

i love you,you love that dog.           false

i love you.you love that dog.

i loveing you,you love that dog.

i love you ,but you love that dog. 用连接词连接的并列句,一句中可以有多个 主谓 主谓宾



  1. 表并列(高级点 平行):and  not only....but also..       【as  well as 】来连接两个词,不能用来连接句子
  2. 转折: but yet while  whereas
  3. 递进:then
  4. 因果:for so
  5. 选择:or




    逻辑连接词并不一定是连接词,还会是介词短语,如 表示转折的 on the contrary,表结果 as a consequence



he is rich,i decided to marry with him     false 在汉语当中,两个句子之间可以没有逻辑链接词而表示逻辑,但是在英语中,如果两句话间没有逻辑链接词,就表明这两句话没有关系,所以上述话就是 他很有钱,和我要嫁给他没关系

he is rich ,so i decided to marry with him

你为什么回来这么晚? 外面下雪了

why......so late? it is striking snowing outside.  外边下雪就和你回来晚没关系

because it is striking snowing outside. 就是合理的解释了



  1. 写作 作文中不要一直都是用的and来进行连接,只要上下句之间有逻辑关系,就一定要有逻辑连接词,逻辑关系词(连词,介词,or介词短语)【介词与介词短语,副词 however 也可以表示上下句之间的逻辑关系】


分析:前一句有  有 字,there be 句型,后句没有主语,可以考虑用代词替代或者被动语句。

     there exist companies coming from the distance ,so i become more than delighted.

     there exist companies coming from the distance so i become more than delighted.

     there exist companies coming from the distance,as a consequence,i become more than delighted.  这个是错了,介词短语是不能连接两个句子的

   there exist companies coming from the distance.as a consequence,i become more than delighted.这个就对了,把它变成两个句子

   there exist companies coming from the distance,and as a consequence,i become more than delighted.用介词短语充当逻辑链接词,不能连接两个句子,为了能达到效果,加了个and起连接作用,在这里并没有实际的意义

happy delighted     friend company                              变得非常高兴 become more than delighted

所使用的逻辑连接词如果是 连词,那么这个连接词前可以有逗号也可以没有,不影响。

如果用的是 介词短语(as a consequence )或者 副词(however) 前面 要么是句号,要么是 and


  1. 表示并列  equally/ similarly /likewise/  at the same time / in the mean while
  2. 转折   however/conversely/nevertheless/unexpectedly/by contrast/on the contrary/otherwise
  3. 选择 alternatively
  4. 递进  besides/futhermore/moreover/in addition/subsequently 这些单词都可以替换  其次
  5. 因果 thus/therefore/consequently/as a result/as a consequent


i am maintained changeable like water.on the contrary,my clarity keeps consistent. 被动句+主系表结构



consequent consequently consequence   /as a consequence      结果      

subsetently subsetent 表递进                             如水多变 changeable like water

persistence 毅力          conversely 转折  / therefore 因此 /moreover,futhermore 递进 / maintain 维持 ,被认为 / clarity 澄澈 / consistent 如一的 / 





do you still keep the day in mind? i failed to pass CET4,and as a consequent i shed tears alone in the rain.At the same time ,you came up to me then beat my shoulder,telling me "there exists no destination int life.".

do you still keep the day in mind? i failed to pass CET4,so i shed tears alone in the rain.and you came up to me then beat my shoulder and tell me "there exists no destination in life"

do you still keep the day in mind? i failed to pass CET4,and thus i shed tears alone in the rain. In the mean while,you came up to me ,and subsequently beat my shoulder.equally/likewise/similarly you told me"there exists no destination in life"

do you still keep the day in mind? i failed to pass CET4 and therefore/thus/consequently i shed tears alone in the rain.equally/likewise/similarly you came up to me ,and moreover/futhermore/thus/subsequently/besides/in addition  beat my shoulder,telling me "there exists no destination in life"

记得 remember ----->  keep sth in mind                人生没有终点 (人生不做主语)  there exist no destination in life   

哭泣 cry(baby cry )----->shed tears           拍肩膀 beat shoulder            走向 come up to                 被认为 be maintained/cliamed/

非常 more than/strikingly/exceedingly            结果 consequent consequence consequently /as a result/            

递进 subsequently/thus/moreover/futhermore/in addition/besides     平行 similiarly/equally/likewise       

转折 otherwise/however/unexceptedly/by contract/on the constrary/conversely



  1. 写作    句子之间有逻辑关系就要用逻辑连接词
  2. 完型 完形的填逻辑连接词一般都是 考研的核心词汇,但是一般也是你没见过的。分析上下句意思来填
  3. 长难句分析:只要碰见连词,一般都涉及到省略,且连词前一定是完整的,连词后是有省略的,对连词进行前后对照,后面没有的而前面有,就是后面省略的内容。在翻译句子的时候一般先补上连词后面省略的内容再来进行翻译

          i was beaten and he.           i was beaten and he was beaten.  为了避免重复,所以进行了省略

对长难句进行分析就是找清楚它的 主谓宾定状     先找动词,再找连词,(如果这个连词连接的是两个词,那这个连词不是要找的


and + n +定 

and + ved +状语     (实义动词+介词短语,这个介词短语一定是状语,实义动词后面的不是宾语就是状语)


 颜值高的人         physical attractive individuals


  1. the movie proves brilliant           
  2. i appreciate the actress
  3. she keeps a ghost
  4. i enjoy the part,the end

如上可知名词可以在句子中充当 主语/宾语/表语/同位语

我的男朋友很帅   my boyfriend,a junior form the department of PE,looks handsome.

