Object-Oriented Project Management with UML

Object-Oriented Project Management with UML

Murray R. Cantor
Design Tool Providers

Successful implementation of the techniques discussed in this book requires object design tools. As I discuss in Chapter 4, object tools allow your team to specify and capture the static and dynamic UML artifacts.

Of course, each tool has its strengths and weaknesses, as each provider has focused on different features. Since the tool market is so competitive, each provider is aggressively improving their product. Below you will find links to their Web pages and the latest information.

In Chapter 4, I propose some detailed criteria you should apply when choosing an object design tool. Some general considerations include:

  • Facilitation of the controlled iteration lifecycle delineated in the text
  • Correct and complete support of the most recent UML specification
  • Company stability--will the company be around in the future to protect your investment in the tool?

There may be more features such as repository support, links to special interfaces, and the line that will affect your choice.

  • Rose is reportedly the most widely adopted object design tool. Rose is produced by Rational Software. Rational has taken a leadership position in the UML community. Its staff has generated much of the UML specification. Three of the pioneers of object technology, Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson, and James Rambaugh, are on the Rational staff. Rose, by design, supports the development techniques discussed in the book. Recently Rose has been integrated into Rational Suite. Each member of the Suite, is a bundled set of integrated; tools chosen to support specific team members. The Suite consists of Analyst Studio, Developer Studio, and Test Studio.
    Design Utilities
    • Blueprint Technologies has a variety of Rose add-ins to support object analysis and design, particularly of database applications.  Among their tools is the Use Case Model Generator which supports the use case flow methodology found in Chapter 6.
    Estimation Tools

    There are a variety of size and effort estimation tools available in the market. Most involve proprietary models.

    • SoftSt*r is the one tool from Softstar Systems that I prefer. It provides a commercial implementation of the COCOMO model discussed in Chapter 4. Their Web site contains useful information on COCOMO.


Object-oriented programming with ABAP Objects(基于ABAP对象的面向对象编程)是SAP开发平台ABAP中的一种编程范例。它利用面向对象的思想,将数据(对象的属性)和行为(对象的方法)封装在一起,以便更好地组织和管理代码。 在ABAP Objects中,可以定义类(class)来描述一个对象的特征和行为。通过类的实例化,可以创建具体的对象,并调用对象的方法来实现特定的功能。这种面向对象的编程模式使得代码更加模块化、可重用,并且更易于维护和扩展。 在ABAP Objects中,支持面向对象的四大特性:封装、继承、多态和抽象。封装可以将对象的内部状态和行为隐藏起来,只暴露必要的接口;继承可以通过创建子类来扩展和重用已有类的特性;多态可以实现在不同的对象上调用相同的方法,产生不同的行为;抽象可以定义接口规范,让具体的类去实现。 通过ABAP Objects,开发人员可以更加灵活地进行程序设计和实现,也能够更好地应对复杂的业务需求。同时,由于ABAP Objects与SAP系统集成紧密,因此可以很方便地访问和操作SAP系统中的数据和服务,为企业的业务流程提供更多的可能性。 总之,Object-oriented programming with ABAP Objects在SAP开发中扮演着重要的角色,它为开发人员提供了更加高效、可维护的编程模式,也为企业的信息化建设带来了更多的价值和机遇。




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