这个数据库是在 Cohn-Kanade Dataset 的基础上扩展来的,发布于2010年。这个数据库比起JAFFE 要大的多。而且也可以免费获取,包含表情的label和Action Units 的label。
这个数据库包括123个subjects, 593 个 image sequence,每个image sequence的最后一张 Frame 都有action units 的label,而在这593个image sequence中,有327个sequence 有 emotion的 label。这个数据库是人脸表情识别中比较流行的一个数据库,很多文章都会用到这个数据做测试。具体介绍可以参考如下文献:
P.Lucey, J. F. Cohn, T.Kanade, J. Saragih, Z. Ambadar, and I. Matthews, “TheExtended Cohn-KanadeDataset (CK+)_ A complete dataset for action unit andemotion-specifiedexpression,” inComputer Vision andPattern RecognitionWorkshops (CVPRW), 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on,2010, pp. 94-101.
In this Phase there are 4 zipped up files. They relate to:
1) The Images (cohn-kanade-images.zip) - there are 593 sequences across 123 subjects which are FACS coded at the peak frame. All sequences are from the neutral face to the peak expression.
2) The Landmarks (Landmarks.zip) - All sequences are AAM tracked with 68points landmarks for each image.
3) The FACS coded files (FACS_labels.zip) - for each sequence (593) there is only 1 FACS file, which is the last frame (the peak frame). Each line of the file corresponds to a specific AU and then the intensity. An example is given below.
4) The Emotion coded files (Emotion_labels.zip) - ONLY 327 of the 593 sequences have emotion sequences. This is because these are the only ones the fit the prototypic definition. Like the FACS files, there is only 1 Emotion file for each sequence which is the last frame (the peak frame). There should be only one entry and the number will range from 0-7 (i.e. 0=neutral, 1=anger, 2=contempt, 3=disgust, 4=fear, 5=happy, 6=sadness, 7=surprise). N.B there is only 327 files- IF THERE IS NO FILE IT MEANS THAT THERE IS NO EMOTION LABEL (sorry to be explicit but this will avoid confusion).
The Images (cohn-kanade-images.zip)图片库中包含了从平静到表情表现峰值的图片,实际使用中建议使用比较明显的图片,并进行相应的预处理。