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原创 defsdfdsf

2007-09-14 15:36:00 513

原创 Further checks required for Qantas regional fleet

Hours after they were cleared for service, Qantas has been ordered to undertake further inspections of its fleet of Dash 8400 aircraft.It comes after the Canadian manufacturer Bombadier ordered a wo

2007-09-13 16:02:00 442

原创 Porn star goes Down Under

JENNA Jameson, dubbed the Queen of Porn, is planning a visit to Australia after falling for the romantic and flowing couture of Perth designer Aurelio Costarella.Better known as Ray, the designer co

2007-09-13 16:01:00 20741

原创 Task force to investigate safety of Facebook, MySpace

The Federal Government has announced a new working group which will investigate the safety of social networking sites and the danger they pose to Australian children.The task force will look at site

2007-09-13 16:00:00 407

原创 Labor targets Govt over PM's retirement plans

The Federal Opposition has used Question Time to attack the Government over the Prime Ministers retirement plans.With the Prime Minister revealing plans to step down during the next parliamentary t

2007-09-13 15:59:00 382

原创 In an Age of Images, Teaching Pathology by Hand

BOSTON — The patient’s decline was ruthless. He became forgetful in his early 50s. By the time he saw a neurologist a few years later, he could not recall how to write in cursive, and confused picture

2007-09-13 15:50:00 470

原创 In Argentina, a Museum Unveils a Long-Frozen Maiden

SALTA, Argentina — The maiden, the boy, the girl of lightning: they were three Inca children, entombed on a bleak and frigid mountaintop 500 years ago as a religious sacrifice. Skip to next paragr

2007-09-13 15:49:00 658

原创 California Officials Tackle a Toothy Lake Predator

PORTOLA, Calif., Sept. 11 — The poison didn’t work, and neither did the hook and bobber. The electrical probes were somewhat effective, but don’t even ask about the explosives. Skip to next paragr

2007-09-13 15:48:00 1091

原创 Hopes Dim for Measures to Conserve Energy

WASHINGTON, Sept. 12 — The prospect of a comprehensive energy package’s emerging from Congress this fall is rapidly receding, held up by technical hurdles and policy disputes between the House and the

2007-09-13 15:47:00 569

原创 Scientists’ Good News: Earth May Survive Sun’s Demise in 5 Billion Years

 There is new hope that Earth, if not the life on it, might survive an apocalypse five billion years from now.That is when, scientists say, the Sun will run out of hydrogen fuel and swell temporar

2007-09-13 15:44:00 431

原创 Russell T. Lewis

 Lewis made major strides last year toward reinventing the Times as a national newspaper. Along with chairman Arthur Sulzberger Jr., whose family still owns a controlling interest, Lewis coordinated a

2007-09-12 21:52:00 329

原创 The Rise of the Private-Sector Military

In era of shrinking armed forces, America turns to private firms to carry out foreign military aid.[1]Washington--faced with more overseas commitments and fewer resources, the US is increasingly rel

2007-09-12 21:52:00 412


At least life at the top hasnt been dull for Barrett, the 25-year Intel veteran who stepped into the CEO slot at the beginning of 1998. Since then, the company has been blindsided by the sudden rise

2007-09-12 21:49:00 380

原创 Public Counter – Same day service


2007-09-12 17:39:00 348

原创 Legalisation of documents for Overseas Weddings

We recommend that wherever possible documents should be brought to our public counter for a same day service – especially if you are working to a tight deadline. No ID is required and you do not need

2007-09-12 17:39:00 455

原创 Avoiding Delays

THE FEE FOR LEGALISATION IS £27 PER DOCUMENT. To help us process your document as quickly as possible, please check the following BEFORE bringing or posting your application to us:For All applications

2007-09-12 17:38:00 413

原创 12 Ways to tell if your a Hightech Redneck

If your e-mail address ends in ".over.yonder.com" If you connect to the World Wide Web via a "Down Home Page" If the bumper sticker on your truck says "My other computer is a laptop" If your laptop ha

2007-09-11 21:27:00 375

原创 20 George Carlin - Things to think about

1. Does the Little Mermaid wear an algebra? 2. Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery? 3. How is it possible to have a civil war? 4. If God dropped acid, would he see people? 5. If

2007-09-11 21:26:00 328

原创 Archaeology is a source of history

Archaeology is a source of history, not just a bumble auxiliary discipline. Archaeological data are historical documents in their own right, not mere illustrations to written texts, Just as much as an

2007-09-11 21:26:00 804


Wrapping Up a Business - To GoAlice Thomson and Judith Nantook are identical twin sisters whose passion for food led them into a gutsy decision: opening a chain of fast-food restaurants¾starting with

2007-09-11 21:25:00 530

原创 Facing Business Challenges at Holiday Inn Worldwide

In the 1960s a family vacation in the United States usually meant loading the kids into the station wagon and driving off down the highway toward a tourist destination. And when weary vacationers need

2007-09-11 21:24:00 646

原创 How the 80/20 rule can help you be more effective.

