
  1. ballad  
  2. a ballad singer
  3. hoodie  
  4. buddy
  5. what's up man?    
  6. what's up buddy?
  7. how are you doing?  
  8. i 'm ok
  9. i'm fine
  10. give me a break
  11. hang out
  12. hang out with friends
  13. excuse me?
  14. let's call it a day

ballad    hoodie      hang out  with friends

a ballad singing     buddy   


  1. enomous
  2. extreme
  3. extremity
  4. co-habitate
  5. claim   宣言 , 战地宣言

extreme  n 极度的     extremity  n      

habitate   n 栖息地       co-habitate  同居  

enomous adj 庞大的 巨大的

  1. squeeze
  2. mama
  3. papa
  4. introverted
  5. extroverted
  6. prolific
  7. punctuations
  8. effortless
  9. stanza

introverted   extroverted   prolific   

she is a prolific writer of novels and short stories.    

  1. itinerary
  2. layover
  3. train ride
  4. bus ride
  5. hostel
  6. motel
  7. ferry
  8. ship
  9. personal speaking
  10. on the one hand, on the other hand
  11. what's more
  12. by the way
  13. for example
  14. some people say
  15. awake

itinerary       his itinerary is still unclear.

layover     it's a five hour flight with a half hour layover in Chicago.  

ride  v 骑行  n 旅行     train  ride                bus  ride  

personal speaking 个人谈话

  1. happiness
  2. drain
  3. draining situation
  4. a slim chance
  5. a slim shot 
  6. fat chance  反语 想得美
  7. you wish  别做梦了
  8. omit
  9. a load of crap
  10. be fed up with
  11. and this or that
  12. peer 
  13. peer pressure
  14. well, your views are interesting

she has only a slim chance of passing the exam

would your car be easy to steal ?    ------   fat chance , i 've got a device that shuts down the gas.

you wish   想得美 

omit  omitted  omitting   v 忽略

omit the salt in this recipe.   

let's cut the crap and get down to business.    

a load of crap

be fed up with 

she gets on well with her peer group.      beer 啤酒  peer 同龄人

  1. cherry blossom
  2. cherry
  3. blossom
  4. the grass is always greener on the other side.
  5. pride goes before a fall
  6. side walk
  7. ped xing
  8. mine
  9. road hogs
  10. road rage
  11. run the red light
  12. jump the red light
  13. jaywalkers
  14. carpools only
  15. car horn
  16. foot bridges
  17. stay in
  18. live in
  19. resolution

cherry         blossom               hog             rage

pride goes before a fall.

闯红灯 :  千万不要说成   break the red light

                  run the red light                 jump the red light          jump 表示 忽略       


pool  n池塘  水坑    公用的资源           carpool   拼车

等红灯  wait for the green light

foot bridge 人行天桥


  1. margin
  2. marginalize
  3. unsociable
  4. sociable
  5. callous
  6. decent
  7. hail
  8. euphoria
  9. apprehension
  10. patronize
  11. patron
  12. gauche
  13. celebrity
  14. ignore

margin        marginalize             decent       hail   euphoria     gauche   gauche     gauche   gauche   gauche     gauche    gauche    gauche    gauche

  1. ignorance
  2. overjoy
  3. callous
  4. callus
  5. hail 下冰雹

decent    euphoria       

apprehension   he watched the election results with some apprehension.

patron   n 赞助者  

  1. fasten your seatbell
  2. versatile     adj 多才多艺的
  3. difficult       adj 难以相处的
  4. loathsome    adj 令人憎恶的
  5. cocky     adj 自负的
  6. aloof          adj 冷漠的
  7. sociable       adj 合群的
  8. unsociable      adj 不合群的
  9. slender      adj 苗条的   (女性)
  10. fattish      adj 微胖的
  11. big         adj 又高又大
  12. pretentious    adj自以为是的
  13. timid    adj 胆小 
  14. introverted    adj 内向的
  15. extroverted  adj 外向的
  16. stout    adj 肥胖的
  17. skinny   adj 皮包骨
  18. don't  look  one's  age
  19. keep your eye on the ball

slight   身材又瘦又小           slim  瘦  不分性别                 slender  指女性 瘦 体态优美             thin  因病而瘦

skinny    timid      

look one's age  ( to look younger or older than what is true)

看某人的年龄  x                                   容貌与年龄相称 v

She doesn't look her age.She's actually much older than she looks.

keep your eye on the ball  把眼放到球上          集中注意力

If you don't keep your eye on the ball, you are not going to be successful.

