Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008 From Novice to Professional Second Edition(ASP.NET 3.5(C#2008)入门 )翻译




作者简介 . xxv

About the Technical Reviewer

关于技术评论. xxvii


鸣谢. . xxix


导言. . xxxi

第一部分 n n n 介绍 .NET

nCHAPTER 1 The .NET 框架. . 3

The Evolution of Web Development


HTML and HTML Forms


Server-Side Programming


Client-Side Programming

客户端编程. 7

The .NET Framework


C#, VB, and the .NET Languages11

The Common Language Runtime

公共语言运行库. . 14

The .NET Class Library

.NET类库. . 16

Visual Studio . . 16

The Last Word . . 17

nCHAPTER 2 The C# 语言. . 19

The .NET Languages19

C# Language Basics 20

Case Sensitivity

大小写敏感性. . 20


注释. . 21

Statement Termination

声明终止. . 21


. 22

Variables and Data Types

变量和数据类型. . 22

Assignment and Initializers

赋值和初始化. 24

Strings and Escaped Characters



数组. . 26


枚举. 29

Variable Operations

变量操作符. 30

Advanced Math

高级数学操作符. . 31

Type Conversions

类型转换. 32

Object-Based Manipulation


The String Type

字符串类型. . 34

The DateTime and TimeSpan Types


The Array Type


Conditional Logic


The if Statement

If语句. . 41

The switch Statement



循环. 42

The for Loop

For循环. . 43

The foreach Loop

foreach循环. 44

The while loop



方法. 46



Method Overloading

重载方法. 48


委托. 49

The Last Word . . 51

nCHAPTER 3 Types, Objects, and Namespaces

类型,对象和命名空间. . 53

The Basics About Classes

类的基础. 53

Static Members

静态成员. . 55

A Simple Class


Building a Basic Class

建立一个基本的类. 56

Creating an Object


Adding Properties


Adding a Method

添加方法. 61

Adding a Constructor

添加构造. 61

Adding an Event

添加事件. . 62

Testing the Product Class


Value Types and Reference Types


Assignment Operations

分配操作符. . 67

Equality Testing

相等测试. . 67

Passing Parameters by Reference and by Value

使用引用和值传递参数. 68

Reviewing .NET Types


Understanding Namespaces and Assemblies


Using Namespaces

使用命名空间. . 72

Importing Namespaces

导入命名空间. . 73

Assemblies 74

Advanced Class Programming




Static Members

静态成员. . 76

Casting Objects

铸造对象. . 77

Partial Classes

Partial 80


泛型. . 81

The Last Word . . 82

PART 2 n n n开发ASP.NET 应用程序

nCHAPTER 4 Visual Studio 87

The Promise of Visual Studio. . 87

Creating Websites

创建网站. . 88

Creating a New Web Application


Websites and Web Projects

网站和Web项目. 91

The Hidden Solution Files92

The Solution Explorer 93

Adding Web Forms

添加Web窗体. . 94

Migrating a Website from a Previous Version of Visual Studio

从以前版本的Visual Studio移植网站的 96

Designing a Web Page . 97

Adding Web Controls. 98

The Properties Window. 100

The Anatomy of a Web Form. 102

The Web Form Markup . 102

The Page Directive. . 103

The Doctype . 104

The Essentials of XHTML . . 106

Writing Code112

The Code-Behind Class 112

Adding Event Handlers . 113

IntelliSense and Outlining. . 115

Visual Studio Debugging . 120

The Visual Studio Web Server . 121

Single-Step Debugging. 122

Variable Watches 126

The Last Word . 127

nCHAPTER 5 Web Form Fundamentals . 129

The Anatomy of an ASP.NET Application129

ASP.NET File Types . 130

ASP.NET Application Directories . . 131

Introducing Server Controls . . 132

HTML Server Controls . . 133

Converting an HTML Page to an ASP.NET Page . 134

View State 137

The HTML Control Classes . 138

Adding the Currency Converter Code . 140

Event Handling . . 142

Behind the Scenes with the Currency Converter 144

Error Handling146

Improving the Currency Converter . . 147

Adding Multiple Currencies 147

Storing Information in the List . 148

Adding Linked Images. . 150

Setting Styles 152

A Deeper Look at HTML Control Classes153

HTML Control Events153

Advanced Events with the HtmlInputImage Control. 154

The HtmlControl Base Class156

The HtmlContainerControl Class . . 157

The HtmlInputControl Class 157

The Page Class 158

Sending the User to a New Page . 159

HTML Encoding . 160

Application Events . 161

The Global.asax File 162

Additional Application Events. . 163

ASP.NET Configuration 163

The web.config File . 164

Nested Configuration165

Storing Custom Settings in the web.config File . 166

The Website Administration Tool (WAT). . 168

The Last Word . 170

nCHAPTER 6 Web Controls . . 171

Stepping Up to Web Controls. 171

Basic Web Control Classes. 172

The Web Control Tags. . 173

Web Control Classes . . 174

The WebControl Base Class 175

Units . . 176

Enumerations 177

Colors. 178

Fonts . 179

