Instruction :
May be you can set "bash" to the UNIX or Lunix environment.
1: ls -al File-name
for example:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 OPCAUSER acp 1446270 Oct 13 13:42 fmactpc
groups fa_gcb002
gaps osgrp1 dctopr bureau bankops fraud rps tser crdmktg nab datactr austpost qantas CTUPLOAD parklane
Because the group :"acp" in not in the fa_gcb002 's group so need to check the file access permission:
If the file permission is -rw-rw-rwx ,so the file is could be removed or copyed.
2: ls -ald folder
for example:
drwxrwxr-x 3 OPCAUSER fincon 7 Oct 13 13:41 /var/opt/transfer/cache/fincon/
3:groups user-name (fa_gcb002)
gaps osgrp1 dctopr bureau bankops fraud rps tser crdmktg nab datactr austpost qantas CTUPLOAD parklane
NOTE: Because there is no "fincon" in the groups ,so the user has no permission to write the files which belonged to the folder.
The file is could be moved /cpyed/ when the file's permission is -r--r--r--
4:If the user has being in the groups and the permision is -r--rwx-r-- so it had the permission to execute ,else if the permession is -r--rw--r-- ,
it has no permission to execute.