
记录iOS用cotvnc实现的共享桌面,cotvnc本来用于Mac OS x 的库,需要改些代码用于iOS。

#pragma mark - VNC connect

- (void)configureVNCShow {
    self.oneVNCView = [[VNCView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, currentNeedWidth, currentNeedHeight)];
    [self.showDesktopSharingView addSubview:self.oneVNCView];
    self.defaultProfile = [Profile defaultProfile];
    NSString *serverIPAndPort = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:5526", self.VNCServerIP];
    NSDictionary *serverInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:serverIPAndPort,RFB_HOSTANDPORT, @"16", RFB_PIXEL_DEPTH, @"1", RFB_VIEWONLY, nil];
    char *serverPassword = const_cast<char *>([self.VNCServerPassWord UTF8String]);
    RFBHandshaker *handshaker = [[RFBHandshaker alloc] init];
    [handshaker doSetServerPassword:serverPassword];
    ServerFromPrefs * theServer = [[ServerFromPrefs alloc] initWithPreferenceDictionary:serverInfo];
    self.connection = [[RFBConnection alloc] initWithServer:theServer profile:_defaultProfile view:_oneVNCView];
    _connection.delegate = self;
    [self waitForConnection:_connection];
    // Either switch to the screen view or present an error alert depending on
    // whether the connection succeeded.
    if (_didOpenConnection)
        NSLog(@"connection=%@", _connection);
        //		[self statusBarWillAnimateToHeight:0 duration:.2 fence:0];
        //		[self setStatusBarMode:kUIStatusBarWhite duration:0];
        //        [_vncView setConnection:_connection];
        //        [_vncView showControls:YES];
        //[_connection setDelegate:self];
        [_connection startTalking];
    else if (!_closingConnection)
        //        [self setStatusBarShowsProgress:NO];
        NSLog(@"connection failed");
        self.connection = nil;
        //        UIAlertSheet * hotSheet = [[UIAlertSheet alloc]
        //                                   initWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Connection failed", nil)
        //                                   buttons:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSLocalizedString(@"OK", nil)]
        //                                   defaultButtonIndex:0
        //                                   delegate:self
        //                                   context:self];
        //        [hotSheet setBodyText:_connectError];
        //        [hotSheet setDimsBackground:NO];
        //        [hotSheet setRunsModal:YES];
        //        [hotSheet setShowsOverSpringBoardAlerts:NO];
        //        [hotSheet popupAlertAnimated:YES];
        // We no longer need the error message.
        //        [_connectError release];
        self.connectError = nil;
        // The connection was canceled so set the current connection to nil.
        [_connection setView:nil];
        _connection = nil;

//! This method is executed as a background thread. The thread doesn't use
//! any globals, making local copies of the object references passed in, until
//! the connection is made and we're sure the user didn't cancel. This
//! lets the main thread code just abandon a connection thread when the user
//! cancels, knowing that it will clean itself up.
- (void)connectToServer:(RFBConnection *)connection
    NSConditionLock * lock = _connectLock;	// Make a copy in case the connection is canceled.
    // Grab the lock.
    [lock lockWhenCondition:0];
    // Attempt to open a connection to theServer.
    NSString * message = nil;
    BOOL didOpen = [connection openConnectionReturningError:&message];
    // Just bail if the connection was canceled.
    if ([connection didCancelConnect])
        //        [self setStatusBarShowsProgress:NO];
        //		NSLog(@"connectToServer:connection canceled, releasing connection");
        // Get rid of the lock and connection. They were passed to our ownership
        // when the user hit cancel.
        [lock unlockWithCondition:0];
        self.connectLock = nil;
        self.connection = nil;
        //        [connection release];
        // Set globals from the connection results now that we know that the
        // user hasn't canceled.
        _didOpenConnection = didOpen;
        // Need to keep the error message around.
        if (message)
            self.connectError = message;
        // Unlock to signal that we're done.
        [lock unlockWithCondition:1];

