CA Exercise 2 – Baking Information System

Data Structures and Algorithms 1 (2023)
CA Exercise 2 – Baking Information System
The objective of this CA exercise is to create an application for storing and retrieving information on
baked goods (e.g. cakes, breads, biscuits, etc.) and the ingredients/components (e.g. flour, eggs, sugar,
etc.) that comprise them. The application should include both hashing and sorting functionality, and
provide a graphical user interface.
The application should allow/support the following:
 The addition of new baked goods to the system. These might be cakes, breads, biscuits, tarts,
pies, etc.
o Baked good name, place/country of origin, textual description, and an image/picture of
the completed baked good (as a URL) are among key data to store.
 The addition of new baking ingredients/components to the system. Examples are flour, eggs,
milk, chocolate, sugar, alcoholic spirits, fruits, nuts, etc. Anything that could be used to make a
baked good could be added as an ingredient/component.
o Name, textual description, and calories (as kcal per 100g/ml) are among key data to
 Ability to create recipes for baked goods that associate ingredients/components with the baked
goods they feature in, and the quantities (in grams or millilitres as appropriate) to use therein.
Note that a given ingredient could be used in various baked goods but in different
 Ability to edit/update/delete baked goods, recipes, and ingredients.
 Ability to search for baked goods (including recipes) and ingredients using some
parameters/options. The search might be: by name, by description keyword, etc. The key thing
is that a search facility is provided with some (minimum of 2) search options.
 Listings of search results (for both baked goods and ingredients) should be appropriately sorted
depending on the chosen search parameters/options. The sorting could be (1) alphabetical by
name or (2) by calories.
o Note that calories would have to be calculated for a baked good comprising various
ingredients of varying quantities and calories e.g. using 50g of dark chocolate when dark
chocolate has 500kcal per 100g => 250kcal is added to the total calories for the baked
good (and so on for all other ingredients in the baked good to arrive at the final calories
o Other sorting options/parameters can also be provided, but alphabetical and calories
sorting are the key ones to implement.
 The system should support some level of interactive “drill down” for additional detail or
o For instance, searching for baked goods containing chocolate should provide a list of any
chocolate-containing baked good. One baked good in the list could then be clicked on to
see more information specifically on that baked good; that detail could include a list of
ingredients in the baked good; clicking on any ingredient opens up details on the
ingredient, including a list of all baked good containing that ingredient; and so on.
 The system should support some form of persistence whereby the internal data is saved to a file
on exit, and reloaded for use on the next execution. You could use e.g. binary files, XML files,
plain text files, or anything else that provides an image/snapshot of all internal data.
o There is no need to look to databases or anything like that. A single snapshot/image file
is fine for our purposes.
 This is a team CA exercise. Students should find/choose their own partners.
 You will have to demonstrate this CA exercise in the lab sessions and you will be interviewed
individually on various aspects of it. You are expected to be able to answer all questions on all
code individually (so make sure that you understand all code, including the parts that your
teammate wrote).
 This CA exercise is worth 35% of your overall module mark.
 As with CA Exercise 1, you cannot use any existing Java collections or data structures classes (e.g.
ArrayList, LinkedList, or any other class that implements the Collection interface or any of its
children – if in doubt, ask me!). You essentially have to implement the required data structures
and algorithms from scratch and from first principles (in line with the module learning
o You are free to reuse any of your generic code from CA Exercise 1.
o You can use a regular array for your hash table(s) only.
 You also cannot use any sorting or searching methods provided by Java in e.g. the Arrays or
Collections class (or any third party library equivalents). You should implement any searching
and sorting routines from scratch. Again, this is a learning exercise, and in line with the module
learning outcomes.
o Note that you cannot use a bubble sort either (as this is the full example provided in the
course notes, and I don’t want you to just copy-paste that). Use any other sorting
algorithm except a regular bubble sort for this reason.
 You have to use hashing as part of the project to avoid (excessive) linear/sequential searching.
For instance, a custom hash function should be used for retrieving details on a specific baked
good or ingredient when searching. Again, you have to provide your own implementation of
You have to provide a graphical user interface for the system. Exactly what your interface looks
like, though, is up to you.
o You can choose to implement a command line interface if you wish.
