



What’s your name?
My name is Fu Tengjiao, but I usually go by Mellissa which is my English name.

Where do you come from?
I’m from Mudanjiang which is a city in the Heilongjiang province. But I live in Beijing now.

Municipality 直辖市

Are you a student or do you work?
I’m a university student, I’m doing my masters in electrical engineering at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

You know



Outdoor - mountain climbing, cycling, fishing
Indoor - pool, ping pong, badminton
Water - swimming, snorkeling(潜水), surfing

Indoor - Harry Potter, Sherlock

Do you like to watch films?
Yeah, I do, I’m into romantic films like Titanic and Roman holiday, I feel that it’s got a wonderful story and it really touches me inside.

Do you like sports?
I enjoy doing slow paced sports, such as yoga and swimming, I feel that it’s really comfortable and I enjoy the feeling of stretching my body.

I enjoy doing some outdoor sport like climb mountain or ride bicycle, I feel that it’s healthy and interesting. (名词加形容词)

Step 1
I enjoy 动词ing 某笼统类型的 something
I’m really into 某种类型的something

Step 2
Such as ___ and ___

Step 3
I think 给与观点

Do you like reading?
Of course, I enjoy reading e-books on my phone, such as the ancient Chinese love story and Science fiction, both of them
have the wonderful plots which make me very impressed.
Touch me inside.


1.(名词或代词)is the kind of (person/place/thing) who (which/that) is

My coworker is the kind of person who is really nice and patient.

2.(名词或代词) is a person who gives you the impression of being

Beijing is a city who gives you the impression of its long history.

3.(名词或代词) is one of the most (形容词或名词) I have ever seen/met/know

Beijing is one of the most down to earth places I have ever visited. 北京是我去过最接地气的地方

4.(名词或代词)is a place where you can do Sth

5.(时间名词) is a day (occasion/the time) when you do sth

Public holidays is a time when we can go on vacations.

Step1 direct answer
Step 2 定语从句定义
Step 3 like for example 给fact支撑

Do you like Xue?
Sure, Jay is one of the most humourous singers I’ve ever met, for example when I was listening his music, his voice made me feel relaxed and his songs are always free to public so we can get his music easily from any musical app.

Do you like public holidays?
Yeah, I do. I love it. Public holiday is a time when we can go on vacation and relax, for example this national day holiday, I went to Yunnan with my family, we had a great time.

Do you like art?
Yeah, art is a kind of thing that shows a person’s taste, I visit art galleries a lot and my taste of art has improved, what’s more my friends tell me that the pictures I take have artistic conception. 意境

3.编故事 – when what who where 时间地点人物时间

Eg: Do you like travelling?
Yeah, I love travelling, like going to Yunan and Sishuan which allows me eat lots of delicious food that I have never met in my hometown.

Yeah I do. Travelling is kind of activities that allows me to experience new things and feel different cultures, for example, this summer, I travelled to Sichuan, I ate delicious food like Sichuan hotpot and I drunk the special milk tea called “chuancha” it was awesome.

Yeah, I love it. I go travelling with my family during my holidays to many foreign countries to enrich myself.


Step 1
Direct answer
Step 2
I remember when I was a kid~~~
I remember a while ago
Step 3
I did something~~~
Something happened
Someone did something
Step 4
I thought it was ____ so I started to ___
It made me into a ____ person.

Do you like going to museums?
Yeah I do. I remember when I was young, my father often took me to science museum, I saw lots of cool things and I was fascinated by all the things I haven’t seen before, so I started enjoy going to musuems.



When it’s ____ then ____, when it’s _____ then _____

When he is _____ then I like him, when he is ___ then I don’t like him____.

Do you like carrying a bag when you go out?

When I’m travelling I like carrying bags because it allows me to have all my valuables with me at all times, when I’m at a party or when I’m at a bar, I don’t like carrying a bag because I have to look after it.

Do you like making friends?

//When I’m having a high spirits, I like to make friends with others and we can go to a restaurant

Well, when I think the person is nice and is a genuine person, then I’m willing to make friends, when it’s just people that just want to have some fun then no, I don’t want to make friends with them. 真诚的

Do you like visitors coming to your home?

