

第八章 管理


Mongodb的启动项可以通过mongod --help命令查看


C:\Users\Administrator>mongod --help



General options:

  -h[ --help ]                         showthis usage information


 --version                             show version information 显示版本


  -f[ --config ] arg                  configuration file specifying

                                       additional options



  -v[ --verbose ] [=arg(=v)]           bemore verbose (include multiple times

                                        formore verbosity e.g. -vvvvv)


 --quiet                              quieter output  安静输出


 --port arg                           specify port number - 27017 by default



 --bind_ip arg                        comma separated list of ip addresses to

                                        listenon - all local ips by default



 --ipv6                               enable IPv6 support (disabled by




 --maxConns arg                       max number of simultaneous connections

                                        - 1000000by default



 --logpath arg                        log file to send write to instead of

                                        stdout- has to be a file, not




 --logappend                          append to logpath instead of




 --logRotate arg                      set the log rotation behavior



 --timeStampFormat arg                Desired format for timestamps in log

                                       messages. One of ctime, iso8601-utc or



 --pidfilepath arg                    full path to pidfile (if not set, no

                                        pidfileis created)



 --keyFile arg                        private key for cluster authentication

集群的私钥的路径,replica set架构


 --noauth                             run without security



 --setParameter arg                   Set a configurable parameter


 --httpinterface                      enable http interface



 --clusterAuthMode arg                Authentication mode used for cluster

                                       authentication.Alternatives are


 --auth                               run with security



 --jsonp                              allow JSONP access via http (has

                                       security implications)



 --rest                               turn on simple rest api

开启简单的rest API


 --slowms arg (=100)                  value of slow for profile and console



 --profile arg                        0=off 1=slow, 2=all



 --cpu                                periodically show cpu and iowait




 --sysinfo                            print some diagnostic system




 --noIndexBuildRetry                  don't retry any index builds that were

                                       interrupted by shutdown


 --noscripting                        disable scripting engine



 --notablescan                        do not allow table scans



Windows Service Control Manager options:

 --install                            install Windows service  创建windows系统服务

 --remove                             remove Windows service 移除服务

 --reinstall                          reinstall Windows service (equivalent

                                        to --remove followed by--install)

 --serviceName arg                    Windows service name  指定服务名称

 --serviceDisplayName arg             Windows service display name

 --serviceDescription arg             Windows service description

 --serviceUser arg                    account for service execution

 --servicePassword arg                password used to authenticate



Replication options:

 --oplogSize arg                      size to use (in MB) forreplication op

                                        log.default is 5% of disk space (i.e.

                                        largeis good)


Master/slave options (old; use replica setsinstead):

 --master                              master mode  主库模式


 --slave                              slave mode    从库模式


 --source arg                         when slave: specify master as

                                       <server:port>   从库端口号


 --only arg                           when slave: specify a single database

                                        toreplicate 指定单一的数据库复制


 --slavedelay arg                     specify delay (in seconds) to be used

                                        when applying master ops to slave



 --autoresync                         automatically resync if slave data is




Replica set options:

 --replSet arg                        arg is <setname>[/<optionalseedhostlist

                                       >]  设置副本集名称


 --replIndexPrefetch arg              specify index prefetching behavior (if

                                       secondary) [none|_id_only|all]


 --enableMajorityReadConcern          enables majority readConcern


Sharding options:

 --configsvr                          declare this is a config db of a

                                       cluster; default port 27019; default

                                        dir /data/configdb



 --configsvrMode arg                  Controls what config server protocol is

                                        in use.When set to "sccc" keeps server

                                        inlegacy SyncClusterConnection mode

                                        evenwhen the service is running as a



 --shardsvr                           declare this is a shard db of a

                                       cluster; default port 27018



SSL options:

 --sslOnNormalPorts                   use ssl on configured ports

 --sslMode arg                         set the SSL operation mode



 --sslPEMKeyFile arg                  PEM file for ssl

 --sslPEMKeyPassword arg              PEM file password

 --sslClusterFile arg                 Key file for internal SSL


 --sslClusterPassword arg             Internal authentication key file


 --sslCAFile arg                      Certificate Authority file for SSL

 --sslCRLFile arg                     Certificate Revocation List file for


 --sslDisabledProtocols arg           Comma separated list of TLS protocols

                                        todisable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

 --sslWeakCertificateValidation       allow client to connect without

                                       presenting a certificate


                                        allowclient to connect without

                                       presenting a certificate

 --sslAllowInvalidHostnames           Allow server certificates to provide

                                       non-matching hostnames

 --sslAllowInvalidCertificates        allow connections to servers with


 --sslFIPSMode                        activate FIPS 140-2 mode at startup


Storage options:

