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转载 Interactivity--D3

1. event listener: on ("event_name", behavior);commonly, you will want to bind event listeners to more than one element at a time, such as to all of the visual elements in your visualization. Fo

2015-04-30 12:10:40 565

转载 Transition: D3 Introduction to interactive data visualization for the web

Dynamic Data1. Ordinal Scalesvar xScale = d3.scale.ordinal()                     // used for ordinal data, typically categories with some inherent order to them.domain(d3.range(dataset

2015-04-29 21:25:46 519

转载 Axes--D3 Interactive Data Visualization for the web

D3's axes are actually functions whose parameters you define. when an axis function is called, it doesn't return a value like scale, but generate the visual elements of the axis, including lines

2015-04-29 15:53:23 681

转载 Linear Scales-D3: Interactive visualization for the web

Scales are functions that map from an input domain to an output range1. quantitative scales : continuous domain    ordinal scales: discrete domain, such as a set of names or categories

2015-04-29 14:09:31 705

转载 Drawing with Data-D3

1. attr() vs. style()attr() sets DOM attribute values, while style() applies CSS styles directly to an element. 2. Recommend using classes for properties that are shared by mulitiple elements,

2015-04-28 21:44:08 600

转载 fundamental of D3: Bind Data and element Selection

1. D3 facilitates generation and manipulation of web documents with data. It does this by1) Loading Data in to the browser's memory2) Binding data to elements within the document, creating

2015-04-28 18:14:37 470

转载 interactive graphics with D3: HTML, CSS, Javascript

1. web server: internet-connected computers running server software, so called because they serve web documents as requested. 2. local: web developers run on the same computer you are working on

2015-04-26 10:44:31 440

转载 dplyr: R Language to dplyr1. functionsfilter() and slice()arrange()select() and rename()distinct()mutate() and transmute()

2015-04-24 15:48:25 1106

原创 ggplot: ddply(plyr)

1. ddply(.data, .variable,.fun,...).data: is the data to break up.variable: the grouping variable used to break up the dataset..fun: summary function you want to use to each group. return a

2015-04-18 14:56:38 1134

原创 ggplot: theme capability

Non data elements of the plot is controlled by theme system.theme give you control over things like fonts in all parts of the plot: title, axis labels, axis tick labels, strips ,legends labels

2015-04-18 12:15:03 429

原创 GGplot in R: Positioning--faceting and coordinate system

1. faceting: automatically laying out multiple plots on a page. Split data into subsets, then plots each subset into a different panel on the page. 2. Coordinate system: Control how the two indepe

2015-04-18 11:12:50 591

原创 ggplot: scales, axes, and legends

From ggplot2 Elegent graphics for data analysis(use R)1. scales control the mapping from data to aesthetics(size, shape, color, position)    it also provide axes and legends(collectively known

2015-04-16 11:10:07 871

原创 ggplot in R

1. create a plot object: p= ggplot(diamonds,aes(carat,price,color=cut))dataset / mappings :aes()2. add a layer:a minimal layer is to specify a geom.e.g. p=p+layer(geom="point)p+geo

2015-04-14 13:28:33 729

原创 Grammar under the ggplot

1. Mapping aesthetics to datae.g. scatterplot: each point has a size, a color, and a shape. these attributes are called aesthetics, each aesthetic can be mapped to a varibale or set to a constant

2015-04-14 10:01:20 349

原创 Terminology in ggplot

1. data: The data you want to visualise2. aesthetic mappings: describing how activities in the data are mapped to aesthetic attributes3. geometric(geom for short): represent what you actually see

2015-04-14 09:01:01 509

转载 Charlie Munger Daily Journal 2015 Meeting [FULL NOTES]

http://www.valuewalk.com/2015/04/charlie-munger-daily-journal-2015-meeting-notes/4/点击打开链接By Aznaur MidovCharlie Munger started the meeting with his introduction of the board of direc

2015-04-03 22:34:13 1592




an introduction to bootstrap

an introduction to bootstrap



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