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原创 叙利亚研究


2018-05-30 08:51:15 321

原创 Your project

1.       Your project1.1   The Tool流程图,需要在view和statemachine中间穿梭,变量和event两边窜。Hard tofind where the animation playsNamingrules!1.2   Cluster Architect1.2.1         templates usedAnalogSpee

2016-09-12 19:09:02 638

原创 guide

2015-07-05 21:42about training:1. widget2. variable relationship, good points (bad points: i feel the remove mechanism sucks, when one variable is deleted, but some relative exist, it shows a

2015-07-05 22:14:44 541

原创 iOS Audio 后台播放

1. Info.plist set Required background mode to App plays audio2. And write below codes in didFinishLaunching Method of AppDelegate.m NSError *setCategoryErr = nil; NSError *activationErr = nil;

2015-02-07 15:37:29 786

原创 iOS音乐播放器实现日记

2015-2-1 10:30参考代码里,下载保存歌曲时,创建歌手及音乐文件夹意义何在?文件夹名称如何定?猜想它对于音乐分文件夹存储,读的时候先锁定文件夹,再具体到最后只包含一支歌曲的文件夹。它就是没有一个flatlist之类的东西,它的数据库设计方面应该是没有找到最好的方法。而且这似乎意味着,这种方法很难扩展以满足对按专辑,风格分类的需求。不管怎样,我还是把它先完全吃透,再做进

2015-02-02 11:00:03 697

原创 漫游


2014-05-12 20:10:34 660

原创 make wall not penetratable

void Update () { var fwd = transform.TransformDirection (Vector3.up);if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow)){if (!(Physics.Raycast (transform.position, fwd, (float)0.2))) {gameObject.transform.T

2014-05-10 15:24:09 673

原创 把"Assets/Resources/mats" 和“"Assets/Resources"下的图片文件全部编译成assetBundle

static void ExportAssetBundles() {  string path = "Resources/mats/";string [] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(Application.dataPath+"/"+path);foreach(string fileName in fileEntries) {string fi

2014-04-26 10:21:32 671

原创 unity assetBundle使用image材质

BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath("Assets/rac_basic_sample_project2.FBX"),null, "rac_basic_sample_project2.unity3d", BuildAssetBundleOptions.CollectDependencies | Bu

2014-04-21 09:51:52 1107

原创 从.fbx 到生成web版执行文件,完全不用unity集成开发环境

1. 工程建立到 "e:/danny/hhh",把文件夹Editor和.fbx文件及Test.cs拷贝到 "e:/danny/hhh/Assets"2. C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe -quit -batchmode -createProject "e:/danny/hhh"   执行此命令后,.fbx会自动import。3. Unit

2014-04-16 17:12:27 2640

原创 unity--通过部件名称的子字符串找到部件

function ToggleRenderersWithSubName(theName : String, state:boolean){       for(var gameObj : GameObject in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(GameObject)){if(gameObj.name.Contains("[243274]")

2014-04-16 17:01:40 1546

原创 BuildAssetBundle with .FBX

BuildPipeline.PushAssetDependencies();BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath("Assets/hoty.FBX"),null, "hoty.unity3d", BuildAssetBundleOptions.CollectDependencies | Buil

2014-04-16 01:56:39 1275

原创 create Scene using script


2014-04-14 13:24:55 533

原创 unity load .fbx and image files automatically

using UnityEngine;using UnityEditor;using System.IO;public class MyEditorScript {[@MenuItem("Asset/Build AssetBundles From Directory of Files")]static void MyMethod () {   ExportAssetB

2014-04-14 11:39:29 710

原创 bind "xxx.js" to object using script

var gobj:GameObject;gobj=(GameObject.Find(theName)); gobj.renderer.enabled =state;if(state == false)  gobj.AddComponent("RotateMove");

2014-04-13 21:18:27 480

原创 define Shader by script

curObj.renderer.material.shader = Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse");

2014-04-11 16:55:57 535

原创 Unity Toggle image button

Toggle按钮,状态1var content_element_visibility: GUIContent;var style_element_visibility: GUIStyle;style_element_visibility.normal.background = Resources.Load("element-invisible");style_ele

2014-04-11 11:36:30 1255

原创 Unity Sqlite Setup

1. Find two files "Mono.Data.SqliteClient.dll" and "System.Data.dll" in local unity directory and put them in the project Assets folder. (two files can also be downloaded from: http://vdisk.weibo.com/

2014-04-02 07:16:30 683

原创 Auto build as soon as Unity is started

1. create "MyEditorScript.cs" in "../Assets/Editor/"using UnityEditor;class MyEditorScript{     static void MyMethod ()     {         string[] scenes = { "Assets/hot.unity" };         Bu

2014-04-01 12:01:59 845

原创 s


2013-04-23 22:05:38 758 3

原创 2013-03-28 ideas

is there a kind of job that does not need coding, realizing.just only verifying, documenting.