 --storageEngine arg                  what storage engine to use - defaults

                                        towiredTiger if no data files present


 --dbpath arg                         directory for datafiles - defaults to

                                       \data\db\ which is C:\data\db\ based on

                                        thecurrent working drive



 --directoryperdb                     each database will be stored in a




 --noprealloc                         disable data file preallocation - will

                                        oftenhurt performance



 --nssize arg (=16)                   .ns file size (in MB) for new databases



 --quota                              limits each database to a certain

                                        numberof files (8 default)



 --quotaFiles arg                     number of files allowed per db, implies



 --smallfiles                         use a smaller default file size



 --syncdelay arg (=60)                seconds between disk syncs (0=never,

                                        but notrecommended)



 --upgrade                            upgrade db if needed



 --repair                             run repair on all dbs



 --repairpath arg                     root directory for repair files -

                                       defaults to dbpath



 --journal                            enable journaling



 --nojournal                          disable journaling (journaling is on by

                                        defaultfor 64 bit)


 --journalOptions arg                 journal diagnostic options



 --journalCommitInterval arg          how often to group/batch commit(ms)


WiredTiger options:

 --wiredTigerCacheSizeGB arg          maximum amount of memory to allocate

                                        forcache; defaults to 1/2 of physical


 --wiredTigerStatisticsLogDelaySecs arg (=0)

                                        secondsto wait between each write to a

                                       statistics file in the dbpath; 0 means

                                        do not logstatistics

 --wiredTigerJournalCompressor arg (=snappy)

                                        use acompressor for log records


 --wiredTigerDirectoryForIndexes      Put indexes and data in different


 --wiredTigerCollectionBlockCompressor arg (=snappy)

                                        blockcompression algorithm for

                                       collection data [none|snappy|zlib]

 --wiredTigerIndexPrefixCompression arg (=1)

                                        useprefix compression on row-store





Mongod --config 配置文件全路径




Kill -2 进程号(不能使用kill -9)




