Biometric Passport (MRTD) reading test with my own passport (BAC)


Studied the ICAO spec, tested Biometric Passport (MRTD) reading with my own passport. Successfully did the BAC (Basic Access Control) authentication to my passport and read out the basic passport information, including: EF_COM (1E), EF_DG1, EF_DG2 (Face) information. Analyzed the detail.

Reader and Passport

Tested with below Omnikey 5321v2 reader.

My own passport, can see the Antenna and chip clearly under the flashlight.

MRZ-based Basic Access Control Authentication

Refer to ICAO doc 9303 part 1 volume 2, Terminal and Passport will do mutual authentication, below are real data,

Select AID:


Generate an 8 byte random and a 16 byte random RND.IFD from terminal:


Mutual authentication has below two APDU commands,


Mutual authentication - Terminal to card

Hash Input   : E5648030E680061232006246
MRZHash (Sha 1):       561754EE47DA4256C15FE4F40A17639CB75F4C26
First 16 bytes: 561754EE47DA4256C15FE4F40A17639C + 00000001 = 561754EE47DA4256C15FE4F40A17639C00000001 
Result for sha1:  eb0f20e35df29c76ecd3ef574bc74a1d4781ee46
ValueofKey Kenc:    EB0F20E35DF29C76ECD3EF574BC74A1D

Hash Input   : E5648030E680061232006246
MRZ Hash     : 56 17 54 EE 47 DA 42 56 C1 5F E4 F4 0A 17 63 9C B7 5F 4C 26
First 16 bytes: 561754EE47DA4256C15FE4F40A17639C + 00000002 = 561754EE47DA4256C15FE4F40A17639C00000002
Value of Key Kmac : 6D C3 7B 57 1C 8E 53 DD 1B EA B6 E7 CB 41 85 EC

Plain Block  : 7F 37 6D 71 35 60 3F EB 9E 23 1A F7 C3 A1 91 AD 57 3B C4 51 80 D9 58 6A A9 A7 A8 5B 55 E8 35 8A
RND.IFD + RND.ICC + KIFD = 7F376D7135603FEB + 9E231AF7C3A191AD + 573BC45180D9586AA9A7A85B55E8358A
KIFD = 573BC45180D9586AA9A7A85B55E8358A
Encytpted by Kenc (EB0F20E35DF29C76ECD3EF574BC74A1D) 3DES-CBC the result is: DC1DF138CD8D0492DA04458328C965A00AF47808D9E9C04515DEB2E93AF96AA4

Cryptogram   : DC 1D F1 38 CD 8D 04 92 DA 04 45 83 28 C9 65 A0 0A F4 78 08 D9 E9 C0 45 15 DE B2 E9 3A F9 6A A4
SSC = C3 A1 91 AD 35 60 3F EB

DC1DF138CD8D0492DA04458328C965A00AF47808D9E9C04515DEB2E93AF96AA4 calculate MAC by Kmac (6DC37B571C8E53DD1BEAB6E7CB4185EC)
Initial IV: 0000000000000000,  no padding, ISO 9797 Algorithm 3 (Card IDE MAC button), the result is: B15E3AB4A224E893

MAC          : B1 5E 3A B4 A2 24 E8 93

Sending commands to card: 0082000028DC1DF138CD8D0492DA04458328C965A00AF47808D9E9C04515DEB2E93AF96AA4B15E3AB4A224E893

Mutual authentication - Card response to terminal.

Calculate the respongse from card,
3983270AADE2C6841E358D626CF6757135AFF376548C250D954F4BF07E2D6430 81F964E0E9BE660D
3983270AADE2C6841E358D626CF6757135AFF376548C250D954F4BF07E2D6430 calculate MAC by Kmac (6DC37B571C8E53DD1BEAB6E7CB4185EC)
Initial IV: 0000000000000000,  no padding, ISO 9797 Algorithm 3 (Card IDE MAC button), the result is: 81F964E0E9BE660D

3983270AADE2C6841E358D626CF6757135AFF376548C250D954F4BF07E2D6430 decrypt by Kenc (EB0F20E35DF29C76ECD3EF574BC74A1D) 3DES-CBC the result is: 

9E231AF7C3A191AD7F376D7135603FEBA6E76A1CE30595F1AFA5B3ADE80E54FF = 
9E231AF7C3A191AD + 7F376D7135603FEB + A6E76A1CE30595F1AFA5B3ADE80E54FF

Kenc         : A9 A5 38 46 BB AD 5D 9F DF E2 5B 58 16 DE 05 AD
Kmac         : BA 0C 8B 9F A6 41 87 67 1A 0A 1D B8 CD CD 65 AA

