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原创 SoapUI integrated with Jenkins

Configuration for Main Job 1. Create a Jenkins job: 2.Discard old builds(This controls the disk consumption of Jenkins by managing how long you’d like to keep records of the builds ): 3.Configure t

2016-10-28 21:41:16 638

原创 poj1862

#include #include #include #include using namespace std;int cmp(const void *a,const void *b){    return *(int *)b-*(int *)a;}int main(){    int a[110],m,i;    double res;

2008-08-21 09:18:00 688

原创 poj3250

  Bad Hair DayTime Limit: 2000MSMemory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 4588Accepted: 1385DescriptionSome of Farmer Johns N cows (1 ≤ N ≤ 80,000) are having a bad hair da

2008-08-07 20:37:00 762

原创 1001

 寻找相同Time Limit:1000MS  Memory Limit:1000KTotal Submit:206 Accepted:49 Description 有一组数,很多很多个数,里面有一个数出现了超过一半次,请你把它找出来。Input 先是一个N (NOutput 对每个Case,输出一行,这一行只含有一个在之前数列中出现超过一半次的数。每个case之后

2008-08-07 09:52:00 575 1

原创 1020

 Easy to CountTime Limit:1000MS  Memory Limit:65536KTotal Submit:76 Accepted:23 Description There are N boxes on one straight line which is long enough.They move at the same speed, but their d

2008-08-06 20:17:00 383

原创 1004

 Election TimeTime Limit:3000MS  Memory Limit:65536KTotal Submit:49 Accepted:25 Description The cows are having their first election after overthrowing the tyrannical Farmer John, and Bessie i

2008-08-06 15:03:00 480

原创 poj2386


2008-08-05 08:37:00 337

原创 poj1022

 骑士Time Limit:2000MS  Memory Limit:65536KTotal Submit:92 Accepted:18 Description _____________________ 1|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 2|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 3|_|_|_|_|P|_|P|_|_|_| 4|_|_|_|P|_|_|_|P|_|

2008-08-04 20:00:00 956 1

原创 poj2533

 Longest Ordered SubsequenceTime Limit: 2000MSMemory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 6756Accepted: 2667DescriptionA numeric sequence of ai is ordered if a1 a2 aN. Let the s

2008-07-31 09:27:00 573

原创 poj3256

         此题用数组模拟邻接表,实现图的深度优先遍历,从第一头牛开始遍历,牛每到达一个牧场,该牧场可到达牛数加1,直到说有的牛遍历结束。这样每个牧场可到达的牛数就算出来了,并存储在数组id[ ]中,再通过for( )循环找到其中最大值。   代码如下: #include#includeusing namespace std;int k,n,m; //输入数据int lk

2008-07-29 20:34:00 535

原创 poj2388

 一道水题,是用刚学的快速排序做的,代码如下:  #includeint qkpass(int a[],int left,int right){ int key,low,high; low=left; high=right; key=a[low];    while(low {  while(low=key)   high--;  if(low  {   a[low]=a[high];

2008-07-26 19:16:00 386

原创 poj比赛题1006

 Cow SolitaireTime Limit:3000MS  Memory Limit:65536KTotal Submit:14 Accepted:8 Description Late summer on the farm is a slow time, very slow. Betsy has little to do but play cow solitaire. For

2008-07-26 08:55:00 580

原创 poj3672

 poj 比赛上的一道题,理解题意后还是蛮简单的,代码如下:  #includeusing namespace std;int main(){ long m,t,u1,d1,f1; cin>>m>>t>>u1>>f1>>d1; char a[100001]; for(int i=0;i  cin>>a[i]; long k1=0,k2,distance=0; for(int i=0

2008-07-25 11:19:00 450

原创 poj1032

 这道题找到规律后还是蛮简单的,x=2+3+4+........(k-1)+kp=m-x;if (p==0)     the answer is x;else if (p>=1&&pelse if(p=k)    the answer is x-{2}+{k+2}  源代码如下:  #includeusing namespace std;int main()

2008-07-25 09:44:00 648

原创 poj1008

这道题很久以前就在做,但是总是wrong answer,后来不得不先暂时放下,现在在机房重新把这道题的代码翻出来看,终于找到了错误的原因了,原来在年的转化时,总的天数是不包括当天的,代码如下: #include#includeint main(){  int i,j,m,n,y,r,s,k,tag;  char a[10];  scanf("%d",&m);  for(i=0;i   

2008-07-25 08:24:00 919

原创 poj3176

 代码如下: #includeusing namespace std;int main(){ int i,j,n; int a[350][350]; cin>>n; for(i=1;i  for(j=1;j      cin>>a[i][j];    for(i=n;i>=1;i--) {  for(j=1;j  {      if(a[i][j]>a[i][j+1])       a[i

2008-07-24 20:13:00 404

原创 poj2453

 An Easy ProblemTime Limit: 1000MSMemory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 3359Accepted: 1772DescriptionAs we known, data stored in the computers is in binary form. The probl

2008-07-24 16:55:00 869 1

原创 poj2403第一次用指针写程序

 Hay PointsTime Limit: 1000MSMemory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 2512Accepted: 1580DescriptionEach employee of a bureaucracy has a job description - a few paragraphs tha

2008-07-24 12:50:00 681

原创 poj2304

DescriptionNow that youre back to school for another term, you need to remember how to work the combination lock on your locker. A common design is that of the Master Brand, shown at right. The loc

2008-07-24 09:41:00 806

原创 poj1607

很简单的一道题,代码如下:  #includefloat calculate(long x){ float t; if(x==1)  t=0.5; else  t=calculate(x-1)+(float)1/(2*x); return t;}int main(){ long m; float res; printf("Cards  Overhang/n"); while(scanf

2008-07-23 18:51:00 553


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