1 使用管理端口


C:\Users\Administrator>mongod --dbpathh:\MongoDB\data --httpinterface --rest








{ "host" : "retacn",
  "advisoryHostFQDNs" : [],
  "version" : "3.2.11",
  "process" : "mongod",
  "pid" : { "$numberLong" : "10312" },
  "uptime" : 269,
  "uptimeMillis" : { "$numberLong" : "268368" },
  "uptimeEstimate" : 266,
  "localTime" : { "$date" : "2017-01-12T15:18:44.007+0800" },
  "asserts" : { "regular" : 0,
    "warning" : 0,
    "msg" : 0,
    "user" : 0,
    "rollovers" : 0 },
  "connections" : { "current" : 1,
    "available" : 999999,
    "totalCreated" : { "$numberLong" : "7" } },
  "extra_info" : { "note" : "fields vary by platform",
    "page_faults" : 47571,
    "usagePageFileMB" : 74,
    "totalPageFileMB" : 7513,
    "availPageFileMB" : 3820,
    "ramMB" : 3757 },
  "globalLock" : { "totalTime" : { "$numberLong" : "268366000" },
    "currentQueue" : { "total" : 0,
      "readers" : 0,
      "writers" : 0 },
    "activeClients" : { "total" : 9,
      "readers" : 0,
      "writers" : 0 } },
  "locks" : { "Global" : { "acquireCount" : { "r" : { "$numberLong" : "1538" },
        "w" : { "$numberLong" : "13" },
        "R" : { "$numberLong" : "1" },
        "W" : { "$numberLong" : "4" } } },
    "Database" : { "acquireCount" : { "r" : { "$numberLong" : "756" },
        "R" : { "$numberLong" : "4" },
        "W" : { "$numberLong" : "13" } } },
    "Collection" : { "acquireCount" : { "r" : { "$numberLong" : "788" } } },
    "Metadata" : { "acquireCount" : { "w" : { "$numberLong" : "1" } } } },
  "network" : { "bytesIn" : { "$numberLong" : "716" },
    "bytesOut" : { "$numberLong" : "23618" },
    "numRequests" : { "$numberLong" : "10" } },
  "opcounters" : { "insert" : 0,
    "query" : 1,
    "update" : 0,
    "delete" : 0,
    "getmore" : 0,
    "command" : 11 },
  "opcountersRepl" : { "insert" : 0,
    "query" : 0,
    "update" : 0,
    "delete" : 0,
    "getmore" : 0,
    "command" : 0 },
  "storageEngine" : { "name" : "wiredTiger",
    "supportsCommittedReads" : true,
    "persistent" : true },
  "tcmalloc" : { "generic" : { "current_allocated_bytes" : 54030984,
      "heap_size" : 55508992 },
    "tcmalloc" : { "pageheap_free_bytes" : 491520,
      "pageheap_unmapped_bytes" : 0,
      "max_total_thread_cache_bytes" : { "$numberLong" : "1073741824" },
      "current_total_thread_cache_bytes" : 375008,
      "total_free_bytes" : 986488,
      "central_cache_free_bytes" : 611480,
      "transfer_cache_free_bytes" : 0,
      "thread_cache_free_bytes" : 375008,
      "aggressive_memory_decommit" : 0,
      "formattedString" : "------------------------------------------------\nMALLOC:       54030984 (   51.5 MiB) Bytes in use by application\nMALLOC: +       491520 (    0.5 MiB) Bytes in page heap freelist\nMALLOC: +       611480 (    0.6 MiB) Bytes in central cache freelist\nMALLOC: +            0 (    0.0 MiB) Bytes in transfer cache freelist\nMALLOC: +       375008 (    0.4 MiB) Bytes in thread cache freelists\nMALLOC: +      4206752 (    4.0 MiB) Bytes in malloc metadata\nMALLOC:   ------------\nMALLOC: =     59715744 (   56.9 MiB) Actual memory used (physical + swap)\nMALLOC: +            0 (    0.0 MiB) Bytes released to OS (aka unmapped)\nMALLOC:   ------------\nMALLOC: =     59715744 (   56.9 MiB) Virtual address space used\nMALLOC:\nMALLOC:            257              Spans in use\nMALLOC:              7              Thread heaps in use\nMALLOC:           8192              Tcmalloc page size\n------------------------------------------------\nCall ReleaseFreeMemory() to release freelist memory to the OS (via madvise()).\nBytes released to the OS take up virtual address space but no physical memory.\n" } },
  "wiredTiger" : { "uri" : "statistics:",
    "LSM" : { "application work units currently queued" : 64,
      "merge work units currently queued" : 0,
      "rows merged in an LSM tree" : 0,
      "sleep for LSM checkpoint throttle" : 0,
      "sleep for LSM merge throttle" : 0,
      "switch work units currently queued" : 0,
      "tree maintenance operations discarded" : 0,
      "tree maintenance operations executed" : 0,
      "tree maintenance operations scheduled" : 0,
      "tree queue hit maximum" : 0 },
    "async" : { "current work queue length" : 0,
      "maximum work queue length" : 0,
      "number of allocation state races" : 0,
      "number of flush calls" : 0,
      "number of operation slots viewed for allocation" : 0,
      "number of times operation allocation failed" : 0,
      "number of times worker found no work" : 0,
      "total allocations" : 0,
      "total compact calls" : 0,
      "total insert calls" : 0,
      "total remove calls" : 0,
      "total search calls" : 0,
      "total update calls" : 0 },
    "block-manager" : { "blocks pre-loaded" : 14,
      "blocks read" : 46,
      "blocks written" : 27,
      "bytes read" : 217088,
      "bytes written" : 147456,
      "bytes written for checkpoint" : 147456,
      "mapped blocks read" : 0,
      "mapped bytes read" : 0 },
    "cache" : { "application threads page read from disk to cache count" : 12,
      "application threads page read from disk to cache time (usecs)" : 0,
      "application threads page write from cache to disk count" : 0,
      "application threads page write from cache to disk time (usecs)" : 0,
      "bytes belonging to page images in the cache" : 79165,
      "bytes currently in the cache" : 116058,
      "bytes not belonging to page images in the cache" : 36893,
      "bytes read into cache" : 73301,
      "bytes written from cache" : 75214,
      "checkpoint blocked page eviction" : 0,
      "eviction calls to get a page" : 0,
      "eviction calls to get a page found queue empty" : 0,
      "eviction calls to get a page found queue empty after locking" : 0,
      "eviction currently operating in aggressive mode" : 0,
      "eviction empty score" : 0,
      "eviction server candidate queue empty when topping up" : 0,
      "eviction server candidate queue not empty when topping up" : 0,
      "eviction server evicting pages" : 0,
