The creation of THREE owned assets


The Presentation Assessment relates to your branded content strategy and the use of owned media assets to attract an employer's attention.  Im

agine an employer doing a Google search and finding your website and social media platforms. They will be impressed! During workshops, with the guidance of your instructor, you will develop a branded content strategy that showcases your personal brand. You will create owned media assets including a website, one social media page and LinkedInto showcase your brand.

Before you commence this work, you will have undertaken both personal branding and content planning activities in tutorial sessions, and this information will be very helpful to you.

The Presentation Assessment contains two graded parts:

1.    The creation of THREE owned assets - that are cohesive and showcase your personal brand

2.    A verbal PowerPoint presentation - of your branded content strategy

Part 1: Students are expected to create THREE owned assets that target a potential employer in their dream industry.

Asset One: A WIX website (students are required to use the WIX platform)

You will be assisted in the creation of your website during tutorial sessions. Your site should remain private during the semester and you should invite your tutor to be a site Administrator, so that they can grade this asset online. For your WIX website, you will need to:

1. Create a homepage: one static page of content that tells the reader about YOU. It should suit your intended audience. How many words? Whatever you feel is appropriate, but at least one paragraph. Write in either 1st or 3rd person point of view; think about your audience in your decision-making. Consider the visual appeal of this page too.

2. Write ONE blog post relating to a (dream industry) theme/trend: your post should have a maximum of 500 words. The blog post should provide well-supported opinions/reflections about a topic that is of interest an employer in your dream industry. E.g. a student who wants a career in fashion PR might write about why wearable technologies are the next big thing in fashion, OR, perhaps a reflection regarding sustainable fashion trends. This blog post DOES NOT have to relate to the digital world. This blog is about topics that fascinate you, and you have an opinion about AND are strategically of interest (and relevance) of your dream employer. The post that receives a high grade will be the one that connects the student to a dream employer though rich and compelling content, and that clearly demonstrates a cohesive brand strategy.

Asset TWO:  ONE additional social media page

You need to create one social media account to showcase yourself. Choose a social media platform. that is appropriate to your dream industry and intended audience. You need to post at least three messages/posts that showcase your personal brand. Note: You can use an existing social media account only if it is professional and it showcases your branded content strategy; however, you need to allow your tutors to access it online to mark it.

Your page can be made public or private. If you have a private (password protected) page, please provide this password to your tutor so they can access it online to mark it.

Asset THREE:  A LinkedIn profile

You are required to either create (a new) or strengthen (an existing) LinkedIn profile. This asset needs to support your cohesive brand portrayal (across all three assets) and should be consistent with how you want to position yourself in the employment market. There is a complete LinkedIn Reference Guide in Blackboard which will support all aspects of creating and strengthening a LinkedIn profile, as well as showing you how to use many platform. functions, such as searching for internships and jobs.

Contact your tutor directly if you are currently employed and feel that updating key parts of your LinkedIn profile (such as your headline and summary) may cause concerns with your employer. If you have privacy  The creation of THREE owned assets – that are cohesive and showcase your personal brandMatlab concerns regarding LinkedIn, please seeyour tutor.

Please note the following points regarding your three owned assets.

Your content should be original and related to your personal brand. Consistent messaging across your media is essential to support brand cohesiveness.

Your assets should be written in a style. that is appealing and appropriate for the intended audience. Your work should be of a writing quality that is free from grammatical errors, shows evidence of self-editing, and uses accurate citations (Chicago referencing) where relevant. Your owned assets, including your blog and social media posts should be unified and include enhancements such as tags, hyperlinks, video and images.

Part 2: A verbal PowerPoint presentation - of your branded content strategy

Your verbal PowerPoint presentation outlines the strategy behind your branded content. In your presentation you should show samples (screenshots) of the content from your website, LinkedIn and additional social media platform. and discuss the strategy (or thinking) behind your content (i.e. why you chose your content), rather than just describing your content. Your presentation should be FIVE minutes in length.

Your presentation should discuss your: key brand story and its relevance; your content strategy execution across your three assets; asset integration; and, reflection of your digital footprint. These presentation areas are explained fully in an exemplar / template that is provided on Blackboard. Presentation slides should be prepared in PowerPoint, and should be professional and have visual appeal.

Please note the template on Blackboard includes a voiceover. A voiceover recording is NOT required if you are an on-campus student, presenting face-face.

Presentation Assessment - Grading and Submission information There are TWO submissions for the Presentation Assessment.

Submission 1. Word document submission: ALL students need to submit their Word document via Blackboard, by the Sunday (23:59pm) prior to the start of Week 11.  Please note: late penalties apply.

To create your word document, you must copy and paste the FINAL text/words from your live WIX website homepage and your blog (including your reference list) into a word document. Do not include the images from your website. You also should include screenshots of your social media posts in this word document too. On the cover page of the word document provide your name andID, a link to your LinkedIn profile, a link to your social media page, username and your password (only if your page is private), a preview link to your Wix website. You should also state your dream employer/industry/work role on the cover page.

Your three owned assets - WIX website, LinkedIn profile and social media page/posts will be graded via your

live digital assets. The upload of the Word document to Blackboard is for Turnitin plagiarism detection purposes only. The content contained in these owned assets will form. part of your presentation mark.

Submission 2. You will also be required to upload a copy of your PowerPoint presentation slides to Blackboard. These are due on the day of your verbal presentation.

Please ensure you understand the components and submission requirements of this assessment. Consult your tutor if you are unsure of your requirements         

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This issue typically occurs when multiple assets are emitted with different content but have the same filename. It can happen when using webpack's `output.filename` option or when using plugins like `MiniCssExtractPlugin` or `HtmlWebpackPlugin`. To resolve this issue, you can try the following solutions: 1. Ensure that each asset has a unique filename: Make sure that each asset emitted by webpack has a unique filename. You can use placeholders like `[name]`, `[id]`, or `[contenthash]` to generate unique filenames based on their content or other factors. 2. Use the `output.chunkFilename` option: If you are using code splitting or dynamic imports, you can configure the `output.chunkFilename` option to generate unique filenames for dynamically loaded chunks. For example: ```javascript output: { // ... chunkFilename: '[name].[contenthash].js', }, ``` 3. Check for conflicting plugins or loaders: If you are using plugins or loaders that manipulate the filenames, ensure that they are not conflicting with each other. Some plugins may override the filename configuration set by others, leading to conflicts. 4. Upgrade your webpack version: Sometimes, this issue can be caused by a bug in a specific version of webpack or its plugins. Upgrading to the latest version of webpack and its plugins may help resolve the problem. If none of these solutions work, please provide more details about your webpack configuration and any relevant plugins or loaders you are using, so I can assist you further.




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