MTK 11A push

Push Application provides functionality of View/Ignore/Delete/Url launch of a received Push message.
It also provide functionality of multiple select for trusted addresses as well as untrusted addresses for push message.
User can accept push message if it is from previously added trusted address as well as discard message if push message is not from trusted source.

SI     Service Indication
SL     Service Loading
SIR    Service Initiation Request



For SI and SL high priority, we define them as normal priority in this scenario. When such message arrives, it will
popup to ask user to choose certain action. The popup will tell it’s a push message and show its content within it if
For SI high priority, it shows “New push message from xxx” or some other words(it depends), user could choose to view it or not in the popup. For SL high priority, it shows the URL and ask user to launch it or not.
The normal priority of SI and SL messages, they will be handled as general messages.
For SIR and unmatched address message, because they cannot be stored in inbox, they should present in the n-
center and ask for user confirm when user taps it.


1. File Structure

plutommi/Customer/Images/COSMOS*/MainLCD/Default/Message/ListIcon  WAP_Push.png Image file
plutommi/Customer/Images/COSMOS*/MainLCD/Default/Email/ListIcon Priority_High.png Image file
plutommi/Customer/Images/COSMOS*/MainLCD/Default/Email/ListIcon  Priority_Low.png Image file
venusmmi/app/Cosmos/Message/res   vapp_wappush.res             Application resource file
venusmmi/app/Cosmos/Message/res    vapp_wappush_cui.res      Application resource file
venusmmi/app/Cosmos/Message/res     ref_list_WAPPush.txt        Application  resource file
venusmmi/app/Cosmos/Message            vapp_wap_push_interface.h          Application Header file
venusmmi/app/Cosmos/Message             vapp_wap_push_notification.h         Application Header file

venusmmi/app/Cosmos/Message             vapp_wap_push_prov.h           Application Header file
venusmmi/app/Cosmos/Message             vapp_wap_push_setting.h     Application Header file
venusmmi/app/Cosmos/Message             vapp_wap_push_viewer.h       Application header file
venusmmi/app/Cosmos/Message            vapp_wap_push_interface.cpp       This is interface source file.
venusmmi/app/Cosmos/Message            vapp_wap_push_notification.cpp  This file is for showing notification of
push messages.
venusmmi/app/Cosmos/Message            vapp_wap_push_prov.cpp   This file is for ota setting messages handling .
venusmmi/app/Cosmos/Message          vapp_wap_push_setting.cpp    This file is for push message settings.
venusmmi/app/Cosmos/Message          vapp_wap_push_viewer.cpp   This file is for showing push messages.



2. Options

UNIFIED_PUSH_FEATURES           WAP_SUPPORT         In Cosmos We support  all three versions  FULL , STANDARD  and SLIM for this  feature option .
this compile option is used for ota settings messages. This  may be  on only if all three mentioned macros  under dependence tab will be





1)WPS Task
In case of Push, WPS task interacts with MMI task. Push service layer works in this task.
1.PHS- It is the service layer of push which interacts with WAP-STACK to receive push messages.
2.PMG- It is the intermediate module between push service and push application.


2) MMI Task
1.Push Full Viewer- This component is used  for display of full push message body and created time of push message.
2.Push Lite Viewer- This component is used for showing push messages in Dialog list page.
This component is used for showing push messages in Dialog list page.

3.Push Notification-This block is used for handling notification of push messages, like high SI/SL, SIR and .
4.Push settings-This block is used for handling of push messages settings, like WL/BL management.
5.Push Provisioning-This block is used for handling of OTA push settings messages.


4)User experience spec

While receiving  SI-High and SL-High messages (while SL setting is auto launch) Push shows confirmation popup for View or Launch URL on any screen. If more than one SI-High and SL-high messages then handling of them is done in queue manner .

UM Handles SI-Medium , SI-Low and SL-Low messages  and Push notifies Notification Manager for these types of messages.

Only Unmatched address and  SIR messages notifications are shown in Ncenter. Push app handles them by maintaining these types of messages in Dialog queue.

Push App Handles  OTA white list messages by creating its own CUI.

In case Message deleted explicitly by Server then Push Viewer screen closes if user is at that message screen.



5)Special handler


How to get the Push message data?
– From PMG  while interacting through intermediate module PHS

While User is at  any Service message setting screen  Why does Push not show any notification in Ncenter ?
because Push does not support re-entry.

While user is at Dialog list screen Push shows High SI/SL confirmation  popup but on clicking on View or Launch it by browser it shows popup “not available”?
because  on conversation list screen We purge all pending and current events. so we are left with no event to take action on the confirmation popup


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