如果你不努力, 你不会成功的

  1. elders 老年人
  2. old people  x
  3. adolescent
  4. in the prime of one's life  人生巅峰
  5. in the springtime of life
  6. in one's salad days   涉世未深
  7. have someone's  eyes/nose/hair
  8. well-built   体格健美的
    1. medium-size  中等身材
  9. elegant  adj优雅的
  10. slim    苗条
  11. thin  瘦
  12. straight      头发 adj 直的
  13. moustache     n小胡子
  14. like father , like son
  15. dark n 深色的    头发
  16. blonde   金发女郎 (无脑版)

straight   blonde          dark   moustache                slender      slight        slim    thin              medium-size                well-built

in one's salad days               in the prime of one's life          elder        adolescent    

  1. like chalk and cheese     截然不同
  2. chalk  n 粉笔
  3. chees  n奶酪 
  4. be nuts about sth  对 .... 很痴迷
  5. be  fed up with  受够的
  6. mock at 嘲笑
  7. acquaintance  点头之交
  8. townfellow  老乡
  9. alumni  校友
  10. arch enemy  主要的敌人
  11. demanding  adj 苛求的
  12. clash   v 冲突
  13. hostile
  14. say   n 发言权
  15. bully  v欺侮
  16. take revenge on sb

acquaintance      townfellow    townfellow  spokensperson   arch  

associate v           association n                alumni association  校友会           clash     clashes

it's about time teachers started to get tough with bullies.             bully  n 仗势欺人者,   bullies         


  1. it's a keeper   说照片拍的好  
  2. long march of the red army
  3. snowy mountains
  4. insurance company
  5. think back to thoese days
  6. forced to hunger
  7. leave me alone/  forget it   聊不下去
  8. please
  9. narrator   n 叙述者
  10. examine   v调查

march   v 行军    long march of the red army          long march of the red army   long march of the red army     long march long march          long march

red army       

narrator    exmine 

  1. rekindle  v 重新点燃
  2. rusty  adj 生锈
  3. exhausted  adj精疲力尽的
  4. quote   n 引言
  5. power  outage  停电
  6. ladyboys   人妖
  7. fulfilling  adj 令人满意的
  8. pros  vs   cons   赞成   反对
  9. tutor  v辅导  n 导师

kind adj        kindle  v 点燃       rekindle

rust n      rusty adj           

fulfilling adj 让人感觉有意义的, 令人满足的 

Working for others can be most fulfilling.   为他人而工作会感到极大的满足

pros and cons 不是什么缩写,而是固定的词组,可以翻译为利弊,优缺点,正反两面,赞成和反对。

They sat for hours debating the pros and cons of setting up their own firm.

We discussed the pros and cons of changing the company's operating system.

I need to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision

This article will take a look at three methods, and then discuss their pros and cons.

I have approached this subject with a desire to weight the pros and cons connected.

  1. participate   
  2. undergraduate  (尚未取得学位的) 大学生
  3. postgraduagte 
  4. master's degree
  5. independent-learning
  6. teach-centered
  7. student take notes
  8. instant
  9. instant noodles
  10. giant 
  11. knee
  12. hope  轻读

depend v 依赖      independ  v 独立           dependent adj 依赖的      independent adj 独立的          

bachelor's degree         master's degree      

graduage    n 毕业生                  undergraduate  n 本科生                    postgraduate   n 研究生