Well, it depends, when the visitors respect my rules and they are polite, I’m willing to invite them to come to my home, when it’s just people who always want to break my rules, I don’t want them to come to my house.

If ____ then ____ , but if ____ then ____

How do you usually get to school?
If the weather is sunny, I’m willing to go to school by walk, but if it’s rainy or snowy, I would like to go there by bus.

What do you usually do on the internet?

Well, if I have work to do I’ll use the internet to look up some information, if I don’t have anything on my hands, I’ll use the internet for entertainment like watching some videos or playing games.

(类型1)喜好/习惯, on the other hand (类型2)喜好/习惯
In terms of 类型1 观点、喜好, and/but in terms of 类型2 观点、喜好

What kinds of food do people like to eat in China?


What kind of snacks do you like to eat?
Domestic / imported


1.喜好题 like/dislike

Do you like ____ ?
Are you interested in ?
What ___ do like?
What’s your favorite ~~~?
What ___ do you like/dislike?

Paraphrase 同义词转换
Different ways to say I like
I’m into
I’m fond of
I’m keen on
I enjoy


What kinds of ___ do you like?
Well, I like all kinds of 主题, in terms of ____ I like ____, and in terms of ____, I like ____ .

I’m not into ______.
I can’t stand _____.
____ is not my thing.

套路: 反面定义举例
Direct + 反面观点 + bad experience (用不好的经历去衬托你对某东西的反面看法)

Do you like animals?
No, I don’t, I feel that it’s dirty and noisy, my neighbor wang’s dog always barks at night and it always poops in the hallway, I think it’s disgusting.

Do you like going to art galleries?
No, it’s not my thing, I feel that it’s boring and I don’t have any appreciation for art, I went to an art gallery with my friend a couples of weeks ago, there was nothing to do except staring at paintings.

2.personal habits — 通常题

usually (通常题)
Do you usually do something? 类似上面的喜好题,注意同义词替换
When/ Where do you usually do something?
How do you usually do something?
What do you like to do during 某时间段?
How do you spend 某事件段?
What do you like to do during 某时间段?
How do you spend 某时间段?
What do you like to do during your free time/ holidays/weekends?

Well, sometimes 编故事,and others times if ___ then I’ll 编故事。

How do you spend your weekends?
Well, sometimes I go travelling with family during my holidays to many foreign countries to have fun and other times, if the holiday is short, then I’ll play games with friends during the weekends at the internet café to kill time.

How do you spend your free time?
Well, sometimes, I do sports with my friends during my time off at the park to get some exercise, other times, if I don’t want to go out, then I’ll watch a movie by myself at home to kill time.3.

How do you usually do something?
Do you usually do something?
Actually it varies, if then I’ll probably ___ because ___ but for example if ___ then I’ll ___ because ____ .

What kinds of thing do you usually do when you go to the park?
Actually it varies, if I’m with other people then I’ll probably go with the flow because I’m a team player so just whatever they do but for example if I’m by myself then I’ll go jogging because the park is quiet and it offers a wonderful jogging environment.(随波逐流)

How do you usually buy things you need?(买东西的方式)不是购买的东西
Actually it varies, if the thing I want to buy is something I’m not sure about, I’ll probably go to a store because I can try it, but for example, if it’s something that I’m confident about, I’ll probably buy it online because online shopping saves me time.


Do you often do something?
How often do you do something?
频率题考官在意是否可以使用频率性用语(expressions of frequenly)
经常:I do something a lot + like may be _____ times a week/month. + 编故事

偶尔:I do something every now and then, like may be ____ times a month/ year.

似乎不干: I do something once in a blue moon, I haven’t done something in ___ years, + 反面定义 + 反面经历

Do you often go swimming?
I go swimming a lot, like maybe 3 times a week, I go swimming with my mom on weekdays night at the pool near our home to keep in shape.

I go swimming every now and then, like maybe 5 or 6 times a year, if the weather is hot then I’ll go swimming, but in my hometown, most of the time the weather is cold so I couldn’t go.

I go swimming once in a blue month, I haven’t swam in like 10 years, I think it’s really scary, when I was young, I almost drowned so I never went swimming after that.

