacii(num - 2);  
long fibonacii(long num, int) {  
    return num <= 2 ? 1 : fibonacii(num - 1) + fibonacii(num - 2);  
void Constants(int) {  
    std::chrono::time_point start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();  
    std::cout << fibonacii(45) << "\n";  
    std::chrono::time_point end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();  
    std::cout << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds> (end - start).count() << " milliseconds -> constexpr\n";  
    start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();  
    std::cout << fibonacii(45, 0) << "\n";  
    end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();  
    std::cout << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds> (end - start).count() << " milliseconds -> none\n";  

[!question] why the constexpr not work?

because the constexpr allow function to be called with non-constant

Constants/constexpr_other quote32

  • 被constexpr修饰的函数能够被非常量参数调用,但是如果这样调用之后运行的结果则是一个非常量表达式。我们允许一个被contexpr修饰的函数在不需要常量表达式的上下文中使用非常量参数调用 -> 也就解释了,为什么上文中的contexpr失效的原因,因为其递归后的函数的结果就已经是non-constant了

A constexpr function can be used for non-constant arguments, but when that is done the result is not a constant expression. We allow a constexpr function to be called with non-constant-expression arguments in contexts that do not require constant expressions. ^quote32

Constants/consteval quote33

  • 当我们只想使用编译期计算时,我们通常使用consteval而不是constexpr

When we want a function to be used only for evaluation at compile time, we declare it consteval rather than constexpr. ^quote33

consteval long fibonacii(long num) {  
    return num <= 2 ? 1 : fibonacii(num - 1) + fibonacii(num - 2);  

// when we declarated it by consteval, it'll be wrong. because the 'fibonacii' function is non-constant after iertation

Constants/pure_function quote34

  • 声明contexpr或者consteval的函数是C++对纯函数概念的版本
  • 他们不会产生副作用,且只允许使用传过去的信息作为参数。特别是,他们不能修改非局部变量,但他们可以循环且使用自己的局部变量

Functions declared constexpr or consteval are C++’s version of the notion of pure functions.
They cannot have side effects and can only use information passed to them as arguments. In particular, they cannot modify non-local variables, but they can have loops and use their own local variables. ^quote34

constexpr double nth(double x, int n) { // assume 0 <= n
	double res = 1;
	int i = 0;
	while (i<n) { // while-loop: do while the condition is true 
		res *= x;
	return res;

Constants quote35

  • 在一些地方,语法规则需要常量表达式 -> (例如:数组边界、case标签、模板参数和使用constexpr声明的常量)
  • 在其他方面,编译期计算对性能提升非常有用
  • 同时,哪怕不考虑性能,不可变性(具有不可更改状态的对象)也是一个重要的设计理念

In a few places, constant expressions are required by language rules (e.g., array bounds, case labels, template value arguments, and constants declared using constexpr).
In other cases, compile-time evaluation is important for performance.
Independent of performance issues, the notion of immutability (an object with an unchangeable state) is an important design concern. ^quote35

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“a tour of c” 可以理解为C语言的一次巡回之旅。C语言是一种广泛应用于计算机硬件和软件开发的编程语言。它由贝尔实验室的丹尼斯·里奇于1972年开发,并在接下来的几年中逐渐流行起来。以下是关于C语言巡回之旅的一些重要内容: 首先,C语言具有简洁、高效的特点。它使用了一些基本的语法结构和关键字,使得程序代码更加简洁,易于理解和维护。同时,C语言的编译过程相对快速,生成的可执行文件也具有较高的执行效率。 其次,C语言具有广泛的应用领域。它被用于开发系统级软件,如操作系统和编译器,也被广泛应用于游戏开发、嵌入式系统、网络编程等领域。通过一次C语言的巡回之旅,可以深入了解C语言在不同领域中的应用和实践。 另外,C语言还具有丰富的库函数和标准函数供开发人员使用。这些库函数可以提供各种功能,如文件操作、字符串处理、内存管理等。通过学习和了解这些库函数,可以提高编程效率,并加快程序的开发速度。 最后,C语言也是学习其他高级编程语言的基础。许多其他编程语言,如C++、Java、Python等,都是在C语言基础上发展起来的。因此,通过一次C语言的巡回之旅,可以掌握一些基本的编程概念和思维方式,为学习其他编程语言打下坚实的基础。 总之,C语言巡回之旅是一个了解C语言的机会,通过深入学习和实践,可以了解C语言的特点、应用及其在计算机科学领域的重要性。


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