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原创 在SharePoint 2013 Farm中结合FileStream Provider安装和配置RBS用来管理数据

博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/shelleyliu0415 对于Install andconfigure RBS with FILESTREAM in a SharePoint 2013 farm的理解,我们通过以下2个案例作为引导。 案例1:很多时候,企业级客户随着年份的增长,SharePoint端的数据积累的越来越多,从而SQL Server的存储空间

2015-11-25 17:11:20 1090

原创 小议:安装RBS失败的解决方案

博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/shelleyliu0415 今天想完成“Installand configure RBS with FILESTREAM in a SharePoint 2013 farm”的所有部署,但在安装RBS时,配置出错,提示:  根据图上提示,应该要设置The alwaysinstallelevated reg

2015-11-25 14:25:48 1502

原创 如何为Filestream Provider设置Blob Store?

博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/shelleyliu0415 上一篇Blog给大家介绍了如何在SQL Server中Enable FileStream,今天给大家介绍一下如何为Filestream Provider设置Blob Store,也就是说为特定的Content Database设置Blob Store用来存储Document的Blob,这样实现的效

2015-11-25 09:50:11 1050 3

原创 如何在SQL Server上Enable Filestream以及创建一个支持File Stream的DB?

博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/shelleyliu0415 如果你想使用FileStream,必须先在SQL Server Management里Enable FileStream,那么如何Enable File Stream Feature呢?细节如下: 注意:你不能在一个64位的操作系统安装的32位SQL Server中EnableFileSt

2015-11-24 15:30:27 1983

原创 配置SharePoint 2013失败--Max Degree of Parallelism

之前给大家介绍过如果想部署SharePoint 2013的话,SQL Server需要满足什么条件: SQL Server最低版本必须是08 R2 SP1以上的Configure SharePoint的account必须在SQL Server中具备DB Creator和Security Admin的权限。 严格的说,除了上述两个条件之外,SQLServe

2015-11-19 10:36:16 1148

转载 Planning and Configuring the Distributed Cache

SharePoint2013 includes a new cachingmechanismknown as the Distributed Cacheservice.Various SharePoint features depend onthisservice, including micro-blogging andnewsfeeds. The Distributed Cac

2015-11-16 16:39:40 806

原创 如何用PowerShell批量查看SharePoint Group中的Users?

博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/shelleyliu0415  上周在SG Onsite的同事询问了一个问题:如何查看并导出SharePoint Group的Users?我们都知道可以借助Excel的Toolbar->Data中的From Web的方式访问SharePoint Group的URL就可以将Users批量Export到Excel中,但是客户是On

2015-11-16 13:43:03 1526

原创 SharePoint 2013 IT Professional--SharePoint Group

博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/shelleyliu0415 好多人刚开始接触Permission的时候,经常因Permission Inheritance的概念影响了对SharePointGroup的正确理解,今天有时间给大家整理一下SharePoint Group的相关知识点以及案例,帮助大家正确理解。 SharePoint Group知识点总结:

2015-11-11 16:14:51 1125

原创 SharePoint 2013 IT Professional--Permission Inheritance

博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/shelleyliu0415 近期有些新人在学习Permission的时候,对其Permission stop inheritance的理解有些偏差,之前Permission Blog中,跟大家做了简单的Permission介绍,但究其继承和打破继承的逻辑关系暂无介绍,今天给大家整理出来,供大家学习。 Permission逻辑

2015-11-10 16:20:24 1205

原创 如何Disable “Shut Down Event Tracker”?

博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/shelleyliu0415  今天在Windows论坛中,有人说Windows Server 2008 R2 默认系统关机时,点击Shut Down,都会弹出一个Shut Down Event Tracker的窗口,只有在该窗口中添加Comment,才能关闭计算机,如下图所示:   这样看,使用起

2015-11-10 11:52:24 1912

原创 如何判断和删除Orphaned site collections?

博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/shelleyliu0415  很多时候,我们遇到的SharePointProduction环境都做了自定制部署,但是面临SharePoint Upgrade时候,有一些自定制部署不满足当前需求时,就想随着Upgrade时废弃掉,往往做这个决定的时候,就会涉及一个问题,原端应用了自定制部署的Site Collection因自定

2015-11-10 10:40:48 1245

原创 小议:SharePoint 2010 Upgrade时,Restore Content Database 失败的解决方案?

博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/shelleyliu0415  很多人包括我在内,可能在做SharePoint 2010升级的时候,DB Upgrade时会遇到Restore DB失败的情况,错误提示:Restore Failed for Server. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The backup set h

2015-11-06 15:40:53 1005

转载 Analyze Reports in Office 365

Auditing Reports There are severalauditing reports available in the Reports menu of the Office 365 admin center.These reports can be found in the overview section under auditing. Mailbox Acces

2015-11-06 13:15:38 1166

转载 Exchange Online Protection Reports

Exchange Online Protection Reports MicrosoftExchange Online Protection (EOP) is acloud-based email filtering service that can helpsafeguard your company from spam andmalware.EOP includes fea

2015-11-06 12:14:29 1565

原创 SharePoint 升级后自定义配置的检测

博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/shelleyliu0415  我们将SharePoint 2010用DB Attach的方式升级到SharePoint 2013之后,一定要做一下自定义配置的检测,因为好多企业的Production环境都会有一些自定义的设置,比如自定义的Solution、Definitions、Features等等,如果我们升级后,不做检测

2015-11-06 11:58:46 941

转载 Monitor Service Health--Office 365

Service Health and Planned Maintenance The Service Healthpage of the Office 365 admin center provides information on the health of youronline services and access to information about any impending

2015-11-04 17:13:15 1078

转载 Isolate Service Interruption--Office 365 Troubleshooting Overview

Office 365 Troubleshooting Overview There is a range oftools and resources that can be used to identify and isolate serviceinterruptions, and to help troubleshoot issues in Office 365, and in rela

2015-11-04 16:55:18 2920

原创 如何通过PowerShell部署和管理Farm Solution?