4.personal preference 个人偏好题

Do you prefer A or B?
Do you like A or B?
Which do you think is better A or B?
Between the two, I would lean towards A/B because 说出你选他的原因, you know I feel that 你没选的那个坏处是啥 so I’m gonna go with 你选的那个 (倾向于)
Do you like Frank or Adison?
Well, between the two, I would lean towards Adison because he is handsome and he has a smile that brings me positive energy, you know I feel that Frank is kind of dirty so I’m gonna go with Adison.

Do you prefer living in a house or living in a flat?
Well, between the two, I would lean towards the flat because it is easy to lean and flats are always located in the city’s center, you know I feel that houses are always located in the suburb of the city so I’m gonna go with flats.

Between the two, I would lean towards living in a house because it’s spacious and there’s enough room for me to live a comfortable life, you know I feel that a flat is really crowded and we have to deal with rowdy neighbors, so I’m gonna go with living in a house. (吵闹的,粗暴的)


Do people in your country _____?
Do Chinese people _____ ?
Do children ____ ?
Different people have different preferences/ habits/thoughts, probably ____ people enjoy 喜欢/习惯 _____ for example ________, and ____ people enjoy 喜欢/习惯 ____ for example ______.

What kinds of recreational activities do people enjoy doing in your country? (娱乐活动)
Well, different people have different preferences, probably, older people enjoy something traditional, like playing Chinese chess or traditional Chinese calligraphy, on the other hand, young people enjoy trendy activities, like bar hopping or attending concerts.

Calligraphy 书法
Trendy activities 新潮活动
Bar hopping 泡吧

In your country, what kinds of places do people prefer to live in?
Well, different people have different preferences, for single young people like me, we like living in places in downtown areas that are convenient and modernized, as for people who have families, I would say they prefer living in places that have great educational resources and places that have a nice living environment.

Well, people around me tend to ______, but maybe for others they ______.

What kinds of handcrafts are popular in your country?
Well, people around me tend to like some handmade models, like maybe gundam models or airplane models, but maybe for others, they like some traditional handcrafts like embroideries or paper cut.

Embroideries 刺绣
Gundam models 高达模型

What kinds of places do people go when they need to relax?
Well, people around me tend to go to libraries, they like to read some novels to relax themselves, but maybe for others, they like to play computer games in internet café.


Do you think something is good?
Do you think something is necessary?
Do you think it’s important to do something?
What are the benefits of something?
Would you say it’s good for someone to do something?

需要同义词转换代替I think
I feel that
In my opinion
The way I see it
I consider that
Direct answer + 客观 opinion + personal experience (用个人经历验证客观的观点)

Do you think people should learn other languages?
Yeah, I do, I feel that languages can help people get in touch with other cultures and it opens many doors, I remember when I was a kid, my parents forced me to learn English and now I’m able to talk to some foreigners.

Do you think it’s important to learn science well?
No, I don’t, I feel that it’s useless in daily life and unless you’re a scientist, it does not help you at all, I remember in high school, I sucked at science, but now I’m still living the high life and I don’t use many science knowledge in my life.

Suck at 对***一窍不通

What are the benefits of taking children to the Zoo?
Well, the way I see it, going to zoos can enhance children’s knowledge of nature and maybe they can learn about protecting animals, I remember when I was a kid, my parents took me to zoos a lot, I love animals and now I really support wildlife conservation.
E learning 上网课
Give sb an edge when they are job-hunting 找工作时给某人优势

Direct answer + 正面 opinion + although 反面 opinion + I still think 再次重复观点 because ____.
Do you think E learning is good?
Yea. In my opinion, it’s good, I feel that it’s really convenient and it’s quite efficient, although people can’t see their teachers, I still think it’s good because it saves people a lot of time and people can learn in the comforts of their home.

Do you think parents should force their children to do housework?
Well, I feel that parents should make their children do some housework, it can enhance their independent ability and cultivate their hands on skills, although it takes some time away from their studies, I still feel that it’s quite important because it’s a necessary skill in life.

No, I don’t, I feel that parents shouldn’t force their children because it will take time away from student’s studies and they might not do it well and make a bigger mess, although it’s a necessary life skill, I still feel that parents should focus on more important things like improving a student’s IQ and their character.