PHD 博士学位   

大学校长 President      副校长 Vice President

中学校长  Principal                                     principal  adj 主要的   

小学校长  Headmaster

chief  n 首领    adj 主要的

chairman  n主席

professor  prof.  教授

副教授  Associate Professor

客座教授  Visiting Professor / Guest Professor

兼职教授  Part-time Professor

终身教授  Lifetime Professor

外籍教授  Foreign Professor

Lecturer   /     Instructor

Teaching Assistant

  1. don't be shy , just try
  2. serious 
  3. independent
  4. perfered
  5. different
  6. exchange program
  7. world view
  8. active
  9. friendly
  10. local life
  11. compulsory
  12. assistant
  13. associate professor
  14. faculty

compulsory            English is a compulsory subject at this level.

compulsory education

  1. journalism
  2. instructor
  3. full moon
  4. jade rabbit
  5. critically
  6. alliteration
  7. rhyme

journal  n 报纸 杂志    journalist      journalism

critic  n批评家   critical adj     critically         

alliteration    rhyme  

  1. positive
  2. a good leader
  3. upright  adj 正直的
  4. graceful  adj 优雅的
  5. quick-witted  adj 机智灵敏
  6. wit
  7. witted
  8. get  panicky
  9. get  irritated
  10. be horrified
  11. play the fool 出丑
  12. be up to 打算
  13. be as good as gold  夸孩子
  14. set a good example to sb
  15. behave oneself
  16. do good deeds
  17. negative
  18. clumsy
  19. a follower
  20. underhand  n 阴险的
  21. coarse  adj 粗俗的
  22. sneaky  adj   鬼鬼祟祟的
  23. dishonorable  adj 可耻的
  24. deceitful  adj 欺骗的
  25. evil  adj邪恶的
  26. peculiar   adj怪异的
  27. mischief   n恶作剧
  28. chief   n首领 首长     adj  主要的

grace n优雅   graceful adj

upright   panicky

  1. headmaster  (小学)校长
  2. president  n 主席(大学), 院长 
  3. it takes all sorts ( to make a world)
  4. almost bring down the house   (这里的 hourse 指 剧院,  赢得满堂喝彩)
  5. wrinkled   n 皱纹
  6. attach to 
  7. script
  8. token 
  9. narrator
  10. nagging

We attach labels to things before we file them away.  it take all sorts to make a world.    

nag  n 唠叨    nagging    adj 唠叨的 

  1. bomb
  2. firecrackers
  3. Phd
  4. doctor
  5. motel
  6. freeway  高速公路
  7. highway   公路  大路
  8. sidewalk
  9. crosswalk
  10. run / jump the red light
  11. display
  12. carpool

press v 按压  n 报刊 杂志,新闻界        press reports 新闻报道       bump 撞  

He thought I was being a hys

pump   bump

crash  n 撞车     crush  v 迷恋  

  1. event 重大事件
  2. crash
  3. shipwreck
  4. bump
  5. be landed with    被甩给(unhappy)的 事
  6. be stuck in ( a traffic jam)
  7. alarmed
  8. hysterical
  9. desperate
  10. desperately
  11. go as white as a sheet 苍白如纸
  12. stiff
  13. scared stiff
  14. get to the bottom of things  弄清楚事情的真相
  15. sort thing out
  16. sort out
  17. dig out 
  18. bandage 
  19. level-headed  adj 头脑清晰的

wreck n 沉船        The wreck is lying at the bottom of the sea.

crash  n 撞车 

I don't want to be stuck in an office all my life -- I want to live!

cliff   n悬崖峭壁   stiff adj 僵硬的

He rubbed his arms and stiff legs .  他按摩着自己的胳膊和僵硬的双腿.

scare  v  害怕         scared adj 害怕的

  1. get lost 
  2. cabin
  3. cabinet
  4. survival of the fittest

cabin  n客舱     cabinet n内阁 橱柜 

survival  n 幸存者  


  1. torch festival
  2. water-sprinkling festival
  3. lunar new year
  4. new year
  5. chinese new year
  6. double ninth festival
  7. Double Seventh Festival
  8. Halloween
  9. hallowmas
  10. halloween
  11. the day before
  12. the day after
  13. parades
  14. lion dance ,  dragon dance
  15. family reunion
  16. feasts
  17. playing majang
  18. making New Year's visits
  19. giving pocket money to children

1)春节的几种说法: 1. Lunar New Year       2. the Spring Festival      3. Chinese New Year

