From a dev perspective, receive a feature consider how to realize it in tech.
From a lead perspective, receive afeature, not consider arrange one of team member to do what part, but considerwhat can be done and what can leverage others do this , just clear the logicorder and ask different part owner do their work.
Experience owner(client ,server ,different services part are all others, just drive them do thework, make impact to user is the aim)
Don't care tech detail how to do and who do what, just ensure every part hassomeone do it and generate the correct result.
The ability to breakdown the item. (split into several no dependency isolate object)
No abstract noun,think details to all conditions (sth looks simple but may has big problem)
Leverageglobal/industry assets to do new product
Know the leader'sgoal and align, know the multiple leaders' goals and everyone's interest, avoidthe conflict and do triple wins thing
never miss thecommitment date
handle thevisibility (show less bad and more good, the progress of project approach thefinal goal,
the successcooperate with partners)
Own thefeature metrics (self claim success) and release entry by yourself, avoidothers intended lock you
Thequality driver show a growth report is the best (avoid keep blaming the bug)
Insiston the work item schedule and work hour estimation
use the meeting notes, email as the proof of other's commitment
Share the view andgoal from leader to the team member (team member know leader's goal)
Commit the promotionand benefit and set the goal for team member
Describethe mid-term well future vision to team member
Emphasis every teammember's importance