Do you think people should chase after celebrities? 追星
No, I don’t, I feel chasing after celebrities waste people’s time and money, what’s more, the young generation seems to pay more money on the celebrities’ posters which make their parents lose their money, although some celebrities are very excellent in their areas, I still feel that people should pay more attention to their own life.

1.绕开 - 用简单的方式去表达你想表达的单词
耐心 patient
My father is a nice man, when I do something wrong, he never get angry with me and teaches me.
I like trees in my country like the Liu tree and the Rong tree.
What kinds of cars do you like?
I like big cars

What kinds of trees do you like?
I like apple trees


What are the differences between A and B?
Would you please compare A and B?
Do you think A and B feel the same about something?
Do you think A and B are the same?

Well, between the two, A is _____ compared to B, for example A ____, in contrast, B is ____ for example _____.
Well, between the two, 定义举例1 in contrast 定义举例2

What’s the difference between Tom and Adison?
Well, between the two, Tom is taller and more humorous compared to Adison, for example when Tom is walking besides Adison, it feels like a father-son relationship, in addition, in Tom’s I have a wonderful time, in contrast, Adison is wealthier than Tom, for example Adison always posts pictures of himself wearing luxury products.

A is not as 形容词 as B


What do you think are the advantages or disadvantages of something?
What are the good and bad of something?
Well, the pros of (something) are ____ and on the other hand the cons are ____.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online?
Well, the pros of shopping online are that it’s convenient, for example we can buy whatever we want online and we don’t need to go to different places, and it’s relatively cheaper, on the other hand the cons are it’s hard to get a refund, like last time, I bought a dress and it didn’t fit me, it took like 2 months for me to get my money back, and there’s no insurance for quality. (相对便宜)

What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?
Well, the pros of studying abroad are that we can experience a different culture and we are able to improve our independent ability,
Like when we are abroad, we have to take care of everything on our own, like cooking, washing and etc
on the other hand, the cons are studying abroad is experience
You know the tuition is 10 times higher than China
and we will feel homesick.


Would you please compare the differences between something in the past and now?
How has something changed in the past and now?
Is something the same now as the past?
A lot has changed since the past, back in the days, 主题 was 定义 for example _____, over the years, everything started to ______ and now, it’s 定义 for example _______.

硬件- undeveloped > improve > modernized

文化 - simple / traditional > receive western influence > people started to open up > internationalized

Well, a lot has changed since the past, back in the days, my hometown was undeveloped, for example the building were shabby and all the facilities were outdated, over the years,
everything started to improve, and now, it’s modernized,
Like we have tall buildings and we have a new subway system in my hometown.

Well, back in the days, people’s eating habits were pretty traditional, like people ate local food and they weren’t open to eating food from other places, over the years, people started to open up and receive western influence and now people’s eating habits are diverse and internationalized, for example, people love eating food from all over the world , like curry, pizza, and tom yum kong.

A lot has changed since the past, back in the days people’s way of dressing was pretty traditional, like for example they wore traditional Chinese clothes like Zhong Shan shirts and Qi Pao, over the years, people started to receive western influence and open up, and now people want to be unique, there are all kinds of fashion styles, like people wear bohemian and some people like to go with London style.

Do people celebrate birthdays the same way now as they did in the past?

A lot has changed since the past, back in the days people always chose to eat noodle and eggs to celebrate their birthdays because the economic was bad at that time and people didn’t have extra money to have a celebration, over the years, the economic has risen and people have more money to celebrate the birthdays so they are willing to buy delicious food and go to an amusement park to celebrate the birthdays.


You know the main factor is ______ and also ______.
Well, the reason why (I like /I feel that ) something is coz ____ and also partly because ____ .

Why did you choose to study that subject?
You know, the main factor is that learning electrical engineering will give me an edge when I’m job hunting, and also, I feel that it comes pretty easy to me, I don’t have a hard time with it.

Why do people give each other gifts?
Well, the reason why people give other gifts is that it can deepen the people’s friendship and also, it sometimes reflect the people’s respect to others.


What are your future work/ study plans?
From what I can see so far, I plan to _____ and in the long run, I hope to ______.