对中国人而言,春节是一年之中最隆重的节日,英语国家的人通常用the Spring Festival 和 Chinese new year 来表示春节,这两种表达方式的接受度都很高。

2) 除夕   New Year's Eve

Eve 指 节假日的前夜   

the first day of the Lunar New Year 大年初一

the first month of the Lunar Calendar 正月

3)过年   pass the year x

celebrate the Spring Festival

celebrate Chinese New Year

4) 春节习俗的英文表达

putting up Spring Festival couplets

Spring Festival couplets  春联

New Year paintings  年画

New Year Feast  年夜饭 

Family Reunion Dinner 团圆饭

Paying a New Year's visit  拜年

The Lantern Festival    

stick the character of fu 

set off firecrackers

lucky money / red envelope

give Spring Festival greetings

spring cleaning

special purchases for the Spring Festival

6) 常见拜年祝福语

treasures fill the home

Peace all year round   岁岁平安 

May all your wishes come true

Everything goes well


  1. puting up New Year couplets
  2. red envelope
  3. visiting temple fairs
  4. steamed bread/bun
  5. ZongZi
  6. hot dishes
  7. cold dishes
  8. velentine's day
  9. April Fool's  day
  10. Boxing Day  ( 圣诞节后的第一个工作日)
  11. calender
  12. minority
  13. minor     n 未成年人  辅修
  14. major    n 主要的
  15.  majority
  16. people  表人 不可数   表民族 可数
  17. worship

fair  adj 公平的   n 集市   

merry  adj 愉快的             Merry Christmas                   merry adj           marry v         

major   adj        minor adj 

  1. bull fight
  2. arrow 
  3. arrow shooting
  4. tug-of-war
  5. wrestling
  6. region
  7. regional variations
  8. fire nets
  9. grand parades
  10. Spring Festival Gala
  11. The Lunar New Year Eve
  12. extend our greetings
  13. couplets
  14. couple
  15. pest
  16. primitive  
  17. temple fairs
  18. fair  adj
  19. fairs   n
  20. chinese knots
  21. chinese lantern
  22. upside-down Fu

bull n 公牛  cow n 母牛            arrow               tug-of-war                          wrestling

region    regional    regional variation 局部差异          net n 网                               primitive 

  1. the Gate God in Chinese myth
  2. paste paper-cuts
  3. worshiping the ancestors
  4. Taboos
  5. observance
  6. jabber   v 急促而含糊不清的说话

stick   past  put up     set off                     sort out                        be off somewhere doing sth

stick the character of fu                    paste  paper-cuts    upside-down fu.          worship the ancestor

taboo   observe  observe      jabber v

  1. 一个终身的兴趣
  2. 声音非常的有磁性
  3. 礼仪
  4. 任何时候不能放弃希望
  5. 自起独立 喜爱偏好


  1. arctic 
  2. antarctic
  3. boast  v 吹牛   n 值得自豪的东西
  4. impressive
  5. fair 
  6. fairs
  7. appropriate
  8. defend
  9. introduce  v 介绍   引进
  10. native Americans     印第安人
  11. americans 
  12. hereby
  13. cuz
  14. thanks a million
  15. The Communist Party of China  CPC
  16. haze 
  17. cherish

cherish  v              CPC the Communist of China

hereby  ad.特此   I hereby sentence you for life after all the charges against you have been proven true.

impressive      appropriate         

  1. mask
  2. foggy
  3. hazy
  4. smoke + fog = smog
  5. second child policy
  6. flour
  7. sibling
  8. birth rights
  9. boost
  10. gender
  11. tackle
  12. imbalance

mask               fog      foggy          nag     nagging     haze      hazy                smoke + fog  =  smog 

  1. primary school
  2. pre-school education
  3. elementary/primary education
  4. compulsory education
  5. adult education
  6. education
  7. vocational education
  8. kindergarten
  9. primary school
  10. academy
  11. institute
  12. boarding school              board n 木板  v 寄宿                affair adj 公平的   fair n公平     事务
  13. assistant               assist v        assistance  n                    assistant  n
  14. researcher
  15. A/P
  16. Prof
  17. pupil
  18. master               n 主人  大师  硕士          
  19. doctor
  20. headmaster  小学 高中 校长
  21. counselor
  22. president
  23. dropout n
  24. top student 
  25. average student

primary  adj 主要的 初级的  基本的           elementary                    institute  n 机构  (尤其指 教育 科技)                    academy  n 学院

board  n 木板               I posted a question on the msg board.

