Remote Desktop Protocol - wikipedia


Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft, which provides a user with a graphical interface to another computer. The protocol is an extension of the ITU-T T.128 application sharing protocol.[1] Clients exist for most versions of Microsoft Windows (including Windows Mobile), LinuxUnixMac OS XAndroid, and other modernoperating systems. By default the server listens on TCP port 3389.[2]

Microsoft currently refers to their official RDP server software as Remote Desktop Services, formerly "Terminal Services". Their official client software is currently referred to as Remote Desktop Connection, formerly "Terminal Services Client".




Every Windows version beginning with Windows XP (excluding 'Home' edition) includes an installed Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) ("Terminal Services") client (mstsc.exe) whose version is determined by that of the operating system or last applied Windows Service Pack. The Terminal Services server is supported as an official feature on Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server Edition, Windows 2000 Server, all editions of Windows XP except Windows XP Home Edition, Windows Server 2003Windows Home Server, on Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs, in Windows Vista Ultimate, Enterprise and Business editions, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 and on Windows 7 Professional and above.[citation needed]

Microsoft provides the client required for connecting to newer RDP versions for downlevel operating systems. Since the server improvements are not available downlevel, the features introduced with each newer RDP version only work on downlevel operating systems when connecting to a higher version RDP server from these older operating systems, and not when using the RDP server in the older operating system.

[edit]Version 4.0

Based on the ITU-T T.128 application sharing protocol (during draft also known as "T.share") from the T.120 recommendation series, the first version of RDP (named version 4.0) was introduced by Microsoft with "Terminal Services", as a part of their product Windows NT 4.0 Server, Terminal Server Edition. The Terminal Services Edition of NT 4.0 relied on Citrix's MultiWin technology, previously provided as a part of Citrix WinFrame atop Windows NT 3.51, in order to support multiple users and login sessions simultaneously. Microsoft required Citrix to license their MultiWin technology to Microsoft in order to be allowed to continue offering their own terminal services product, then named Citrix MetaFrame, atop Windows NT 4.0. The Citrix provided DLLs included in Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Services Edition still carry a Citrix copyright rather than a Microsoft copyright. Later versions of Windows integrated the necessary support directly.

[edit]Version 5.0

introduced with Windows 2000 Server, added support for a number of features, including printing to local printers, and aimed to improve network bandwidth usage.

[edit]Version 5.1

introduced with Windows XP Professional, included support for 24-bit color and sound. The client is available for Windows 2000Windows 9xWindows NT 4.0.[3] With this version, the name of the client was changed from Terminal Services Client to Remote Desktop Connection.

[edit]Version 5.2

introduced with Windows Server 2003, included support for console mode connections, a session directory, and local resource mapping. It also introduces Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0 for server authentication, and to encrypt terminal server communications.[4] This version is built into Windows XP Professional x64 Edition and Windows Server 2003 x64 & x86 Editions.

[edit]Version 6.0

was introduced with Windows Vista and incorporated support for Windows Presentation Foundation applications, Network Level Authentication, multi-monitor spanning and large desktop support, and support for TLS 1.0 connections. [5] Version 6.0 client is available for Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2003 SP1/SP2 (x86 and x64 editions) and Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Client for Mac OS X is also available with support for Intel and PowerPC Mac OS versions 10.4.9 and greater.

[edit]Version 6.1

was released in February 2008 and is included with Windows Server 2008, as well as with Windows Vista Service Pack 1. The client is included with Windows XP Service Pack 3. It is also installable through KB952155 for Windows XP SP2.[6] In addition to changes related to how a remote administrator connects to the "console",[7] this version incorporates new functionality introduced in Windows Server 2008, such as connecting remotely to individual programs and a new Terminal Services Easy Print driver, a new client-side printer redirection system that makes the client's full print capabilities available to applications running on the server, without having to install print drivers on the server.[8]

