when we install the oracle db, and have already create a db successfully, then we will want use the PL/SQL Developer to connect the DB, and do the operations that we wont. but there are some genereal problems when we do this, so , i list the problems, and want to help the other people, that's enough.
1. the ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
to this problem, below will be the reason about this:
1.1 when we do below and success.
1.2 when we logon in the sqlplus windows is ok
1.3 when the tnsnames.ora and the listener.ora is all ok.
then, the below reason we will be considered:
that is the environment's parameter will be wrong, lead to the PL/SQL Developer couldn't found the config file(xx.ora), we will be do this:
the parameter name is : TNS_ADMIN
the parameter value is : D:\app\qiankun\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\NETWORK\ADMINTWORK\ADMIN (such as mine)
the other method is :
1. the first we do the tnsping xxx, and found which oranames.ora file that we used, the also the specifed local dir.
2. then we will edit the specifed ora file