Focus . 181

The Default Button. . 181

List Controls 182

Multiple-Select List Controls . . 183

The BulletedList Control 185

Table Controls . 186

Web Control Events and AutoPostBack . 191

How Postback Events Work 195

The Page Life Cycle. 196

A Simple Web Page199

Improving the Greeting Card Generator . . 204

Generating the Cards Automatically . . 206

The Last Word . 209

nCHAPTER 7 State Management. . 211

The Problem of State . 211

View State . . 212

The ViewState Collection . . 212

A View State Example . . 213

Making View State Secure . 214

Retaining Member Variables . . 215

Storing Custom Objects 217

Transferring Information Between Pages . . 218

Cross-Page Posting . 219

The Query String 224

Cookies . 228

A Cookie Example . . 230

Session State . . 231

Session Tracking 231

Using Session State . 232

A Session State Example . . 233

Session State Configuration. . 236


Timeout . . 240

Mode . 241

Application State . . 245

An Overview of State Management Choices247

The Last Word . 248

nCHAPTER 8 Error Handling, Logging, and Tracing . . 249

Common Errors 249

Exception Handling 251

The Exception Class 252

The Exception Chain 253

Handling Exceptions . . 254

Catching Specific Exceptions. . 255

Nested Exception Handlers 257

Exception Handling in Action . . 258

Mastering Exceptions . . 260

Throwing Your Own Exceptions . 260

Logging Exceptions 264

Viewing the Windows Event Logs . 265

Writing to the Event Log 268

Custom Logs. 270

A Custom Logging Class271

Retrieving Log Information . 273

Error Pages. 275

Error Modes . 277

Custom Error Pages. 278

Page Tracing . . 280

Enabling Tracing 280

Tracing Information . 281

Writing Trace Information. . 287

Application-Level Tracing. . 291

The Last Word . 293

nCHAPTER 9 Deploying ASP.NET Applications. . 295

ASP.NET Applications and the Web Server . 295

How Web Servers Work 295

The Virtual Directory 297

Web Application URLs . . 297

Web Farms . . 299

Internet Information Services (IIS) . . 300

The Many Faces of IIS. . 300

Installing IIS 5 (in Windows XP) 301

Installing IIS 6 (in Windows Server 2003) 302

Installing IIS 7 (in Windows Vista ) . 304

Installing IIS 7 (in Windows Server 2008) 305

Registering the ASP.NET File Mappings. . 305

Verifying That ASP.NET Is Correctly Installed 306

Managing Websites with IIS Manager . . 308

Creating a Virtual Directory 310

Configuring a Virtual Directory. 312

Deploying a Simple Site . . 316

Web Applications and Components . . 317

Other Configuration Steps . 317

Code Compilation318

The ASP.NET Account . . 319

Deploying with Visual Studio . 323

Creating a Virtual Directory for a New Project . . 324

Copying a Website . . 326

Publishing a Website328

The Last Word . 330

PART 3 n n n Building Better Web Forms

nCHAPTER 10 Validation333

Understanding Validation . 333

The Validator Controls. . 334

Server-Side Validation. . 335

Client-Side Validation . . 335

The Validation Controls336

A Simple Validation Example . . 337

Other Display Options . . 339

Manual Validation . . 341

Validating with Regular Expressions. . 343

A Validated Customer Form 347

Validation Groups352

The Last Word . 354

nCHAPTER 11 Rich Controls . . 355

The Calendar . . 355

Formatting the Calendar357

Restricting Dates 358

The AdRotator . 363

The Advertisement File . 363

The AdRotator Class 364

Pages with Multiple Views 366

The MultiView Control . . 367

The Wizard Control . 372

The Last Word . 379

nCHAPTER 12 User Controls and Graphics . 381

User Controls . . 381

Creating a Simple User Control 382

Independent User Controls. 384

Integrated User Controls387

User Control Events . 389

Passing Information with Events . . 391

Dynamic Graphics . 394

Basic Drawing . . 394

Drawing a Custom Image. . 397

Placing Custom Images Inside Web Pages . . 398

Image Format and Quality . 400

The Last Word . 403

nCHAPTER 13 Styles, Themes, and Master Pages . . 405


Style Types . . 406

Creating a Basic Inline Style . . 406

Creating a Style Sheet. . 414

Applying Style Sheet Rules. 417

Themes . 419

How Themes Work . 419

Applying a Simple Theme. . 421

Handling Theme Conflicts . 422

Creating Multiple Skins for the Same Control424

More Advanced Skins . . 425

Master Page Basics427

A Simple Master Page and Content Page 428

How Master Pages and Content Pages Are Connected. 431