  1. teaching group
  2. brance
  3. classroom
  4. financial department
  5. student dormitory
  6. hostel
  7. seminar
  8. earn credits
  9. play truant
  10. charge forward 人群中 往前冲
  11. general service department  后勤部
  12. classroom building  教学楼

part       depart          department       financial department      dormitory    seminar     truant  

  1. coder
  2. programer
  3. CSDN
  4. Chinese Software Developer Network
  5. documentary
  6. blocked
  7. like 
  8. buzzword
  9. post a picture
  10. publish an artical
  11. neutral
  12. updates/  feeds
  13. befriend 
  14. defriend
  15. profession
  16. professional

develop       v             developer  n             document n 文件    documentary n 纪录片

The documentary presents him in a very unfavourable light.

刷抖音 browse Tik Tok   

Home   Me    For you   Follow  关注   Unfollow  取关 Like   赞  点赞    Follower 粉丝     comment  评论      reply  回复  

block  sb  屏蔽某人    I block those I don't know well.

put sb into the blacklist  拉黑         I  put my ex-boyfriend into the blacklist .   

unfriend  v   解除好友         I cann't believe that he unfriended you.

表情符号  emoji     

add sb into the WeChat group                    @sb   mention sb          you are mentioned.  

Look , this short video is so funny. 

Wow, it has received more than three million likes.

I followed the account this morning. He is quite quite famous here.

How man followers does he have?

Over two million, but he never relies to other's comment.

  1. considerate
  2. considerable
  3. mother-in-law 婆婆
  4. sensible

sensible  adj 明智的             

  1. someone else
  2. water army
  3. over the last decates
  4. sustainble
  5. sustainble development
  6. deliver boy  外卖小哥
  7. plenty of time
  8. reduce the financial burden on the family
  9. the national famous
  10. unbalanced educational resources

sustainable  adj       sustain  v              sustainable development   development

carry-out 外卖     deliver boy  外卖小哥  

national  adj                            

  1. chronic
  2. nature
  3. be exposed to
  4. tend to
  5. assume that
  6. take root in
  7. diverse
  8. diverse language
  9. dilemma
  10. marked  adj 明显的
  11. di -  分  二  
  12. express
  13. mail
  14. linguist
  15. non-standard
  16. dialect
  17. dia -  贯穿     - lect 说
  18. complex  
  19. aimlessness 
  20. hardly
  21. typical
  22. postwar
  23. product
  24. productivity
  25. production
  26. harmony
  27. our national dreams   
  28. our national ambitious
  29. the belt and road
  30. jealous
  31. one-way
  32. components
  33. logic
  34. suspend
  35. exclude
  36. include
  37. conclude
  38. integrity
  39. insensitive
  40. sensitive

dilemma               They try to find a way out of thier dilemma.

They observed the prisoners through a one-way mirror.                        one-way  adj单向的  单行的  

Production has been suspended while safely checks are carried out.