      "eviction server slept, because we did not make progress with eviction" : 0,
      "eviction server unable to reach eviction goal" : 0,
      "eviction state" : 16,
      "eviction walks abandoned" : 0,
      "eviction worker thread evicting pages" : 0,
      "failed eviction of pages that exceeded the in-memory maximum" : 0,
      "files with active eviction walks" : 0,
      "files with new eviction walks started" : 0,
      "hazard pointer blocked page eviction" : 0,
      "hazard pointer check calls" : 0,
      "hazard pointer check entries walked" : 0,
      "hazard pointer maximum array length" : 0,
      "in-memory page passed criteria to be split" : 0,
      "in-memory page splits" : 0,
      "internal pages evicted" : 0,
      "internal pages split during eviction" : 0,
      "leaf pages split during eviction" : 0,
      "lookaside table insert calls" : 0,
      "lookaside table remove calls" : 0,
      "maximum bytes configured" : 1073741824,
      "maximum page size at eviction" : 0,
      "modified pages evicted" : 0,
      "modified pages evicted by application threads" : 0,
      "overflow pages read into cache" : 0,
      "overflow values cached in memory" : 0,
      "page split during eviction deepened the tree" : 0,
      "page written requiring lookaside records" : 0,
      "pages currently held in the cache" : 30,
      "pages evicted because they exceeded the in-memory maximum" : 0,
      "pages evicted because they had chains of deleted items" : 0,
      "pages evicted by application threads" : 0,
      "pages queued for eviction" : 0,
      "pages queued for urgent eviction" : 0,
      "pages queued for urgent eviction during walk" : 0,
      "pages read into cache" : 27,
      "pages read into cache requiring lookaside entries" : 0,
      "pages requested from the cache" : 509,
      "pages seen by eviction walk" : 0,
      "pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted" : 0,
      "pages walked for eviction" : 0,
      "pages written from cache" : 13,
      "pages written requiring in-memory restoration" : 0,
      "percentage overhead" : 8,
      "tracked bytes belonging to internal pages in the cache" : 15889,
      "tracked bytes belonging to leaf pages in the cache" : 100169,
      "tracked dirty bytes in the cache" : 0,
      "tracked dirty pages in the cache" : 0,
      "unmodified pages evicted" : 0 },
    "connection" : { "auto adjusting condition resets" : 8,
      "auto adjusting condition wait calls" : 844,
      "files currently open" : 19,
      "memory allocations" : 9689,
      "memory frees" : 8630,
      "memory re-allocations" : 719,
      "pthread mutex condition wait calls" : 3553,
      "pthread mutex shared lock read-lock calls" : 748,
      "pthread mutex shared lock write-lock calls" : 400,
      "total fsync I/Os" : 35,
      "total read I/Os" : 495,
      "total write I/Os" : 44 },
    "cursor" : { "cursor create calls" : 50,
      "cursor insert calls" : 19,
      "cursor next calls" : 170,
      "cursor prev calls" : 13,
      "cursor remove calls" : 1,
      "cursor reset calls" : 469,
      "cursor restarted searches" : 0,
      "cursor search calls" : 524,
      "cursor search near calls" : 1,
      "cursor update calls" : 0,
      "truncate calls" : 0 },
    "data-handle" : { "connection data handles currently active" : 16,
      "connection sweep candidate became referenced" : 0,
      "connection sweep dhandles closed" : 0,
      "connection sweep dhandles removed from hash list" : 42,
      "connection sweep time-of-death sets" : 42,
      "connection sweeps" : 26,
      "session dhandles swept" : 0,
      "session sweep attempts" : 18 },
    "lock" : { "checkpoint lock acquisitions" : 5,
      "checkpoint lock application thread wait time (usecs)" : 0,
      "checkpoint lock internal thread wait time (usecs)" : 0,
      "handle-list lock acquisitions" : 95,
      "handle-list lock application thread wait time (usecs)" : 0,
      "handle-list lock internal thread wait time (usecs)" : 0,
      "metadata lock acquisitions" : 4,
      "metadata lock application thread wait time (usecs)" : 0,
      "metadata lock internal thread wait time (usecs)" : 0,
      "schema lock acquisitions" : 22,
      "schema lock application thread wait time (usecs)" : 0,
      "schema lock internal thread wait time (usecs)" : 0,
      "table lock acquisitions" : 21,
      "table lock application thread time waiting for the table lock (usecs)" : 0,
      "table lock internal thread time waiting for the table lock (usecs)" : 0 },
    "log" : { "busy returns attempting to switch slots" : 0,
      "consolidated slot closures" : 9,
      "consolidated slot join races" : 0,
      "consolidated slot join transitions" : 9,
      "consolidated slot joins" : 11,
      "consolidated slot unbuffered writes" : 0,
      "log bytes of payload data" : 3852,
      "log bytes written" : 5120,
      "log files manually zero-filled" : 0,
      "log flush operations" : 2665,
      "log force write operations" : 2951,
      "log force write operations skipped" : 2947,
      "log records compressed" : 5,
      "log records not compressed" : 0,
      "log records too small to compress" : 6,
      "log release advances write LSN" : 5,
      "log scan operations" : 3,
      "log scan records requiring two reads" : 4,
      "log server thread advances write LSN" : 4,
      "log server thread write LSN walk skipped" : 1265,
      "log sync operations" : 9,
      "log sync time duration (usecs)" : 850044,
      "log sync_dir operations" : 1,
      "log sync_dir time duration (usecs)" : 0,
      "log write operations" : 11,
      "logging bytes consolidated" : 4736,
      "maximum log file size" : 104857600,
      "number of pre-allocated log files to create" : 2,
      "pre-allocated log files not ready and missed" : 1,
      "pre-allocated log files prepared" : 2,
      "pre-allocated log files used" : 0,
      "records processed by log scan" : 10,
      "total in-memory size of compressed records" : 5917,