[edit]Version 7.0

was released to manufacturing in July 2009 and is included with Windows Server 2008 R2, as well as with Windows 7.[9] With this release, the server name was also changed fromTerminal Services to Remote Desktop Services. This version incorporates new functionality such as Windows Media Player redirection, bidirectional audio, true multimonitor support, Aero glass support, enhanced bitmap acceleration (which improves user experience over high latency network connections), Easy Print redirection,[10] Language Bar docking. The RDP 7.0 client is available on Windows XP SP3 and Windows Vista SP1/SP2.[11] RDP 6.1 client and RDP 7.0 client are not supported on Windows Server 2003 x86 and Windows Server 2003 / Windows XP Professional x64 editions. RDP 7.0 clients also do not support connecting to terminal servers running Windows 2000 Server.[12]

Most RDP 7.0 features like Aero glass remoting, bidirectional audio, Windows Media Player redirection, true multiple monitor support, Remote Desktop Easy Print are only available in Windows 7 Enterprise or Ultimate editions.[13][14]

[edit]Version 7.1

This version appeared in Windows 7 SP1 and Server 2008 R2 SP1. It adds RemoteFX functionality.


  • 32-bit color support. 8-, 15-, 16-, and 24-bit color are also supported.
  • 128-bit encryption, using the RC4 encryption algorithm, as of Version 6.[15]
  • Audio Redirection allows users to run an audio program on the remote desktop and have the sound redirected to their local computer.
  • File System Redirection allows users to use their local files on a remote desktop within the terminal session.
  • Printer Redirection allows users to use their local printer within the terminal session as they would with a locally or network shared printer.
  • Port Redirection allows applications running within the terminal session to access local serial and parallel ports directly.
  • The clipboard can be shared between the remote computer and the local computer.
  • Seamless Windows: Remote applications can run on a client machine that is served by a Remote Desktop connection. It uses virtual channel method, and available since RDP 5.[16]
  • RemoteFX: RemoteFX provides virtualized GPU support and host side encoding and is being shipped as part of Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.

The following features were introduced with the release of RDP 6.0 in 2006:

  • Remote Programs: Application publishing with client-side file type associations.
  • Terminal Services Gateway: Enables the ability to use a front-end IIS server to accept connections (over port 443) for back-end Terminal Services servers via an https connection, similar to how RPC over https allows Outlook clients to connect to a back-end Exchange 2003 server. Requires Windows Server 2008
  • Network Level Authentication
  • Support for remoting the Aero Glass Theme (or Composed Desktop), including ClearType font smoothing technology.
  • Support for remoting of Windows Presentation Foundation applications: Compatible clients that have .NET Framework 3.0 support will be able to display full Windows Presentation Foundation effects on a local machine.
  • Rewrite of device redirection to be more general-purpose, allowing a greater variety of devices to be accessed.
  • Fully configurable and scriptable via Windows Management Instrumentation.
  • Improved bandwidth tuning for RDP clients.[citation needed]
  • Support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0 on both server and client ends (can be negotiated if both parties agree, but is not mandatory in a default configuration of any version of Windows).
  • Multiple monitor support for allowing one session to use multiple monitors on the client (disables desktop composition)

[edit]Security issues

The RDP protocol in its default configuraton is vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack. Administrators can enable transport layer encryption to mitigate this risk.[17] [18]

RDP sessions are also susceptible to in-memory credential harvesting, which can be used to launch pass the hash attacks.

[edit]Non-Microsoft implementations

There are numerous non-Microsoft implementations of RDP clients and servers. The open-source command-line client rdesktop is commonly-used[citation needed] on Linux/Unix operating systems. There are many GUI clients, like tsclient and KRDC, which are built on top of rdesktop. In 2009, rdesktop was forked as FreeRDP, a new project aiming at modularizing the code, addressing various issues, and implementing new features. The current most popular front-end to FreeRDP is Remmina. An open-source implementation of a Remote Desktop Protocol server on Linux is xrdp. One can use Windows' Remote Desktop Connection client to connect to a server running xrdp. Feature rich and proprietary RDP client solutions such asrdpclient are available from from Wyse Technology as a stand alone application or embedded with client hardware.

