\lhead{\hspace*{-\sectionwidth}Yang Shen}
\rhead{Bulid With \LaTeX2e}
\name{Yang Shen\\[12pt]} % the \\[12pt] adds a blank line after name
\address{{\bf Present Address} \\ your address}
\address{{\bf Personal Contact} \\ \vspace{0.2cm} Tel: +86-xxxxxxxx \\ Email: xxxx@xxx.com}
\vspace{0.1in} \moveleft.5\sectionwidth\centerline{Objective:
Intern(backend develop)}
\section{Education Background}
A college student...
\section{Major Courses}
your major courses ...
\section{Research Experience}
{\bf your research name}
\begin{itemize} % Use \item[] to prevent a bullet from appearing
\item By analyzing ...
\item By focusing on ...
\section{Project Experience}
{\bf your project name}
\begin{itemize} % Use \item[] to prevent a bullet from appearing
\item Project description ...
\section{Awards and Honors}
{\bf Academic Contest Awards}
\item your awards and honors $1$ ...
\item your awards and honors $2$ ...
{\bf Other Awards}
\item your awards and honors $1$ ...
\item your awards and honors $2$ ...
\section{Academic Skills}
\vspace{0.1in} \vspace{0.4cm}
\item Skill $1$ ...
\item Skill $2$ ...
\section{Personal Work}
\vspace{0.1in} \vspace{0.4cm}
\item Work $1$ ...
\item Work $2$ ...
\section{English Level}
\vspace{0.1in} \vspace{0.4cm}
\item CET4
\item CET6
\item GRE
\item TOFEL
\vspace{0.1in} \vspace{0.4cm}
\item Hobby $1$ ...
\item Hobby $2$ ...
evaluate yourself ...