 Remember that the key point of this CA exercise is to demonstrate knowledge and proficiency
with hashing and sorting in particular. Keep this in mind!
Indicative Marking Scheme
 Appropriate custom ADTs for baked goods, ingredients, etc. = 10%
 Create/add facilities (baked goods, recipes and ingredients) = 10%
 Edit/update/delete facilities (baked goods, recipes and ingredients) = 10%
 Search and listing facilities (multiple search options; baked goods and ingredients) = 15%
 Sorting of search results/listings (alphabetical and total calories; baked goods and ingredients) =
 Hashing for individual search/lookup (baked goods and ingredients) = 10%
 Persistence facility (saving and loading data) = 10%
 graphical user interface = 10%
 JUnit testing (minimum of 6-8 useful unit tests) = 5%
 General (commenting, style, logical approach, completeness, etc.) = 10%

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The following is the data that you can add to your input file (as an example). Notice that the first line is going to be a line representing your own hobbies. In my case, it is the Vitaly,table tennis,chess,hacking line. Your goal is to create a class called Student. Every Student will contain a name (String) and an ArrayList<String> storing hobbies. Then, you will add all those students from the file into an ArrayList<Student>, with each Student having a separate name and ArrayList of hobbies. Here is an example file containing students (the first line will always represent yourself). NOTE: eventually, we will have a different file containing all our real names and hobbies so that we could find out with how many people each of us share the same hobby. Vitaly,table tennis,chess,hacking Sean,cooking,guitar,rainbow six Nolan,gym,piano,reading,video games Jack,cooking,swimming,music Ray,piano,video games,volleyball Emily,crochet,drawing,gardening,tuba,violin Hudson,anime,video games,trumpet Matt,piano,Reading,video games,traveling Alex,swimming,video games,saxophone Roman,piano,dancing,art Teddy,chess,lifting,swimming Sarah,baking,reading,singing,theatre Maya,violin,knitting,reading,billiards Amy,art,gaming,guitar,table tennis Daniel,video games,tennis,soccer,biking,trumpet Derek,cooking,flute,gaming,swimming,table tennis Daisey,video games,guitar,cleaning,drawing,animated shows,reading,shopping Lily,flute,ocarina,video games,baking Stella,roller skating,sudoku,watching baseball,harp Sophie,viola,ukulele,piano,video games Step 2. Sort the student list in the ascending order of student names and print them all on the screen After reading the file and storing the data in an ArrayList<Student>, your program should sort the ArrayList<Student> in alphabetical order based on their names and then print the students' data (please see an example below). As you can see, here is the list of all students printed in alphabetical order based on their names and hobbies. You are not going to have yourself printed in this list (as you can see, this list does not have Vitaly). Alex: [swimming, video games, saxophone] Amy: [art, gaming, guitar] Daisey: [video games, guitar, cleaning, drawing, animated shows, reading, shopping] Daniel: [video games, tennis, soccer, biking, trumpet] Derek: [cooking, flute, gaming, swimming] Emily: [crochet, drawing, gardening, tuba, violin] Hudson: [anime, video games, trumpet] Jack: [cooking, swimming, music] Lily: [flute, ocarina, video games, baking] Matt: [piano, Reading, video games, traveling] Maya: [violin, knitting, reading, billiards] Nolan: [gym, piano, reading, video games] Ray: [piano, video games, volleyball] Roman: [piano, dancing, art] Sarah: [baking, reading, singing, theatre] Sean: [cooking, guitar, rainbow six] Sophie: [viola, ukulele, piano, video games] Stella: [roller skating, sudoku, watching baseball, harp] Teddy: [chess, lifting, swimming] Step 3. Find all students who share the same hobby with you and print them all on the screen Finally, your program should print the information related to the students who share the same hobby as you. In my case, it would be the following based on the above-mentioned file. There are 0 students sharing the same hobby called "hacking" with me. There are 1 students (Teddy) sharing the same hobby called "chess" with me. There are 2 students (Amy, Derek) sharing the same hobby called "table tennis" with me.
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