CS61B Spring 2014 | Lecture Notes |1 Intro & 2 Using Objects

这是我学习CS61B Spring 2014第一,二课整理的笔记,先记录下来课堂内容以便后期复习,希望大家学习愉快!



Objected-Oriented Programming

-Object: A repository of data
-Class: Type of object
-Method: Procedure or function that operates on an object
-Inheritance: A class may inherit properties from a more general class
例如: ShoppingList inherits from List the property of stroing a sequence of items
-Polymorphism: one method works on several classes, even if the classes need different implementations
例如:”addItem“ method on every kind of List, though adding item to a ShoppingList is different from a ShoppingCart
-Objected-Oriented: Each object knows its own class & methods
例如:Each ShoppingList & ShoppingCart knows which implementation applies to it

-Variables: you must declare them and their types

int x;
x = 1;

Does 2 things (int x;) :

  1. Allocates memory to store an integer, type “int”.
  2. Names variable “x”.

-Variables also used to reference objects (point to an object)
2 ways to get classes

  1. Use one defined by somebody else. Java has tons of predefined classes that are built-in (Java standard library)
  2. Define your own

这节课主要讲第一种办法 (defined by somebody else)

String myString; //(String: class built into Java)

Declare了myString之后,并没有创造出一个string object,而是store一个reference variable that can point to a string object
myString □ <-- variable (not object)

myString = new String();

String(): constructor signature
new String(): constructor call
2 steps:

  1. “new String()” is a constructor: construct a brand new string object; in this case, it’s an empty string with no characters in it
  2. assignment “=” causes myString to reference the object
    myString □–> □ (a String object)

也可以直接写 new String(); 但是java会扔掉,因为没有variable指向它

Java programs must be compiled before you can run them
Java program (.java) --javac–> .class files --java (JVM)–> answer

Objects & Constructors

String s; // step 1: declare a String variable
s = new String(); // step 2,3: construct empty Sring; assign it to s

s □–>□

String s = new String(); // steps 1,2,3 combined
s = "Yow!";


String s2 = s; // now s & s2 reference (point to) same object


s2 = new String(s);
// now referencing 2 different identical objects
// 1. look where s points
// 2. Follows reference to String object
// 3. Reads String
// 4. Constructs new String with copy of characters
// 5. Makes s2 reference new String

All null pointers do not point anything

3 String constructors:

  1. new String(); constructs an empty string
  2. “Yow!” --> Java considers this as a special string constructor
  3. new String(s) --> takes a parameter s, makes copy of object that s references

Constructors always have same name as their class, except “stuff in quotes”


s2 = s.toUppercase();
String s3 = s2.concat("!!");

这里的”!!“也是一个constructor,给concat使用,但是没有variable point to”!!", 最后会变成garbage collected
-The object “Yow!” did not change.
-Strings are immutable (不可以被改变的). Their contents never change
-Most objects 可以被change internal fields,但是String是特例

I/O classes & objects
-Objects in System class (在Java standard libraries里) for interacting with a user;
-System.out is a PrintStream object that outputs to the screen
System.out□–> □ (PrintStream object)
-System.in is an InputStream object that reads from the keyboard
(out是一个在System class里的variable, 如果要在其他的class里表示out variable, 要写成System.out

-readLine (a method) is defined on BufferedReader objects

  1. How do we construct a BufferedReader? With an InputStreamReader
  2. How do we construct an InputStreamReader? With an InputStream
  3. How do we construct an InputStream? System.in is one
    Figure this out via online Java Libraries API – java.io
    InputStream object: reads raw data
    InputStreamReader: compose raw data into characters (2 bytes long)
    BufferedReader: compose into entire lines of text

Object orientation encourages you to write your code into decomposable pieces, 所以可以take one piece 然后改成另外一个different piece

import java.io.*;
class SimpleIO {
	public static void main(String[] arg)throws Exception {
		BufferedReader keybd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));

To use Java libraries, other than java.lang, you “import” them.
Java program always begins at a method called “main”

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