      "total log buffer size" : 33554432,
      "total size of compressed records" : 3705,
      "written slots coalesced" : 0,
      "yields waiting for previous log file close" : 0 },
    "reconciliation" : { "fast-path pages deleted" : 0,
      "page reconciliation calls" : 13,
      "page reconciliation calls for eviction" : 0,
      "pages deleted" : 0,
      "split bytes currently awaiting free" : 0,
      "split objects currently awaiting free" : 0 },
    "session" : { "open cursor count" : 31,
      "open session count" : 16,
      "table compact failed calls" : 0,
      "table compact successful calls" : 0,
      "table create failed calls" : 0,
      "table create successful calls" : 1,
      "table drop failed calls" : 0,
      "table drop successful calls" : 0,
      "table rebalance failed calls" : 0,
      "table rebalance successful calls" : 0,
      "table rename failed calls" : 0,
      "table rename successful calls" : 0,
      "table salvage failed calls" : 0,
      "table salvage successful calls" : 0,
      "table truncate failed calls" : 0,
      "table truncate successful calls" : 0,
      "table verify failed calls" : 0,
      "table verify successful calls" : 0 },
    "thread-state" : { "active filesystem fsync calls" : 0,
      "active filesystem read calls" : 0,
      "active filesystem write calls" : 0 },
    "thread-yield" : { "application thread time evicting (usecs)" : 0,
      "application thread time waiting for cache (usecs)" : 0,
      "page acquire busy blocked" : 0,
      "page acquire eviction blocked" : 0,
      "page acquire locked blocked" : 0,
      "page acquire read blocked" : 0,
      "page acquire time sleeping (usecs)" : 0 },
    "transaction" : { "number of named snapshots created" : 0,
      "number of named snapshots dropped" : 0,
      "transaction begins" : 18,
      "transaction checkpoint currently running" : 0,
      "transaction checkpoint generation" : 4,
      "transaction checkpoint max time (msecs)" : 960,
      "transaction checkpoint min time (msecs)" : 178,
      "transaction checkpoint most recent time (msecs)" : 178,
      "transaction checkpoint scrub dirty target" : 0,
      "transaction checkpoint scrub time (msecs)" : 0,
      "transaction checkpoint total time (msecs)" : 1794,
      "transaction checkpoints" : 4,
      "transaction checkpoints skipped because database was clean" : 1,
      "transaction failures due to cache overflow" : 0,
      "transaction fsync calls for checkpoint after allocating the transaction ID" : 4,
      "transaction fsync duration for checkpoint after allocating the transaction ID (usecs)" : 0,
      "transaction range of IDs currently pinned" : 0,
      "transaction range of IDs currently pinned by a checkpoint" : 0,
      "transaction range of IDs currently pinned by named snapshots" : 0,
      "transaction sync calls" : 0,
      "transactions committed" : 4,
      "transactions rolled back" : 14 },
    "concurrentTransactions" : { "write" : { "out" : 0,
        "available" : 128,
        "totalTickets" : 128 },
      "read" : { "out" : 0,
        "available" : 128,
        "totalTickets" : 128 } } },
  "writeBacksQueued" : false,
  "mem" : { "bits" : 64,
    "resident" : 46,
    "virtual" : 166,
    "supported" : true,
    "mapped" : 0,
    "mappedWithJournal" : 0 },
  "metrics" : { "commands" : { "<UNKNOWN>" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
      "_getUserCacheGeneration" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "_isSelf" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "_mergeAuthzCollections" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "_migrateClone" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "_recvChunkAbort" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "_recvChunkCommit" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "_recvChunkStart" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "_recvChunkStatus" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "_transferMods" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "aggregate" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "appendOplogNote" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "applyOps" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "authSchemaUpgrade" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
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        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
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        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
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        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
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        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
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        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
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        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "planCacheListFilters" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
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        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
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        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
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        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
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        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
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        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
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        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