There is also a so called VRDP protocol used in VirtualBox virtual machine implementation by Oracle. This protocol is compatible with all RDP clients, such as a default provided with Windows but, unlike the original RDP protocol, can be configured to accept unencrypted and password unprotected connections, which may be useful in secure and trusted networks, such as home or office LAN. Microsoft's RDP server refuses connections to user accounts with empty passwords. External and guest authorization options are provided by VRDP as well. It does not matter which operating system is installed as a guest because VRDP is implemented on the virtual machine level, not in the guest system. The proprietary VirtualBox Extension Pack is required.

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RDP(Remote Desktop Protocol)终端用户权限的管理和设置工具,用于管理和设置Windows远程桌面连接中的用户权限,有效防止RDP远程连接过程中的用户权限漏洞。 具体功能如下: 1、禁止关机、注销、禁用命令行、任务管理器、控制面板等。 2、设置用户帐号的登录时间限制,过期时间限制。例如只允许周一至周五的9:00~18:00登录。 3、隐藏或禁用磁盘内容,只允许运行特定的应用程序或禁止运行指定的应用程序。 该软件需要 Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 运行环境。 Windows再爆超高危漏洞 黑客一个指令看光用户隐私 3月13日晚间,微软发布了今年3月份的安全公告,共更新了6个漏洞。其中一个名为MS12-020的漏洞为超高危漏洞,黑客可利用该漏洞特别构造RDP协议包来远程控制用户电脑或服务器,该漏洞影响Windows XP、Vista、2003、win7和2008等主流操作系统。考虑到远程桌面服务在系统中默认打开,大量用户正在使用此服务,瑞星特此发布紧急提示,告知用户尽快安装此漏洞补丁。目前,瑞星安全助手(已经对此次微软更新的漏洞列表提供了自动安装修复功能据介绍,MS12-020漏洞存在于Windows的远程桌面协议中,如果攻击者向开启远程桌面的计算机发送一个特别构造的RDP协议包请求,那么就能对其进行远程代码执行,也就是通常上说的可对电脑进行远程控制。 瑞星安全专家表示,与以往黑客通过病毒来实现对用户电脑控制的方式不同,此次漏洞导致黑客只需要发送一个协议数据包,便可以获得未安装此漏洞补丁电脑的本地最高权限,进而获取用户电脑上存储的所有资料。用户虽然可以通过关闭远程桌面服务来暂时避免受攻击,但最彻底的解决办法仍是第一时间安装微软的相关漏洞补丁。 附: 微软2012年3月份安全公告地址: MS12-020漏洞说明: 解决方案,可以通过RDP终端安全设置工具 搞定安全问题!
VNC Viewer - Remote Desktop APK 是一款功能强大的远程桌面应用程序。它允许用户通过安卓设备远程访问和控制其他计算机的桌面界面。这款应用程序基于VNC(Virtual Network Computing)技术,通过网络连接将用户的设备与目标计算机进行沟通。 使用 VNC Viewer - Remote Desktop APK,用户可以在任何地方轻松访问他们的计算机。无论是在家、在办公室还是在旅途中,只需通过安卓设备连接到网络,即可直接进入远程计算机的桌面界面。这对于需要远程工作、处理文件、访问个人文件或远程支持他人的人来说非常方便。 除了远程访问,VNC Viewer - Remote Desktop APK 还具有许多实用的功能。用户可以通过触摸屏幕进行鼠标和键盘输入,完全模拟物理输入设备。此外,用户还可以实时查看和控制远程计算机的屏幕,交流和操作变得非常直观和效率。 该应用程序支持高级的安全加密机制,使用户可以安全地连接到远程计算机,确保数据传输的保密性和完整性。此外,VNC Viewer - Remote Desktop APK 还可以根据用户的网络情况进行调整,以优化连接速度和性能。 总的来说,VNC Viewer - Remote Desktop APK 是一款方便实用的远程桌面应用程序。它为用户提供了灵活的远程访问和控制选项,并具有高级的安全性和性能优化功能。无论是个人使用还是商业用途,这款应用程序都能为用户提供便利和效率。


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