KIFD = 573BC45180D9586AA9A7A85B55E8358A
KIFD XOR KICC = f1dcae4d63dccd9b06021bf6bde66175

f1dcae4d63dccd9b06021bf6bde6617500000001 Sha 1 =  	a9a53846bbad5d9fdfe25b5816de05adfbca9a8a
f1dcae4d63dccd9b06021bf6bde6617500000002 sha 1 =    ba0c8b9fa64187671a0a1db8cdcd65aa957dcb19

Kenc = a9a53846bbad5d9fdfe25b5816de05ad
Kmac = ba0c8b9fa64187671a0a1db8cdcd65aa
SSC =  C3A191AD35603FEB

SSC = Send Sequence Counter
RND.IFD = 7F376D7135603FEB
RND.ICC = 9E231AF7C3A191AD
SSC = RND.ICC ( 4 least significant bytes) || RND.IFD ( 4 least significant bytes)
Here SSC = C3A191AD35603FEB.
SSC will increase by 1 after each command.

Secure Messaging

Refer to ICAO doc 9303 part 1 volume 2, the communication between terminal and passport went through the secure channel, encrypted by Kenc and MAC authenticated by Kmac. Read out the basic passport information, including: EF_COM (1E), EF_DG1, EF_DG2 (Face) information. Analyzed the detail.

Reading EF_COM (1E)...

Command header: 0CB09E0080000000
Build DO'97' DO97 =9701040CB09E0080000000970104
SSC =  C3A191AD35603FEB
Increment SSC with 1:
SSC =  C3A191AD35603FEC

Concatenate SSC and M and add padding:
Calculate MAC ISO 9797 Algorithm 3,

Build DO8E’: DO8E =8E084DB9C9B0CCCB06C7’

Construct and send protected APDU:
0CB09E00XX + 970104 + 8E084DB9C9B0CCCB06C7 = 0CB09E000D9701048E084DB9C9B0CCCB06C7

Receive response APDU of MRTD’s chip: 87090185481C85605B066F990290008E085BA9A1FA2EC524D39000

Verify RAPDU CC by computing MAC of concatenation DO87’ and DO99:

Increment SSC with 1:
SSC =  C3A191AD35603FED

Concatenate SSC, DO87’ and DO99’ and add padding:

C3A191AD35603FED + 87090185481C85605B066F99029000 = C3A191AD35603FED87090185481C85605B066F99029000

Compute: MAC with Kmac

C3A191AD35603FED87090185481C85605B066F99029000 use Kmac = ba0c8b9fa64187671a0a1db8cdcd65aa, ISO 9797 algorithm 3 padding 8000.., the result is: 5BA9A1FA2EC524D3

It is matching 8E085BA9A1FA2EC524D3

Decrypt data of DO87with Kenc(a9a53846bbad5d9fdfe25b5816de05ad)
Result as below:

Determin the length of the structure: 0x16 + 2 = 24 = 0x18




Encrypted: 5B2D2273260E61D993E401BAE9B8500F135AEEE745E6EC2DBF24797D8ADFF3E3C6D1A30731C463528A42E96EBE329BD779B6A31AFB18DCC67924FFC0D0786D7E532C0E0C36A631877AD6D4FE4C5C80FF97757E4219FE0AA20A2E26564CB40981

Command header: 0CB09E0080000000
Build DO'97' DO97 =9701180CB0000080000000970118
SSC =  C3A191AD35603FED
Increment SSC with 1:
SSC =  C3A191AD35603FEE

Concatenate SSC and M and add padding:    Kmac = ba0c8b9fa64187671a0a1db8cdcd65aa
Calculate MAC ISO 9797 Algorithm 3,
MAC CC = 47239CEA4C98F032

Build DO8E’: DO8E =8E0847239CEA4C98F032’

Construct and send protected APDU:
0CB00000XX + 970118 + 8E0847239CEA4C98F032 = 0CB000000D9701188E0847239CEA4C98F032

Receive response APDU of MRTD’s chip: 872101A1991A4B6DFB8E662F95A7AFFB67ADF4D96B22094862365AA282E280243B1A8A990290008E082D40C635C29A208B9000

Verify RAPDU CC by computing MAC of concatenation DO87’ and DO99:

Increment SSC with 1:
SSC =  C3A191AD35603FEF

Concatenate SSC, DO87’ and DO99’ and add padding:

C3A191AD35603FEF + 872101A1991A4B6DFB8E662F95A7AFFB67ADF4D96B22094862365AA282E280243B1A8A99029000 = 

Compute: MAC with Kmac

C3A191AD35603FEF872101A1991A4B6DFB8E662F95A7AFFB67ADF4D96B22094862365AA282E280243B1A8A99029000 use Kmac = ba0c8b9fa64187671a0a1db8cdcd65aa, ISO 9797 algorithm 3 padding 8000.., the result is: 2D40C635C29A208B