很多企业都有自己的开发团队,根据企业需求研发和部署一些自定义的Farm Solution,那么什么是Farm Solution?怎么管理和部署呢? Farm Solution Package是以.wsp为扩展名的单个文件组成,包括Features、Sitedefinitions、Assemblies、Files、Updates to web.config files,可以通过Dep

2015-11-04 15:55:33 1212 3

原创 SharePoint 2010 IT Professional--如何创建My Site

SharePoint 2010与SharePoint 2013在部署My Site时步骤基本一样,主要借助User profile Service来实现部署情况,但细节上略有一些差异,比如 Self-Service Site Creation开启页面以及点击创建My Site的链接都是不同的,这里给大家做一下详细部署介绍。 涉及的功能: User profile Ser

2015-11-04 14:44:15 1424

转载 Understanding the Search Service Architecture

Search is one of the most important services in SharePoint 2013, like it has been throughout theSharePoint product development. This is because it enables users to quickly andeasily find the content

2015-11-04 12:16:00 964

原创 SharePoint 2010 IT Professional-- Quota Templates

很多IT Administrator在管理Site Collection的时候,尤其是管理My Site时,一般都限制一下My Site的存储空间,这样根据员工人数能计算出Content Database的承载量是否在微软推荐的范围内,那么如何来控制My Site的存储空间呢?Solution:利用Quota template中的Storage Limit Value 来限

2015-11-03 15:16:22 980

原创 WindowsServerAppFabric安装配置失败,如何解决?

好多同学在安装部署SharePoint 2013的时候,部署SharePoint Prerequisite时,采取的是Offline的方式部署,导致安装和配置WindowsServerAppFabric失败,如下图所示:  面对这个问题的解决方案是: 卸载WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe和AppFabric1.1-RTM-KB2671763

2015-11-02 16:00:18 10522

原创 SharePoint 2010 升级到SharePoint 2013的流程

我们知道SharePoint升级分为两种In-Place Upgrade和DB AttachUpgrade;但MOSS 2007升级到SharePointServer 2010的时候,支持上述两种升级方式,然后从SharePoint 2010开始,SharePoint 2010升级到SharePoint 2013仅支持DB Attach的方式升级。 升级流程分为3个阶段:升级前

2015-11-02 14:50:59 3191 1

原创 如何Move Managed Metadata Service Database?

近期有同事接到一个ServiceRequest:客户想将Production A 环境下的Site Collection转移到其他Production B中,但是该Site Collection应用了ManagedMetadata Service的Term Set作为Column,所以转移Site Collection之前要保证ManagedMetadata Service的正确转

2015-11-02 11:47:09 1082

70-332 资料试题汇总

User Scenario_Baldwin Museum of Science 70-332资料试题汇总


70-332 User Scenario_Contoso Ltd 试题汇总

70-332 User Scenario_Contoso Ltd 资料分析试题汇总


70-332 Right answer area 试题汇总

70-332 Right answer area 试题汇总,其中包含了我的Comment


70-332(User Scenario_Baldwin Museum of Science)

User Scenario_Baldwin Museum of Science,70-332材料,加了我的分析





Installing and Configuring SharePoint.doc



Exam_Ref_70_332_Advanced_Solutions_of_Microsoft_SharePoint_Server_2013.pdf )

Exam_Ref_70_332_Advanced_Solutions_of_Microsoft_SharePoint_Server_2013.pdf )纯英文电子书


IBM DB2 安装文档



SharePoint 2013 Certification




Starting with SharePoint 2013, we are beginning to go down the path of reducing our reliance on Alternate Access Mappings, or AAM. It is still available, but our suggestion is that you try and model your farm designs first as a single web application and then use host header site collections in it. This is the model that we’ve put a lot of energy into making “just work”, because it is the same model that we use in Office 365. We’ve also added new features for host header site collections in this release so you can functional parity with alternate access mappings. One of the big things we did is to allow you to associate multiple Urls with the same site collection. This only works for host header sites, but as you can see from the PowerShell here, we’ve added commands that let you use multiple Urls with a site, the same way in which you would create multiple Urls with zones when using AAM. We still support zones as well, so for the same reasons you might have used zones previously – like you wanted to configure different authentication methods for a site – you can use that same approach with host header sites in SharePoint 2013.



Topology design guidance for maximizing system resources





SharePoint 2013-design-sample-corporate-portal-host-named-sites

微软推荐的SharePoint 2013-design-sample-corporate-portal-host-named-sites


SharePoint 2013-enterprise-search-model

The size of each farm is based on the number of items that are crawled and included in the search index. Architecture requirements can vary depending on the composition of the data that is crawled (size of items and formats). The examples illustrate the type of search components needed and how many of each. Use these examples as starting points for planning your own search environments. For more information about search processes and how search components interact, see Search Architectures for SharePoint® Server 2013 (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=258643).


SharePoint 2013 Search Service

Search in Microsoft® SharePoint® Server 2013 is re-architected with new components to facilitate greater redundancy within a single farm and to allow scalability in multiple directions. The search architecture consists of components and databases that work cohesively to perform the search operation. All components reside on application servers and all databases reside on database servers.


SharePoint 2013 Certification 真题



SharePoint 2010 Certification题库

本人考取SharePoint 2010的Certification(70-667和70-668)所整理的考试题以及本人对试题的解析,附件里的错题集是本人叫不准的试题,希望大家能认真推敲,最后希望对将要参加考核的朋友所有帮助!



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