A Master Page with Multiple Content Regions . . 433

Default Content . 436

Master Pages and Relative Paths . 437

Advanced Master Pages. . 438

Table-Based Layouts438

Code in a Master Page . 442

Interacting with a Master Page Programmatically . . 442

The Last Word . 444

nCHAPTER 14 Website Navigation . 445

Site Maps . . 445

Defining a Site Map . 446

Seeing a Simple Site Map in Action . . 450

Binding an Ordinary Page to a Site Map . 451

Binding a Master Page to a Site Map . 452

Binding Portions of a Site Map 454

The SiteMap Class. . 459

Mapping URLs . . 461

The SiteMapPath Control . 462

Customizing the SiteMapPath . 463

Using SiteMapPath Styles and Templates 464

Adding Custom Site Map Information. 466

The TreeView Control . 467

TreeView Properties 467

TreeView Styles . 470

The Menu Control . 474

Menu Styles . 476

Menu Templates 477

The Last Word . 480

PART 4 n n n Working with Data

nCHAPTER 15 ADO.NET Fundamentals . . 483

Understanding Data Management . . 483

The Role of the Database . . 483

Database Access in the Web World . . 485

Configuring Your Database . . 486

SQL Server Express . 486

Browsing and Modifying Databases in Visual Studio487

The sqlcmd Command-Line Tool . 489

SQL Basics . 490

Running Queries in Visual Studio . 491

The Select Statement . . 493

The SQL Update Statement 495

The SQL Insert Statement . 497

The SQL Delete Statement . 498

ADO.NET Basics498

Data Namespaces . . 500

The Data Provider Classes . 501

Direct Data Access 503

Creating a Connection. . 504

The Select Command . . 511

The DataReader . 512

Putting It All Together . . 513

Updating Data517

Disconnected Data Access . . 527

Selecting Disconnected Data. . 529

Selecting Multiple Tables . . 531

Defining Relationships . 533

The Last Word . 536

nCHAPTER 16 Data Binding . . 537

Introducing Data Binding . 537

Types of ASP.NET Data Binding . . 538

How Data Binding Works . . 538

Single-Value Data Binding 539

A Simple Data Binding Example . . 539

Simple Data Binding with Properties . 542

Problems with Single-Value Data Binding 543

Using Code Instead of Simple Data Binding . 544

Repeated-Value Data Binding 544

Data Binding with Simple List Controls . . 545

A Simple List Binding Example 546

Strongly Typed Collections. 547

Multiple Binding . 548

Data Binding with a Dictionary Collection 549

Using the DataValueField Property 551

Data Binding with ADO.NET 552

Creating a Record Editor554

Data Source Controls . 559

The Page Life Cycle with Data Binding . . 561

The SqlDataSource . 561

Selecting Records . . 563

Parameterized Commands. 565

Handling Errors. . 570

Updating Records571

The Last Word . 576

nCHAPTER 17 The Data Controls 577

The GridView . . 577

Automatically Generating Columns578

Defining Columns579

Formatting the GridView. . 583

Formatting Fields 584

Using Styles . 585

Formatting-Specific Values 588

Selecting a GridView Row 589

Adding a Select Button . 590

Using Selection to Create Master-Details Pages 591

Editing with the GridView . 593

Sorting and Paging the GridView 596

Sorting 596

Paging 599

Using GridView Templates 601

Using Multiple Templates . . 603

Editing Templates in Visual Studio 604

Handling Events in a Template 605

Editing with a Template 606

The DetailsView and FormView. . 610

The DetailsView . 610

The FormView613

The Last Word . 615

nCHAPTER 18 Files and Streams 617

Files and Web Applications . . 617

File System Information . . 618

The Path Class . . 619

The Directory and File Classes 620

The DirectoryInfo and FileInfo Classes625

The DriveInfo Class . 627

A Sample File Browser . 628

Reading and Writing with Streams. . 632

Text Files . 632

Binary Files . . 635

Shortcuts for Reading and Writing Files. . 636

A Simple Guest Book637

Allowing File Uploads . 642

The FileUpload Control . 643

The Last Word . 646


XML’s Hidden Role in .NET . . 647

Configuration Files. . 647


ADO.NET Data Access. . 648

Anywhere Miscellaneous Data Is Stored . 648

XML Explained . 648

Improving the List with XML . . 650

XML Basics . . 651

Attributes. 652


The XML Classes . . 654

The XML TextWriter. 654

The XML Text Reader . . 657

Working with XML Documents in Memory . . 662

Reading an XML Document 667

Searching an XML Document . 670

XML Validation . 671

XML Namespaces . . 671

XML Schema Definition 673

