中英双语介绍“破发”(Breaking below issue price)




  1. 市场环境不好

    • 如果整个市场处于熊市或下跌趋势中,新股很容易因为整体市场情绪低迷而遭遇破发。
  2. 公司基本面不佳

    • 投资者对公司的盈利能力、增长前景和管理团队等因素持怀疑态度,导致新股需求不足。
  3. 发行价格过高

    • 发行价格如果定得过高,超出了市场对公司合理估值的范围,投资者就不愿以该价格买入新股,导致破发。
  4. 市场供需失衡

    • 新股发行量过大,而市场资金有限,供大于求,价格自然会下跌。
  5. 投资者信心不足

    • 公司或者行业出现负面消息,导致投资者信心受损。


  1. 对公司形象的影响

    • 破发通常被视为市场对公司价值和前景不认可,对公司品牌和管理层的信任度会产生负面影响。
  2. 对投资者的影响

    • 参与新股认购的投资者会面临亏损,可能会导致投资者情绪低落,甚至可能引发对公司和市场的不满。
  3. 对后续融资的影响

    • 如果破发现象严重,公司未来的融资能力会受到影响,可能会增加融资成本,甚至难以再通过资本市场进行有效融资。


  1. 阿里巴巴集团(BABA)

    • 阿里巴巴在2014年以每股68美元的价格在纽约证券交易所上市,但在随后一段时间内,其股价曾多次跌破发行价,经历了破发。
  2. Snap Inc.(SNAP)

    • Snap Inc.在2017年以每股17美元的价格上市,但很快其股价跌破发行价,引发市场广泛关注。


  1. 投资者方面

    • 投资者应做好充分的调研和风险评估,不要盲目跟风买入新股。
    • 通过分散投资降低风险,不要将全部资金集中在单一的新股上。
  2. 公司方面

    • 在确定发行价格时要充分考虑市场环境和投资者的需求,避免定价过高。
    • 加强公司信息披露和与投资者的沟通,提升市场对公司的信心。
  3. 市场监管方面

    • 监管机构应加强对新股发行过程的监督,确保发行信息透明、公正,防止市场操纵和信息不对称。



“Breaking below issue price” (commonly referred to as “breaking the issue price” or “breaking”) refers to the phenomenon where the market trading price of newly issued stocks falls below their issue price after listing. Specifically, if a company issues new shares through an Initial Public Offering (IPO) or secondary offering, and the trading price of these new shares in the secondary market is lower than the determined issue price, this situation is known as “breaking.”

Reasons for Breaking

  1. Poor Market Environment:

    • If the entire market is in a bearish trend or declining phase, new shares are likely to break due to the overall market’s pessimistic sentiment.
  2. Poor Company Fundamentals:

    • If investors doubt the company’s profitability, growth prospects, and management team, it leads to insufficient demand for the new shares.
  3. Overpriced Issuance:

    • If the issue price is set too high, beyond the market’s reasonable valuation of the company, investors are unwilling to buy the new shares at that price, leading to a break.
  4. Supply and Demand Imbalance:

    • If the number of new shares issued is too large while the market funds are limited, excess supply leads to a price drop.
  5. Lack of Investor Confidence:

    • Negative news about the company or industry can damage investor confidence.

Impact of Breaking

  1. Impact on Company Image:

    • Breaking is usually seen as the market not recognizing the company’s value and prospects, negatively affecting the company’s brand and trust in the management.
  2. Impact on Investors:

    • Investors who subscribed to the new shares face losses, which may lower their sentiment and potentially lead to dissatisfaction with the company and market.
  3. Impact on Future Financing:

    • Severe breaking can affect the company’s future financing capability, increasing the cost of financing and even making it difficult to raise funds effectively in the capital market.

Case Analysis

  1. Alibaba Group (BABA):

    • Alibaba listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 2014 at $68 per share but experienced breaking several times in the following period.
  2. Snap Inc. (SNAP):

    • Snap Inc. listed in 2017 at $17 per share but soon its stock price fell below the issue price, attracting widespread market attention.

How to Handle Breaking

  1. For Investors:

    • Investors should conduct thorough research and risk assessment, and avoid blindly following others to buy new shares.
    • Diversify investments to reduce risk, instead of concentrating all funds in a single new share.
  2. For Companies:

    • When determining the issue price, companies should fully consider the market environment and investor demand to avoid overpricing.
    • Enhance company information disclosure and communication with investors to boost market confidence in the company.
  3. For Market Regulators:

    • Regulators should strengthen supervision over the new share issuance process, ensuring transparent and fair issuance information, preventing market manipulation and information asymmetry.

In summary, breaking is a common market phenomenon reflecting the market’s attitude towards new share pricing and company prospects. Both companies and investors need to remain rational in the process of new share issuance and trading, and make full preparations and risk management.







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