clude  conclude      include   exclude


  1. chronic
  2. repeat
  3. be exposed to
  4. tend to
  5. human
  6. humanity
  7. chapter
  8. forbidden apples
  9. snake
  10. god
  11. Adam
  12. Eve
  13. Adam's Apples  喉结
  14. Greek
  15. take root in
  16. long before
  17. diverse 
  18. diversity
  19. dilemma
  20. out of dilemma
  21. drive v驾驶 驱使
  22. drive me crazy
  23. contribute       
  24. there are many drivers contributing to this issue
  25. driving force
  26. driver
  27. sophisticated  driver 老司机
  28. deliberate
  29. linguist
  30. non-standard
  31. power
  32. powerfully
  33. powerfully  expressive
  34. dialect
  35. lecture
  36. lect
  37. express
  38. express mail service
  39. aimlessness
  40. hardly
  41. postwar
  42. productivity
  43. harmony
  44. money
  45. harmony
  46. envy
  47. jealous
  48. the belt and road
  49. ambitious
  50. dreams
  51. i need some time when we come there
  52. put the pen on the table
  53. least
  54. components
  55. include
  56. conclude
  57. exclude
  58. major
  59. minor 
  60. majority
  61. minority
  62. whereby
  63. tradition
  64. traditional
  65. traditionally
  66. intellectuals
  67. intelllect
  68. intellectual
  69. intellectual
  70. disclose
  71. undisclosed
  72. traditionally   一直以来
  73. purpose
  74. normal
  75. male
  76. account for  解释说明    占....的比例
  77. gay     adj  欢乐 快乐      n 同性恋者
  78. propose  v 推荐 提议 求婚  
  79. insensitive man  直男
  80. disposition
  81. dispose of
  82. purpose
  83. inpose
  84. expose
  85. dispose
  86.  - pose -   = put
  87. con -  =  com -  = col - = co
  88. m = n = l


  1. - pose - = put 
  2. compose  
  3. inpose
  4. expose
  5. dispose
  6. propose
  7. descend
  8. scend
  9. ascend
  10. transcend
  11. descendant
  12. respect      in many respects  在许多方面        
  13. respect  v 尊重    n方面
  14. in many respects ,  the dearth of moral purpose frames not only the fact of such sidespread phone hacking but the terms on wich the trial took place
  15. dearth
  16. moral purpose
  17. frame
  18. fact
  19. widespread
  20. phone hacking
  21. terms
  22. trial
  23. overheard
  24. hack


  1. respectable   值得尊敬的  (其他人)
  2. respectful  adj  恭敬的 (自己 )
  3. respective  n 各自的
  4. respectively
  5. overhear  窃听
  6. dearth of
  7. integrity
  8. integrate  
  9. cultural integration
  10. frame v 形成  构成
  11. desendant n后代
  12. accounts for   解释 说明 ,   占...的比例



  • President
  • Vice President
  • Principle
  • Headmaster
  • Head of College    学院院长
  • Department Head / Department Chairman 系主任
  • Head Teacher 班主任
  • Prof.  Professor 
  • Associate  Professor                                  associate v 联系   adj 副的
  • Visiting Professor / Guest Professor 客座教授
  • Part-time Professor 兼职教授
  • Life-time Professor 终身教授
  • Foreign Professor 外籍教授
  • Lecture / Instructor  讲师
  • Teaching Assistance    助教                            assist v 帮助  assistance n 帮助,援助


  • Chief Engineer  总工程师
  • Senior  Engineer  高级工程师              senior  adj 高级的  年长的
  • Assistant Engineer 助工
  • Architect    建筑师
  • Planner  规划师
  • Designer 设计师
  • Lawyer  律师 
  • Reporter  、 Journalist     记者
  • Editor  编辑



  • Professor
  • Associate  Professor           associate  adj 副的
  • Lecturer   讲师


  • senior lecturer  讲师
  • lecture  
  • assistant lecturer
  • teacher 教员
  • instructor  指导教师


  • professor of engineering    高级工程师
  • professor of medicine 主任医师
  • physician-in-charge 内科主治医师
  • dentist-in-charge 牙科主治医师
  • nurse
  • editor
  • reporter
  • translator
  • assistant translator
  • economist 
  • accountant  n 会计师
  • statistic    统计师 
  • assistant statistic  
  • laywer
  • piolt
  • captain  船长
  • senior captain  高级船长
  • coach  教练
  • actor
  • painter
  • director
  • artist



  • kindergarten 幼儿园
  • primary school  /   elementary  school    element n元素
  • seondary school /  middle school   中学 ( 初中 + 高中 )
  • junior school / junior middle shool   初中
  • senior school / high school / senior middle school
  • college 学院
  • university
  • freshman  四年制大一新生


  •  middle school 、 secondary school


翻译:  先行词 ,  错别字 , 的 得 地

  1. 飞快地跑
  2. 跑得快
  3. 白色的纸
































































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