IIS misc


Control panel->administrator tool -> event log-> windows log->application log


Under Ap'smanagement log



Normal IIS log



IIS 6.0Log日志存储在:


IIS 6, 7的日志写入按不同站点写入不同的文件夹, 位置文件夹的格式都是"w3svc{siteId}".

IIS6, 查看站点ID的方式是通过IIS log的文件夹的名字来确定Site ID.

IIS7, IIS管理器中的advanced settings, General里的ID就是Site ID, 然后你需要通过这个ID来定位LogFiles文件夹中哪一个文件夹属于你要查看的站点.






Server 2012

Server manger -> tools -> IIS server

Server 2008

start-> IIS server



No hostname shouldbe set to local machine

Just uselocalhost:port to visit


One port can't beused for two site,  when you create a newsite, change a new port



Application pool


Integratedapplication pool mode


When anapplication pool is in Integrated mode, you can take advantage of theintegrated request-processing architecture of IIS and ASP.NET. When a workerprocess in an application pool receives a request, the request passes throughan ordered list of events. Each event calls the necessary native and managedmodules to process portions of the request and to generate the response. Thereare several benefits to running application pools in Integrated mode. First therequest-processing models of IIS and ASP.NET are integrated into a unifiedprocess model. This model eliminates steps that were previously duplicated inIIS and ASP.NET, such as authentication. Additionally, Integrated mode enablesthe availability of managed features to all content types.


Classicapplication pool mode


When anapplication pool is in Classic mode, IIS 7.0 handles requests as in IIS 6.0worker process isolation mode. ASP.NET requests first go through nativeprocessing steps in IIS and are then routed to Aspnet_isapi.dll for processingof managed code in the managed runtime. Finally, the request is routed backthrough IIS to send the response. This separation of the IIS and ASP.NETrequest-processing models results in duplication of some processing steps, suchas authentication and authorization. Additionally, managed code features, suchas forms authentication, are only available to ASP.NET applications orapplications for which you have script mapped all requests to be handled byaspnet_isapi.dll. Be sure to test your existing applications for compatibilityin Integrated mode before upgrading a production environment to IIS 7.0 andassigning applications to application pools in Integrated mode. You should onlyadd an application to an application pool in Classic mode if the applicationfails to work in Integrated mode. For example, your application might rely onan authentication token passed from IIS to the managed runtime, and, due to thenew architecture in IIS 7.0, the process breaks your application.




In IIS config awebsite to point to VS asp.net project

Cannot readconfiguration file due to insufficient permissions

There is no useraccount IIS_IUSERS, so I add the everyone and solve the problem





IIS 8.5 The page you are requesting cannot be served because of theextension configuration. If the page is a script, add a handler. If the fileshould be downloaded, add a MIME map

ServiceModelReg.exe   doesn't work



IIS MIME Type checkdoesn't find the file "cshtml"

IIS installed .netframework




Parser Error Message: Could notload the assembly 'App_Web_gdtjl3fd'. Make sure that it is compiled beforeaccessing the page.




It seems that youshould set the IIS website to the bin father folder, it will works, if set itas bing father's father fold, it will prompt this error







Asp.netMVC application internet project  loadvery slow


All the request topdb and pd_ failed






















Turn off symboldownload in vs and it will not need to download the debug symbols. You shouldhave sysbol caching turned on, but the debugger will still need to load, whichis not fast. Unless you have added network code, MVC in release mode requiresno network access, unless you are using windows authentication.





Thanks, my issue isresolved. Its takes like 3 seconds now to get to the Global.asax.cs.


It was a combinationof the Debug Symbols being loaded, which Bruce's info lead to getting rid of,and the JIRA / Atlassian app, which I had to unistall, and then reboot, to getrid of. Again, fiddler helped trace the whole issue.




unable to startdebugging on the web server

Many reason, notfixed






System.ArgumentException:The 'Connection' header must be modified using the appropriate property ormethod


Icountered this problem too today, and what i discovered today is that:

  1. the above answers are true, as:
    1.1 it's telling you that the header you are trying to add already exist and you should then modify its value using the appropriate property (the indexer, for instance), instead of trying to add it again.
    1.2 Anytime you're changing the headers of an 
    HttpWebRequest, you need to use the appropriate properties on the object itself, if they exist.

Thanks FORand Jvenema for the leading guidelines...

  1. But, What i found out, and that was the missing piece in the puzzle is that:
    2.1 The 
    WebHeaderCollection class is generally accessed through WebRequest.Headers or WebResponse.Headers. Some common headers are considered restricted and are either exposed directly by the API (such as Content-Type) or protected by the system and cannot be changed.

Therestricted headers are:

  • Accept
  • Connection
  • Content-Length
  • Content-Type
  • Date
  • Expect
  • Host
  • If-Modified-Since
  • Range
  • Referer
  • Transfer-Encoding
  • User-Agent
  • Proxy-Connection


So, next time you are facing this exception and don't know how to solvethis, remember that there are some restricted headers, and the solution is tomodify their values using the appropriate property explicitly from the WebRequest/HttpWebRequest class.






even if theHttpRequest object is read only, still we can add custom headers for eachasp.net request through httpmodule interceptor.






Request.Header[] =XX

not sure if works





Fixing“The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for thisdocument.”




Startdebugging, as soon as you've arrived at a breakpoint or used Debug + Break Alluse Debug + Windows + Modules. You'll see a list of all the assemblies that areloaded into the process. Locate the one you want to get debug info for.Right-click it and select Symbol Load Information. You'll get a dialog thatlists all the directories where it looked for the .pdb file for the assembly.Verify that list against the actual .pdb location. Make sure it doesn't find anold one.

In normalprojects, the assembly and its .pdb file should always have been copied by theIDE into the same folder as your .exe. The bin\Debug folder of your project.Make sure you remove one from the GAC if you've been playing with it.









System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException:The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.







You donot have permission to view this directory or page because of the accesscontrol list (ACL) configuration or encryption settings for this resource onthe Web server.






Anetwork-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing aconnection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible.Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured toallow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 50 - LocalDatabase Runtime error occurred. Cannot create an automatic instance. See theWindows Application event log for error details.







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