It is matching 8E082D40C635C29A208B

Decrypt data of DO87with Kenc(a9a53846bbad5d9fdfe25b5816de05ad)
Result as below:



Increment SSC with 1:
SSC =  C3A191AD35603FF0
SSC =  C3A191AD35603FF1


Increment SSC with 1:
SSC =  C3A191AD35603FF2
SSC =  C3A191AD35603FF3


Increment SSC with 1:

SSC =  C3A191AD35603FF4
SSC =  C3A191AD35603FF5

M =0CB0820080000000970104’

Concatenate SSC and M and add padding:

C3A191AD35603FF4 + 0CB0820080000000970104 = C3A191AD35603FF40CB0820080000000970104 

use Kmac = ba0c8b9fa64187671a0a1db8cdcd65aa, ISO 9797 algorithm 3 padding 8000.., the result is: 43E75A396B61B15B

C3A191AD35603FF5 + 870901CC079A7C64695A6099029000


Decrypt data of DO87with Kenc(a9a53846bbad5d9fdfe25b5816de05ad)
Decrypted: 758230F480000000

Increment SSC with 1:
SSC =  C3A191AD35603FF6
SSC =  C3A191AD35603FF7

M =0CB00000800000009701DF’

Concatenate SSC and M and add padding:

C3A191AD35603FF6 + 0CB00000800000009701DF8000000000 = C3A191AD35603FF60CB00000800000009701DF8000000000 

use Kmac = ba0c8b9fa64187671a0a1db8cdcd65aa, ISO 9797 algorithm 3 padding 8000.., the result is: 6297989870DB71B2

Concatenate SSC, DO87’ and DO99’ and add padding:

C3A191AD35603FF7 + 8781E10172A4814D10CE3967348DCF7611B2BDB43303C33DF1F047527A96D83852E2A58DCA582B09B506D3A6B47F51029081D50B5A5892B1D731DC1F230F79FF4F0361B2FED69D67784196E1E8ACF3176D1C76D6818B822734B3360657C4ABE2276BF4991F329FA14D5798F67E7978BFE845FD34C9DD410042C5A6E79F74CA6CCB4B51869542251CEDD22483D8F8BFCDEFB55F530692BD4502D825653A46F1C517D2DF882B5AEC890DCCC9470971E6F1A125F0FCECDF97A9105339D6841A49964D70378FA02A522AEA2AD4025AA5E3CF681B75395DECECF7217D91BE3687E1EE70B486EA99029000

here need to pad 8000000000000000 as below


use Kmac = ba0c8b9fa64187671a0a1db8cdcd65aa, ISO 9797 algorithm 3 padding 8000.., the result is: 49AB27C48C7E639A


Decrypted as:    Decrypt data of DO87with Kenc(a9a53846bbad5d9fdfe25b5816de05ad)

Increment SSC with 1:
SSC =  C3A191AD35603FF8
SSC =  C3A191AD35603FF9

M =0CB00000800000009701DF’

Concatenate SSC and M and add padding:

C3A191AD35603FF8 + 0CB000DF800000009701DF8000000000 = C3A191AD35603FF80CB000DF800000009701DF8000000000 

use Kmac = ba0c8b9fa64187671a0a1db8cdcd65aa, ISO 9797 algorithm 3 padding 8000.., the result is: ACB1BCA310AB9749

C3A191AD35603FF9 + 8781E101A800E2FF06DC941C5D0CDD4C92B7A8883DE3FCF197072C90639660984D624F2146361FC15762C3DD986185AB42153CA5B7D4ED38767DBF7DF215D67B36CBCB4CF43EA44C3C09C2A68BAE04AC6DA90F6660E93729C920908AECAA72397869CAB7423CEF3DC6F62FE706CCBEE703A80998B599A887ACDF2404AB1E71A9488D54E392232AB1B17578ACC6572494B9725897B35AE4B6DAE29DD61CDE16FE895AA920EFC0BF7747E697D81CFDCB2645D2BA39A0A7821B7E00D5B9E3E3F105F9A92DB374760D4E6B89AF84427702530B6FF6209FAF6CCDBFAFD16AD47B3EF6EC87478099029000
here need to pad 8000000000000000 as below

MAC result is as: 060D0A8A5145227D


Test with dumpmrtd.js

Refer to Open SmartCard Biometric Passport (MRTD) with Logical Data Structure (LDS), it’s easy to use the js script dumpmrtd.js to readout passport detail information.

