From《Expert C Programming》01

1、Macrouse is best confined to naming literal constants, and providing shorthand for afew well-chosen 
constructs. Define the macro name all in capitals so that, in use, it'sinstantly clear it's not a function 

call. Shun any useof the C preprocessor that modifies the underlying language so that it's nolonger C. 


2、①test one :

      foo(const char *p) { } 
      main(int argc, char *argv) 

②test two :

      foo(const char **p) { } 
      main(int argc, char **argv) 



test one is OK;

test two warning: argument is incompatible withprototype 


argument passingis supposed to behave like assignment. 
Thus, a diagnostic message must be produced unless an object of type const char**may be 
assigned a value of type char **.To find out whether this assignment is legal,flip to the section 
on simple assignment, Section, which includes the followingconstraint: 
One of the following shall hold:… 
•  Both operands are pointers to qualified or unqualified versions ofcompatible types, and the 
type pointed to by the left has all the qualifiers of the type pointed to bythe right. 
It is this condition that makes a call with a char *argument corresponding to aconst char *
parameter legal (as seen throughout the string routines in the C library). Thisis legal because in the 
char * cp; 
const char *ccp; 
ccp = cp; 
•  The left operand is a pointer to "char qualified byconst". 
•  The right operand is a pointer to "char" unqualified. 
•  The type charis a compatible type with char, and the type pointed to bythe left operand 
has all the qualifiers of the type pointed to bythe right operand (none), plusone of its own 
Note that the assignment cannot be made the other way around. Try it if youdon't believe me. 
cp = ccp; /* results in a compilation warning */ 
Does Section also make a call with a char **argument corresponding toa const 
char **parameter legal? It does not. 
The Examples portion of Section states: 
The type designated "const float *" is not a qualified type—its typeis "pointer to const-qualified float" 
and is a pointer to a qualified type. 
Analogously, const char **denotes a pointer to an unqualified type. Its type isa pointer to a 
pointer to a qualified type. 
Since the types char **and const char **are both pointers to unqualified typesthat are 
not the same type, they are not compatible types.Therefore, a call with anargument of type char 
**corresponding to a parameter of type const char **is not allowed. Therefore,the 
constraint given in Section is violated, and a diagnostic message mustbe produced. 
This is a subtle point to grasp. Another way of looking at it is to notethat: 
•  the left operand has type FOO2—a pointer to FOO, where FOO is anunqualified pointer to a 
character qualified by the const qualifier, and 
•  the right operand has type BAZ2—a pointer to BAZ, where BAZ is anunqualified pointer to 
a character with no qualifiers. 
FOO and BAZ are compatible types, but FOO2 and BAZ2 differ other than inqualifica-tion of the 
thing immediatelypointed to and are therefore not compatible types; thereforethe left and right 
operands are unqualified pointers to types that are not compatible.Compatibility of pointer types is 
not transitive. Therefore, the assignment or function call is notpermitted.However, note that the 
restriction serves mainly to annoy and confuse users. The assignment iscurrently allowed in C++ 
translators based on cfront (though that might change). 

3、Advice on Unsigned Types
Avoid unnecessary complexity by minimizing your use of unsigned types.Specifically, 
don't use an unsigned type to represent a quantity just because it will neverbe negative 
(e.g., "age" or "national_debt"). 
Use a signed type like intand you won't have to worry about boundary cases inthe 
detailed rules for promoting mixed types. 
Only use unsigned types for bitfields or binary masks. Use casts inexpressions, to make all 
the operands signed or unsigned, so the compiler does not have to choose theresult type. 

4、Need Some Temporary Store? Be the First onYour Block!


5、Our preference is not to mix a structdeclaration with definitions of variables. We prefer 
struct veg { int weight, price_per_lb; }; 
struct veg onion, radish, turnip; 
struct veg { int weight, price_per_lb; } onion, radish, turnip; 
Sure, the second version saves you typing a few characters of code, but weshould be much more 
concerned with how easy the code is to read, not towrite. We write code once,but it is read many 
times during subsequent program maintenance. It's just a little simpler to reada line that only does one 
thing. For this reason, variable declarations should be separate from the typedeclaration. 






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