- (void)connection:(RFBConnection *)connection hasTerminatedWithReason:(NSString *)reason
    //    [self setStatusBarShowsProgress:NO];
    // Don't need to display an alert if we intentionally closed the connection.
    if (!_closingConnection)
        //! @todo Fix this hack! Totally non-localisable.
        if ([reason rangeOfString:@"security type"].location != NSNotFound)
            reason = [reason stringByAppendingString:@"\nPlease turn off authentication encryption on your VNC server"];
    self.connection = nil;
    [self.oneVNCView setConnection:nil];
    _closingConnection = NO;

//! This method is used to force the connection closed. It is used by the VNCView
//! when the user wants t manually close the connection, as well as at application
//! termination time.
- (void)closeConnection
    if (_connection)
        //        NSMutableArray * servers = [[self loadServers] mutableCopy];
        //        NSMutableDictionary * serverInfo = [[servers objectAtIndex:_serverConnectingIndex] mutableCopy];
        //        NSLog(@"Saved Scale %f", [_vncView getScalePercent]);
        //        [serverInfo setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:[_vncView getScalePercent]] forKey:SERVER_SCALE];
        //        // Saving the last scroll point in VNC Server screen
        //        CGPoint pt = [_vncView topLeftVisiblePt];
        //        NSLog(@"Saved Scroll %f, %f",pt.x, pt.y);
        //        [serverInfo setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:pt.x] forKey:SERVER_SCROLL_X];
        //        [serverInfo setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:pt.y] forKey:SERVER_SCROLL_Y];
        //        [servers replaceObjectAtIndex:_serverConnectingIndex withObject:serverInfo];
        //        [self saveServers: servers];
        _closingConnection = YES;
        [_connection terminateConnection:nil];
        [_oneVNCView setConnection: nil];
        _connection = nil;
        //        [_serversView setServerList:servers];
        //        if (_autoConnectHost != nil)
        //        {
        //            [self terminate];
        //        }

//- (void)alertSheet:(id)sheet buttonClicked:(int)buttonIndex
//    _lastAlertButtonIndexClicked = buttonIndex;
//    if (sheet == _connectAlert)
//    {
//        [self setStatusBarShowsProgress:NO];
//        // The user hit the Cancel button on the "Connecting to server" alert.
//        _closingConnection = YES;
//        [_connection cancelConnect];
//    }
//    else
//    {
//        // Just close and release any other sheets.
//        [sheet dismissAnimated:YES];
//        [sheet release];
//    }

- (void)waitForConnection:(RFBConnection *)connection
    // Create a condition lock used to synchronise this thread with the
    // connection thread.
    _connectLock = [[NSConditionLock alloc] initWithCondition:0];
    // Spawn a thread to open the connection in. This lets us manage the
    // UI while the connection is being attempted.
    [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(connectToServer:) toTarget:self withObject:connection];
    // While the connection is being attempted, sit back and wait. If it ends up
    // taking longer than a second or so, put up an alert sheet that says that
    // the connection is in progress.
    _connectAlert = nil;
    NSTimeInterval startTime = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
    while (!_closingConnection && ![_connectLock tryLockWhenCondition:1])
        if (_connectAlert == nil)
            NSTimeInterval deltaTime = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] - startTime;
            if (deltaTime > kConnectionAlertTime)
                //                _connectAlert = [[UIAlertSheet alloc]
                //                                 initWithTitle:nil
                //                                 buttons:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"Cancel"]
                //                                 defaultButtonIndex:-1
                //                                 delegate:self
                //                                 context:self];
                //                [_connectAlert setBodyText:NSLocalizedString(@"ConnectingToServer", nil)];
                //                [_connectAlert setAlertSheetStyle:0];
                //                [_connectAlert setRunsModal:NO];
                //                [_connectAlert setDimsBackground:NO];
                //                [_connectAlert _slideSheetOut:YES];
                //                [_connectAlert presentSheetFromAboveView:_transView];
        // Run the run loop for a little bit to give the alert sheet some time
        // to animate and so we don't hog the CPU.
        [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:kConnectWaitRunLoopTime]];
    // Get rid of the alert.
    if (_connectAlert)
        //        [_connectAlert dismissAnimated:YES];
        //        [_connectAlert release];
        //        _connectAlert = nil;
    // NSConditionLock doesn't like to be dealloc's when still locked.
    if (!_closingConnection)
        [_connectLock unlockWithCondition:0];
        //        [_connectLock release];
        _connectLock = nil;



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