Validating an XML Document. . 675

XML Display and Transforms 678

The Xml Web Control681

XML Data Binding . 682

Nonhierarchical Binding 683

Hierarchical Binding with the TreeView . . 685

Binding to XML Content from Other Sources 687

The Last Word . 688

PART 5 n n n Website Security

nCHAPTER 20 Security Fundamentals 691

Determining Security Requirements 691

The ASP.NET Security Model. 692

The Visual Studio Web Server . 696

Authentication and Authorization . 696

Forms Authentication . 697

Web.config Settings 699

Authorization Rules . 699

The WAT . 703

The Login Page. . 706

Windows Authentication. . 710

Web.config Settings 711

IIS Settings . . 713

A Windows Authentication Test 716

Impersonation . 717

Understanding Impersonation . 718

Programmatic Impersonation . 718

Confidentiality with SSL . . 719

Creating a Certificate Request. 719

Secure Sockets Layer . . 721

The Last Word . 723

nCHAPTER 21 Membership 725

The Membership Data Store . 725

Membership with SQL Server 2005 Express 727

Using the Full Version of SQL Server . 729

Configuring the Membership Provider 731

Creating Users with the WAT . . 735

The Membership and MembershipUser Classes 737

Authentication with Membership . 741

Disabled Accounts . . 742

The Security Controls . 742

The Login Control743

The CreateUserWizard Control. 748

The PasswordRecovery Control752

Role-Based Security . . 755

Creating and Assigning Roles . 755

Restricting Access Based on Roles758

The LoginView Control . 759

The Last Word . 761

nCHAPTER 22 Profiles . . 763

Understanding Profiles 763

Profile Performance. 764

How Profiles Store Data 765

Using the SqlProfileProvider . 766

Enabling Authentication 767

Using the Full Version of SQL Server . 767

The Profile Databases . . 769

Defining Profile Properties . 770

Using Profile Properties 771

Profile Serialization . 773

Profile Groups 775

Profiles and Custom Data Types . . 775

The Profile API . . 779

Anonymous Profiles. 782

The Last Word . 785

PART 6 n n n Advanced ASP.NET

nCHAPTER 23 Component-Based Programming . 789

Why Use Components?789

Component Jargon 790

Three-Tier Design . . 790

Encapsulation 792

Business Objects 792

Data Objects . 792

Components and Classes . . 793

Creating a Component 793

Classes and Namespaces . 794

Class Members . 796

Adding a Reference to the Component . . 797

Using the Component . . 799

Properties and State . . 801

A Stateful Account Class802

A Stateless AccountUtility Class . . 803

Data-Access Components 804

A Simple Data-Access Component804

Using the Data-Access Component . . 809

Enhancing the Component with Error Handling . 812

Enhancing the Component with Aggregate Information 813

The ObjectDataSource 814

Making Classes the ObjectDataSource Can Understand815

Selecting Records . . 815

Using Method Parameters . 816

Updating Records817

The Last Word . 820

nCHAPTER 24 Caching . . 821

Understanding Caching . . 821

When to Use Caching . . 822

Caching in ASP.NET. 823

Output Caching 824

Caching on the Client Side . 825

Caching and the Query String . 826

Caching with Specific Query String Parameters. 827

A Multiple Caching Example . . 827

Custom Caching Control 829

Fragment Caching . . 830

Cache Profiles831

Data Caching . . 832

Adding Items to the Cache . 832

A Simple Cache Test 833

Caching to Provide Multiple Views 835

Caching with the Data Source Controls . . 839

Caching with Dependencies . 843

File Dependencies . . 843

Cache Item Dependencies . 844

SQL Server 2000 Cache Dependencies . . 844

SQL Server 2005 and 2008 Cache Dependencies. . 849

The Last Word . 853


Understanding Ajax 856

Ajax : The Good . . 856

Ajax : The Bad 856

The ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit. . 857

The ScriptManager . 858

Partial Refreshes . . 859

A Simple UpdatePanel Test 861

Handling Errors. . 864

Conditional Updates. 865

Triggers . . 867

Progress Notification. . 871

Showing a Simulated Progress Bar . . 872

Cancellation . 874

Timed Refreshes . . 876

The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit . . 878

Installing the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit . 878

The Accordion880

The AutoCompleteExtender 884

Getting More Controls . . 887

The Last Word . 888

nINDEX . .






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