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原创 Cocs2d-x音乐播放,SimpleAudioEngine

环境:VS2012,cocos2d-x3.5,framework3.5,cocos studio 2.2.1新建项目一个场景,两个按钮,要实现功能,一个按钮按下播放音乐,另一个按下停止播放两个文件完整代码HelloWorldScene.h#ifndef __HELLOWORLD_SCENE_H__#define __HELLOWORLD_SCENE_H

2015-05-05 23:56:20 847

原创 我去,文档有错,场景顺逆时针切换

看cocs2dx3.0文档,逆时针切换是CCTransitionProgressCCW::create(1.0f, scene);这个没太大问题关键是顺时针,文档里给的是CCTransitionProgressHorizental::create(1.0f,scene);实测是从左向右移切换,于是又看文档有个CCTransitionProgressCW::creat

2015-05-03 12:22:21 1709

原创 cocos2dx项目显示窗口大小调整

在AppDelegate.cpp中,这一部分bool AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching() {    // initialize director    auto director = Director::getInstance();    auto glview = director->getOpenGLView();

2015-05-03 10:56:08 7331

原创 cocos2dx3.5 studio c++简单功能实现

这次用c++实现按钮切换场景studio 2.2.1framework 3.5cocos2d-x 3.5vs2012在studio里创建一个项目叫Bu吧,当然是c++的在MainScene.csd上加一个按钮,名称改为play吧然后发布到vs,拿Vs打开在src目录下会有HelloWorldScene.cpp和HelloWor

2015-05-03 10:14:38 720

原创 Cocos2d-x Studio与IDE的使用

环境搭建如前,Studio2.0.6,IDE1.01,framework 3.4rc1,Cocos2d-x 3.3final要实现的是在Studio中建项目,有两个场景,第一个场景是进入程序时显示的场景,场景中有一个按钮,按这个按钮就进入第二个场景首先在Studio中新建项目:别忘了把选项都选上这里建的项目直接发布到IDE中,模拟器运行后是一个小

2015-04-30 11:18:20 878

原创 Cocos2d-x studio & Framework & IDE 可用环境搭建

天开眼啊,经过多天尝试,终于找出一个可用组合并实现了想实现的一些初级功能,泪奔了大环境:Windows7 32位,JDK1.7一、版本1. Studio版本2.06http://cn.cocos2d-x.org/tutorial/show?id=20982.Cocos Code IDE版本1.01http://cn.cocos2d-x.org/downloa

2015-04-30 10:47:07 1537

原创 VS2012中C++,#include无法打开源文件

做coco2dx项目新建头文件,.h结尾的,在AppDelegate.cpp中#include就提示如题错误看网上的解决方法解决了比如我的项目下新建的头文件在项目中的路径是src\new.h找到其在硬盘上的路径,如d:\proj\src\new.h在VS项目上右键属性C/C++->常规->附加包含目录中把此路径添加上,路径与路径之间用 ; 隔开然后就OK

2015-04-26 01:54:05 29157 3

原创 cocos2dx 3.5 win7 eclipse 环境搭建及hello world

一、环境搭建1.JDK、Eclipse与SDK    我用的JDK是1.7    Eclipse用的是Luna版的    这些之前都已经设好了,相关下载自己网上找吧2. 下载最新的cocos2dx,我下的是3.5     官方下载页面3.CDT    http://www.eclipse.org/cdt/downloads.php    我的做法是,网页上p

2015-04-23 15:34:06 3264

Best Http 1.9.9 for Unity

best http 1.9.9 可用于unity的websocket等网络网络协议 If you want a plugin that supports request customization for REST, WebSocket, Socket.IO, SignalR, SignalR Core, Server-Sent Events (and much more) out of the box, with regular updates and outstanding support from the developer, then BestHTTP is THE tool for you! Preview implementation of SignalR Core 2.1! All source code included! Supported platforms: -WebGL -iOS(+ IL2CPP 64 bit, IPv6), tvOS, Android -Windows Phone 10, Windows Store Apps, UWP -Windows, Mac OS X, Linux Most notable HTTP features are: -Customize all parts of your requests: -+Methods(GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH) -+Headers -+Cookies -+Max redirect count -+Timeouts -Access all kind of data sent by the server: -+Headers -+Status code -+Cookies -Connection pooling -Connection and request timeouts -Automatic Cookie handling -Great range of Proxy support (Fiddler, Charles, etc.) -Automatic caching, validating just like your browser -Set your cache size and freshness -gzip content encoding -Basic and Digest authentication -Multiple (url-encoded and multipart/form-data) form types -Automatic redirection handling -Upload and Download progress tracking -Access your data while downloading -You can resume downloads using Range headers -HTTPS -Customize a great range of global settings: -+Max connection per server -+Enable/disable cookies -+Private 'Browsing' -+Cookie Jar size -+etc WebSocket features: -Full RFC compliance -Easy to use, 'just works' experience -Support for extensions: -+Compression Extensions for WebSocket (RFC7692) Socket.IO features: -Compliance with the latest (1.x and 2.x) Socket.IO implementations -Automatic transport upgrade/downgrade -Binary data sending/receiving -You can plug in your favorite Json decoder SignalR features: -Works with the latest SignalR implementation -Easy to use API -Hubs -Support for authentication -Progress messages for long running jobs -Automatic transport upgrade/downgrade -You can plug in your favorite Json


Obi Fluid 3.2

Obi Fluid插件,亲测5.6.2可用 With Obi Fluid you can create fully multi-threaded AAA quality fluid simulations with ease. Fluids react to each other, can affect and be affected by rigid bodies (even make them float or sink!), and are capable of sticking to surfaces. Please note that fluid simulation is a very intensive task. Be aware of its performance implications before using it. Available for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android. Links Obi Website Community and Support Forum What to use it for: - Small scale fluid simulations - 2D fluid game mechanics - Dripping fluid - Splash effects What NOT to use it for: - Large scale fluid simulations - Pools, oceans, lakes, floods All physical properties or the fluid are adjustable: viscosity, density, surface tension, stickiness, vorticity... Features: - Custom emitter shapes. - Two-way rigid body interaction. - Modular solver: don't waste performance, all parameters are exposed. - Adjustable solver iteration count. - In-editor simulation preview. - Hassle-free particle resolution adjust using a single parameter. - Supports high density ratios in multiphase simulations. - Simulation state gets serialized -> save your fluids mid-simulation->instantiate them already warm-started. - Supports Box, Sphere, Capsule, Mesh, Character and Terrain colliders. - Automatic camera culling: non-visible fluids do not update their simulation.



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