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原创 通过操作系统的进程ID,查询sql_id及哪个主机执行的这个东东

<br /> <br />通过操作系统的进程ID,查询sql_id及哪个主机执行的这个东东。在*里面有好多有用的东西,可以仔细看看。<br />select * from v$process vp,v$session vs where vp.sPID=18437 and vp.ADDR=vs.PADDR;

2010-09-15 15:14:00 1634 1

转载 Steps for Creating New Control Files

Steps for Creating New Control Files<br />Complete the following steps to create a new control file.<br />Make a list of all datafiles and redo log files of the database.<br />If you follow recommendations for control file backups as discussed in "Backing

2010-09-14 07:00:00 518

原创 扩展表空间

<br />alter tablespace tablespace_name add datafile                          <br />'/opt/oracle/db/oradata/$net_svr/9tbs' SIZE 20G AUTOEXTEND OFF,<br />'/opt/oracle/db/oradata/$net_svr/10tbs' SIZE 20G AUTOEXTEND OFF<br />'/opt/oracle/db/oradata/$net_svr/11

2010-09-13 21:30:00 575

原创 创建表空间

<br />create smallfile tablespace (name) <br />datafile '/opt/oracle/db/oradata/oracleSID/****1' size 31G autoextend off,<br />'/opt/oracle/db/oradata/oracleSID/****2' size 31G autoextend off,<br />'/opt/oracle/db/oradata/oracleSID/****3' size 31G autoexte

2010-09-10 11:11:00 536

转载 oracle11G可以自动管理内存

<br />Beginning with Release 11g, Oracle Database can manage the SGA memory and instance PGA memory completely automatically. You designate only the total memory size to be used by the instance, and Oracle Database dynamically exchanges memory between the

2010-09-10 10:48:00 550

翻译 About SQL and SQL-Based Management Tools

About SQL and SQL-Based Management Tools<br />To perform many of its operations, Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control (Database Control) submits structured query language (SQL) statements to the database. SQL (pronounced like sequel) is an industry-s

2010-09-10 10:47:00 532

翻译 About SQL and SQL-Based Management Tools

About SQL and SQL-Based Management ToolsTo perform many of its operations, Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control (Database Control) submits structured query language (SQL) statements to the dat

2010-01-23 12:17:00 382

翻译 About SQL and SQL-Based Management Tools

About SQL and SQL-Based Management ToolsTo perform many of its operations, Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control (Database Control) submits structured query language (SQL) statements to the dat

2010-01-10 20:44:00 518

翻译 Setting Database Control Preferences

Setting Database Control PreferencesThis section discusses setting user preferences for Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control (Database Control). It contains the following topics:这段主要讲为oracle企业

2010-01-10 12:02:00 904

翻译 Creating Database Control Administrative Users

Creating Database Control Administrative UsersWhen you log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control (Database Control) using the SYS, SYSTEM, or SYSMAN user accounts, you are logging in as t

2010-01-03 16:25:00 852

翻译 Granting Access to Database Control for Nonadministrative Users

Granting Access to Database Control for Nonadministrative UsersAs a database administrator, you can log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control (Database Control) with the SYS or SYSTEM use

2010-01-02 23:54:00 581

翻译 Accessing the Database Home Page

Accessing the Database Home PageThe Database Home page is the main database management page in Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control (Database Control).数据库主页面在oracle企业管理数据库控制台是主要的数据库管理页面。To

2010-01-02 23:52:00 1261

翻译 To start or stop dbconsole as a service on Microsoft Windows:

To start or stop, or to view the status of the dbconsole process from the command line:在命令行启动、停止、查看dbconsole进程状态:Open a operating system command window and go to your Oracle_home/bin directory.开

2010-01-02 21:37:00 582

翻译 Configuring Automatic Storage Management Using DBCA

Configuring Automatic Storage Management Using DBCAYou can also use DBCA to configure Automatic Storage Management (ASM) as a separate operation from creating a database. In this case, DBCA creates

2010-01-02 09:35:00 923

翻译 Creating and Managing a Database with DBCA

Skip HeadersCreating and Managing a Database with DBCADuring Oracle Database installation, if you choose to create a starter database (see Step 4), Oracle Universal Installer automatically

2010-01-01 23:35:00 8948

原创 压缩表(一)


2009-09-09 23:21:00 545

转载 oracle调优的初步诊断方法

3.1.2 A Sample Decision Process for Performance Conceptual ModelingConceptual modeling is almost deterministic. However, as your performance tuning experience increases, you will appreciate that

2009-09-05 23:56:00 1221

原创 关于tnsnames.ora

1、 net_service_name=  (DESCRIPTION=    (ADDRESS=(protocol_address_information))   (CONNECT_DATA=      (SERVICE_NAME=service_name))) 这是一个基本的tnsnames.ora的文件内容。DESCRIPTION写了连接描述符,ADDRESS写了有关的协议和地址,

2009-08-27 23:11:00 1100

翻译 Getting Started with RMAN

 Skip HeadersOracle® Database Backup and Recovery Users Guide11g Release 1 (11.1)Part Number B28270-03HomeBook ListContentsIndexMaster IndexContact Us

2009-08-20 21:11:00 2403

翻译 Installing Oracle Database Software

Installing Oracle Database SoftwareThis section briefly describes the steps for basic installation. Most steps are common to all platforms and involve running the Oracle Universal Installer. Platfor

2009-08-08 16:31:00 2723

翻译 Overview of Installing Oracle Database Software and Creating a Database

Overview of Installing Oracle Database Software and Creating a DatabaseTo install your Oracle Database software, use Oracle Universal Installer (OUI). OUI is a graphical user interface utility that

2009-08-06 22:34:00 758

原创 oracle数据库备份——增量备份

增量备份——oracle RMAN备份中的一种,不像全盘备份、镜像备份那样生成一个或几个文件,随便放到哪个地方都能把数据库恢复好。增量备份,是一个块级的备份,在oracle第一次进行增量备份的时候,是一个0级备份,此次备份会备份数据库所有的块,当进行过一次0级备份后,剩下的增量备份被叫做1级备份。当我们把0级的备份文件删除后,RMAN在进行增量备份时发现没有0级备份,在进行1级备份前,会自动进行0

2009-07-10 15:13:00 889

翻译 闪回数据库

闪回数据库在物理级别上,Oracle 闪回数据库提供了一个比database point-in-time recovery(DBPITR)更有效的数据保护。如果当前数据文件发生了些我们不想要的改变,可以用RMAN的FLASHBACK DATABASE命令来把数据库文件的内容恢复到某个时间之前。这个和DBPITR有些像,但是总的来说要比它快,因为闪回不需要从备份中恢复数据文件,而且不需要用太多的

2009-07-01 11:29:00 1626


我现在用的数据库环境是64位oracle11G,操作系统是suse10 我在drop user和其它表空间的时候都很正常,可是其中有一个永久默认表空间,不知道如何删除? 在oracle文件夹下,有db/oradata/实例名,在这里面我知道有控制文件,数据文件,和日志文件,如果强行rm掉的话有点太暴力了吧,应该可以通过什么命令“和平”解决的。我知道可以通过dbca也能搞定,除了dbca就没...

2009-02-03 21:47:10 375

backup and Recovery User's Guide

关于oracle 的备份恢复的详细文档,虽然是英文的但是还是比市面上的书要好理解的多。适合DBA学习。





Oracle 11g 快速安装手册

充分介绍了oracle 11g 的安装过程与技巧,是一本很好的安装oracle 11g的书,适合初学者。



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