From what I can see so far, I plan to improve my English and get a good IELTS score and in the long run, I hope to get a master degree in the UK.

What are your future work plans?
From what I can see so far, I plan to find a job I like and build up some experience and in the long run, I hope to have my own little restaurant.

Would you like to do something?
Do you plan to do something?
Yea, I would, but currently (什么因素在阻碍你) and in the future when I _____ I will ______ because _______.
I’m not considering that because ______, I’d rather ______.

Would you like to learn how to cook?
Yea I would, but currently I’m loaded with studies and I don’t have the time, and in the future when I pass the IELTS and when I’m getting ready to go abroad, I want to learn cooking because it’s a necessary part of life and it will save me lots of money when I go to abroad.

Well, right now, I’m not considering that because I’m not a hands-on person, I’d rather just go out to eat.

Would you like to learn another language besides English?
Yea I would, but currently I’m loaded with work and I don’t have the time, and in the future if I finish the project I work now, I’m willing to learn German because I want to get my PHD degree in Germany.

Yea I would, but currently my English isn’t up to par, and in the future when I can get a 8 on spoken part, I will learn Japanese, because this way, I’m able to enjoy the whole cartoons immediately instead of waiting for others to translate. (标准)

12.Giving advice/ Suggestions 给建议

Part 3 主打题
How can we do something?
What should be done to _____ ?
Is there anything we can do to ____ ?
What advice would you give to ____?
What can be done to ____ ?
It would help if (问题解决方 government, parents) put more efforts into it, you know right now, 找两个导致这个问题的点(必须跟问题解决方案有关联), so if(z直接针对两个点,逆着来), then I feel that it will be better (it will mediate the problem)
Step1 找问题解决方
Step2 找两个导致问题的点
Step3 逆着两个问题提出解决方案

How can we improve the air quality in your hometown?
It would help if the government put more efforts into it, you know right now, many cars do not meet environmental standards and they are allowed to drive on the road, what’s more, many factories around my hometown pollute the air with dangerous industrial gases, so if the government restricted the cars from going on the road and shut down the factories, then I feel that it will be better.

How can we protect wild animals?
Well, it would help if the government put more efforts into it, you know right now there aren’t enough people to patrol the forests and the public lacks awareness, so if the government added more man power to patrol the forests and put out public ads to educate the public, then I think it will be better.

How can we promote creativity?
Well, it would help if schools put more effort into it, you know right now the education system is exam-oriented and all we do is memorized, schools don’t emphasize cultivating creativity, so if the schools changed the exam-oriented system and encouraged students to use their imagination instead of memorizing, then it will be better.

Fact/Example 引子题
Do you have something?
Do you know how to do something?
Have you done something before?
Does something have something?
When was the first time you did something?
What are some examples of something?



Do you like art?

I like art a lot,
Which enables
Sense of well-being/happiness
Always buy some pieces of artworks and hang them on the wall

Do you like visiting art galleries?
1 I seldom visit … on workdays coz I am tied up with…;
2 during on weekend, I usually … or I visit from time to time;
3 when I appreciate … it is a way for me to…;
4 扩展眼界 get new outlooks / get the whole picture of the culture, the history, the thoughts from painters;
5 a way to improve my artistic taste 提高艺术品味。

Do you want to be an artist?
it is not relevant with my major…
2 I am not proficient in this field;

Do you like modern art or traditional art?
1 to be honest it depends on how old I am;
2 when I was a child, I used to be interested in… ;
3 …. Appealed to me;
3 when I grow older, I have gradually interested in… which allows me to know Chinese traditional culture.

Do you like eating chocolate? Why or why not?
I like chocolate a lot, which allows me to feel a bit sense of happiness and be energetic when I feel hungry.

Did you often eat chocolate when you were a kid?
not frequently when I was a child… coz most of chocolate were imported with high price so that not most of family could afford…

What’s your favorite flavor?
my favorite flavor would be milk chocolate, which tastes mild and milky… it is a bit different from the bitter dark chocolate…

Do you think it is good to use chocolates as gifts to others?