How the 80/20 rule can help you be more effective. In 1906, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto created a mathematical formula to describe the unequal distribution of wealth in his country, observing th

2007-09-11 21:23:00 563

原创 The Effects of Free Sample Promotions on Incremental Brand Sales

The authors of this study present a model of free sample effects and evidence from two field experiments on free samples.The model incorporates three potential effects of free samples on sales: (1) An

2007-09-04 21:54:00 9188

原创 Detailed Buying Lead Description

I am marketing (and also purchaser) of famous trading company in pakistan; it is aziz trading co.As a trading company located in pakistan, looking for goods with cheap price and good quality, we usual

2007-09-04 21:54:00 470

原创 Do they actually work together?

Hello, I have been doing business with China for a very short time and I have met a frequent issue, which I wouldnt name as a "problem", but that is very strange for me...When making the first contac

2007-09-04 21:53:00 355

原创 Jack Ma to ABAC Attendees: "Small is beautiful"

The future of e-commerce belongs to SMEs, declares Alibaba Group ChairmanMelbourne, Australia, 2 September 2007 – In his keynote address to the 2007 ABAC SME Summit, Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma declare

2007-09-04 21:53:00 616

原创 Mir Ends 'Triumphant' Mission, Fiji Sees Fireworks

"We saw five or six fragments with a huge smoke trail that lasted for 10 to 15 seconds. (It was) followed some time later by a couple of sonic booms, said Reuters photographer Mark Baker from Nadi i

2007-09-04 21:51:00 337

原创 ScienceNow: Hunting Down Cancer

Cancer researchers have long sought an alternative treatment to chemotherapy that can destroy tumors without damaging the rest of the body. A new study with mouse and human tumors may put such a treat

2007-08-28 21:09:00 276

原创 DNA is a semiconductor

[PhysicsWeb 1 April 1999] DNA molecules - the building blocks of life - can conduct electricity as efficiently as a good semiconductor according to two Swiss physicists. Hans-Werner Fink and Christian

2007-08-28 21:09:00 336

原创 Magnetic sensors tackle viruses

[PhysicsWeb, Belle Dumé]Scientists from the Argonne National Laboratory in the US have developed a new type of magnetic sensor that can detect biomolecules. The device relies on measuring the Brownian

2007-08-28 21:08:00 380

原创 NIST unveils smallest atomic clock

[Physics Web, 3 September 2004]The precision of atomic clocks could soon be available in handheld devices such as cell phones, radios and GPS receivers thanks to a breakthrough at the US National Inst

2007-08-28 21:07:00 377

原创 Coking coal prices likely to rebound in 2008

Bloomberg reported that Coal used by steel makers might snap a three year slump in 2008 because of a decline in exports from China.Mr Gerard McCloskey founder Chairman of McCloskeys said that exporte

2007-08-28 21:06:00 371

原创 Hedge fund losses may cut art prices

Billionaire Eli Broad, wholl help shore up Goldman Sachs Group Inc.s Global Equity Opportunities Fund, said art prices will decline as a result of losses by hedge funds and other large contemporary

2007-08-18 10:18:00 1316

原创 Odds grow for recession, but lenders hold the key

Wall Streets woes are raising the risk that the U.S. economy could sink into recession late this year or early next year.Although few economic analysts put the odds of recession at better than 50 p

2007-08-18 10:18:00 360

原创 Lehman Brothers optimistic on PC sector

The continuing strong revenue momentum in the PC-related food chain is keeping Lehman Brothers upbeat about the sector."Our channel checks show that Taiwan foundries PC customers are showing the st

2007-08-18 10:17:00 406

原创 The Yorkshire Christmas Cat

My strongest memory of Christmas will always bound up with1) a certain little cat.I first saw her when I was called to see one of Mrs.Ainsworth’ dogs,and I looked in some surprise at the furry2) black

2007-08-12 14:16:00 788

原创 Becky and the wolf

With all her big brothers and sisters off to school, our ranch became a lonely place for our three-year-old daughter, Becky. She longed for playmates. We promised to buy her a puppy but in the meantim

2007-08-12 14:15:00 842

原创 Love Your Life

However mean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it hard names.It is not so bad as you are.It looks poorest when you are richest.The fault-finder will find faults in paradise.Lov

2007-08-12 14:14:00 369

原创 Pollution

Pollution is one of the biggest problems all over the world. Our earth is getting dirtier because we dont do the right things. A good environment can help us study better and so on, so we should pr

2007-08-12 14:13:00 724

原创 DPRK to get '50,000 tons of heavy oil this month'

China will send 50,000 tons of heavy fuel oil to the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK) in the middle of this month under the aid-for-disarmament pact, Yonhap news agency of the Republic of

2007-08-07 20:53:00 371



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