过度捕捞在现在已经越来越严重  over fishing,a universal phenomenon throughout the world,has beome increasingly grave under modern conditions.

全球普遍的现象  a universal phenomenon thoughout the world

越来越严重 increasingly grave

现在 under modern conditions


i appreciate my mother,a kind woman.

i love tom,a cute dog

i have a phnoe,vivoY85.

i want to read the book,xihu.

the dog,tom,keeps cute.

the dog,tom,proves cute.


 充当的成分 主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句

  1. what i saw proves brilliant
  2. i appriciate what she did
  3. she keeps who i admire
  4. i enjoy the part that she knew the truth


  1. that 在从句中不充当成分也没有实际的意思 陈述从句句要加引导词,就加that
  2. wheather 是否  从句是一般疑问句,加了后要把一般疑问句变为陈述语句,因为一般疑问句本身就有是否的意思,wheather不充当任何成分但是有实际的意思
  3. how long ,when,why  等特殊疑问词引导的从句,也要把句子变成陈述语句。

一般疑问句的回答 : 是/否               特殊疑问句的回答:具体的                        陈述句:没有回答


that  she has got divorced  is conspicuous                              that she got divorcer is conspicuous                

whether has she got divorced keeps a secret                       whether she has got divorced keeps a secret

when did she get divorced remains a mystery                         when she got divorced remains a mystery

she said she loves me                                                             she said that she loves me 

显而易见的 conspicuous

我正在思考外星人存在吗   i am wondering whether the alian exist

思考  wonder        


可数名词永远不能单独使用          alian    a/an/the/s  如果不确定要加谁,最好加 the 表示这一类

他们为什么离开家乡去西藏是一个谜           why  they left their hometown for Tibet remains a mystery.

这个句子看起来 主语从句 是个过去式,而谓语动词是一般现在时,其实并不矛盾,因为他们离开家乡这个事情发生在过去,到现在这个事还是个迷,所以谓语动词是一般现在时

一直是个秘密  keeps a secret                仍然是个谜 remains a mystery

重点是你什么时候有钱  the point seems  when you will be wealth         the point seems when wealth will be available for you

重点 point      when wealth will be available for you


someday you will find that career,kinship and fridendship are all more indispensable than romance.

someday 将来的某一天      oneday过去的某一天     kin n.家属 亲戚


你会有钱       be available for         money/rich/wealth         wealth will be available for you  句子完整,被动

爱情   love------romance              romantic adj 浪漫的     romance n 浪漫,爱情

你会发现    you will find that   -------------- one   will find that

obvious--------------conspicuous            显而易见的

persistence        毅力

consequent       结果

subsequent   递进

importance----------------indispensable          更重要的是  more important is that     -------  more indispensable is that

  seem 是             be claimed        increasingly         a train of            an ocean of

a universal phenomenon throughout the world         

越来越严重   more and more serious ------------------- increasingly grave         

我的妈妈一个漂亮的女人       my mother,a beautiful lady.                             woman----lady

这部电影很好看    the movie proves brilliant                        good --- brillant

当句子中有 有 的意思时,如果没有主语,则用there be 句型,如果有主语,最好用被动句

你将有钱   wealth will be available for you                                              你将有女朋友   girlfriend will be available for you

你将有手机     cellphone will be available for you                                    你将有车  car will be available for you 






女人总是对的,这是常识             that ladies tend to be right keeps common konwledge


it keeps common konwledge that ladies tend to be right

显而易见,众所周知  it is obviously that  ---------------- it keeps common konwledge that  

  1. it keeps common knowledge that
  2. it looks beyond dispute that
  3. it is universally acknowledged that
  4. it has been widely accepted that 

我认为  i think that       --------------- it keeps my perspective that




topic 小的话题          subject 社会性质的大的话题           聚光灯/公众所关注的焦点 spotlight/limelight


it has been widely accepted that the subject about rasing pets has been brought into the limelight/spotlight

it keeps common knowledge that the subject about rasing pets has been brought into limelight

it looks beyond dispute that the subject about rasing pets has been boought into the limelight


同位语从句 (在写作的时候,n词后面往往可以跟一个名词或者名词性从句来充当其同位语,但是在长难句辨析的时候,为了迷惑我们,同位语从句甚至可以放到句子的最后)


the news that her husband passed away has been spread through the village

the newshas been spread through the village that her husband passed away  这个villiage 和 that后的内容无关

主动表示被动的情况 https://wenku.baidu.com/view/efecbb7d910ef12d2af9e7f7.html

观点/看法   perspective/point/view/outlook                一直 keep/remain                        往往  tend to


the outlook that individuals from HeNan tend to be cheaters remains/keeps wrong

the outlook/perspective/view  that individuals from HeNan tend to be deceivers remains/keeps wrong

河南人  individuals from HeNan                

你总是这样做  you tend to do like that.                  






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