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原创 Maven install problem: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream。

Maven install problem: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream。Set Maven run properties and to do rebuilt.goals: dependency:purge-local-repository

2018-03-08 12:58:48 648

原创 Image Process

import java.awt.AlphaComposite;import java.awt.Graphics2D;import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;import java.io.File;import java.io.IOException;import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;import java...

2017-10-31 09:08:16 429

原创 Directory short link for Linux

ln -sv [source] [targe]ln -sv /opt/soft/test/test3 /opt/soft/test/test5 Reference URL:  http://www.cnblogs.com/peida/archive/2012/12/11/2812294.html

2017-01-04 16:49:06 107

原创 How to start a program automatic

Reference URL: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/20357/how-can-i-make-a-script-in-etc-init-d-start-at-boot試過 It's work.注意Script 内容格式,按下面写,如果发现not work 就检查script是否有错。名字可不加.sh, 如:tomcat都ok...

2016-11-01 09:46:18 238

原创 SVN

 Reference as:https://www.if-not-true-then-false.com/2010/install-svn-subversion-server-on-fedora-centos-red-hat-rhel/ https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/13/html/Managing_Confined_Se...

2016-10-05 09:30:31 99

原创 Cockpit Error

Permission denied Error:use root to login Cockpit in fedora First use command to look service's status:systemctl status cockpit.service -l vi /etc/security/limits.confthen do remark :...

2016-10-04 16:47:26 374

原创 mysql 存入 blob类型数据

String content = new String(blob.getBytes((long)1, (int)blob.length()));    refrence as : http://knight-black-bob.iteye.com/blog/2213090

2016-09-30 14:25:38 610

原创 Fedora turn off firewall

 24down voteacceptedIf you are using Fedora >= 18, the server is probably running firewalld, which you can disable by runningsystemctl stop firewalld.serviceas root. You might...

2016-09-07 09:49:52 96

原创 java send email

[code="java"]static int port = 25; //smtp端口 static String server = "smtp.163.com"; //smtp服务器地址 static String from = "XXX@163.com"; //发送者 static String user = "XXXX@163.com"; //发送者地址...

2016-08-08 00:47:50 286

原创 phantomjs & casperjs install in l Fedora

phantomjs install in Fedora:if you can not extract phantomjs.tar.bz2 in Fedora, you can extract it in Windowand then do copy.and then to do in Fedora, like that as below:cp phantomjs/bin/phan...

2016-08-06 22:33:52 109

原创 Json String to Bean

[b]Need Jar:[/b]gson.jar[code="java"]Gson g = new Gson();FolderArray folders = g.fromJson("{\"folders\":[{\"status\":100,\"b\":200},{\"status\":100,\"b\":200}]}", FolderArray

2016-08-03 18:10:50 160

原创 Run command then close the terminal(Linux)

 Depending on what you are wanting, just add a & to the end of the commandscript.sh &command &If you are running it in a terminal, and you want to then close the terminal, ...

2016-08-03 14:57:39 208

原创 Java Read Html

[b]Need Jar:[/b]jsoup-1.8.1.jar[code="java"]public static void main(String[] args) { String content=""; try { content = executeGet("qq.com","t.qq.com","pgv_pvi=2633264128; RK=AWk...

2016-07-28 14:37:29 388

原创 HttpClient Call Website

[b]Need Jar: [/b]htmlunit-2.17-OSGi.jar[code="java"] @SuppressWarnings({ "finally", "deprecation" }) public static String executeGet(String url,String host,String cookie) throws IOException ...

2016-07-28 14:14:13 246

原创 Java to Excel 2

[b]Use Jar:[/b]poi-3.14-20160307.jarpoi-ooxml-3.14-20160307.jarpoi-ooxml-schemas-3.14-20160307.jarmlbeans-2.6.0.jar[code="java"]try { XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(); ...

2016-07-26 14:04:24 115

原创 show process in mysql


2016-07-22 11:55:26 90

原创 Java to Excel

Java to Excelhttps://poi.apache.org/download.htmlhttp://blog.csdn.net/xwin1989/article/details/8947077

2016-07-15 16:14:29 91

原创 HttpClient

[b]Remark: set userAgent[/b][code="java"]package wisers.backend.worker;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStreamReader;import java.net.URI;i...

2016-06-22 10:17:59 156

原创 Hibernate3 dynamicUpdate

@org.hibernate.annotations.Entity(dynamicUpdate = true)for Hibernate3 Remark: select record from id first and then set value of you want to update value. as below (BaseService): Object objE...

