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<h2>仙台机场 [鼠标移动图片上滑动观看]</h2> | |
<p class="source">图片数据来源 ABC news</p> | |
<div class="beforeafter"> | |
<img src="http://img1.cache.netease.com/cnews/zyguan/riben/1.jpg" rel="before" alt="Sendai Airport (before disaster)" width="940" height="529" /> | |
<img src="http://img1.cache.netease.com/cnews/zyguan/riben/2.jpg" rel="after" alt="Sendai Airport (after disaster)" width="940" height="529" /> | |
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<h2>仙台市荒滨</h2> | |
<p class="source">图片数据来源 ABC news</p> | |
<div class="beforeafter"> | |
<img src="http://img1.cache.netease.com/cnews/zyguan/riben/3.jpg" rel="before" alt="Arahama in Sendai (before disaster)" width="940" height="529" /> | |
<img src="http://img1.cache.netease.com/cnews/zyguan/riben/4.jpg" rel="after" alt="Arahama in Sendai (after disaster)" width="940" height="529" /> | |
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<h2>仙台市藤塚</h2> | |
<p class="source">图片数据来源 ABC news</p> | |
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<img src="http://img1.cache.netease.com/cnews/zyguan/riben/5.jpg" rel="before" alt="Fujitsuka in Sendai (before disaster)" width="940" height="529" /> | |
<img src="http://img1.cache.netease.com/cnews/zyguan/riben/6.jpg" rel="after" alt="Fujitsuka in Sendai (after disaster)" width="940" height="529" /> | |
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<h2>名取市</h2> | |
<p class="source">图片数据来源 ABC news</p> | |
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<img src="http://img1.cache.netease.com/cnews/zyguan/riben/7.jpg" rel="before" alt="Yuriage in Natori (before disaster)" width="940" height="529" /> | |
<img src="http://img1.cache.netease.com/cnews/zyguan/riben/8.jpg" rel="after" alt="Yuriage in Natori (after disaster)" width="940" height="529" /> | |
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<h2>名取市</h2> | |
<p class="source">图片数据来源 ABC news</p> | |
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<h2>福岛核电站</h2> | |
<p class="source">图片数据来源 ABC news</p> | |
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<img src="http://img1.cache.netease.com/cnews/zyguan/riben/11.jpg" rel="before" alt="Fukushima nuclear plant (before disaster)" width="940" height="529" /> | |
<img src="http://img1.cache.netease.com/cnews/zyguan/riben/12.jpg" rel="after" alt="Fukushima nuclear plant (after disaster)" width="940" height="529" /> | |
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<h2>福岛南相马市鹿岛区</h2> | |
<p class="source">图片数据来源 ABC news</p> | |
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<img src="http://img1.cache.netease.com/cnews/zyguan/riben/13.jpg" rel="before" alt="Kashimaku in Minamisoma (before disaster)" width="940" height="529" /> | |
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<h2>福岛南相马市鹿岛区</h2> | |
<p class="source">图片数据来源 ABC news</p> | |
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<img src="http://img1.cache.netease.com/cnews/zyguan/riben/15.jpg" rel="before" alt="Kashima in Minamisoma (before disaster)" width="940" height="529" /> | |
<img src="http://img1.cache.netease.com/cnews/zyguan/riben/16.jpg" rel="after" alt="Kashima in Minamisoma (after disaster)" width="940" height="529" /> | |
</div> | |
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<div class="section"> | |
<h2>福岛县相马市原町南滩</h2> | |
<p class="source">图片数据来源 ABC news</p> | |
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<img src="http://img1.cache.netease.com/cnews/zyguan/riben/17.jpg" rel="before" alt="Haranomachi in Minamisoma (before disaster)" width="940" height="529" /> | |
<img src="http://img1.cache.netease.com/cnews/zyguan/riben/18.jpg" rel="after" alt="Haranomachi in Minamisoma (after disaster)" width="940" height="529" /> | |
</div> | |
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<h2>宫城县石卷港</h2> | |
<p class="source">图片数据来源 ABC news</p> | |
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<img src="http://img1.cache.netease.com/cnews/zyguan/riben/19.jpg" rel="before" alt="Ishinomaki in Miyagi (before disaster)" width="940" height="529" /> | |
<img src="http://img1.cache.netease.com/cnews/zyguan/riben/20.jpg" rel="after" alt="Ishinomaki in Miyagi (after disaster)" width="940" height="529" /> | |
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<h2>宫城饭子浜</h2> | |
<p class="source">图片数据来源 ABC news</p> | |
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<img src="http://img1.cache.netease.com/cnews/zyguan/riben/21.jpg" rel="before" alt="Iigohama in Miyagi (Oshika Peninsula) (before disaster)" width="940" height="529" /> | |
<img src="http://img1.cache.netease.com/cnews/zyguan/riben/22.jpg" rel="after" alt="Iigohama in Miyagi (Oshika Peninsula) (after disaster)" width="940" height="529" /> | |
</div> | |
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<h2>宫城县谷川浜</h2> | |
<p class="source">图片数据来源 ABC news</p> | |
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<img src="http://img1.cache.netease.com/cnews/zyguan/riben/23.jpg" rel="before" alt="Yagawahama in Miyagi (Oshika Peninsula) (before disaster)" width="940" height="529" /> | |
<img src="http://img1.cache.netease.com/cnews/zyguan/riben/24.jpg" rel="after" alt="Yagawahama in Miyagi (Oshika Peninsula) (after disaster)" width="940" height="529" /> | |
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