 * Read file from passport and save to disk
function handleFile(secureChannel, lds, name, fid) {
	print("Reading " + name + " (" + fid + ")...");
	// Select file
	var ef = new CardFile(lds, ":" + fid);

	if (secureChannel) {	
		// Set secure channel as credential for read access
		ef.setCredential(CardFile.READ, Card.ALL, secureChannel);
	// Read first 4 bytes of file
	var res = ef.readBinary(0, 4);
	print("Reading 1st 4 bytes: "  + res);
	// Determine file length from TLV header
	var len = lengthFromHeader(res);
	print("Length is: "  + len);
	// Read complete file
	var res = ef.readBinary(0, len);
	writeFileOnDisk(name + ".bin", res);
	return res;

The result is as below,

Trying BAC with MRZ2=E5648030E6SGP8006123M2006246S8063099I<<<<<92
Hash Input   : E5648030E680061232006246
MRZ Hash     : 56 17 54 EE 47 DA 42 56 C1 5F E4 F4 0A 17 63 9C B7 5F 4C 26
Value of Key : EB 0F 20 E3 5D F2 9C 76 EC D3 EF 57 4B C7 4A 1D
Hash Input   : E5648030E680061232006246
MRZ Hash     : 56 17 54 EE 47 DA 42 56 C1 5F E4 F4 0A 17 63 9C B7 5F 4C 26
Value of Key : 6D C3 7B 57 1C 8E 53 DD 1B EA B6 E7 CB 41 85 EC
Performing mutual authentication
Plain Block  : 7F 37 6D 71 35 60 3F EB 9E 23 1A F7 C3 A1 91 AD 57 3B C4 51 80 D9 58 6A A9 A7 A8 5B 55 E8 35 8A
Cryptogram   : DC 1D F1 38 CD 8D 04 92 DA 04 45 83 28 C9 65 A0 0A F4 78 08 D9 E9 C0 45 15 DE B2 E9 3A F9 6A A4
MAC          : B1 5E 3A B4 A2 24 E8 93
Response     : 39 83 27 0A AD E2 C6 84 1E 35 8D 62 6C F6 75 71 35 AF F3 76 54 8C 25 0D 95 4F 4B F0 7E 2D 64 30 81 F9 64 E0 E9 BE 66 0D
Plain Block  : 9E 23 1A F7 C3 A1 91 AD 7F 37 6D 71 35 60 3F EB A6 E7 6A 1C E3 05 95 F1 AF A5 B3 AD E8 0E 54 FF
Kenc         : A9 A5 38 46 BB AD 5D 9F DF E2 5B 58 16 DE 05 AD
Kmac         : BA 0C 8B 9F A6 41 87 67 1A 0A 1D B8 CD CD 65 AA
SSC          : C3 A1 91 AD 35 60 3F EB
Reading EF_COM (1E)...
0000  60 16 5F 01 04 30 31 30 37 5F 36 06 30 34 30 30  `._..0107_6.0400
0010  30 30 5C 04 61 75 63 6D                          00\.aucm

Writing E:\Tools\JavaCard\scsh_workspace\EF_COM.bin
Reading EF_DG1 (01)...
0000  61 5B 5F 1F 58 50 41 53 47 50 58 49 4F 4E 47 3C  a[_.XPASGPXIONG<
0010  3C 48 55 49 4C 49 4E 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C  <HUILIN<<<<<<<<<
0020  3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0030  3C 45 35 36 34 38 30 33 30 45 36 53 47 50 38 30  <E5648030E6SGP80
0040  30 36 31 32 33 4D 32 30 30 36 32 34 36 53 38 30  06123M2006246S80
0050  36 33 30 39 39 49 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 39 32           63099I<<<<<92

Check digit

There will be check digit calculation, for example:
Date of birth = 690806, check digit = 1

Refer to Wiki Machine-readable_passport, there is check digit description as below:
The check digit calculation is as follows: each position is assigned a value; for the digits 0 to 9 this is the value of the digits, for the letters A to Z this is 10 to 35, for the filler < this is 0. The value of each position is then multiplied by its weight; the weight of the first position is 7, of the second it is 3, and of the third it is 1, and after that the weights repeat 7, 3, 1, and so on. All values are added together and the remainder of the final value divided by 10 is the check digit.

Reading passport using PassportReader

Using another software PassportReader has the same result as below,


Open SmartCard Biometric Passport (MRTD) with Logical Data Structure (LDS)
Javacardos JMRTD
Wiki Machine-readable_passport
Calculate the SHA 1 online
Calculate XOR online
JMRTD: Machine Readable Travel Documents ICAO ePassport API and application SourceForge
Github JMRTD
ICAO doc 9303 part 1 volume 2

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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