2013-03-29 18:27:58 554

原创 0326- morning plan and reminder

03-28 to do:multi-partitiontrack FSE_ITEM_TYPE_PLAYLISTtrack total_item_path_length how filelist scannedfavorite GIS releaseIFmulti usb confirmcopy 100% reportsame song cop

2013-03-26 15:24:43 634

原创 Sep2012

1.      RequestMediaPlayerIndexedListSlice(WnindowStart, WindowSize) is used when scrolling           Keyword: GIS351, ScrollQuestions:1. list handle2. PlayMeidaPlayerObject & QuickPlay:

2012-09-23 10:35:18 332

原创 mp3

http://snowlotus.iteye.com/blog/245683  MP3信息格式 详说ID3v1和ID3v2http://hi.baidu.com/d3sky/blog/item/62d2ab18d372ef0534fa4135.html  ID3 & APE 两种常见tag格式简介http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APE_

2012-03-04 22:18:57 441

原创 Feb

0214why each time the same Application_Initialization() called but the different call_APM_Get_SAL_Config() is calledAPM_Get_SAL_Config is declared in Application_manager_cbk.hbut defined in diff

2012-02-14 16:52:38 409

原创 2012 want


2012-02-13 22:09:47 343

原创 doing experiments

02-16 planadd a process!02-14 experiment plan0 media initialization0.10.20.31. media insert , track code, draw own sequence chart! media play2.12.22.33

2012-02-09 10:21:20 885

原创 tomorrow presentation

0. abstraction–TheAPI should abstract the behavior of the module to the extent possible»Definethe “essence” of the module. (abstraction)»Avoidunnecessary publishing of implementation details.

2012-02-06 22:02:35 389

原创 none

02101. I should be more active when group discussion. very important!!!  I am virtual PM!2. more down to earth work!!! experience and experience!!! then more GOOD question and discussions with oth

2012-02-06 16:10:39 415

原创 application manager

http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_415a66f00100ji17.html               local QObject and Javascript

2012-02-05 15:24:21 608

原创 Basa

So, what is unique about BASA?–Specifically addresses software reusein a Telelogic Synergy environment»here,“reuse” means reuse with out change, not copy, paste, then change»provides mechanisms

2012-02-02 10:12:40 692

原创 questions-b9 code

2012-2-1B9 code:1. void APM_Task(void *unused_parameter)1.0 what is a complete process of implementing one task? for example ipod?1.1 APM_Get_App_Configuration(&APM_Config);?1.2 *APM_Config

2012-02-01 14:07:19 523

原创 sw-microcontroller

CH1 MPU & MCUMicroprocessor is an integrated circuit in which CPU, ALU, and control functions are combined. It contains no on-chip memory and I/O ports.Microcontroller is a single purpose proces

2012-01-16 14:49:29 877

原创 delphi-sw

Software Process Improvement Capability dEtermination There are two main standards used to perform assessments:»ISO/IEC 15504 (SPiCE)»Automotive SPiCE (based on ISO/IEC 15504) ISO/IEC

2012-01-16 13:32:10 469

原创 delphi-requirement

4000 Application Download & Management Methodologyfour methods to transfer an application to the vehicle.1.download from an in-vehicle application?2. remote GM website3. usb4. private app ob

2012-01-11 15:12:00 355

原创 delphi-c

result of test 1:1. Comment removal and file inclusion are important preprocessor tasks but type checking is a compiler task, not a C preprocessor task.2. The #if is followed by:     A constant

2012-01-10 09:05:57 419


question:1. no interruptions, collisions, or delay in the transport1. MOST1.1 media orientedMOST Application Framework is used in MOST, instead of a device oriented modeling.

2012-01-08 17:17:23 801

原创 question-begin

question:02-09:1. SAL_Util_Once support guaranteed execution of code exactly once- can initialize logic exactly once.2.a0. B9+ cancaled? so what I am doing?1. example XML file: inclu

2012-01-08 17:08:09 550

原创 intel 笔试题

http://www.docin.com/p-265656698.html baiduhttp://wenku.baidu.com/view/1ecca2da50e2524de5187ed7.html 函数指针 为类成员函数1. 解释例如mov ax,100H 这样一条指令的cpu, os, memory等都完成了什么样的工作。2. 下面哪种排序法对12354最快a q

2011-11-08 11:39:03 1427

原创 组成原理

海文:8. 计算机使用总线结构的主要优点是便于实现积木化,同时:减少信息传输线的条数14. 某SRAM芯片,存储容量为64K*16位,该芯片的地址线和数据线的数目:20. 中断向量地址是:中断服务例程入口地址的指示器48. 系统总线中控制线的功能是:提供主存、I/O接口设备的控制信号响应信号

2011-11-08 10:22:25 462

gstreamer 项目经验总结



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