I feel sending chocolate as a gift is reasonable, coz it varies in different flavors and shapes, and when some holidays come, the packaging of chocolate looks fancy so…

1.Do you always bring a lot of keys with you?
well I am used to NFC, a kind of e-keys instead of taking keys with me
2.Have you ever lost your keys?
yeah I lost the keys when I was a kid. I always forgot to take with me when I went out.
3.Do you often forget the keys and lock yourself out?
well sometimes I am a kind of careless person, so I always forget to check whether I take the keys with me when going out.
4.Do you think it’s a good idea to leave your keys with a neighborhood?
well I don’t think so, because of its safety problem and relation. Most of people living in the same block are bit familiar with each other so… and also something at home are privacy.

Staying up
3.What do you do when you stay up late?
well it depends on when it is. If it is on workdays, I tend to do my work efficiently while if it is on weekends, I will chill out to play e-games…

1.What do you usually do on your birthday?
when my birthday comes, it is the time I always eat birthday cake and get together with …
2.What did you do on your birthday when you were young?
I used to have a wonderful meal with my parents in KFC on my birthday when I was a kid. My parents only allowed me to taste fried chips and hamburgers on my birthday.



Outer space and stars
•Have you ever learnt about outer space and stars?
•Are you interested in films about outer space and stars?
•Do you want to learn more about outer space?
•Do you want to go into outer space in the future?

Outer space – outer solar system – galaxy 星系-milky way - stars ( 恒星) - planet -行星- moon
Mars - Saturn ‘s ring - move into other planets ;
Alien – - E.T find a planet that support life – telescope
— yes – absolutely yes – yep ; nope ; i’ve been always curious abt this field (astronomy )
Documentary ;
—frankly speaking ;i never curious abt this before ; it seemed a little bit tough for me ; concepts ; and knowledge seem far-fatch for me ; there is no relationship between my daily life
Space X program ; amazing ;

1.Job opportunities – well-paid jobQuiet --: far away from noise
2.Public transport – ( subway -high-speed train) - commuting—hardly face the traffic jamEnjoy Fresh air -few factories
3.convenient – order a take -out whenever you want – malls -to catch up with latest fashion trendCost of living is reasonable - affordable
4.expand our social circleClose to nature
5.entertainment facilities : amusement park, Natural park, Safari park
6.medical facilities : treatment
7.Top universities : Peking university $1600
8.Price of housing Under pressure: work from 9 to 9 ;6 days a week
Expose to the bad air ( air pollution )

Describe a place away from your home and you want to visit in the future
describe a car journey
Since it has a high altitude ; its not a smart choice for individuals to take plane to go ; compared with airways and i’d like to by driving ‘
Although ; it will cost me much more time ; i believe its worthy

Describe a noisy place you have been to
Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted - emissions
Describe another city you would like to stay for a short time

拉萨–文化-人口不多-环境-美食-糌粑- 当地… --特产-herb
— 1. 介绍
— 2. reason: 过去 –
----3. plan / : festival – dance with them – 交朋友- hand made -
Speaking of 。。。 the first one pops into my mind is …Tibet
; which is second-tier city in the far north of china ; i bet you heard this place before since its a popular city for its tourism ;( millions come to 拉萨 for traveling )

The reason i curious abt 拉萨;is that it has a total different culture from my hometown ; is dominant in local religion ; temples ;

The population – limited ; the weather is harsh for normal people ; with the high altitude ; the oxygen is not as much as regular cities ;

But the scenery is so amazing; hold-breathing ; there is no air pollution the sky just so blue and the rivers are so transparent ;i believe it will be the most 。。。I v ever been
Also ; i’d like to mention the local is another reason for me to go ;( the taste of food is so unique ; it has a special plant named – 青稞 ; and when residents use this material to make dishes ; the taste will be so great ; yummy

I remember the most impressive cuisine is 糌粑 ; it made by the pwoder of 青稞 ; local people eat it everyday ; ( its a noroaml cuisine for them but for visitors like me ; its so special、bazziar)
I’ve from my friend that tibet has a magic herb ; they called it 藏红花; we drink it like tea ; its good for our body ; i really expect to try it when i have the opportunity to there
I planned to stay there for 。。 2 weeks ; during the may ; it would be a smart choice ;
Since there is a special festival for locals ; and i can even create relationships with locals ;
On xx festival ; after dinner ; will dance ; and i can join in the party ; dance with them ;
I dreamed to have a great time with them ;
(since it isnt a first- tier city ; the cost of living is affordable for me ; and i can spend a long time in this place and know more abt cultures
It will be a fanstatic life experience for me ;in summer vacation


