sprd sensor hal 配置说明


This provides an overview of sensor hal layer.

You need to configure kernel before porting sensor hal layer. Make sure all
sensors can be attached.

Directory structure
#now                    - Android one
+- Android.mk           - main makefile
+- sensors.cpp          - HAL main file
+- sensors.h            - header of main file
+- SensorBase.cpp       - base class for use
+- SensorBase.h         - header of base class
+- InputEventReader.cpp - input class
+- InputEventReader.h   - header of input class
+- SensorCoordinate.cpp - coordinate tool
+- SensorCoordinate.h   - header of coordinate tool
+  pls                  - folder for P & L sensor
+-   PlsSensor.h
+-   PlsSensor.cpp      - compatiable mode for pls sensor.
+      elan             - folder for vendor
+-        Pls_EPL2182.cpp
+      liteon           - folder for vendor
+  acc                  - folder for acc sensor.
+-    AccSensor.h
+       st              - folder for ST vendor.
+-          Acc_Lis3dh.cpp - lis3dh hal
+  gyr                  - folder for gyroscope
+  mag                  - folder for magnetic
+  prs                  - folder for pressure.
+  oth                  - folder for other if need.

+- Android.mk           - main makefile
+- sensors.cpp          - HAL main file
+- sensors.h            - header of main file
+- SensorBase.cpp       - base class for use
+- SensorBase.h         - header of base class
+- InputEventReader.cpp - input class
+- InputEventReader.h   - header of input class
+- SensorCoordinate.cpp - coordinate tool
+- SensorCoordinate.h   - header of coordinate tool
+- AccSensor.h          - header of ACC sensor class
+- Acc_<xxx>.cpp        - Specific sensor class
+- ...                  - more Acc sensors
+- OriSensor.h          - header of ORI sensor class
+- Ori_<xxx>.cpp        - Specific sensor class
+- ...                  - more Ori sensors
+- PlsSensor.h          - header of PLS sensor class
+- Pls_<xxx>.cpp        - Specific sensor class
+- ...                  - more Pls sensors

Configure sensor

1. Add configuration item
- Pick sensor name from sensor class file name.
  Sensor name: [Acc|Ori|Pls]_<name>.cpp
  For example: If the sensor class file name is "Acc_Lis3dh.cpp", the sensor
               name is "Lis3dh".

- Give the sensor name to specific config-item.
  Config-item: Acc_<name>.cpp  ->  BOARD_HAVE_ACC
               Ori_<name>.cpp  ->  BOARD_HAVE_ORI
               Pls_<name>.cpp  ->  BOARD_HAVE_PLS
  For example: If the sensor class file name is "Acc_Lis3dh.cpp", the
               specific config-item is "BOARD_HAVE_ACC".

- Put the config-item line into "BoardConfig.mk" of your board.
  For example: If the sensor class file name is Acc_Lis3dh.cpp, add the line
               "BOARD_HAVE_ACC := Lis3dh" into "BoardConfig.mk".

               If Pls used compatiable mode, please add the line
               "BOARD_PLS_COMPATIABLE := true" into "BoardConfig.mk".
               If Pls don't used compatiable mode, it's class file name is
               Pls_EPL2182.cpp, add the line "BOARD_HAVE_PLS := EPL2128" into
               "BoardConfig.mk". if class file name if Pls_LTR558ALS.cpp, add
               the line "BOARD_HAVE_PLS := LTR558ALS" into "BoardConfig.mk"

- About folder name, used three lowercase charactor.
               pls        -proximity and light sensor
               acc        -acceleration
* If there already the same config-item line in the "BoardConfig.mk", then
  replace it.

2. Set install direction
- Find out sensor's install direction
  * Definition of sensor placement on target board
  *               up
  *       +---------------+
  *       |+-------------+|
  *       ||             ||
  * left  ||             || right
  *       ||             ||
  *       ||   screen    ||
  *       ||             ||
  *       ||             ||
  *       |+-------------+|
  *       |---------------|
  *       |[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]|
  *       | 1   2   3   * |
  *       | 4   5   6   0 |
  *       | 7   8   9   # |
  *       +---------------+
  *              down
  *                               left    right   up      down       direction
  * OBVERSE_X_AXIS_FORWARD         Y+      Y-      X+      X-     ->     0
  * OBVERSE_X_AXIS_RIGHTWARD       X-      X+      Y+      Y-     ->     1
  * OBVERSE_X_AXIS_BACKWARD        Y-      Y+      X-      X+     ->     2
  * OBVERSE_X_AXIS_LEFTWARD        X+      X-      Y-      Y+     ->     3
  * REVERSE_X_AXIS_FORWARD         Y-      Y+      X+      X-     ->     4
  * REVERSE_X_AXIS_RIGHTWARD       X-      X+      Y-      Y+     ->     5
  * REVERSE_X_AXIS_BACKWARD        Y+      Y-      X-      X+     ->     6
  * REVERSE_X_AXIS_LEFTWARD        X+      X-      Y+      Y-     ->     7

- Give the sensor direction to specific config-item.
  Config-item: Acc_<name>.cpp  ->  BOARD_ACC_INSTALL
               Ori_<name>.cpp  ->  BOARD_ORI_INSTALL
  For example: If the sensor class file name is "Acc_Lis3dh.cpp", the
               specific config-item is "BOARD_ACC_INSTALL".

- Put the config-item line into "BoardConfig.mk" of your board.
  For example: If the sensor class file name is Acc_Lis3dh.cpp and install
               direction is 7, add the line "BOARD_ACC_INSTALL := 7"
               into "BoardConfig.mk".

* If there already the same config-item line in the "BoardConfig.mk", then
  replace it.

Porting new sensor

1. Add new sensor class

- Copy and rename a exists sensor class, such as copy "Acc_Lis3dh.cpp" into
  a new file named "Acc_MMA8452.cpp"
  Please be attention to the new name. It must be like "Acc_<name>.cpp" for
  Acc class, "Ori_<name>.cpp" for Ori class, "Pls_<name>.cpp" for Pls class.

- Set the new sensor information into sSensorList[].
  About sSensorList[] please reference:

- Modify the ioctl or input config to get the right data from the sensor.
  In most cases, the following functions should be changed:
  1. AccSensor::setEnable
  2. AccSensor::setDelay
  3. AccSensor::readEvents

2. Add new sensor config

- Modify the config-item in "BoardConfig.mk" to compile the new file.
  For example: If the new file name is Acc_MMA8452.cpp, Modify the
               config-item into "BOARD_HAVE_ACC := MMA8452".

3. Compile and debug

- Do as you wish!

Quick config list
  BOARD_HAVE_ACC := <name>
  Already support names:
  1. Lis3dh
  2. Kionix
  3. Adxl

  BOARD_HAVE_ORI := <name>
  Already support names:
  1. Akm

  BOARD_HAVE_PLS := <name>
  Already support names:
  1. AL3006
  2. MD2771

NULL sensor config

If the board doesn't have Magnetic sensor, you can just add
"BOARD_HAVE_ORI := NULL" into "BoardConfig.mk", or "BOARD_HAVE_PLS := NULL"
for no proximity sensor and light sensor use.

If you even don't have acceleration sensor, you can add "BOARD_HAVE_ACC := NULL"
into "BoardConfig.mk". But if you remove acceleration sensor, then the Magnetic
sensor can no be used any more.

Automatic adaptation

- to be continued...





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钱包余额 0


