用户可以自己在前端选择字段,动态排序。用MyBatis,SQL如下。发现ORDER BY没有起作用。
<select id="selectBudgetCategoryList" resultMap="BaseResultMap" parameterType="com.xxx.ConfigSearchParam">
<include refid="pageHeader"/>select
<include refid="Base_Column_List" />
where 1=1
<if test="id != null and id != 0" >
<if test="name != null" >
and UPPER(BUDGET_CATEGORY) LIKE '%'||UPPER(#{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR})||'%'
<if test="deleteFlag != null" >
and DELETE_FLAG = #{deleteFlag,jdbcType=CHAR}
<if test="sortOrder != null and sortOrder != ''" >
order by #{sortOrder,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<include refid="pageFoot"/>
#{} is used to put a parameter. This is the same as using ? in a PreparedStatement.
${} is string substitution. It doesn't use any parameter. This is the one that opens you to SQL injection.
To prevent SQL injection, the best thing to do is always use #{} when possible.
When you need to use ${}, make sure that the value is given by your code (usually a constant) and not by a user.