Describe someone who moved to your community and brought positive influence
Describe a popular/well-known person
Describe a person who likes to help others
Describe a person you have met who you want to work/study with
Describe a character from a film
Describe an interesting old person you met
Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with

介绍 – title (prof ) personality – achievement–
师兄 senior 教授prof – mentor – same with mine ; he completed several papers – published /patents in computering 。。。 /represent department ;give some speeches --impressive
He is also a kind of influencers-who has publized some latest information related to … ;on social media ; and attracted more than 10000 fans

Orientation class – he was so charming and impressive - with a beautiful smile ; and as a freshman i was so unfamiliar with all of things in my university ;and i needed to spend time to catch up on errands ; he was so nice for us and showed us the layout of the campus ;achievement

He‘s the most brilliant - warm-hreated person i’ve ever seen ; we shouldnt be too surprising of his achievements if we already knew he is such as kind and hard working man

I remember last semester ; i was asked to finish my project ( it was abt … ) i was in charge of anylsis data ; it was a total difficulty for me since the sample was huge you know it was abt 32GB ( gigabytes ) as a freshman ; i was so depressed (failure – for my academic performance ) ; under the pressure ; i had no idea abt how to approach this-i even thought i could find some reference materials from the Internet ; but you know the DDL is coming i might miss it ; at that moment and i had no choice but turned to him ; ( i got the feeling that butterflies in my tummy ) and i never met him for a long term ; it was possible that he said no to me ( deny ) – it could be time-consuming for everyone ;

And unexpected ; he was willing to teach me how to collect data and use the appropriate equation / software to do the work ; and it helped me to save lot of time and also i did all of stuff in the right track ; and i really appreciate that
Since then ; work out problems ; solution
I believe if we can work together ; we will definitely work effectively
How to practise my logical thinking pattern


Character — cast 卡司
Milky way galaxy
Speaking of character ; the first one pops into
Who is the lead actor 。。。 in film ; performace was so impressive
Casted a …
Although the plot is cliche ; i still love it so much ; it tells us a romantic ( interesting )story ; –
Reason – 1. sacrifice ; he was planned to … supposed to 。。。 without any worry ; but for the sake of all humans ; he sacrificed himself ;
– 2. full of imagination
–3. CGI – computer effects ( computer generate images ) awesome
Open my eyes - huge – infinity – border – we know little abt it – limited


1. Describe a popular place for sport (eg. stadium)
You should say:
Where it is
When you went there
What you did there
And explain how you felt about this place

Swimming pool – on campus
Keep fit and body stronger – compared with running
1.Firm muscle + keep slim + cool down
2.Remove my pressure + take a break for us

On every - since i have available time on this day ; After my weekly Meeting ;i have a whole afternoon to do things i want; normally ; swimming pool is on campus which means i can go there on foot ( within walking distance)
Free for local community - ( discount )

2. Describe a photo you took that you are proud of

You should say:
When you took it
Where you took it
What is in the photo
And explain why you are proud of it

It was beautiful pic - on my way to another city ; it was taken on board when i flight to 杭州 -
Traffic ;local buildings ; overlook the city

3. Describe a thing you did to learn another language

You should say:
What language you learned
What you did
How it helped you learn the language
And how you felt about it

1.Since i always curioused in germny and i wanted to learn it ; at the beginning ; i v read some related books but it was tough for me and i gave up immediately
2.Then i v tried it in an easier way – subscribed some videos on youtube ( vivid ; grammar -
I am on the right track to learn a new language
Social media – totally familiar with the tags abt G ; catch words ;
Recommend – suffer from 。。Anymore

4. Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently

You should say:
What the activity is
Who invited you to participate in it
Whether you asked for help in the activity
And explain what change you had in the activity

Open air swimming pool – bring more fresh air and sunshine- the temperature of water is more suitable for me ; i dont feel freezing