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        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "repairDatabase" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "replSetDeclareElectionWinner" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "replSetElect" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "replSetFreeze" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "replSetFresh" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "replSetGetConfig" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "replSetGetRBID" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "replSetGetStatus" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "1" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "1" } },
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        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "replSetInitiate" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
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        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "replSetReconfig" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "replSetRequestVotes" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "replSetStepDown" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "replSetSyncFrom" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "replSetUpdatePosition" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "resetError" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "resync" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "revokePrivilegesFromRole" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "revokeRolesFromRole" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "revokeRolesFromUser" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "rolesInfo" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "saslContinue" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "saslStart" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "serverStatus" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "2" } },
      "setParameter" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "setShardVersion" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "shardConnPoolStats" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "shardingState" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "shutdown" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "splitChunk" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "splitVector" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "top" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "touch" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "unsetSharding" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "update" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "updateRole" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "updateUser" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "usersInfo" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "validate" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "whatsmyuri" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "1" } },
      "writebacklisten" : { "failed" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } } },
    "cursor" : { "timedOut" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
      "open" : { "noTimeout" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "pinned" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "total" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } } },
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      "inserted" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
      "returned" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
      "updated" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
    "getLastError" : { "wtime" : { "num" : 0,
        "totalMillis" : 0 },
      "wtimeouts" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
    "operation" : { "fastmod" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
      "idhack" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
      "scanAndOrder" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
      "writeConflicts" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
    "queryExecutor" : { "scanned" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
      "scannedObjects" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
    "record" : { "moves" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
    "repl" : { "executor" : { "counters" : { "eventCreated" : 0,
          "eventWait" : 0,
          "cancels" : 0,
          "waits" : 0,
          "scheduledNetCmd" : 0,
          "scheduledDBWork" : 0,
          "scheduledXclWork" : 0,
          "scheduledWorkAt" : 0,
          "scheduledWork" : 0,
          "schedulingFailures" : 0 },
        "queues" : { "networkInProgress" : 0,
          "dbWorkInProgress" : 0,
          "exclusiveInProgress" : 0,
          "sleepers" : 0,
          "ready" : 0,
          "free" : 0 },
        "unsignaledEvents" : 0,
        "eventWaiters" : 0,
        "shuttingDown" : false,
        "networkInterface" : "NetworkInterfaceASIO inShutdown: 0" },
      "apply" : { "attemptsToBecomeSecondary" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "batches" : { "num" : 0,
          "totalMillis" : 0 },
        "ops" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "buffer" : { "count" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "maxSizeBytes" : 268435456,
        "sizeBytes" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "network" : { "bytes" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "getmores" : { "num" : 0,
          "totalMillis" : 0 },
        "ops" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
        "readersCreated" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } },
      "preload" : { "docs" : { "num" : 0,
          "totalMillis" : 0 },
        "indexes" : { "num" : 0,
          "totalMillis" : 0 } } },
    "storage" : { "freelist" : { "search" : { "bucketExhausted" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
          "requests" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
          "scanned" : { "$numberLong" : "0" } } } },
    "ttl" : { "deletedDocuments" : { "$numberLong" : "0" },
      "passes" : { "$numberLong" : "4" } } },
  "ok" : 1 }