2016-06-22 10:07:22 166

原创 Linux rm & cp

rm -rf pf_worker_trainingcp -avr [folder or file] ../pf_worker_training/

2016-05-10 10:59:39 94

原创 釋放與清除 Linux記憶體中的Cache Memory


2016-04-26 12:19:03 118

原创 How to check memory usage on Linux


2016-04-26 10:54:38 268

原创 Linux kill multi processes

The following command prints the second column in the output of processes which contains oraxpo in their name.$ ps -ef | grep oraxpo | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'4665466746694671467...

2016-01-19 13:54:04 91

原创 解決多線程派任務問題

解決多線程派任務問題:使用: 每次只update 一條記錄的方法來達到派送目的.(取update 記錄ID),如: folder table 為要派送的table, 在folder table有個字段process, process 每update一次就加1,加1后就是取得ID去工作。另一個線程來了就update令一個記錄 加1,不定loop,達到每線線派一個,不會沖突。SQL:...

2016-01-08 18:06:23 108

原创 daysBetween

[code="java"] public int daysBetween(String dateStr) throws ParseException { Date today = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Date compareDate = sdf.parse...

2015-12-23 09:27:56 2870

原创 IntelliJ Idea – How to enable zoom of text by CTRL + Mouse wheel

  IntelliJ Idea – How to enable zoom of text by CTRL + Mouse wheelYou can zoom-in or out text in editor window of IntelliJ idea (PyCharm) by CTRL + Mouse wheel.The only problem is that ...

2015-11-22 17:53:18 174

原创 List do sorting

[code="java"]Collections.sort(newList,new Comparator(){ public int compare(FolderEntity f1,FolderEntity f2){ return f1.getFolderSetting().getNewOrder() - f2.getFolderSetting().getNewOrd...

2015-11-20 09:51:26 83

原创 select multi tables join ---Hibernate

[code="java"]String hql = "from A a,B b, C c where a.id=b.id and b.id =c.id";List list = dao.getListByHql(hql);for(int i=0; i

2015-10-29 14:05:20 82

原创 css 控制第二行字段縮進

<div style="margin-left : 18px; text-indent : -18px ">  </div>

2015-09-22 11:55:33 904

原创 You did not just do that

前面通常有一句 tell me 连在一起就是 别告诉我你刚刚已经那么干了!当然这是按照汉语的口语习惯来翻译的如果是单独的 You did not just do that!可以翻译成:你不会是已经那么干了吧! 不是疑问句 而是反问表达一种强烈的语气言外之意就是 我真希望你没这么干啊...

2015-08-16 18:18:56 132

原创 probably,possibly,may的用法区别是什么呀

possible“或许;也许”,所指的可能性较小,为加强语气,可与can或could连用;与may连用,表示的可能性更小.例如: It may possibly be true.也许是真的. Please call me as soon as you possibly can.请尽快给我打电话. Could you possibly tell me the answer﹖你能告诉我这个答案吗?pr...

2015-08-16 17:34:00 3129

原创 Hibernate: lazy load.

About lazy load, before you to get the lazy load property, you need do that likeHibernate.initialize(groups); groups is your lazy load property by hibernate. Pay more attention: Session do not ...

2015-08-05 12:27:25 70

原创 If you wanted to

If you wanted to>>>这里want为什么要用过去式?If you wanted to>>>这里want为什么要用过去式?达尔尼GwLu 2014-06-16其他回答应该是虚拟语气里的条件从句if+动词过去式,表示与现在事实相反。主句用would,should,could,might+动词原型...

2015-06-15 10:48:38 141

原创 is going to be和will be的区别

 is going to be和will be的区别问题: Don't worry.He___________all right soon. A.will be B.shall be C.is going to be D.is我选了C,答案上却是A,我问了老师,老师也不确定,望知道者马上给我答案,要有 is going to be和will be的区别问题: Don't worry.He____...

2015-06-15 10:26:09 4520

原创 7-1

[quote][size=medium]Sheldon, it’s not a great time! What do you want?Hello to you, too. I’m sorry, but this is important.What is it?Back to the Future 2 was in the Back to the Future 3 case…and ...

2015-06-15 09:30:01 262

原创 Get Difference Between Two Dates

[quote][code="java"]import java.sql.Timestamp;import java.text.ParseException;import java.util.Calendar;import java.util.Date;import java.util.GregorianCalendar;public class BaseModel {...

2015-06-10 15:05:24 244



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