Reality show – talent show – talk show – series -tv shows
1.Soap opera – kill time – time-consuming
2.Couch potato
Science fiction (sci-fi) — rivalry – extinct –
Thoughtful –
Money management – allowance 零花钱 – red envelope filled with money – on social media -wechat ; modern way for parents to give me allowance

5.Describe a song/a piece of music you like

You should say:
Which country the song/music is from
What story the song/music is about
Whom you knew the song/music from
And explain why you like it

Elegant –
I am person who interested in traditional instrument – 古筝 –
I can understand culture deeper – ancient instrument – light music
Named … ; famous piece of song –
Under pressure - depressed -

6.Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste (e.g: in a park, on the beach etc.)

You should say:
Where you saw the plastic waste
When you saw them
What you did
And explain how you felt about this

disposable chopsticks ;bags ;-- kind of white pollution -
Disappointed -;government -take actions to reduce pollution – improve awareness abt
Introduce more public service ads
Experience left me -bad impression

7.a time when you needed to search for information

You should say:
What information you needed to search for
When you searched for it
Where you searched for it
And explain why you needed to search for it

Typo – compared with –
Google – AI tech – latest robot for people to deal with problems - questions -
Flawless -copy it – save time – accuracy is guaranteed –
– accurate information – programming
I can just copy it in my work -

Whats more-- also - plus -then
Cool – amazing – unexpected(中性词)
Awful – smelly – reluctant
Light 清淡–flavor – – complain –
Food sensitivity –
Sugar - free diet –
( car-free area? )

8.Describe a time when you forgot an appointment

You should say:
What the appointment was for
Who you made it with
Why you forgot it
And explain how you felt about the experience

On board – during the flight ;
Result – taught me a lesson abt – punchhure

9.Describe a person you know who loves to grow vegetables/fruits

You should say:
Who this person is
What he/she grow
Where he/she grows them
And explain how you feel about this

Old person –
Title — over 60 ; retired ; he has plenty time
Hobby – good mood – not a physical demanding ; suitable for him to relax
Backyard – front porch
In the spring when the flowers blossoming out ;; pic in our community
Admire his work in the garden ; i think its so amazing for people to have a such wonderful place ,
There are various kinds of flowers – sun flower – jasmine – lily-- carnation康乃馨

10.Describe an experience of online shopping

You should say:
What happened
What you bought
What problems you had while shopping online
And explain how you felt about it

I usually purchase things on 淘宝-- u know it has the same function as Amazon – people can place an order online and receive a delivery from the shop owner

Pros – 1. convenient ; dont have to spend time on our way to shopping mall
3.Cheaper – since the cost of other stuff are deducted ( rent – )
Cons on the other hand – 1. its no guarantee for customers since its not easy to make sure the quality of products
3.The process of getting Refund could be complex ; you should sent it back to the owner ; then they get the package you will get your money ; it normally will spent 1 week for this process
–i bought a dress from 淘宝-- its a beautiful dress with good design ; it is pinky ; suitable for me ; i looked great when i was in that skirt /dress
Flaw- poor quality – argued with the i talked to the – AI chatbots directly - it could not give the satisfied answer ;; complained to the platform – then after hours the onwer connected me and told the process of refunding
Recommend it to others

–left a bad first impression – bad for wasting other time
–for those who live in first -tier city ;face the traffic jam during rush hour
Notice others ; sent a message to them

Had an agreement that – its a common sense for us to arrive at the meeting on time ; if there is personal emergency we should notice others immediately

Check our Timetable in order to finish everything on time ( ahead of time )

Within walking distance – in the same community ; home is near to me ; we just located in 5 blocks
Disappointed – unsatisfied – freak out - confused –

11.Describe a new development in the area where you live (e.g. shopping mall, park…)
In the past --argued that they could not find a suitable studio to exercise ; gym --unaffordable -
Nowadays gov has allocated fundings into public facilities ; constructions – park – mall –
Multiple choices - -swimming shed - free –
He didnt win the Prize by accident。
Group game
1.Expand my social circles
3.Express myself
Culture shock – reasonable – 1. excited 2. rejected- homesick - 3. adjust- meet new friends ;

Mansion --big house – specious - it has 300 squaremeters – it includes a indoor swimming pool





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