insert query update delete getmore command% dirty % used flushes vsize   res qr|qwar|aw netIn netOut conn                     time

   *0    *0     *0    *0       0     1|0    0.0    0.0       0 166M 46.0M   0|0   0|0  79b  21.1k    2 2017-01-12T15:20:58+08:00

   *0    *0     *0    *0       0     1|0    0.0    0.0       0 166M 46.0M   0|0   0|0  79b  21.1k    2 2017-01-12T15:20:59+08:00

   *0    *0     *0    *0       0     1|0    0.0    0.0       0 166M 46.0M   0|0   0|0  79b  21.1k    2 2017-01-12T15:21:00+08:00

   *0    *0     *0    *0       0     1|0    0.0    0.0       0 166M 46.0M   0|0   0|0  79b  21.1k    2 2017-01-12T15:21:01+08:00

   *0    *0     *0    *0       0     1|0    0.0    0.0       0 166M 46.0M   0|0   0|0  79b  21.1k    2 2017-01-12T15:21:02+08:00

   *0    *0     *0    *0       0     1|0    0.0    0.0       0 166M 46.0M   0|0   0|0  79b  21.1k    2 2017-01-12T15:21:03+08:00

   *0    *0     *0    *0       0     1|0    0.0    0.0       0 166M 46.0M   0|0   0|0  79b  21.1k    2 2017-01-12T15:21:04+08:00

   *0    *0     *0    *0       0     2|0    0.0    0.0       0 166M 46.0M   0|0   0|0 133b  21.2k    2 2017-01-12T15:21:05+08:00

   *0    *0     *0    *0       0     1|0    0.0    0.0       0 166M 46.0M   0|0   0|0  79b  21.1k    2 2017-01-12T15:21:06+08:00











1 首先在没有添加--auth权限参数时启动服务

 C:\Users\Administrator>mongod --dbpathh:\MongoDB\data --logpath=h:\MongoDB\logs\mongodb.log





> use admin

switched to db admin



> db




> db.createUser({user:"admin",customData:{description:"superuser"},pwd:"123456",roles:[{role:"userAdminAnyDatabase",db:"admin"}]})

Successfully added user: {

       "user" : "admin",

       "customData" : {

                "description" :"superuser"


       "roles" : [


                        "role" :"userAdminAnyDatabase",

                        "db" :"admin"






> show dbs

admin   0.000GB

local   0.000GB

test    0.001GB

updates 0.000GB



> show users


       "_id" : "admin.admin",

       "user" : "admin",

       "db" : "admin",

       "customData" : {

                "description" :"superuser"


       "roles" : [


                        "role" :"userAdminAnyDatabase",

                        "db" :"admin"






> db.system.users.find()

{ "_id" :"admin.admin", "user" : "admin", "db" :"admin", "credentials" : { "SCRAM-SHA-1" : {"iterationCount" : 10000, "salt" : "OI2v0YoaArYWok8S7N0

7rw==", "storedKey" :"u03emmw4yR6u20AadMeObnDdPJ8=", "serverKey" :"NWQUz7VBHsrnrOgVXVdNBKw/9ps=" } }, "customData" : {"description" : "superuser" }

, "roles" : [ { "role": "userAdminAnyDatabase", "db" : "admin" } ] }



C:\Users\Administrator>mongod --dbpathh:\MongoDB\data --httpinterface --rest --auth



数据库用户角色 read readwrite

数据库管理角色 dbAdmin dbOwner userAdmin

集群管理角色 clusterAdmin clusterManager clusterMonitor hostManager

备份恢复角色 backup restore

所有数据库角色 readAnyDatabase




超级用户角色 root

内部角色 __system






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


